Love me or hate me it's still...

By JoAnn314

767 375 520

After being trapped in a relationship that bores you to death and following your path to something new, how w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 26

13 9 2
By JoAnn314

Nyx coughed and spluttered as he looked around him. His last memory was of leaving Seven's with Hayley and then he seemed to black out. He looked around him, his eyes adjusting to the darkness and realised he was in an old-fashioned dining room. It was cold and the tables and chairs looked like they had been sat there empty for decades. There was a thick layer of dust everywhere and the only light was from a small lamp in the corner. He jumped as he saw two snake-like eyes watching him from the corner of the room. "Ah, you're awake. Excellent!" the snake-eyed man said, walking closer to Nyx.

Nyx tried to wriggle free but found he was chained to a large sturdy chair and there was no escaping. "Who are you?" he shouted, his brain whirring with possibilities of who it could be and where they had taken him.

"Let's just say, for arguments sake, we are old acquaintances. Me and my dad would like to just ask you some questions, that's all..."

Nyx strained his eyes, trying to get a better glimpse of the man in front of him, but it was no use, the darkness gave nothing away. "What do you want?" he spat.

The light suddenly turned on, glaring from the bronze chandelier above and Nyx felt himself blinking profusely to try and readjust to what he was seeing around him. He felt pure terror run through his body as he saw Nidaw and Sen standing in front of him. Sen felt like he'd won the lottery, Nyx's reaction exactly what he wanted it to be. "What's wrong Nyx? Not pleased to see us?"

Nyx didn't say a word and glared at them, wishing somehow that someone somewhere knew where he was. Nidaw moved closer and took a sharp looking object from the side of the table, "now Nyx, our dear friend Steve is very awfully ill in hospital after drinking your dear sister's blood... So, my questions to you are why isn't he immortal? And what are we missing?"

"We have seen your stash of information at the electric store you work at. It is very impressive; I am surprised you have the time to be honest, what with getting to know your sister and all", Sen interrupted.

Nyx said nothing, mustering all his energy to try and free himself from the chains that had him tied up. "Let me out of these stupid things and maybe I'll tell you what you're missing."

Sen shook his head, "nope. Wrong answer."

Nidaw dug the sharp object into Nyx's side making him scream.

"Now, if I pull this out you will bleed out. We know you didn't get any magical abilities from your dear parents, and I know that you know how long humans can last after a major artery has been cut. We have seen you reading all sorts of doctors' books, so we know you're cleverer than you let on."

Nyx struggled again, desperately wanting to get out, "do it, I dare you", he seethed, baring his teeth at them.

Sen grabbed Nyx's fingers and squeezed his hand, hearing the pop as each one came out of its socket, "want to tell us yet?"

Nyx shook his head, trying his best to stay strong. Nidaw took out a picture of Effie and a fake video feed showing her laying in bed alone, "recognise where this is?" He watched Nyx's eyes dilate in terror, "yes, thought you would. Olette is there so if you don't answer our questions she will sneak up on her and inflict a huge amount of pain on her until she pleads us for death. Would that sit okay with you?"

Nyx shook his head, "no, don't touch her!"

Sen sniggered, "so... the answer to our questions then please!"

Nyx sighed, the pain shooting around his body from his hand and the sharp object in his side. He could feel the warm blood trickling through his clothes and he knew it wouldn't be long before he would bleed out.

Sen pulled up a dusty rickety chair and sat next to Nyx listening intently, sniggering to himself at how easy it was to get the answers he needed. Family was such a weakness, and he had already planned on how he was going to get rid of his as soon as he possibly could. "Well?" he snapped, leaning his head on his fist.

Nyx took a deep breath, knowing he was going to regret saying anything to them but not finding he had any choice. "Effie's necklace she wears, it was from our mother, given to Effie in her things from the orphanage. It has a protective spell that is pumped into her body from the amulet that rests on her chest."

"Oookay, so what's that got to do with us drinking her blood and becoming immortal rather than sick?" Sen asked, not quite sure what Nyx's point was before.

Nyx glared at him, his hand aching where his numb fingers were hanging loosely from it. "Her blood needs to be mixed with the solution from inside the amulet, then it will be safe to drink."

Sen and Nidaw nodded at the same time, finally understanding what they were missing.

"Hellooo", Olette called as she walked in the doorway.

Nyx's eyes fixated on her as she appeared. "But you said..."

Sen shook his head as he got up to see his mother, "Nyx, you really need to be better at keeping your mouth shut, you might actually start escaping such situations as you are in now..."

Olette grinned, seeing the state Nyx was in, "I see you boys had a bit of fun whilst I was out. Did you find the answers we needed? Steve is in an awful way."

Nidaw walked over to Olette and kissed her gleefully, "my darling wife, we know it all!"

Olette put her hands around Nidaw's waist and smiled happily at him, "I'm listening..."

Nidaw led her out the door and into the hallway, telling her their plan of action whilst Sen stood back watching with envy. He snapped round to face Nyx as Nyx started to laugh. "What's so funny? Cause it looks to me like you are losing a lot of blood with no one around to help you!" he spat angrily.

Nyx continued to laugh, knowing he was riling Sen up and enjoying every second of it. Sen stormed over to him and dug the sharp object deeper into Nyx's side, "I said shut the fuck up!" he growled.

Nyx stopped, the pain moving through his body like a thousand knives attacking his torso. He saw the darkness in Sen's eyes and knew what his future looked like, wishing for it to happen quickly. "Do it!" he said as he took a big gulp, bracing himself for the impact of the sharp object bursting an organ.

Sen took his hand off the sharp object and stepped back shaking his head, "I wouldn't want to speed up what is already happening." He leant into Nyx's face, knowing he couldn't move, "I am going to let you suffer just as your sister will when we finally get her. We are going to drain her blood until she has nothing left to give. It is going to be deathly painful and I am going to enjoy every single second of it", he breathed quietly. He looked at Nyx as he snapped his fingers, turning the main light off before walking over to the stereo. He put on some music with a loud base playing in the background to drown out the rocketing sound coming from his parents above them.

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