Super life

By gekkeavonturen

23 0 0

Zoë Rivera is a normal happy and excited girl with a normal life, but when she goes to a secret place with he... More

B1 CH2: Running away
B1 CH3: A family truth

B1 CH1: The beginning of a new life

13 0 0
By gekkeavonturen

"so what are you going to do after school." Said a girl with a blonde ponytail and light bleu eyes. "I don't know yet. The only thing I do know is that I'm gonna do my homework first because that's important." Said the girl with short brown hair and yellow eyes.

"And what about you Zoë." the two girls looked behind them to their friend Zoë who was writing in her notebook because she had nothing else to do in the class break. Zoë got broken up from her thoughts and looked up at her two friends.

"Sorry what did you say I wasn't listening hehe." Zoë said with an awkward laugh as she was also scratching the back of her neck "I just was asking you what you where gonna do after school and please let it be something exciting and not saying something as making homework like her." Said her blonde friend while pointing at her brown haired friend. "HEY!" said the brown girl with a little pout while her blonde friend was laughing at her.

A giggle came from Zoë as she heard the conversation. "Well I don't know yet and I can't promise you it's something exciting Lila. Also I respect you Emma for following school rules." Said Zoë smiling. "at least someone loves me as a friend." Said Emma pouting to Lila. "HEY! I love you too you know I was just joking." Lila said while being a little sad

Emma giggled a little while Lila looked at her confused "I know, I know, I was just joking I'll never be mad at you." Said Emma as she was laughing. Lila couldn't help but laugh too at her friends response. and soon some seconds later Zoë couldn't help to laugh too with her friends as she loved them very much. she wished she cold always be by their sides and never lose them.

As the school ended Zoë walked her way home from school. She was walking alone because Emma and Lila needed to go the other way. So Zoë had no choice to walk alone to home in boredom. To pass the time she looked around for fun but a side of her had a feeling that she was being watched. Oh and before we forget Zoë isn't introduced yet. Because she has long red hair and light red eyes so she is just a normal and typical girl.

After 30 minutes Zoë finally came home and got inside "I'M HOME!" She yelled for her parents to hear and soon enough her father's head peeked from the doorway. "ah hey sweetie how was school." Said her father as her father looked quite happy at her. "well it was just like always good." Before we go any further this is Cody Rivera. a nice and happy father with brown eyes and black hair. He also had a "be happy" T-shirt on and blue jeans.

Zoë then walked to the kitchen where her mother was. Who was cooking food for the lovely family. Her mother Terri Rivera was also a nice, lovely and a caring mother. with blonde hair wich was in a pony tail and beautiful green eyes. She wore a brown and black sweater and black pants. Zoë then sat down at the table and a smile creeped up her as she happily watched her mother put some self made pizza in the middle of the table.

"Enjoy the meal sweetie" her mother said smiling wich then both her mother and father took a seat and they all began to eat. A few minutes later Cody cleared his throat. "Hey sweetie, a letter came for you." "For me?" As her father nodded Zoë looked confused because she never got any letters from anyone so she was quite interested in reading the letter.

Her father gave her the letter and she slowly opened it up without any cracks and all. As soon as she opened it she inspected the letter and when she looked up for a second her father and mother were curious what stood in the letter. "Okay listen closely people I'm reading this."

"Greetings Zoë"

"Since you love studying we wanted to invite you to our special study day course and letting you see what we have in store for you."

"If you are interested please come to this address ............................ on Saturday the whole day."

"PS. Take your parents with you to show them how awesome and fun it's gonna be."

"From the study course."

When she looked up from the letter she saw the shock on her parents faces. They didn't even think it was possible for her to get this smart and to get a letter from a smart study course. Of course her parents are happy that she gets to go there they wanted her to be happy with what she did.

"Well by the looks of it." She checked her phone for a second. "The study course is Saturday so it's the day after tomorrow." That meant that Zoë could dream two nights about the study course on whats to come. Just thinking about it made her happy as a cute smile came on her face her parents hearts melted at the sight of their cute daughters smile.

"Well we can't wait to go with you and see what this study course has in store." Came from her father as from her mother. "I'm happy for you sweetie whatever path you choose we will support you." And that's why she loves her parents they were always supportive and agreed with what she did. She was happy that she got parents like this never getting mad and not keeping any secrets from each other.

As Zoë checked her phone she didn't even realize it was late and a little past her bedtime. As she closed her phone she started up from her seat and took her phone and the letter. "Well I'm going to sleep I have a long day tomorrow at school so I wanna sleep well." Her parents nodded and she bid her goodbye to her parents as she made her way up to her bedroom. First changing her clothes in her pajamas that was cutely pink. Going to the bathroom she grabbed her toothbrush to clean her teeth. After she did that she came back to her room, put the light out and got in her bed to sleep and dream about the study course. She was happy about this but she also somehow got a feeling that told her there was something wrong about it. Setting that feeling away and stop thinking about it she closed her eyes and came to sleep.

The next Day the 7 year old girl stood by her locker, looking at the letter she got yesterday. She was so happy because the study course is tomorrow and she can't wait to go there to see what they have for her interest. She was too busy dreaming and thinking about it that she didn't even notice her two friends Emma and Lila standing next to her by her locker. The two friends shared a look at each other because their friend made a weird face. Lila wanting to talk to her friend snapped her fingers in front of Zoë her face to gain her attention. Zoë snapping from her thought she looked at her two friends who were staring at her and she smiled embarrassed at them her cheeks becoming a little pink.

"Ah uh......... hehe I'm sorry that I zoned out from nowhere." Being embarrassed she giggled awkwardly at her friends, her cheeks being still red and scratching the back of her neck

"Why where you even zoning out in the first place. It must be something tasty like food........... OHHHHH or like something cool is gonna happen and your excited about it." Lila began to think what Zoë was thinking about. It must have been something cool because she always began to think like cool kids

"Well uhhh..... see this letter." She showed her friends the letter that she brought to school to think about it too. "Well written in this letter for me, I got invited for a study course. A popular one maybe It said it was special. I don't know I just can't stop thinking about it." She just made cute noises thinking about it

Zoë's friend Emma being the nerd she is also made cute fan girl noises because of the letter from the study course. "OH. MY. GOD. NO WAY. You got that from a special study course I'm so happy for you."

"Geez what a bunch of nerds you two are." Lila then looked away from hearing these two nerds talking about nerd stuff. But hearing them talk about it Lila couldn't help to place a smile on her face, she just loves her two best friends because they are like nerdy and those stuff.

Closing her locker and walking with her two best friends to the classroom, Zoë smiled at Lila for the comment she made "Even if me and Emma are some nerds and you just a cool kid, you love us for who we are and still are best friends together." This made the three friends laugh because it was true. Whatever they go true they will always be friends together no matter what. Going into the class, Zoë couldn't wait but to wait for her best and awesome day for tomorrow.

Class ended and just like always Zoë was walking home from school as she was now walking home alone again. With the letter in her hand Zoë couldn't be more happy to have her dream come true. Looking at the letter and sometimes looking where she was going she was thinking what there was gonna be tomorrow at the study course, maybe her favorite study's where there who knows. As she was walking she somehow got a feeling that she was being watched she turned around and saw no one. Being a little scared she run to her home in fear and still having the feeling of being watched.

It was night and Zoë was sitting on the couch watching a movie she loved, the letter was in the kitchen because she had enough of looking at it and could look at it tomorrow. Now that it was Friday she could stay up late and sleep for how long she wants because the study course was of course the whole day so there where no problems with how long she was gonna sleep in.

"Where are they?" She looked at the clock and it was almost midnight, Zoë was waiting for her parents to come home because she came home with a note on the fridge that said. "we had something important to do, take the food from the fridge and we will be home later- Love mom and dad." But that was 7 hours ago she was worried that something might have happened to them. Maybe the suspicions of being watched was the danger, and whoever it was got her parents.

Zoë got broken of her thoughts when she heard the door moving, she got up quick and grabbed a pillow to defend herself from whoever was gonna break into her house. Being ready she suddenly felt her suspicions go away and brought a smile to her face when she saw her parents coming inside. Being the happy girl she is she ran to her parents and hugged them because she missed them.

She smiled and the looked at her parents with a little frown. "Where were you guys I was worried something might have happened to you."

They looked at each other smiling and then looking back at their child. "sorry, sweetie we were busy with something and we didn't know we were gonna be stuck with it for hours." Her father said with a smile and patting her head.

"Did you think something might have happened to us, even if something might have happened I know for sure your father would protect me." She winked at her husband which then he was coughing a little. "But don't you think its a little late. We should probably all go to bed and sleep for tomorrow." The two nodded and slowly going to bed, with Zoë closing the tv and going to her room and sleep peacefully. She couldn't really wait for tomorrow and she knew for a fact that whatever tomorrow was gonna happen would simply change her life forever. With that thought she happily drifted off to sleep.

Zoë slowly opened her eyes when she heard the birds chirping, getting up and sitting in her bed she had a sleepy smile on her face because today was gonna be a good be the best day of her life for her because of the study course. She got up from her bed and grabbed a white blouse with long sleeves that revealed her right shoulder, a blue long skirt with her knee length and some red with blue dots socks. When she got ready she made her way to the bathroom looking into the mirror and making her hair into a ponytail, smiling at the mirror she grabbed her toothbrush and began brushing her teeth. Getting ready for everything she happily made her way downstairs seeing her parents in the kitchen her father sitting down reading a newspaper and her mother making breakfast. "What are you making, mom." She said as she took a place to sit.

Her mother looked at her with a smile and a simple reply. "Cooked eggs" she replied, while she was cooking another thing came into the mothers mind. "So.......... are you excited for today sweetie."

Zoë looked at her mom and smiled at her. "Of course I waited for this and this of course was a dream for me and now its coming out can't wait and see what they got."

Her father looked up from the newspaper to his daughter and smiled. "well eat up were going after breakfast, because the study course were going to is far away from here." He gets a nod from his daughter, smiling he was back at reading his newspaper

After 2 hours of riding they were almost at the study course place, in the backseat Zoë was smiling and looking at the letter for the last time because she couldn't wait to see what they had in store. "Are you excited sweetie?" asked her mother followed by a nod

"OF COURSE!! This is my dream after all." Zoë couldn't remove the smile on her face as she was so happy to let it fall off her face

"Well guess what look ahead of you dear." Her father asked which she did, her eyes widened with a sight she couldn't imagine she saw a tall building that they needed to go for the study course but looking at it closer it had all sort of technology around it. They parked the car at the parking lot and all got out, but Zoë had an uneasy feeling and same as yesterday she had the feeling of being watched but she didn't know where it came. Soon after that she ignored it and followed her parents who were already walking to the front door

She didn't know anything about study courses so she didn't know if it was normal for men in suit to be standing by the door, maybe some guards? They study before the man in suits and wondered if they could go in. "What is your business here?" One of the guards asked. Cody and Terri looked at each other in confusion, but Zoë thought of something and gave her letter to one of the guards. He looked at it and as soon as he read it he gave a nod to the other guard who opened the door. "Welcome" he said as her parents walked in, the guard gave the letter back to Zoë who smiled at the guard, grabbed the letter and came inside with her parents walking to the reception

As always there was a lady at the reception with blond hair, a suit and glasses her parents walked to the reception, Cody coughing a little and the reception looked up. "Welcome, what business do you have here." Zoë thought these kind of things where normal so she gave the letter to the receptions with a smile. As the receptionist was looking at it she smiled and gave it back to her. "Well the study course is on the last floor." As her parents nodded at the receptionist, Zoë couldn't help but think about what the woman said 'the last floor' when she looked at the building it was 30 story's high, she was a bit suspicious about that. while they were walking to the elevator Zoë looked back at the woman who was looking her way and talking on the phone when they're gazes met the woman looked away instantly, she thought that was a bit suspicious too. Going into the elevator with her parents they went to the 30th floor to finally see the study course.

After what seems to be two minutes the elevator opens and all what Zoë could see was just a penthouse? She stepped forward same with her parents, her suspicions were coming high as she looked around the beautiful penthouse looking in front of her the wall was replaced by all windows. On the left they saw 4 guards and at the right she saw 4 other guards and in the middle........... just a normal guy with blue jeans, a black T-shirt and a black beanie. When one of the guard saw them he moved over to the guy in the middle and whispered something in his ear when he finished the guy looked around at them, and at that sight Zoë's eyes widened she couldn't believe the guy who was in front of her.

Dean Walsh a famous technology inventor and a very rich man, he had glasses like a nerd but nothing else on his face

"Ahhhh finally I excepted you people, WELCOME!" He said, she couldn't get anything out from her mouth because she was amazed that Dean a little idol of hers was standing right in front of him. So she couldn't wait to tell Emma and Lila about this, but mostly Emma.

"O.M.G!!!!! Nice to meet you mister dean I'm a big fan of your's." She said with stars in her eyes. Dean laughed a little and looking at the young girl in front of him.

"Well I'm honored, it nice to meet you too little kid." But as he said that he had a little smirk on his face Zoë couldn't help but getting her suspicions a little higher even if it was her idol she had the uneasy feeling from a while back, and also a little scare.

She coughed. "Well.......uhhhh....... I actually came here with my parents for the study course like it stood in the letter." She looked back at her parents but her parents were looking at Dean with suspicion, she was wondering what was wrong but as soon she was thinking that she got her answer.

"Well there isn't a study course." Zoë was shocked and looked back at Dean who had a evil smirk on his face, Zoë felt a little scared about what was going to happen.

"W-What do you mean there isn't a study course, if I got a letter then what am I here for." She didn't get a answer all she got was a snap from the fingers of Dean, and as soon as he did that several guards came into the room and standing around Zoë and her parents leaving them no place to escape. Zoë felt scared and looked at her parents who looked mad and were on high alert.

"W-W-WHAT IS THIS." She screamed looking at Dean who still had his evil smirk on his face.

"Oh it's nice to see you two finally again, after 10 years I finally meet you two again." Dean said to Zoë's parents. She looked at her parents who were looking mad at Dean, and then at Dean who still had his evil smirk on his face.

"Y-You two know each other? PLEASE!! SOMEBODY!! Tell me what's going on here." Zoë didn't want anything but an answer from Dean or her parents and finally Dean spoke up.

"Oh Ho Ho i see what's going on, you two kept it a secret from her didn't you, wow what parents you are."

'keeping a secret' was what was going inside her head as she was thinking what he meant. "W-What do you mean secret? what secret?" Zoë couldn't help but feel more scared not only from Dean but also from the secret from her parents and at that..........

She got an answer she never excepted.

"You see kiddo your parents here are superheroes that saved the world a bunch of times and I can't let that happen anymore." Dean said with his still evil smirk on his face.

Zoë's eyes widened at what he just said she looked at her parents who looked now even more mad at what Dean had said as she looked back at him she couldn't say but only one thing.


A/N Thanks everyone for reading my story. im so happy for finally writing this story, I had this whole thing in my head and can't wait to make a story out of this. all I can say is that this is gonna be a really long story with different story's so you can except many books with this story. So this story is about learning the secret and something else, also I wish I could draw or something on the computer so I could draw Zoë and post it next part. I hope you guys are enjoying this and thanks for reading this 

see you all later, BYE!!!!!!!!!

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