Underground Romance

By aeraellen

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Everyone has a dream to meet someone atleast once in their life, may it be their role model or their celebrit... More

Chapter-1( The beginning)
Chapter-2 ( I am coming to meet you soon)
Chapter-3(The mysterious man)
Chapter-4( I'll be waiting)
Chapter-5(Love at first sight)
Chapter-6( First good night)
Chapter-7(Mr. handsome)
Chapter-8(That will also happen soon)
Chapter-9( I love you more)
Chapter-11( My first kiss)
Chapter-12(Yes very hot)
Chapter-13(Herosima got blast again)
Chapter-14(Girlfriend or sister)
Chapter-15(Bunch of brothers I have)
Chapter-16(Death threat)
Chapter-17(Psycho obsession)
Chapter- 18(Love me like you do)
Chapter-19( Never underestimate a Glass piece)
Chapter- 20( Maybe goodbye is our forever)
Chapter-21(Lex and Roro reunion)
Chapter-22( I like you so much, you'll know it)
Chapter-23(Until death do us apart)
Chapter- 24(I am falling for who you are)
Chapter-25(My Mr. Handsome)
Chapter-26 (Misunderstanding makes people blind)
Chapter-27(What's next?)
Chapter- 28(Daisy Smith)
Chapter- 29 (My life is like a stage, new show everyday)
Chapter-30(Life always gives a second chance)
Chapter- 32(Far away from each other)
Chapter-33 (I love my life because you are my life)
Chapter-34 (Why it's so hard to say goodbye)
Chapter-35(My little Mr. Handsome)
Chapter-36 (The truth)
Chapter-39(Who am I now to you?)
Chapter-40(It's hurts)
Chapter-41(Happy Ending)

Chapter-38 (Cutest family ever)

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By aeraellen

Aerik's POV

It took us twenty minutes to reach Kai's school in my car, in our whole way here Aera was breathing heavily in fear and I was comforting her, by rubbing her thighs and telling her that he'll be alright. And to be surprised she didn't mind it.

"Wear your mask" she said as we step down the car, "Or else people will make it hard for you".

I nodded my head, and pulled the mask from my jeans pocket and put it on, then we walked inside the school,  I had no idea where were we going, I was just following Aera, we enter a room written 'Principle's Office'. I see a women maybe in her forty's sitting in the chair behind the table I guess it's the principal.

"Excuse me mam?" Aera said as she walked towards the women, I see another women sitting on the chair infront of principal's desk with her hand folded on her chest. When she heard us she turned around.

"Yes Kai's mom you are finally here" the principal say.

"Yes mam, How is my son? is he alright?" the first thing Aera asked her.

"Yes he is alright" Aera sighed

"Ohh so you are his mother huh! What do you teach your son at home, to pick fight with other children" the other women shouts, "Anyway what can I even expect from you maybe this is why your husband left you, I guess you are no different from your son".

I clenched my fist, but before I could say anything, the principal stands up
"Mrs. Molly, don't forget that you are standing in my office and how did you know that it was her son who picked the fight and for your inform it was your son who pushed Kai from the stairs" she said sternly.

"I know my son can never do such things because we taught him well, not like that boy who with no father" she spat.

"Mrs. Molly don't cross your limit, this is my office not your house" she turns to Aera, "Ms. Lily I apologise to you instead of her".

"It's alright mam, you don't need to apologise for someone else mistake" Aera says.

"Send the kids here" the principal says in her intercom.

After sometime we hear the door being opened, I see my son poking his head, "May I come in mam?" He says as cutely as possible.

"Please come in dear" Principal said and he came in followed by another boy of his age. His eyes were red and puffy, looks like he cried, his knees were covered with bandage and a small banded in his forehead.

"Mumma" he said and ran to Aera and she embraced him, he still didn't notice me.

"Are you Okay baby, does it hurt anywhere" Aera said examining his head and hands.

"Mumma he pushed me off the stairs" He sobbed,

"You pushed me first" the other boy defended.

"Because you said bad about my mom and dad" Kai cried.

"Keep quiet both of you" the principal said, "Kai and Ron come here" she said and came out of her chair and bend down to their level.

"Now I'll ask you some questions and you have to answer me honestly alright?" She said and both of them nodded their head.

"Now tell me who pushed first?"

"He pushed me first" Ron said showing his fingers to Kai.

"See I knew it that my son is innocent" Ron's mother said.
"I am talking to the children please do not interfere" she said and turned back to the children.

"Kai did you push him first?" Kai nodded his head looking down

"But he pushed me back and I fell of the stairs" Kai said.

"I didn't do it intentionally" Ron said softly.
Aera went to them and kneeled infront of them.

"Baby but why did you push him, it's bad manner" she said to Kai.

"He said I am lying that my dad is back and He...he said you are bad women and that's why dad left you, and he also said that I am looser because I don't have a dad" Kai sobbed
I felt a stab in my heart hearing his words, Aera looked at me and the hurt in her eyes were visible. I never knew they suffered so much without me.

"Still you should not push anyone baby, what if someone bad happened, what if he got injured, would you be happy with that?" Aera said and Kai nodded his head as no.

"Ron did you really say this to Kai?" Principal asks to Ron and he looked down and nodded his head.

"So what, whatever he said was true" Ron's mother said. Principal glared at her and she looked away.

"Ron where did you hear all this rubbish?" She asks.

"I heard my mom and aunt talking about Kai's mumma" he said, principle got up and walked towards his mother.

"Mrs. Molly, is this what you teach your son, talking bad and rubbish about others, is this your manners, you are lucky that Kai's aunt is not here instead of his mother or else you have no idea what she could have done with you?" she said folding her hand on her chest.

This proofs the strong image of Becky, even the principal is afraid of her.

"Rubbish? There is nothing rubbish in this, I said what she really is, She is a characterless bitch" she spat.

"Mrs Molly" principal raised her voice.

"What, I am saying the truth, a woman who can't even tell the name of her son's father, what do you think this women's are called mam?" she said again. Fire started burning inside me.

Aera was saying nothing only looking down and I know why she was doing this so that it won't harm my image but I had too much.

"Mrs. Molly control your tongue"

"Why should I? each and every word of mine was true and the whole school knows about it. And if not than ask her, ask her about her husband" she said and walked towards Aera, "you tell me what is your husband's name? tell me why are you quite? or you yourself don't know who is your child's father, I guess how many man's you have slept-"

"Enough" I shout.

"One more word and I will cut your tounge" I say glaring at her.

"Ohh see who is here for her save, who the hell are you? Her boyfriend or maybe one of her-"

"I am her husband" I shout.
And silence covered the whole room.

"Husband" Mrs. Molly and the principal said United with same shock in their voice.

"Aerik no" Aera said with widen eyes, "just don't".

"I have heard enough, I can't just sit and hear all this rubbish" I walk towards the women, "Mrs. Molly or whatever your name is, listen carefully. I am Kai's father and her husband. So don't ever try to insult my family ever again or you have no idea what I can do".

"W..who are threatening, I am not scared of you and what's the proff that you are her husband and if it's true why are you wearing this mask, are you ashamed to be her husband" she smirks.

"Well, believe it or not, it's the truth and if you are so curious to see my face than fine" I removed the mask and she gasp along with the principal.

"A...Aerik Evans" her eyes were about to come out of the socket.

"Yes you're right, Aerik Evans so from now onwards don't even think of insulting my family or else you know what am I capable of" I say.

I pick Kai in my arm and hold Aera and leave the room. I drag them towards the parking lot and stop infront of my car.

I left Aera's hand and place Kai on the floor. My brain was not working properly after hearing all that. I was burning in anger. That women's words were running on my head making me more angry. When I couldn't control my I punched the car door.

"Aerik, what are you doing, you'll hurt yourself" Aera holds my arm but I jerk her hand and held her shoulders tightly.

"Why Aera why? Why were you tolerating all that rubbish, when none of them were true, why tell me?" I shout shaking her shoulders.

"I was tired Aerik, tired of answering everyone, from the first day I am hearing all this" she looks down, "Who is the father of the child? Why did he leave? Why are you a single mother? I was tired to answer veryone so I left answering and now it doesn't matter to me at all, I don't care what they say".

"But I care" I hug her, "from today I am not leaving behind my responsibility of a father, I will fulfill all wishes of my son, I promise"

"Dad" I broke the hug only to find my little baby looking at us with his cute eyes, "you were so cool today, you shut Ron's mother totally, you are my hero".

I smile and pecked his cheeks

"I can do anything for my baby, now let's go home".

"Can we go to beach, I don't want to go home yet" he says.

"But baby your dress is torn, you need to change and you are hurt too" Aera says and Kai's smile dropped which I can let happen.

"Come let's go to shopping first" I pick him up and sit on the driver seat. Aera didn't protest and got in too.

I drove to a nearby shopping mall.
We walked inside, Kai in the middle and me and Aera holding his hands just like a perfect family.

"This will look good on him" Aera says picking yellow polka dots pant, shirt set.

"Let's buy it then" I say and walk ahead, I see a black pant and white shirt which looks as cute as mu son, I pick it up and show to Aera, "See it's so cute let's buy this too".

"Alright then I'll keep it back" she says putting the drees back in the rack which she picked before.

"No no we are buy both of them" I say and she nod. We walk ahead.

"This one too looks perfect for my son" I say picking a light blue hoodie.

I picked every dress I liked on my way and kept passing them to Aera.

"Aerik, it's too much" Aera says freezing on her way, "He already has many dress at home, Beck buys one everytime she goes for shopping, you don't have to".

"Oh shut up princess, this is just dress. I am even ready to buy the stars if my son ask for" I say. She sighed knowing she won't be able to stop me she starts walking quitely.

I brought three shirts, three pants and two hoodies from my baby.

"Good afternoon mam, good afternoon sir" a female sale assistant came to us, "I hope you are satisfied with the products in our mall, just today a new family outfit has arrived to our store, would you like to try it?".

"Mumma please let's try it once please" Kai pleaded to Aera.

"Baby your dad already bought many dress for you, we don't need a family outfit" Aera said.

Kai turned to me know his only hope.
"Dad please tell mumma, please" and I couldn't deny.

"Princess please just once" Aera sighed in defeat and agreed finally.

"Wow, you look the cutest family I have ever seen" the sales women said as soon as we came out of the trial room.

"I have never seen such cute family before, you all are just perfect".

"Thank you" Aera says blushing.

"So are you buying it"

"No we-"

"Yes we are buying it" I cut off Aera is was throwing draggers to me now.

"Ok then, I'll pack them" she says.

"No need we are wearing it" I said and smiled.

"Baby, how about we buy some toys for you, do you want any?" I ask Kai and his eyes lightened an he nods.

"I want a remote control helicopter" he jumps in happiness.

"Kai you already have one at home, not more" Aera says and turns towards me, "Aerik you are spoiling him".

"Ohh believe me princess when I say it's not even the five percent of things I want to do for my son, he will get whatever he wishes for".

"Aerik" she sighs, "I don't want our son to grow like other spoiled kids".

"Don't worry princess, he'll not, I know you have raised him well and we will do our best to teach him all manners and kindness".

"Come baby we're going to buy two more helicopters, two remote control cars and a big robot" I say and Kai jumps in happiness.

After shopping we left for the place Kai wished for. Beach.

"Thanks Aerik" Aera says sitting in the sand with me and looking at our son, who was trying to find something in the sand.

"For what?"

"For everything, I have never seen Kai this happy before" she sighed, "You know, he always used to ask me that mom why don't I have a dad like others, so I told him that his dad is in a business trip and he'll come back soon. After that day he used to ask everyday, mom when will dad come back"

"He used to miss you everyday, I thought I can raise him without you by being his mom and dad both but, I understand how important a dad is for a child, thanks to giving him all this happiness".

I placed my hand on her which was on the sand.

"You raise him well princess, all this year's the struggle you did was impressible, only you could do it. And he is my son too, it's my responsibility to make him happy and seeing him smiling I feel the luckiest person in the universe".

"Dad dad" Kai comes to me running, "See I got three shells, they look like us, they are family like us" he shows me the three shell in his palm.

"Mom this is for you" he gives one to Aera, "and dad this is for you and this one is mine" he gives one to me and one he puts in his pocket.

"So ready to go home" Aera says standing followed by me.

"Yes..." Kai shouts.

"Let's go home"
I pick him up in my arms and throw him in the air.
He started to giggle.

"Higher, Dad higher" he says giggling.

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