BALI 100 KM (Book 1) ✔

By Ekaparnika

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It was fated maybe, that the orphaned Bandu's life had to take a turn at a juncture when he found a dead man... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Author's Note

Chapter 20

17 10 2
By Ekaparnika

Bandu was in turmoil the remaining part of the day. At home, too, he constantly thought about the conversation with Das and the question eating away in his mind. He wanted the answer to his question. How was he going to get it? He was wary of going to Partho with his new dilemma, so he threw that option out of the window. Suddenly he got excited as an idea struck him and searched his jacket pocket for the note. He felt he was now close to solving the mystery and decided to put his plan into action in the morning.

The next day on his insistence Bandu let Nand tag along with him to the shop on a condition that he would have to be seated in one place. Regular customers who knew Nand were happy to see him back and well. Some even offered him candy and other eatables. One customer gave him a rubber ball, which he had purchased for his kid. Nand was very excited at receiving such attention and gifts, and forgetting his promise to Bandu, was up on his feet to play with the ball, tapping it on the ground. Today too, Bandu noticed the absence of patrolling jeeps and began to worry.

Seeing the boy playing with the ball, Bandu forbade him, indicating at the tea glasses. Disappointed, Nand sat back down with the ball. By lunch, Bandu noticed that Nand was getting droopy and took him home for lunch. On reaching home, Bandu got down to prepare a quick lunch, while Nand dashed away to Partho's house to show off his new ball.

After lunch, followed by a dose of medicine, Bandu waited until the boy had slept and then slipped out to a nearby booth to make that urgent call to inspector Sarathi.

But he couldn't get through to him, and the operator informed instead that the officer was in a meeting. After taking down his name and address, the operator told him to call back after an hour or so. On the way to the shop, he stopped by the phone booth to try his luck again. He met with disappointment again, as the officer had left the office immediately after the meeting.

He had yet to relay to inspector Sarathi about the note he received and was upset about it. Before opening the shop, he scanned nearby for more messages and was thankful that he found none. Like Partho, he wanted to believe that it was just a case of mistaken identity.

His routine kept him busy and away from distressing thoughts. Two patrol duty constables visited him also, but Bandu was not acquainted with them and was even surprised at their arrogance when they left without paying for the tea they drank. Bandu mentally made a note to settle the dues with them when they came again.

It looked like the day was going to end on a disappointing note after all, and he was sulking at it when at around 5 in the evening, inspector Sarathi showed up, and he was not alone.

There were men, some in uniform and others in plainclothes, all packed in two jeeps, and inspector Sarathi was seen guiding another person younger than himself but more robust and a few inches taller. This entity had athletic physic, short-cropped hair, and had glares covering his eyes. He kept a stern face, attentive to the speaker in front of him who was briefing him about the case and directed him to the crime scene, motioning towards the milestone where the imprint of the dead was still on display. Their final gaze fell upon Bandu and his shop, after which there was a long conversation between the two men.

Bandu stole a glance at the two men once or twice, wondering who the man in plainclothes was. After some insufferable waiting moments, inspector Sarathi summoned him, and he hurried without being visibly excited.

"This is Bandu Raghav, the owner of this tea stall," he was introduced to the big shot.

"Bandu, this is Commissioner Tushaar Seth," Inspector Sarathi announced, looking rather uncomfortable. Bandu braced himself to face the storm coming his way, "He is heading the newly formed special team to investigate this case from now on," he stated and paused.

"But why?" the outspoken arrow left the bow and could not be taken back. Bandu was embarrassed by his sudden outburst " sorry, sir," he apologized instantly, "Namaste, sir," he greeted the commissioner with folded hands.

"Inspector Seth will answer that question if he feels like it. As you have been cooperating with us, I hope you do the same with Commissioner Seth and his team. I have briefed him about the case, but if need be, he will question you again." Inspector Sarathi said, rather bluntly.

"Yes, sir." Bandu felt too awkward for his slip of the tongue to respond. He now stood facing the commissioner face to face. He could not read the eyes as the glares covered them. (I am sure he got a negative impression of me. Me and my slippery tongue)

Bandu was skeptical about the new team. Why change the investigating team now? he pondered, and for the first time, it led his mind to process the importance of the missing documents. But as a layman without much education, it certainly did not place the needed weight on his conscience. His thoughts left with the men, and together with them, he lost the very much-needed chance to mention to inspector Sarathi about the note. That blunder seemed to have felt like a slap on himself. The dilemma now was how to and who should he approach with his complaint. Today also, his question remained unanswered, and all his plans failed.

The rest of the evening passed without any surprises that, by 7, he closed down and was on his wheels, eager to reach home. He was too engrossed to notice a lone car parked at the side of the road, and after he had passed it, the car came to life, beginning to roll after him keeping a distance.

On reaching home, he saw Nand, waiting for him on the veranda, with Partho and his baby, whom he had seated on his lap. That scene brought a smile to his tired face. Bandu approached the party after parking the cycle, and he did something very unusual. He picked up the baby in his arms, who was surprised and started to giggle and poke at Bandu's face and tried to latch on to his ear studs and pull it out. He did not have any idea how to hold a baby, never having picked up one. He was discomforted and felt embarrassed. But it turned out to be a source of entertainment for the other two parties watching the baby's antics and Bandu's plight.

Having had enough, Bandu then passed the baby back into Partho's hands, and he, in turn, gave the baby to its mother, who had come out to see what the uproar was all about. Maithili took the baby for its feed, and Nand escaped to meet his playmates, leaving both men to share the day's news.

"You should be getting married now," Partho teased.

"Why? You don't like to see me happy," Bandu chuckled.

Partho, too, laughed at that comment.

"It's not going to happen anytime soon. I have a lot of mess in my life to clear up and also have to find Nand's parents," reasoned Bandu.

"Did you know Dr. Sanga is missing? The police were here today inquiring about him with the residents and searched his living quarters and clinic,"

"Nand told me about it two days back but did not believe him. It's such sad news. But who registered a missing complaint?"

"I think it was his assistant, the fellow who gives out the medicines. He told the police that the doctor always informed in advance if he planned an outing for more than a day. But this time around, he went away without informing," Partho replied.

"Hope that he is fine, where ever he is. Does he have any relatives?"

"Don't know, maybe the police will find out the details. The doctor was good and the only one we have around here." Partho said.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, what did you do with the note?" Partho recalled.

"I thought that you were right, it must have been for someone else, so I threw it away." Bandu lied, as he did not want Partho to worry and get mixed up in his problems. After talking for some time, both men went to their respective rooms.

Bandu was still in his thoughts while preparing for dinner. He needed to contact inspector Sarathi again to tell him about the note, and also, there was some information he wanted from Inspector Sarathi without arousing his suspicion. 

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