Genius Doctor Black Belly Mis...

By enzerro

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🚫📢The story is not mine Alternative names: Tuyệt Thế Thần Y: Phúc Hắc đại Tiểu Thư, 絕世神醫:腹黑大小姐 Author: 夜北... More



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By enzerro

Chapter 2091: Face Slapping of the Ecstatic Rapture Palm (18)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

Wu Jiu saw with his own eyes Jun Wu Xie rescuing the Spiritual Bear and rage boiled up in his heart. His teeth tightly gritted together, Wu Jiu stared at that figure that was closing in on him at the speed of light, and his eyes were dripping with malice!

"Jun Wu Xie! You dare to spoil all that I've done!" The moment his voice dropped, Wu Jiu went charging towards Jun Wu Xie.

The two figures one black and one silver immediately tangled up in battle in midair!

The violent and intense clash came to affect the battlefield as wild winds blew and kicked up endless dust.

Rong Ruo sent a human spirit close to her flying with a kick as Fei Yan came close from the side.

"Why is it that Little Xie is still able to use the Face of Selvan?" Fei Yan and Rong Ruo were fighting with their backs to each other. Having the Face of Selvan appear on the battlefield had not only turned the tide of battle but it had also given the companions quite a shock.

Ever since they had turned into spirits, their flesh bodies had been left behind which included their magical artifacts that they had not been able to bring with them. Back when Jun Wu Xie had used the Face of Selvan to save Nalan Shan before, they had not paid all that much attention to it. But now, they saw that Jun Wu Xie was not just able to just use a little bit of the Face of Selvan's power, as from the moment Selvan's armour appeared, they came to realize that being in spirit form had not restricted Jun Wu Xie much and that she was able to completely utilize every single technique of the Face of Selvan!

Rong Ruo furrowed her brows slightly as she looked at Wu Jiu and Jun Wu Xie battling so ferociously in the air.

"I don't know, but only Little Xie is able to take on Wu Jiu now. Wu Jiu's powers had increased in a very strange manner that had gone beyond the realm of Spirit Outflare. Regardless of how Little Xie is able to use the Face of Selvan, to all of us, that's good news."

Fei Yan nodded his head, naturally having realized that the current circumstances did not allow them to nitpick on things too much.

"End this battle as quickly as possible and bring Brownie away from here. The Hell Butterfly has detected that the human spirit reinforcements are approaching and if this drags on, we'll all be finished." Rong Ruo said with her brows creased together, the information the Hell Butterfly transmitted to her making her feel highly uneasy.

"Sure!" Fei Yan replied, and his attacks immediately grew more ferocious.

The battle reached its most intense moments with the Beast Spirits, human spirits, Weapon Spirits and the Plant Spirits all entangled within. If it continued to drag on, the battle would grow unbounded, that could even spread throughout the entire Spirit World!

Wu Jiu's heart was filled with surprise when he discovered that Jun Wu Xie's powers was stronger than he had imagined, the additional power the Selvan's armour gave was so strong it astounded him!

"Why do you have the Face of Selvan! ? What relations do you have with the Dark Emperor! ?" Wu Jiu was getting rather flustered by his fight with Jun Wu Xie, as he gave voice to the thoughts in his heart with a frustrated roar.

Jun Wu Xie's heart startled, but she composed herself very quickly.

She had been so hesitant to use the Face of Selvan all this time because she was worried that having the Face of Selvan make an appearance might attract suspicion. With the immeasurable amount of magical artifacts the Dark Emperor possessed, not all of them were widely known by others. But with the Face of Selvan being one of the ten greatest magical artifacts, it would definitely not go unnoticed by people.

If not for the fact that Wu Jiu's methods had come to anger Jun Wu Xie, she would not have recklessly used the Face of Selvan. But with things having come to such a stage, she could no longer remain so apprehensive!

Unable to get the answer that he seeked, Wu Jiu could only continue to battle Jun Wu Xie. But as being in spirit form was still not the same as fighting in her flesh body, though she possessed powerful might, she was still restricted to a certain extent. Damage suffered by spirit bodies with every injury was not blood, but was a constant drain on the power of the spirit. But Jun Wu Xie's Selvan's Armour was extraordinarily tough and with attacks delivered purely just with the power of the spirit, Wu Jiu was unable to break the Face of Selvan in the slightest.

Chapter 2092: Face Slapping of the Ecstatic Rapture Palm (19)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

Wu Jiu found himself fallen into a predicament which made him flustered and uneasy.

Jun Wu Xie had already fully grasped the characteristics within the Face of Selvan's arsenal of attacks as the two blades of light morphed from the Face of Selvan constantly drained and weakened Wu Jiu's powers. Added to that, the nimble agility of the silver wings allowed her to put some distance away from Wu Jiu perfectly.

Wu Jiu could not even touch Jun Wu Xie in the slightest and every time he wanted to execute a attack, Jun Wu Xie would then use the silver wings to pull away a certain distance, using the light blades in his hands to attack.

Wu Jiu was about to go mad. Although he possessed mighty power of the spirit, but being unable to even touch Jun Wu Xie made it utterly useless to him, but to suffer a beating!

As the seconds passed into minutes, Rong Ruo was growing more anxious. The human spirits and Weapon Spirits did not seem to have any intention of retreating at all, and she had come to know through the Hell Butterfly that the human spirits' reinforcements had already arrived!

"All of you stop it this very instant!" A furious shout coming from the back of the battlefield sounded. Wu Jiu's Second Disciple had led in a large batch of human spirits who rushed in to form a surrounding circle. Looking at the densely packed row upon row of human spirits, the Second Disciple's eyes narrowed slightly, as several thousand human spirits fully encircled the entire battlefield.

The human spirits and Weapon Spirits who were locked in bitter battle immediately heaved a sigh of relief when they saw that the reinforcements had come, their hearts settling down in place.

But contrary to the reactions of the human spirits the Weapon Spirits, when the Beast Spirits saw the army of the human spirits' reinforcements, their emotions suddenly sank right down to the bottom of the valley.

It wasn't that they had not thought to go fetch reinforcements, but their numbers were already less than the combined strength of the human spirits and Weapon Spirits, making it impossible for any of them to secretly leave the battlefield. The outer perimeters were mostly filled with Weapon Spirits and some of the Beast Spirits who had thought to sneak off and summon help under the chaos had their heads chopped off by the Weapon Spirits.

Seeing that that human spirits' reinforcement had arrived, the Beast Spirits had already suffered innumerable losses. There was no need to speak of fighting against the reinforcement forces. Even just holding themselves against the current enemy forces was already highly strenuous.

Suffocating despair shrouded over every one of the Beast Spirits' hearts, feeling highly depressed. They had battled for so long, sacrificed so many of their comrades, could it be..... that they would still not be able to save the Spiritual Bear?

"You guys must have had a jolly good time! Every single one of you Beast Spirits and Plant Spirits who had taken part in the battle today, none of you must even think of running. Have them all captured right now!" Wu Jiu's Second Disciple said viciously as he stared at the Beast Spirits covered in wounds and injuries, his eyes cruel and bloodthirsty.

The human spirit reinforcement forces then gradually tightened their encirclement, to surround the Beast Spirits with the other human spirits and Weapon Spirits with several layers of their men. Things had reached its worst point at that moment.

"Damn it. They came so quickly." Qiao Chu cursed softly. He had quite a number of wounds on his body and the situation was not any much better for Hua Yao and the others. Among the Weapon Spirits who came this time, there wasn't a lack of great fighters. Their primary targets were exactly those Weapon Spirits and those sharp blades had caused them to suffer quite a bit of wound and injuries.

"What do we do?" Qiao Chu asked as he looked at Hua Yao anxiously. Hua Yao narrowed his eyes, his gaze turning towards the Double Headed Bone Snake.

The Double Headed Bone Snake was still rather good shape but had quite a bit of its bones already broken, looking a little wretched. They were all carrying injuries and if they started a battle with the reinforcement army as well, the result could very well be imagined.

Run away?

They just could not make themselves do it even when it was not all that difficult for them to just run away with the kind of powers they possessed. But none of them had dared to have that thought in their minds at all.

The Beast Spirits had lost so much of their numbers and if they were to all run away, they would be abandoning their comrades.

Brownie would definitely be captured and if they were expected to be live as such cowards, It was impossible for them to do it!

"To think that they would die here today. How frustrating is it?" Fei Yan said with a smile.

Chapter 2093: Face Slapping of the Ecstatic Rapture Palm (20)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

Rong Ruo's brows knitted up.

Suddenly, a black shadow came hurtling down from the skies, to crash heavily right into the midst of the opposing Beast Spirits and human spirits!

In the instant that that black shadow fell, it kicked up an enormous cloud of dust. When the dust cloud finally dissipated, the appearance of that black shadow was then revealed to everyone.

That one look however caused everyone to be properly stunned.

Lying there in a heap was not anybody else but the haughty, high and mighty Wu Jiu!

A silvery figure then descended right after. Under everyone's speechless flabbergasted gaze, the silver figure landed right beside Wu Jiu, the magnificent figure of Jun Wu Xie clad in Selvan's Armour.

Jun Wu Xie looked at the stunned human spirit reinforcements and she suddenly pressed the light sword she held in her hand against Wu Jiu's neck.

"Whichever one of you takes another step forward, I will kill him immediately." Her voice was as chilly as ice!

Within the pair of eyes that were showing, blood curling murder could be seen emanating from them!

Wu Jiu's Second Disciple was frozen in a daze. He stared in disbelief at Jun Wu Xie, where his gaze then fell upon the crumpled form of Wu Jiu under Jun Wu Xie's foot.

[The leader of the human spirits, Spirit Master Wu Jiu..... who reig ns above all human spirits, the Wu Jiu who was so powerful he was unbeatable..... has actually been..... defeated?]

[How is this possible! ?]

Wu Jiu's Second Disciple was shocked into speechlessness. Not even in his dreams would he have thought that his Master would fall in defeat at the hands of another person.

Wu Jiu was in an extremely wretched state, the clothes on him badly tattered and torn, his power of the spirit spilling out from the slash wounds inflicted by the light sword. His entire body was in so much pain that it felt as if it was falling apart, his face haggard and highly aggrieved. He was lying with his face on the floor, and Jun Wu Xie's foot was on his back, unable to move an inch.

However elegant looking Wu Jiu was in the past, he was now equally just as wretched.

"Mas..... Master....." The Second Disciple's voice was already beginning to tremble. All of this had gone far beyond anything he could have expected.

The human spirits fell deadly silent. But for the Beast Spirits, the fire of hope had been reignited. They stared with intense anger at Wu Jiu under Jun Wu Xie's foot, that shining silver figure reflected in their eyes like a saviour descended!

Soul Slayer noticed that things had taken a strange turn and he forcibly put some distance between itself and Flame Dragon, to go rushing over right before Jun Wu Xie.

"Don't move." Jun Wu Xie swung her eyes over to look at Soul Slayer, the point of the sword of light pressing slightly into Wu Jiu's neck.

Soul Slayer immediately halted its approach towards Jun Wu Xie, the two blood red rubies seemingly filling up with a sliver of shock.

Because of the fourth Serene Spirit Tower, interaction between Soul Slayer and Wu Jiu had also grown more frequent. Although Soul Slayer still did not like Wu Jiu from the bottom of his heart, it still had to admit that Wu Jiu wielded the strongest power among the human spirits, where even the previous Spirit Master that had retreated into seclusion was not as powerful as him.

But, that very Wu Jiu had been defeated? And at the hands of an relatively unknown young female human spirit. That unbelievable fact, made it hard for Soul Slayer to be able to digest.

"Let me Master go! Or not a single spirit present here today can even think of escaping from here today!" The Second Disciple said through gritted teeth.

Jun Wu Xie raised her chin slightly, her clear eyes turning to look scathingly at the Second Disciple who just threw down some harsh words.

"Let him go? Impossible. But you can try me. If you dare to take just a single step forward, I will slice off his head right in an instant. Using our lives in exchange for Wu Jiu's wretched life, we would have earned."

The Second Disciple glared with hatred in his eyes, like he wanted to skin Jun Wu Xie alive and swallow her whole.

"What do you really want?" The Second Disciple then asked.

Jun Wu Xie laughed derisively. "Get your people and the Weapon Spirits out of here. Once we return back to the Beast Spirits' territory, I will then naturally release your Master."

Chapter 2094: Face Slapping of the Ecstatic Rapture Palm (21)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

"You must be dreaming! Do you take me as a three year old! ?" The Second Disciple retorted in rage!

Jun Wu Xie did not panic. With the situation the way it was currently, it wasn't all that possible to kill off all the human spirits here today. Their objective in coming here today was just to expose Wu Jiu's insidious plot and rescue Brownie. Now that their goals have been achieved, dragging it out any further would only be to their disadvantage.

Only when they were back in the Beast Spirits' territory, with the number of Beast Spirits there were there, Jun Wu Xie was certain that the human spirits would not be able to try any tricks then. And of course.....

She had never thought of releasing Wu Jiu.

With the incident having become so huge, releasing Wu Jiu would be as good as letting the tiger returning back to its mountain. Jun Wu Xie was not about to do something so foolish.

"How you choose is up to you. Your Master's life is now in my grasp." Jun Wu Xie said coldly, the sword of light held against Wu Jiu's neck pressing in a little deeper.

The Second Disciple's entire body was shaking, terrified and scared.

Wu Jiu suddenly let out a snicker.

"Jun Wu Xie, would you dare to kill me? If you are to kill me, then you and your companions can then forget about being ever to remain here in the Spirit World anymore peacefully as the human spirits would then embark on maniacal revenge against you. I can see that you possess great powers. Why do you choose to go against me because of the Beast Spirits? You are a human spirit yourself, and should naturally be standing on the human spirits' side. But instead you have chosen to go against the grain, to help the Beast Spirits. Isn't that rather foolish?"

Wu Jiu had never thought that he would fall in defeat, never ever thought that Jun Wu Xie's powers would be so strong.

Wu Jiu's words made the Beast Spirits standing around Jun Wu Xie become highly nervous. Actually, what Wu Jiu said was true. Jun Wu Xie and her companions were all human spirits. All these years, very few human spirits would render help to Beast Spirits. Moreover, what Jun Wu Xie did today was as good as declaring war upon the all human spirits, in order to ensure the safety of the Beast Spirits' Spiritual Bear.....

The Beast Spirits became highly nervous, worried that Jun Wu Xie would be swayed by Wu Jiu's words.

But it was clear that Jun Wu Xie did not care about Wu Jiu's intoxicating words. Wu Jiu's words had sounded to be highly reasonable but they were in face just downright selfish, going against Jun Wu Xie's view completely.

"Are you done spouting all your garbage? If you're finished, you might as well be thinking whether you want to drag us in to be buried together with you, or do you want to ask your disciple to open up the way here for you to save your own puny life." Jun Wu Xie said coldly.

Wu Jiu was stunned. He could not fathom what Jun Wu Xie was intending to do at all. Whatever she could get from the Beast Spirits, he would be able to give to her as well, or even better.

Jun Wu Xie was steadfast in her commitment to stand on the Beast Spirits' side and Wu Jiu was unable to do anything about it.

Just as everyone's attention were all focused upon Wu Jiu and the human spirits' reinforcement force, Poison Ivy who was standing behind Jun Wu Xie suddenly noticed something.

The hand that Jun Wu Xie held behind her back was signalling something, and it was directed..... straight at him.

Poison Ivy watched expressionlessly at all that Jun Wu Xie was gestitulating. Because he had become Poison Ivy's Ring Spirit, they had developed a subtle tacit understanding between them. Thinking on it a moment, he immediately understood what Jun Wu Xie wanted and the corners of his mouth curled up with the tinge of a smile.

This Mistress of his, really has a quick and nimble mind.

"Are you done thinking? If you are still not decided, how about letting me decide for you?" The sword of light in Jun Wu Xie's hand pulled back slightly, and a slit spilling with the power of the spirit opened on Wu Jiu's neck. Although it was not deep, but looking at it made one feel the chills.

"Hold it! Don't hurt me Master!" The Second Disciple was immediately flustered as he hurried to say.

Wu Jiu was about to say something when Jun Wu Xie's foot trod on him so hard that he almost vomited.

Chapter 2095: Face Slapping of the Ecstatic Rapture Palm (22)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

Jun Wu Xie then looked up and said: "Get your men to retreat, or I do not think I'll be able to control my strength with the next slash of this sword."

The Second Disciple no longer dared to take a harsh stand against Jun Wu Xie anymore. To the human spirits, Wu Jiu was really just too important and as one of his disciples, the position and authority he enjoyed had only been possible because of Wu Jiu. If Wu Jiu was gone, then all of them would fall into dire straits together with him and hence, after thinking through it, the Second Disciple had to get the human spirits to retreat back a few steps.

"All of you step back as well." Jun Wu Xie turned her head to say as she looked at the human spirits and Weapon Spirits surrounding them from the back. The human spirits had naturally not dared to make any rash moves but to step back in retreat, but the Weapon Spirits led by Soul Slayer were seemingly rather unwilling to back away.

Jun Wu Xie then said: "If Wu Jiu is dead, the Weapon Spirits will never be able to possess their own Serene Spirit Tower their entire lives. So you better consider it carefully."

Soul Slayer was feeling so conflicted he wanted to die. Considering itself as one of the reigning powers within the Spirit World, when had he ever been threatened by a little lass like this before? But Jun Wu Xie now had her hand grasping their vitals.

The Weapon Spirits were willing to do everything for the Serene Spirit Tower, to the extent even when they knew that the construction needed the Spiritual Bear to be used as a sacrifice before it could be completed, they had abandoned their sense of righteousness and stood on Wu Jiu's side, as the importance they had placed upon the Serene Spirit Tower outweighed all of that.

Soul Slayer led the Weapon Spirits to retreat to the side reluctantly, opening up a wide open path for Jun Wu Xie and the others in the middle.

The land that had just seen a highly intense battle was a little messed up. No one noticed that the soil on the ground had suddenly started to quake for no apparent reason. But the scale of that shaking was very minute and covered with a layer of soft soil, it did not feel to be all that distinct. Moreover, the attention of all the spirits were all drawn and focused upon Jun Wu Xie, who would go pay any notice to the slight imperceptible rumble?

"You want me to let all of you go, but I cannot let myself trust you. I'll promise you now, if you release my Master, I will let all of you leave this place safe and sound." The Second Disciple attempted to save Wu Jiu one more time.

However, Jun Wu Xie still left him dangling.

At the back of the battlefield, Brownie had finally finished carving out the Spirit Reinforcement runes and when he saw the constant stream of power of the spirit flowing gradually from the Spirit Reinforcement rune circle onto Nalan Shan's body, slowly filling up Nalan Shan's frail spirit, Brownie finally blew out a breath of relief. It was aware of the situation up ahead in front but Nalan Shan's condition did not allow it to leave. Nalan Shan was so frail and weak at that moment that any single attack from any Weapon Spirit or human spirit would scatter and dissipate his spirit, hence, Brownie had no choice but to stand guard at his side.

The sound of a slight trace of the earth's turning suddenly attracted Brownie's attention. Brownie raised its eyes and looked in front of itself. It discovered that the earth under Nalan Shan's body was suddenly pushed up by several vines. Before Brownie was even able to feel nervous, it immediately saw the little purple flower buds on those vines and it quickly recognized where those vines had originated from. It raised its head up in that instant and looked at the spirirts up in front.

A far distance away, Brownie saw Poison Ivy standing there with his back towards everyone, and making a shushing gesture, asking him to remain silent.

Brownie's heart jumped, not daring to make a sound, as Poison Ivy's vines slowly curled around Nalan Shan and Brownie.....

On the other side, the Second Disciple was about to go mad. Seeing that his Master was tormented half to death under Jun Wu Xie's foot, he wished for nothing more than to be able to jump over and tear Jun Wu Xie to shreds. However..... Wu Jiu was still in Jun Wu Xie's hands, and no matter how much hatred was brewing inside him, he did not dare to jump out and shed all pretense of cordiality with Jun Wu Xie at that moment.

Jun Wu Xie then said: "You do not believe me, and I cannot make myself trust you. Why not....." Jun Wu Xie's words had not yet even fallen to the ground when she suddenly lifted up her foot and sent Wu Jiu, who was lying upon the ground, to go flying with a mighty kick!

Chapter 2096: Face Slapping of the Ecstatic Rapture Palm (23)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

"Master! ! !" The Second Disciple cried out in surprise. All the human spirits were shocked by Jun Wu Xie's action.

Jun Wu Xie had used a hundred percent of her power with that kick, which sent Wu Jiu flying high up into the air. If he were to fall down from that height, even if he did not die, he wouldn't be too far off from it.

"Save the Spirit Master quick! !" The Second Disciple shouted at the top of his lungs, leading every single one of the human spirits to go speeding towards where Wu Jiu was hurtling to, their hearts set on catching Wu Jiu. Even Soul Slayer was stunned, never having expected that Jun Wu Xie's actions would be so crude and brutal. In an instant, everyone else were frozen.

And it was at that moment that countless vines shot out from Jun Wu Xie's Selvan's Armour, sweeping past every Beast Spirit and Plant Spirit at the speed of lightning. Poison Ivy was working in cohesion with Jun Wu Xie, the two spirits controlling an innumerable number of vines that twirled around the bodies of all the Beast Spirits, Plant Spirits, and around Qiao Chu and the gang!


The instant Jun Wu Xie's voice fell, the silver wings on her back flapped vigorously, widespread as she rose quickly into the air. Dragged along by Jun Wu Xie, all the Beast Spirits bound up by the vines were suddenly up in the air!

Poison Ivy wrapped several vines around Jun Wu Xie's waist and the vines from his other hand pulled Nalan Shan and Brownie right up!

The powerful strength of the Face of Selvan manifested in full glory right at that moment as several hundred Beast Spirits were lifted up into the air!

In shock, Flame Dragon then used its great dragon tail to scoop up several Beast Spirits onto its back as it soared into the air following behind Jun Wu Xie!

"Look! They are escaping!" Soul Slayer suddenly snapped back to his senses. Seeing that Jun Wu Xie and the others were actually using vines to bring all the Beast Spirits out from there together with the Spiritual Bear, Soul Slayer's mind immediately started to whirl loudly!

The Second Disciple could not be bothered with anything else and only wanted to catch Wu Jiu and get themselves out of there. But before Wu Jiu had even fallen to the ground, a vine then came flying out with a swoosh, to lash right around Wu Jiu at the waist, dragging him away!

All the human spirits on the ground were flummoxed. They stared with gaping mouths as they watched Jun Wu Xie ostentatiously fly past in the sky while dragging several hundred Beast Spirits with her, their eyes almost popping out of their heads.

It was at that moment that they all then realized that they had fallen into Jun Wu Xie's ploy!

Jun Wu Xie had never intended to make a deal with them at all. Everything that she had done was merely to divert their attention, so that they would not discover her real intentions.

The Beast Spirits have escaped, and even Wu Jiu was taken. The Second Disciple immediately felt as if the sky was falling.

"Give chase! Do not let them escape!" The Second Disciple then shouted, highly nervous.

What was then seen, was a great big bunch of human spirits and Weapon Spirits running in a mad sprint with their heads lifted up towards the sky, while over their heads, a dense pack of Beast Spirits were gliding high up through the air.....

It was a rather grand sight to behold!

For Jun Wu Xie to be dragging so many Beast Spirits, it would not be the kind of weight that the silver wings of the Face of Selvan could truly be able to withstand. But candidly put, those Beast Spirits were spirits, and spirits weighed a whole lot less. Even though it was such a grand sight to see, in actuality, adding up the combined weight of all those spirits was not even equivalent to that of a young adolescent elephant.

After a spirit coalesced its body, it could alter its own weight at will and that was the reason why Jun Wu Xie dared to weave up such a scheme!

"This is just too cool!" Held by Poison Ivy and "gliding" through the air, Qiao Chu could not help but exclaim out in joy, the feeling was just too exhilarating!

"Only Little Xie is capable of dreaming up such an idea." Fei Yan said with a laugh, as he evilly waved at the bunch of fellas who were pursuing them doggedly on the ground.

Chapter 2097: Face Slapping of the Ecstatic Rapture Palm (24)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

The term talented and bold, described Jun Wu Xie perfectly. Fooled several thousand human spirits, duped a whole bunch of Weapon Spirits, and even flamboyantly paraded off with Wu Jiu as a victory trophy through the sky.

All the worries Qiao Chu had earlier now faded into nothing as he watched the Second Disciple running like a dog on the ground, laughing just so evilly and he was in such a good mood.

[Are you stupid?]

[Negotiating terms with Jun Wu Xie?]

[You'll be squeezed so dry you'll be more wrinkled than a raisin!]

From below, a constant stream of taunts shouting: "Stay right there! Remain here if you have the guts!" , and all kinds of other curses. But Jun Wu Xie did not pay any heed to a single word of them.

The eyes of the Beast Spirits were wide and bulging, looking at the great big emptiness below their paws, all of them feeling rather amazed.

The sense of gaining a renewed lease of life right after a calamity and the astounding way they had retreated from the place made all the Beast Spirits suiddenly forget the pain on their bodies. Their were some among the Beast Spirits that could fly, like some species of bird types and Dragon type like Flame Dragon. But for most of the other Beast Spirits, even if they wanted to, they did not possess the kind of capability.

Never would they have imagined that Jun Wu Xie would actually bring them on this "flight"!

Several of the more dorky Beast Spirits were even pretending they could fly, their paws flinging around up in the air, imagining they really were flying.....

In contrast to the Beast Spirits' delight, the human spirits and the Weapons Spirits were about to lose their minds! !

At least there were some species and types among the Beast Spirits that were born with the ability to fly, but what about them? Not a single one among all of them could do it!

If they wanted to pursue Jun Wu Xie and the enemy, the only choice was only to run after them with their own two feet!

It was even sadder for the Weapon Spirits, as they did not even have legs!

They could only huff and puff with their steel bodies as they hopped, where they were soon left lagging a great distance behind.

For spirits that did not know what was going on here, witnessing that scene would surely have them laughing to their deaths.

Flying was naturally faster than running, and seeing that Jun Wu Xie and the enemy were almost reaching the Beast Spirits' territories, the Second Disciple's heart burned with anxiety, hating that fact that his legs was not able to catch up with that pair of wings.

The place that the Beast Spirits resided had many Beast Spirits roaming everywhere. They suddenly felt a little strange and one of the Beast Spirit raised its head to look up. That one glance into the sky immediately startled it so badly it fell back with its four paws flailing in the air in astonishment!

[What in blazes!]

[What did it just see! ?]

Up in the sky, a whole wave of Beast Spirits were soaring through the air with their paws flailing awkwardly, in a dense pack.... like the Heavens was going to rain Beast Spirits.

More and more Beast Spirits came to notice that. They all turned to stone collectively, their eyes bulging and mouths agape as they stared at their fellow Beast Spirits gliding through the air in glee.

Seeing that they were already in Beast Spirit territory, Jun Wu Xie then flew downwards, bringing with her the bunch of Beast Spirits who had enjoyed the joy of flight to the ground. There was no need to deny that the strong disappointment that filled their eyes then was because they had landed on the ground.....

Jun Wu Xie then released the vines twirled around the Beast Spirits, and Poison Ivy followed suit.

Flame Dragon came down to the ground as well, and immediately let Brownie continue to hold Nalan Shan for him to recover with the Spirit Reinforcement runes.

A bunch of Beast Spirits gradually gathered into a crowd around them, to look at their companions who had just flown in, their faces incredulous.

[Didn't the bunch of them go to the first Serene Spirit Tower to watch the show playing out there today?]

[Did it come with such privileges?]

[To be "flown" back?]

They were suddenly feeling rather regretful that they had not gone there today!

Towards the Beast Spirits who had just come back, those Beast Spirits who had not gone today were suddenly feeling strong pangs of jealousy and envy!

Flame Dragon then roared, which quelled all the Beast Spirits into silence.

A flurry of hurried footsteps then reached them, which made all the gathered Beast Spirits turn their heads to look. The mass of human spirits led by the Second Disciple had caught up with them.

[What was happening here?]

The Beast Spirits who had not gone there today were puzzled.

Chapter 2098: Face Slapping of the Ecstatic Rapture Palm (25)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

"Hand my Master over!" The Second Disciple said to Jun Wu Xie through tightly clenched teeth, looking quite a miserable sight from having run the entire way.

Having been pointed out, the Beast Spirits then turned to look at Jun Wu Xie and that was when they suddenly discovered that the person Jun Wu Xie was holding in her hands was Wu Jiu, the Spirit Master! !

Wu Jiu had fallen into a semi conscious state. Although Jun Wu Xie had been rather gentle with the Beast Spirits, she was rather brutal towards Wu Jiu. Wu Jiu was already severely wounded and having taken that kick from Jun Wu Xie with her full strength, he was now slipping into unconsciousness, unable to even say a word.

The Beast Spirits who had not gone to the Serene Spirit Tower were stunned, thinking that the situation before their eyes did not seem right no matter how they looked at it. Many of their fellow Beast Spirits had wounds on their bodies and the human spirits were looking rather aggressive while Jun Wu Xie was even holding Wu Jiu in her hands..... Looking at the circumstances, something big seemed to be brewing....

Flame Dragon had landed before the gathered Beast Spirits, and after he put down the Beast Spirits on its back, its immense body that was as big as a small mountain blocked out the venomous gaze the Second Disciple was staring at Jun Wu Xie with.

"This is the Beast Spirits' territory, and it's not a place you can do as you please."

"Flame Dragon, does this mean you are going against us now?" The Second Disciple said as he glared at Flame Dragon.

Flame Dragon was not to be cowered. "Since you have tried to capture our Spiritual Bear, I do not have to show you any courtesy."

The moment those words came out from Flame Dragon's mouth, the puzzled Beast Spirits immediately realized the severity of the situation!

[The human spirits captured their Spiritual Bear?]

All the Beast Spirits turned their heads uniformly upon the enormous dark gold figure, surprise showing in all their eyes.

[The Spiritual Bear!]

[It's really the Spiritual Bear!]

The Second Disciple was feeling highly frustrated, but worried about Wu Jiu's safety, he then wanted to lead his men to charge forward, completely regarding everything else.

But the Beast Spirits who had regained their senses immediately realized that the human spirits would harm the Spiritual Bear and despite still not having a full picture of what was exactly happening, just that one point alone was enough to make them step forward!


"This is the territory of the Beast Spirits, and we do not welcome the intrusion of the human spirits!"

The Beast Spirits close by came running at almost the same moment to Flame Dragon's side, their enormous bodies blocking Jun Wu Xie completely and securely. The densely packed rows of Beast Spirits grew more and more, the flying Beast Spirits quickly spreading the news to reach the ears of every single Beast Spirit at the fastest speed possible!

The matter concerned the Spiritual Bear, and not a single Beast Spirit would stand back and do nothing.

In just the blink of an eye, several thousand Beast Spirits came walking out from their lairs. They all came speeding straight towards Flame Dragon's side.

In mere moments, the number of Beast Spirits that gathered there had reached a staggering number.

The mass of Beast Spirits formed a impenetrable wall before the human spirits, as the rocky mountains sitting on both sides grew crowded with more and more Beast Spirits!

The Second Disciple stared in shock as he looked at the quickly increasing number of Beast Spirits who were rushing over with such lightning speed, having become more numerous than the combined numbers of them and the Weapon Spirits put together. At that moment, fear then rose up within the Second Disciple's heart.

The Beast Spirits had always been the biggest and most numerous spirit race in the Spirit World, having stood at the top of the Spirit World's food chain for a long period of time. Going against the Beast Spirits would definitely be a mistake as even the haughty and arrogant Wu Jiu had not dared to openly capture the Spiritual Bear because he had wanted to avoid going against the Beast Spirits in open conflict.

The shade of the Second Disciple's face was becoming uglier and uglier. The Beast Spirits that could be seen everywhere one looked, their wary and guarded beastial gazes, caused the human spirits to lose all their earlier bravado, their shoulders slumping as they leaned inwards towards their centre, deeply fearful that they would be skinned and swallowed up alive by these Beast Spirits!

Chapter 2099: Face Slapping of the Ecstatic Rapture Palm (26)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

Everything that was happening had fallen right into what Jun Wu Xie had planned. She watched coldly on at the predicament that the human spirits were caught in. They only needed to come rush back into the Beast Spirits' territory and even if the human spirits joined forces with the Weapon Spirits, they would have to tread warily as anything that concerned the Spiritual Bear concerned the entire Beast Spirit race. What they would face would then not just be one Beast Spirit, nor would it be vengeance from just a group of Beast Spirits, but the wrath of every single Beast Spirit throughout the entire Spirit World!

The Second Disciple was a little flustered. As he looked at the roaring Beast Spirits with their fangs bared, his body immediately tensed up.

Even though he was rather confident of the powers he possessed individually, he wouldn't have the guts to dare say he would survive from an onslaught of so many Beast Spirits.

Soul Slayer then arrived belatedly, leading his Weapon Spirits. Before they had even come close, they already saw that the Second Disciple and his men were completely blocked off. Soul Slayer who had thought to rush in to snatch up the Spiritual Bear suddenly halted its advance, to stand unmoving in its spot.

"Boss? Aren't we continuing with our pursuit?" A spiked mace hummed as it came hopping up beside Soul Slayer. Seeing that Soul Slayer did not seem to be going forward to lend their assistance, it could not help but become a little confused.

"We're not. We're going back!" Soul Slayer's voice was a little cold.

"Go back? But, if we do not capture the Spiritual Bear, the Serene Spirit Tower....." The spiked mace did not understand.

Soul Slayer suddenly said: "Do you really want the Weapon Spirits be become enemies with all the Beast Spirits?"

Soul Slayer had dared to go against the Beast Spirits back at the Serene Spirit Tower because there hadn't been that many Beast Spirits there then, and the temptation of the Serene Spirit Tower had just been too great. But now, no matter how great the allure of the Serene Spirit Tower was, it wasn't great enough for it to want to use its own spirit soul to exchange for it.

To declare that the Weapon Spirits were attempting to use the Spiritual Bear's life to exchange for the Serene Spirit Tower before every single Beast Spirit in the Spirit World would undoubtedly be a declaration of war!

When it saw the sides of the mountains completely filled with Beast Spirits, it was then that Soul Slayer thought of backing out from the whole thing for the first time.

Although the Serene Spirit Tower was definitely a good thing, but it was not able to guarantee that they would be able to withstand the maniacal vengeance of the entire Beast Spirit race.

Soul Slayer's words startled quite a number of Weapon Spirits to their senses. They realized the gravity of the entire situation and they then followed Soul Slayer to tread back the way they had come quietly, without saying a word.

The Second Disciple was already trembling with fright from the Beast Spirits' aggressive stance and had thought that he would wait till Soul Slayer led the Weapon Spirits in before he would go against the Beast Spirits. But the instant that he had just seen the figure of Soul Slayer, he did not even have enough time to be relieved before he saw Soul Slayer suddenly turning itself around to lead the Weapon Spirits away from the place!

Immediately, the Second Disciple felt as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown right over his head, extinguishing the last sliver of hope in his heart.

Wu Jiu had been captured, Jiang Yun Long had been killed, and the Weapon Spirits had given up on providing reinforcements from fear..... The series of events seemed to have pushed the Second Disciple into a rather hard pressed position.

"If you do not wish to die, then scram!" Qiao Chu said sneeringly, as he leapt off from the shoulder of the Yin Yang Bear, staring hard at the terrified Second Disciple.

The Second Disciple stared mournfully at the horde of spirits before his eyes, his heart long filled up with numbing fear. It must be known that the Beast Spirits were the most cohesion and united race among all and even when just any one of their regular Beast Spirit was bullied, other Beast Spirits would readily lend a hand, what's more they were talking about their Spiritual Bear here?

"Second Senior, should we, go back now?" A man standing behind the Second Disciple said fearfully. With their numbers, it would not be possible for them to be a match for the army of Beast Spirits before them.

The Second Disciple gritted his teeth tightly and then suddenly said: "Flame Dragon! Are you really going to lead the entire Beast Spirit race to openly defy the Spirit Lord's orders! ?"

Chapter 2100: The Lull Before the Storm (1)

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations Editor: Misty Cloud Translations

"Even up till this day, you're still seeking to use the Spirit Lord to deceive me? The Spirit Lord is benevolent and he would never allow the Spiritual Bear to be sacrificed to go build the Serene Spirit Tower!" Flame Dragon said with a sneer.

The Second Disciple then puffed up his chest and said: "I do not care whether you believe me or not. This is all carried out under the Spirit Lord's orders. Your decision to hide that Spiritual Bear today and the fact that you wounded my Master today has doomed you to your fate!"

"I'll be waiting for that!" Flame Dragon was not giving in an inch, and the stances of the Beast Spirits there were all ready for battle.The Second Disciple could no longer hold himself up against Flame Dragon and he could do nothing but to sweep his gaze over all the spirits present there.

"You win today! But you just wait! I will report all of this to the Spirit Lord and you have better not regret it at that time! Hmph!" The Second Disciple said vehemently, and then shouted out ruefully: "Let's go!"

The bunch of human spirits retreated in a fluster, under the baleful gaze of all the Beast Spirits, which sent chills right through them. They all seemed to not dare stay there a single moment longer as they quickly disappeared without a trace in a blink.

It was only till all the human spirits had disappeared from sight that Flame Dragon could finally blow out a breath in relief.

Many of the Beast Spirits still were not completely clear about what was happening but looking at the Spiritual Bear, their hearts lifted in delight and subservient worship.

"Save Nalan Shan!" Brownie really could not be bothered with any of those ceremonial etiquette as it held up Nalan Shan, its eyes filled with anxiety.

Jun Wu Xie nodded her head and went on to borrow Flame Dragon's cave to quickly carry out treatment for Nalan Shan.

Flame Dragon took charge of tying up the loose ends as it made the necessary arrangements for all the Beast Spirits, ordering them all to always keep their guard up, against any sneak attacks from the human spirits and Weapons Spirits.

Nalan Shan's injuries were grave. If Jun Wu Xie had not asked Brownie to use Spirit Reinforcement runes to stabilize Nalan Shan's spirit, Nalan Shan's spirit might have already scattered and dispersed by now.

Jun Wu Xie carved out the Spirit Reinforcement runes with her own hand and placed Nalan Shan inside the circle to absorb the power of the spirit, to replenish the deficiencies.

Several of the Plant Spirits who had stepped up to help them then came forward to greet Drunk Lotus and the others before they left without seeking any credit, but merely reminding them to be careful.

Brownie stood watch beside Nalan Shan, not stepping away from him at all. Its injuries were not that light as well but it stubbornly refused to budge. Even Jun Wu Xie could not do anything about it but just let Brownie did what it wanted.

"Whew! Today's really exhilarating!" Qiao Chu exclaimed as he sat himself onto the ground, the sorry state of his body unable to cover over the excitement in his heart.

"Speaking of which..... What do we do with this fella?" Fei Yan asked as he nudged the unconscious Wu Jiu on the ground with the tip of his foot. Although he wanted for nothing more than to be able to slaughter that scoundrel who was absolutely overflowing with evil, they were afterall still in the Spirit World, and there were many things that they could not wilfully do as they wished.

"Hand him over to me." Flame Dragon came in after it had finished up with business, its eyes filled with disgust as they gazed at Wu Jiu.

"Are you really intending to go ask the Spirit Lord?" Poison Ivy who was standing on the side asked with his brows creased, seemingly not all that approving of Flame Dragon's intentions.

"This matter is beyond what I can decide upon. I need to ask the Spirit Lord to mete out the appropriate punishment. I shall go together with the Spiritual Bear tomorrow, and bring Wu Jiu with us to see the Spirit Lord. I shall report every single one of Wu Jiu's deeds to the Spirit Lord, and follow the Spirit Lord's orders from there. I am of the belief that the Spirit Lord will surely deliver justice to the Beast Spirits!" Flame Dragon was highly indignant and infuriated. It wasn't that it did not want to have Wu Jiu killed, but although Wu Jiu was nefarious and hateful, he was afterall still the current leader of the human spirits. Killing him recklessly would only incite the conflict between the races to reach an irreconcilable stage. In any case, as Wu Jiu had committed such an evil deed, even if the Spirit Lord did not take his life, he would definitely not allow Wu Jiu to continue to hold the position of Spirit Master.

Poison Ivy knitted his brows together and seemed like he was going to say something. In the end, he was unable to put them into words.

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