White Fox Legacy (Hololive Fa...

By TraxesTriumph

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Fate, something cannot be altered in any ways. What do you think your fate was? Beautiful? Happy ending... More

Chapter 1 - White Fox Girl
Chapter 2 - Bloodlust
Chapter 3 - Red Tails
Chapter 4 - Sword of Justice
Chapter 5 - The Fox Goddess
Chapter 6 - On The Road
Chapter 7 - Startails Village
Chapter 8 - Contract
Chapter 9 - The Truth Untold
Chapter 10 - Fiery Night
Chapter 11 - Betrayal
Chapter 12 - Cloudy Moon
Chapter 13 - Wish and Hope
Chapter 14 - Redemption
Chapter 15 - Cornered
Chapter 16 - Blood Prince
Chapter 17 - Revenge
Chapter 18 - Mine
Chapter 19 - Creature of Another Realm
Chapter 20 - Bat and Fox
Chapter 21 - Breaking The Chains of Fate
Chapter 23 - Big Heart
Chapter 24 - Roadway
Chapter 25 - Collision
Chapter 26 - Wrath and Pride
Chapter 27 - Trustworthy
Chapter 28 - Trust
Chapter 29 - Punishments
Chapter 30 - Magic
Chapter 31 - Trained
Chapter 32 - Path of the Villager
Chapter 33 - Behind the story
Chapter 34 - Path of the villager (W)
Chapter 35 - Path of the villager (M)
Chapter 36 - Path of the villager (F)
Chapter 37 - Bind
Chapter 38 - Breaking the Bind
Chapter 39 - Beginning
Chapter 40 - Queen
Chapter 41 - Full Moon Midnight
Chapter 42 - Mansion of the Queen
Chapter 43 - Respected Elders
Chapter 44 - Reason of the Night
Chapter 45 - The Flower, The Lion and The Night
Chapter 46 - The City
Chapter 47 - Darkside Of The City
Chapter 48 - On The Sky
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 22 - Infusion

89 6 0
By TraxesTriumph

V: i want you to be mine Shirakami, i want to protect you, i want you to be always be my side

Hearing V confessing all of his feeling make Shirakami blushing and embarrassed, she feels weird because she started to liking the person she just met only for a while, "i feel like all of this was just a dream" but back again at herself, it was all a reality, and her feeling was true after all.
She just started to thinking about the relationship to be made with creatures from another realm, moreover a creatures with no ordinary power, with a cruelty more than a foul beast, with eyes colder than ice, it'll all back to Shirakami's mind worried about the future they're gonna be facing, but with V leading the path, she thought it would be fine as long as they both together.

"it's fine isn't it?" Shirakami smile widely towards V, and V replying the smile with a pat in her hair, "let's face a new day with smiles" Shirakami who only think about the problem ahead got embarrassed once again because she doesn't know that V could read her mind and yet it's just like she showing her mind boldly to V, but even though she's get embarrassed, she's comfortable because of a good looking creatures with white hair and blue eyes.

V: you should get some rest, you have been through too much, i'm sorry if my way was too cruel for a goddess or for you
Shirakami: *shaking head* it was scary, but the moment you turn yourself to me give me courage
V: *smiles* thank you, i'll protect you no matter what
Shirakami: it won't go like that V, we're protecting each other's back okay?
V: *laugh* yeah sorry, i forgot something, let's fight together on our journey
Shirakami: *hugging V* yeah
V: *pat Shirakami in the head* you can sleep over there, i will sit in here and rest too
Shirakami: okay, make sure you rest well okay? Goodnight V
V: *smiles* Night

Shirakami release her hug toward V and then go to her place to take a rest after her fierce battle with Euridice, there's V with his though sitting in the corner of the ruin and taking a glance to his hand, "Together isn't it?" then from his hand appear a black magic circle and forming a cloud before turned into black crystal ball, V grab the crystal and take a look into the crystal for a while, "No one can damage the skeleton army isn't it? suppose a power of a black mage was a necromancer?" V mumbling on himself while looking at the crystal before looking at sleeping Shirakami, "White take over Black as Black take over White?" then V smile to himself while holding the crystal before a familiar voice appeared.

"you seems enjoying yourself in the middle of the night?" the voice slowly approaching V but V closing his eyes and smile, "not as i enjoyed fighting side by side with a black fox" turns out that the voice is Kurokami's voice

V: you never tell me, both of you can exist side by side or having a different body
Kurokami: well we can never do this before, but the existance of your power was reigning over the power we had before, and it's completely becoming our power, so we're able to do this
V: not as i expected but well at least you get the hang of my power on your body
Kurokami: hard to control darkness inside a light
V: well hope you're ready for this *showing Kurokami the crystal*
Kurokami: hmm? Eldridge's power? *Kurokami seems interested*
V: Almost right Kurokami, to be precisely, EX eldridge's power
Kurokami: a power to command skeleton army, not my type of a power actually
V: Wrong, i did say this was his power but i never say it would be the exact same of a power
Kurokami: hoo, interesting, so what kind of power is that?
V: let's say this is the opposite of Eldridge's power
Kurokami: the opposite? you mean the power of annihilation?
V: exactly, eldridge has the power to create skeleton army, then the power is annihilating your opponent
Kurokami: basically just the power to kill your enemies right?
V: *smiles* right again Kurokami
Kurokami: so? what you're going to do with that power?
V: *smiles and standing up* hmm i don't know, but we'll see after this
Kurokami: *confused* hmm?

Then after standing up from the place he sit before, V reach Kurokami's right hand and holding it with his left hand before his right hand thrust Kurokami's chest, "Embrace the darkness and make it yours" then V releasing the crystal he holding on before to Kurokami's soul.
The thrust on her right chest makes Kurokami fall down to her knees, "this is nothing" but suddenly Kurokami lost the grip of herself, the crystal refused Kurokami's soul, Kurokami once again fall to her knees before pouncing to V with her claws, but V's reflex was beyond a human, swiftly he hold Kurokami's hand before locking her in the martial arts lock and holding her on the land, then on Kurokami's back, V put his palm and begin to give her his mana, after the mana transfer, Kurokami start get a hold of herself and stand on both of her legs before releasing a powerful aura of darkness which then the power was sealed on Kurokami's soul

V: congratulation, the power is yours now
Kurokami: hoo, i feel really weird and powerful, what was happening?
V: the power was too strong for you, but in the end you can control the power, how does it feel to get stronger?
Kurokami: well it feels amazing actually, but what exactly happening to me?
V: basically what i did just deliver the power to your soul
Kurokami: and then..?
V: the crystal you see from before, was actually the solid form of the power, i turn the power i receive from before to the solid form and deliver it to your soul
Kurokami: why don't you just deliver it directly with mana? why bothering to condense it to a solid form?
V: let me ask, what's gonna happen if you try to grab a water?
Kurokami: the water start to splashing?
V: yes exactly, then if we want to hold the water, what should we do?
Kurokami: freeze it so it became solid?
V: there you go, it's the same like power, we don't want it to splash when we're trying to hold it yet we want a solid form, that's why we need to condense it first before transferring it to one's soul
Kurokami: kinda complicated but understandable
V: now try to draw your sword and tap it to this rock

V grab one medium sized rock and point the rock to Kurokami, then Kurokami unsheathed the sword from her back and tapping it to the rock, without any moment, the rock start to slash by itself before separated into small pieces

Kurokami: wow, that's one of a power
V: well, it's your power now, congratulation on growing stronger
Kurokami: but why give it to me though? why don't you give this power to the white one?
V: i planned this all along, there's a phase to it, just wait
Kurokami: plan? phase? what kind?
V: oh you're going to know, just wait and see
Kurokami: oh, i hate waiting
V: just be patient and you shall know, now let's have a rest
Kurokami: *pouting*

V going to his place and starting to close his eyes but Kurokami have other plan for V, she change her form to an astral form back to Shirakami's body, suddenly Shirakami who has been asleep from before start to standing up and walk slowly to V before she let herself fall into V.
Instinctively, V open up his eyes and catching Shirakami before she could reach the land, "that's one crazy black fox" then V laying Shirakami beside him and he get back to his position before falling asleep beside Shirakami.

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