The Virtuous Omega Disguised...

By MarVLent

109K 4.5K 408

Short Title:VODAVC Alternate Title:贤惠O穿成凶狠上校后Status:Completed Author:Little Baldy Genre: Action, Comedy, Fant... More

The Virtuous Omega Disguised as the Vicious Colonel: Works related
Chapter 001
Chapter 002
Chapter 003
Chapter 004
Chapter 005
Chapter 006
Chapter 007
Chapter 008
Chapter 009
Chapter 010
Chapter 011
Chapter 012
Chapter 013
Chapter 014
Chapter 015
Chapter 016
Chapter 017
Chapter 018
Chapter 019
Chapter 020
Chapter 021
Chapter 022
Chapter 023
Chapter 024
Chapter 025
Chapter 026
Chapter 027
Chapter 028
Chapter 029
Chapter 030
Chapter 031
Chapter 032
Chapter 033
Chapter 034
Chapter 035
Chapter 036
Chapter 037
Chapter 038
Chapter 039
Chapter 040
Chapter 041
Chapter 042
Chapter 043
Chapter 044
Chapter 045
Chapter 046
Chapter 047
Chapter 048
Chapter 049
Chapter 050
Chapter 051
Chapter 052
Chapter 053
Chapter 054
Chapter 055
Chapter 056
Chapter 057
Chapter 058
Chapter 059
Chapter 060
Chapter 061
Chapter 063
Chapter 064
Chapter 065
Chapter 066
Chapter 067
Chapter 068
Chapter 069
Chapter 070
Chapter 071
Chapter 072
Chapter 073
Chapter 074
Chapter 075
Chapter 076
Chapter 077
Chapter 078
Chapter 079
Chapter 080
Chapter 081
Chapter 082
Chapter 083
Chapter 084
Chapter 085
Chapter 086
Chapter 087
Chapter 088
Chapter 089
Chapter 090
Chapter 091
Chapter 092
Chapter 093
Chapter 094
Chapter 095
Chapter 096
Chapter 097
Chapter 098
Chapter 099
Chapter 100
Chapter 101 {END}

Chapter 062

887 38 2
By MarVLent

This is a vast and white world. Except for this flat land covered with ice at the foot, there are snow-capped mountains all around, and the starship is parked on the ice between the snow-capped mountains.

After the count was completed, the number of people assembled, the starship door slowly closed.

Lan Yu has already understood the content of this mission. They will set off from here, traverse several glaciers, and arrive at the place where the interstellar beasts are infested on the satellite map. After completing the mission, they will return and board the starship to return.

Following Lu Rankong's command, the mecha soldiers from the four battalions gathered together and proceeded along the glacier gorge.

Under my feet, there is a thousand-year-old hard ice, and the ice surface is smooth, making it extremely difficult to walk. Although there is no hurricane, the wind is not too small and it blows people crookedly. The soldiers dragged each other's hands and walked forward in a string.

Chen Yutan and Lin Zhu led the long team at the forefront, while Lu Rankong and Lan Yu were at the end.

"Is it cold?" Lu Rankong asked Lan Yu beside him, his voice slightly distorted through the cold shield on his head.

"It's not cold, this winter clothes works well," Lan Yu said.

"What about your hands? Are your hands stiff?"

Lan Yu stretched out his hand and shook his five fingers, "It's a little bit, not serious."

Lu Rankong took off the cold bag he was carrying, and said, "Come on, put the wool cover you knit on the handle of the gun."

Lan Yu handed him the ion gun on his shoulder, and then took it back and continued to carry it after it was put on.

"Is the insurance open?" Lu Rankong asked him.

Lan Yu took off the gun again and checked, "Open it..."

"Well, although it is still far from the position of the star beast shown in the image, you must be prepared for emergencies."

Lan Yu looked around as he walked, marveling at the stunning glacier scenery. A gust of wind blew, almost unable to stand firmly, was firmly held by Lu Rankong.

After walking for about ten minutes, the team left the flat ice and stepped into a deep valley.

This is a gorge formed between two snow-capped mountains. As soon as stepping in, the strong wind disappeared without a trace. Everyone felt relaxed and moved forward at an accelerated pace.

The gorge was very long, and after walking for more than half an hour, the team stopped in front of it.

"Yutin, what's the matter?" Lu Rankong asked in the intercom.

Chen Yutan replied: "This is only half the distance to the destination. Anyway, it's still early. Let's take advantage of the lack of wind here, let everyone rest for a while. It's been almost an hour."

Lu Rankong looked at Lan Yu and said, "Okay, then rest on the spot for ten minutes."

Lan Yu saw a big rock covered with snow on the left side of the canyon, so he went to sit down and Lu Rankong also came to sit next to him, handed him a water bottle, and said, "Drink some water..."

Lan Yu took the kettle and opened the valve, put the special straw into the hood, took two sips, and then handed it back to Lu Rankong.

During the action, his arm brushed against the boulder behind him, and the rustle of snow fell down. Lan Yu went to pat the snow on his shoulders, but found that some other colors were faintly revealed on the stone.

He brushed away the snow on the surface and saw some dark red spots on the stone, shaped like a little finger, protruding from the surface of the stone, and shining like a layer of silver powder. He couldn't help but poked Lu Rankong next to him, and said, "Look at this stone, it looks so strange."

Lu Rankong turned his head and glanced, and said casually: "Oh, this, this is not a stone, this is an ice thorn worm."

"What? Worm?" Lan Yu jumped up as if being shocked, desperately patted her back, and asked repeatedly: "Let’s see if there’s any insects on my back, and see if there’s any insects on my back." ."

"No, no insects, don't panic." Lu Rankong put the kettle quickly, "It's okay, these are dead, they are corpses."

Lan Yu saw that some soldiers in the front were turning their heads when they heard the movement, and hurriedly made an appearance of nothing, walked to the empty snowy ground on the other side and sat down again.

Lu Rankong followed and sat down and explained to him: "This is called Ice Spinach, it is a unique creature on Wei Ya. It needs a special substance called S2G in the air to survive. This kind of substance can only survive. They are only found in deep soil, so they have always lived underground. Later, a jump point was opened above the planet, causing atmospheric changes. Some of the underground S2G volatilized into the air, and they all reached the ground."

"As a result, the transition point is closed, and the special substances in the air are gone. These ice thorn insects are all dead before they can return to the ground. So don't be afraid, they are all dead."

Lan Yu leaned close to him and said in a low voice, "The fear of a bug is not whether it is dead or alive."

"What is that?" Lu Rankong asked.

"It's a bug. Regardless of whether it's alive, it's a bug."

"Well, all right."

After a few seconds of silence, Lu Rankong asked, "Butterfly is also a bug, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid..."

"This ice thorn worm looks just like a butterfly. What are you afraid of?"

"Where is it like a butterfly? There are no wings..." Lan Yu said.

Lu Rankong said confidently: "Like a little butterfly, this is how the butterfly looked when she was a child."

"Is that called a caterpillar? A caterpillar and a butterfly are not the same thing." Lan Yu frowned in disgust, "I get goose bumps when I hear these three words."

Lu Rankong asked again, "Where is the ladybug? Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, how cute a ladybug is."

"Then the color of this ice thorn worm is similar to that of ladybirds, with cute little red dots on its body, why are you afraid?"

"It's completely different from the ladybug. It's weird and it's shining."

Lu Ran thought for a while and asked, "Then you are also afraid of fireflies?"

Lan Yu said: "Don't be afraid, I like fireflies the most. I go to shoot in the summer-when I am out in the wild, I love to watch fireflies."

Lu Rankong looked at him and asked in confusion, "Fireflies also shine, why are you not afraid?"

Lan Yu was about to answer and closed her mouth again. Suddenly she had a bad feeling in her heart, and asked vigilantly: "Why have you been struggling with this question? Am I afraid that ice thorn insects are important?"

Sure enough, Lu Rankong was silent for a moment, and said: "Because there are such ice spines everywhere in front of me, of course, they are corpses, all dead."

Lan Yu was stunned and asked, "Are they all buried under the snow? I don't care if they are buried underneath and can't be seen."

Lu Rankong shook his head and said, "The previous section is not covered by ice or snow."

"Do you just look at both sides without looking at the ground?"

"The same goes for the mountain walls on both sides."

Lan Yu swallowed hard, "Does it feel like stepping on it?"

Lu Rankong nodded slowly, "It may feel a little bit, but they are all frozen to death, you can just be a pebble to step on."

After the soldiers rested for ten minutes, they started to move forward again. As he entered the gorge deeper and deeper, Lan Yu found that just as Lu Rankong said, the road ahead was not covered by ice and snow due to geographical reasons, and the entire mountain and rocks were exposed, whether it was on both sides of the mountain wall or at the foot.

It was covered with the corpses of ice thorn insects, and the little knuckles were raised, and the red spots on the insects glowed like fireflies. The black rocks and the ice thorns make this valley look colorful, but very strange.

Lan Yu followed Lu Rankong stiffly all over, and stepped mechanically, trying to ignore the unevenness of his feet and the crackling sound like a rock.

"It won't take long to go out here to reach the Yueqian Station, and we can return to the voyage after we solve the little cuties." Lu Rankong comforted.

Seeing that Lan Yu said nothing, he said again: "Want to hear the story? I will tell you the story."

"What story?" Lan Yu looked straight ahead, not allowing herself to pay attention to the mountain walls on both sides and the road under her feet, not even a single trace of light.

"There is a little boy who has been afraid of kittens since he was a child. As a result, his father had a sudden emergency one night, and he had to turn over the mountains to call for a doctor. As a result, he met all kinds of kittens along the mountain walls, branches, and grass. They are all kittens. He was very scared in his heart, and found that these kittens could not beat him. Since then, he will never be afraid of kittens anymore." Lu Rankong racked his brain and said dryly.

Lan Yu said as he walked: "I am not afraid because I can't fight, and your story prevents me from substituting. The hordes of kittens are really cute."

Lu Rankong said, "Then I will talk about one more."

He cleared his throat and said: "There is a little boy who has been afraid of bugs since he was a child, but one night his father had an emergency, and he had to turn over the mountains to get a doctor. There were bugs along the way, mountain walls, branches, It’s all in the grass—"

"Don't say any more, I'll just stop your mouth." Lan Yu interrupted quickly, her voice a little sharp.

Lu Rankong asked: "Don't you think this story is very encouraging, and it makes you less afraid of the situation now?"

"No, it's not encouraging at all, don't remind me that it's everywhere!" Lan Yu said grumpily.

"Then I will change the story."

"I don't want to hear you tell stories."

"Then I will listen to you..."

"I don't want to talk about..."

Lan Yu kept arguing with him in a low voice, and when she recovered, she found that she had walked out of the canyon unknowingly.

Lu Rankong smiled at him through the cold hood and said, "Look, isn't this coming out well?"

Lan Yu bumped him with his shoulder, ran to the side, rubbed the sole of the boot on the clean snow, and urged: "Quickly, wipe the sole of the shoe on the snow, wipe it clean, and leave no trace."

Lu Rankong had to rub the soles of the shoes with snow together, until Lan Yu checked that they were clean.

The next road was fairly easy to walk, it was an open snow field. After walking for more than half an hour, several buildings appeared in front of him.

These buildings were all buried under the snow, and Lan Yu didn't know that they had arrived at the Yueqian Station unless the pointed roof had been exposed.

Lu Rankong issued an order to everyone in the phone: "Attention, everyone, the first and fourth battalions will search the outside, and the second and third battalions will search the inside of the jump station. Act quickly and start execution."

All the soldiers dispersed, Chen Yutan and Lin Zhu took a part to check the surrounding snow-capped mountains, and the rest entered the Yueqian Station.

The entire Yueqian Station has been buried in the snow, and the gate is only half exposed, so you can easily cross over directly from above.

The sky was still clear and blue, there was no wind or snow, and there was silence all around, only the rustling footsteps and brief conversations of the soldiers.

A soldier swept away the snow on the top of the gate, and a few large characters appeared below: Wei Ya Star Jump Point Control Station.

Lan Yu took the ion gun off his shoulders, held it in his hand, and crossed the gate of the jump station with Lu Rankong, and began to inspect the buildings behind.

Lu Rankong made a gesture to him, and the two quickly separated and took their soldiers to the left and right.

Lan Yu went to the building on the right, which was huge, with an area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters, but only one floor. The roof and walls exposed from the snow are made of special materials, and they look smooth and strong without any gaps or windows.

It is estimated that this is the main control room of the jump station.

The soldiers dispersed under the leadership of the team leader and inspected the building. Lan Yu found the gate and stood on the snow and looked down.

Only the upper half of the door was exposed, and it seemed that it had not been opened for a long time, the information lock was intact, and there was no trace of damage by external forces.

Soon, the soldiers who inspected also came back one after another.

"Colonel K, the first team did not find the Star Beasts."

"Report, the second team found no trace of the Star Beast."

"Report, the third team did not find any traces of interstellar beasts."

Lan Yu relaxed and said to the intercom: "No abnormal situation was found in the main control room of the second camp inspection. No abnormal situation was found."

"Yiying did not find any abnormalities in the area behind Yueqian Station." It was Lin Zhu's voice.

Chen Yutan also continued: "Siying did not find any abnormalities on the left and right sides of Yueqian Station."

"Sanying found no abnormal situation in the dormitory area." Lu Rankong finally added.

"You said, could the information be wrong? I didn't find any interstellar beasts along the way. I checked around and still there was none." Lin Zhu's voice was slightly confused.

Chen Yutan said: "Regardless of whether it is there or not, it is always good to check it again and make sure. Don't worry if you don't."

Lan Yu didn't say anything. Hearing Lu Rankong seemed to think for a while before saying: "Since the returned image shows that there are indeed interstellar beasts in this area. This is the Jump Station. We must not be careless. In this way, we will Stay here for one night to see the situation and make a decision tomorrow."

"Okay..." Everyone agreed with this proposal.

The soldiers gathered at the house in the dormitory area, took out snow shovel and other tools, dug open the snow around the gate, and prepared to enter.

Because Wei Yaxing is windy and snowy, no matter what the building is, there is only one floor. Fortunately, it has a large area and can accommodate so many soldiers.

Lan Yu stood in a corner, listening to Lu Rankong and Chen Yutan talking quietly beside him. Lin Zhu was across from him, staring at the woolen gun handles on his and Lu Rankong's shoulders, as well as the swaying ball of thread pendant, with a dazed expression.

After the snow in front of the gate was dug up, some engineers swiftly opened the information lock, and everyone entered the house.

"Everyone is tired, take a good rest. If there is nothing unusual, then we will return tomorrow." Lu Rankong said while standing in the passage.

The soldiers cheered.

There are about thirty rooms in this dormitory, each of which is not big, but everyone just asks for a shelter from the wind and sits against the wall all night.

"You go to rest first, I'll go to the main control area to take a look, if the power system can be started, we don't have to be frozen."

After Lu Rankong spoke to Lan Yu, he took a few engineers out of the dormitory.

Lan Yu smoothly opened the door on the left and went in.

There are only two empty iron beds in the house, nothing else, and the temperature may be only a few degrees higher than the outside, like an ice cave.

However, as soon as he placed the ion gun and quarters bag on his shoulders in the corner, the lights were turned on in the dim room, and the walls in the corner hummed slightly, and the heat was rapidly spreading.

The soldiers cheered again outside the door. Lan Yu knew that it was Lu Rankong who was in the main control area and activated the power system.

The room quickly heated up, Lan Yu took off the cold-blocking hood and let out a long sigh of relief.

Although this thing is not heavy, it is still a bit stuffy and uncomfortable.

After a while, the door was pushed open, and Lu Rankong walked in, "Are you tired? Would you like to take a break?"

"Not tired, okay." Lan Yu said.

Lu Rankong opened the two men's military kits, took out the two vacuum bags from the inside, and unscrewed the valves on them. The vacuum bag quickly expanded, swelling into two sleeping bags of the same fabric as the winter clothes.

There are two single beds in this room, one on the left and the other against the wall. After he put the sleeping bag on, he moved one of them so that the two beds were close together.

When Lan Yu was dragging the bed, he took the cold packet he had prepared, took out a piece of chocolate from it, tore it apart, broke a large piece and fed it to Lu Rankong's mouth.

"Are you still carrying this? Not bad..." Lu Rankong was chewing on chocolate while packing his sleeping bag. After all he had swallowed, he said to Lan Yu, "It's very sweet and I want to eat some more."

As soon as Lan Yu fed the rest of her hand into her mouth, she went to take the bag again after hearing the words, and wanted to take another piece out. However, Lu Rankong held his hand and gently put it in his arms, as his lips fell.

"I just eat like this..." he said vaguely.

"Do you want to go to the lobby--" The door was pushed open, and Lin Zhu's voice stopped abruptly, "I'm sorry, sorry."

The door slammed shut again.

"I was seen..." Lan Yu said with difficulty.

"I saw it when I saw it, what's the matter..."

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