Her Road|Book 2|

By Jake_Thales

1.4K 335 973

The second I laid eyes on him, I knew. How everything about him made me giddy and anxious, nervous and afraid... More

Day 0|I
Day 0|II
Day 1|I
Day 1|II
Day 1|IV
Day 3|I
Day 3|II
Day 3|III
Day 4|I
Day 4|II
Day 4|III
Day 4|IV
Day 5|I
Day 5|II
Day 5|IV
Day 5|V
Day 5|VI
Day 5|VII
Day 6|I
Day 6|II
Day 6|III
Day 6|IV
Day 6 |V
Day 8|I
Day 8|III
Day 8|IV
Day 9|I
Day 9|II
Day 9|III
Day 11|I
Day 12
Day 15|I
Day 15|II
Day 16
Day 17|I
Day 17|II
Day 18
Day 20|I
Day 20|II
Day 21
Day 22|I
Day 22|II
Day 22|III
The Phonecall
Day 37|I
Day 37|II
Day 37|III
Day 37|IV
Day 37|V
Day 38|I
Day 38|II
Day 39|I
Day 39|II
Day 39|III
Day 40|I
Day 40|II
Day 0

Day 8|II

17 5 16
By Jake_Thales

You know when class is just one big discussion that's barely on topic? That's Mr Victor's class in a nutshell.

It was easier to forget (read distract) about what had happened with everyone talking and laughing.

The topic was relationships and it ventured into the treating of partners, cheating, etc. I'll be honest I was a little nervous given how my last relationship worked out. However it wasn't actually bad.

"Look, the point is if I need my space and you can't tell that from looking at me, I don't need to explain myself." A girl argued vividly. "Me first. Always."

The boy arguing with Lena was even worse, dissecting everything she said to prove that she was completely wrong. I didn't know about that. Love was an unselfish thing. When it came to dreams or comfort, one should always choose dreams and love embodied that struggle. Reminding partners that they can do what they can/want.

I want a love like that.

Harry didn't participate though. He was slumped over, probably asleep. That was fine by me. I didn't want to be flushed every five minutes. Plus, as a academic of course, I didn't think he had to be awake for relationships.

Then it was silent. Dammit, I probably got lost in my thoughts. But as I whipped my head it was silent for a far, far different reason.

Breathe, A soft voice pleaded. Breathe. But I couldn't. I couldn't even react as Jace pointed a gun at Mr Victor.

No, no, no. This isn't happening. But my body was shutting down. All I could do was watch, feeling nothing. I wasn't the main character of this story, I was just a passenger. I just watched, not comprehending anything.

Mr Victor's hands were held up to show he wouldn't do anything. Jace was anything but calm, his hands trembling as he placed the gun against our teachers chest.

"Jace," Mr Victor was too calm. ", you don't want to do this. Please, put the gun down and talk to me."

"S-some of these people deserve to die and knowing y-you, you'd protect them so you have to go f-first." He angrily stammered out. His eyes fell onto some of us, Annabeth included. What did you do Annabeth?

"T-this world is full of listeners and commentators. This highschool too. Everybody listens to somebody's pain and spreads it, making their pain public without any regard for that person. We are just news, entertainment! Entertainment for any person that doesn't know what we know." He was shouting now. His words were the brutal, turning the fear and shock into dread. Finality.

And then he focused on Harry who was upright in his chair, watching emotionless.

"They hurt us. They take our stories, our pain, and make it everybody's business. They plasture it to the edges of city." They weren't meant for anyone but Harry, someone he related to. "Can't you see I am the only person who can help you? I'm the only person that can understand!"

We're gonna die.
We're gonna die.
You're gonna die.

My brain began to work and, instead of telling me to be calm, I was losing it. Regrets were in abundance. I shouldn't have left things the way I did with Célia. I shouldn't have been dishonest with my parents. It was a disappointing final act and I regretted it deeply.

Then Harry rose. My eyes widened even more (if possible). How is he so calm but simultaneously asking for a death wish? He made his way to Jace and Mr Victor, standing between them in the range of fire.

Don't! Okay Lord, please. I'm sure you have a plan for him, I pleaded. So please do not let him die.

"Harry...Let me do this. Let me-" Jace was losing it, almost completely. Harry just watched, no fear nor pity on his face.

His hand wrapped around the barrel.

Please. I don't want to die. I don't want him to die. I don't want us to do. I continued to pray. I don't care if it's a small crush, I'd do anything for him.

And then, just like that, the gun was in his hand. Jace was minutes from folding, defeat and almost pure agony clear on his face.

Harry's hands flew over the gun, disassembling it with a delicacy I've never seem before until the gun's individual parts along with the bullets lay on Mr Victor's desk. Our teacher, the students and I watched as he calmly swept out the room.

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