By ummeetarh05

71.5K 9.7K 847

Husna Abdulhamid Wakili has always been a loner, but her world is about to be turned upside down when she mee... More

Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 40
Not an update
Chapter 55
Not an update
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 65
Authors note.


1.1K 140 19
By ummeetarh05

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction."

–Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


"They said true love is about meeting each other's expectations and loving each other with trust, acceptance, and support. True love is about treating someone with the kind of respect that they deserve because you view them in a loving manner.thats exactly what's happening to the newly lovers .love isn't about distance.when there's love and trust distance doesn't matter."he loves her with all his heart,he's purely showing her what the real loves means and she slowly began to erase her past experience."she knows that hameed could even sacrifice his own happiness just for her love."

He stood up from the bed,dialing her number,but all he hear is number busy,he redial again but still,so he stood up and walk to the bathroom taking a shower
Changing his cloths he made sure he ate his breakfast before he picked up his phone and redial the number again.."three rings and she picked up the phone, Assalama alaikum ina wuni she exclaims ,
wa'alaikumu salam "lafiya"babe who called you?" He asked looking down his feet."

Oh! That!!?my cousin brother.,
He rubbed his temple,Asma what's happening,?and he spent more than an hour talking to you."?
He's my cousin remember this.
he shrugged he's your cousin ok but what about me? I'm no one right.?

Hey! don't tell me you're jealous? oh Allah I told you he's my cousin.
I've to husna especially when he's talking to what's mine,Please don't ever talk to him any longer almost give me a heart attack wallah.."

Your wish why're you always calling me with your Nigerian line? haven't you returned back to Cyprus."?
He let out a chuckled oh" I forgot to tell you that I've been sacked."

Sacked!!!? ,captain are you serious?,it's because of me right,?I'm terrible sorry .
Hey! You don't have to worry about that, I'm in kaduna today and also maybe I'm going back to lagos later would you mind if I come and see my beautiful wife face?"

She nervously smile you haven't bring your dowry so I'm not your wife..he let out a chuckled "ok"can I come and see my beautiful girlfriend face please
you don't need to ask she ended the call

dialing his mom number and she picked up..

Assalama alaikum good evening heartbeats
Wa'alaikumu salam Abdulhameed, what are you still doing in Nigeria?
He run his hand through his hair mom something terrible happened but when are you coming back?

Today she answered, but what happened?she questioned
Mommy,mommy I was sacked he said staring down at the floor ."
What was so wrong, eh?" yelled his angry mother.

"I just, just... couldn't take it anymore mom.I'm tired of this.
She didn't uttered a word again,we are coming back today she said ending the call."

Though he knows exactly that he's in mess but He doesn't care about that all matters that he's happy,he wouldn't work with Cyprus again,maybe it's time for him to rest."around 1:30 after he prayed zuhr he made his way to Husna's house."he called her telling her that he's outside."but only to spot her outside,together with someone,he park his car getting down,husna smile at him the moment she sees him,he extend his hand forward to khalifa for a handshake,hamma khalifa this is captain and captain this is my cousin brother Khalifa."

He let out a smile nice!let me greet aunty first she can sensed the tension saturated in the air."tell me who's this one khalifa tease looking at her,she covered her face smiling,he's my boyfriend she answered, he let out a chuckled he's handsome oya bye...

She spot him inside talking to her siblings,he look up at her while her mother and her siblings excused them,"Husna am I forcing you to be in relationship with me? He questioned looking at her

Why's that?
I'm just asking you something because that's what I think I'm doing ..husna I don't like you anywhere around this guy do you know how I felt."?
But he's no one, he's just my cousin."

Then why're you laughing so hard with him,he's not even funny for Allah sake husna you almost spent an hour talking to him through the phone,why because you don't love me or what exactly?

Am just being friendly captain don't take it the wrong way and I told you he's my cousin.
Oh my Allah captain are you jealous?
Yes I am for god sake

Aww you're so cute.."he gave her a glare I think I'm going
Going where exactly? you just came now she frown.he smile she's cute beautiful but always giving someone a headache.."mom is coming back today.

But what about your work please you should plead with the man,tell him something happened."
You want me to lie to him?"he questioned raising his brows."

No I mean-she pressed her lips together ok call him let me talk to him-
Talk to who exactly,?he stifled his laughter-you don't have to worry if it's about working there wallah I'm happy about this, I'm tired of working with them.."

No but-so how's the little troublesome doing" ?I see today's mood is different.
Captain we're talking about your job here please stop kidding around I want to talk to the man."

Asma you don't have to worry everything will be alright insha Allah ok I'll get going he stood up" aunty I'll get going-

Extend my greetings to your parents he replied with insha Allah.
Won't you even say you love me he mumbled as he settled in the car."
You want to hear those words from me?he nod
After you call your T.C and settled all the matters then maybe you can hear those words.

Ah!!my heart he clutch his heart,I'll die if you don't say those words. she smile you talk a lot
That's if when I'm with my whole best beautiful woman"
Where are you getting all this cheesy words?"
You like them right?
Nah please I'm thinking if you used this on another girl she'll definitely throw up"

Why will I used it to another girl after I've this gorgeous lady with me"
Mmm sweet talks-now go I don't want you to be flying at night-

Ah mommy your in-law care so much for the poor son of yours I love you babe remember this
She wiggles her brows take care-
It supposed to be I love you too
She laughed ok close your eyes then I'll say it"

Alright but karki min wayyo fah,
I won't just close your eyes,
He closes his eyes while she close the car door walking inside the house.

He chuckled picking up his phone and texted her
My drama queen I love you so much and I can't wait to hear those words back❤️

The moment he went he started packing and around 4:30 he flew back to lagos he just went straight to his part and freshen up then pray,to say he didn't went to his parents until the next day both his mom and dad were sitting on the couch waiting for him to go further.

Daddy I swear I haven't done anything bad to him,I just went there and he told me to pack my things and go I was sacked ."
Now that you've come back,what work will you do his mother ask.

Mommy I was thinking to join dad in the business or work with Nigerian airlines.

Abdulhameed I never thought you were a senseless person until today, when you proved me wrong,"
his father spoke you're sacked and you're happy about that,you won't join hand in my business nor will you work with Nigerian airlines."his dad picked up his phone and dial the T captains number." Just three rings and the man picked up" his father pressed the speaker sound

They exchanged pleasantries before his dad told him that Abdulhameed told him that he was fired.

The man took a deep breath Why don't you ask your son what's going on?"  "I don't know what's wrong with Abdulhameed. He has totally changed. He's not doing his job at all, in fact, we don't even know where he goes. He'll just come when he wants and leave when he wants. Abdulhameed was the only person who knew the location of Jaipur. I've talked to him myself, and he told me something urgent had come up But the next day, when we called his phone, it was switched off and we had no idea where he went. He's the best pilot here in Cyprus, but the crew was angry with him."

His father took a deep breath. "I don't know what's going on, but I will take action," he said. "Please do whatever you can to make sure he returns."

The man on the other end of the line thanked him and hung up. His father looked at his son, who was staring at the floor. His father threw the remote control on him

D-daddy he stuttered on his words dan ubanka ina kake zuwa?
Daddy no where trust me I just got tired sometimes and I flew to another country to rest that's it.

You heard what he said right pack your things and go back tomorrow wallahi set your brain in one place Abdulhameed this should be the last warning I'll give you,his mother didn't say a words she walk to her room he definitely knows that she's also mad at him.

This is what he don't expect He had expected his parents to be understanding and supportive but all they were doing was to critisize his decisions

His dad stood up and walk towards the stairs
He followed his mother to her room,mommy are you also mad at me."?
Yes I'm disappointed in  you hameed how could you do this to your job?
But mommy-
Don't she shout at him.."

God!!! what do you want me to do,?dad got angry you're angry too.where am I supposed to put myself for goodness sake ,the situation is getting out of hand.wallahi if I leave this country again I won't comeback for a long time.not even when you people call he spat trying to step out.

Come back here his mom call him..he spun around looking out the window hameed you're the one at fault but instead you should apologize you're getting mad.

Mom it wasn't like that you people should've ask me what's wrong with me but you haven't done any he look at her
Kaci ubanka I thought your dad just asked you now?

I wasn't telling him the truth heartbeats in-law fah namiki and you people are getting mad already.

And what does that have to do with your job?
Because I've to go and see her mom...

Ok I hear you got a girlfriend now what if you are married what would you give her to eat without having a job?
Mommy simple You're working dad is also working so...:

His mother shook her head,think well about it Abdulhameed .."so tell me about my in-law
Smile appeared on his face Mom I've found a beautiful in-law for  you exactly the girl I want sweet,calm she's also your tribe.."gosh mom I love that girl a lot He lean on her shoulders

Her name is Asma'u husna,mom can you believe her dad name is same as mine
His mom knock his head stand up and start packing and the girl she won't be happy if she heard that you loose your job right."?

Mmm !!she's not..mommy let me get my things ready he stood up walking out to the room dialing her number just after rings she picked up the call.

I've sign my self where I've to suffer Assalama alaikum Asma ."

She let out a soft smile which made a sound"
Wa'alaikumu salam captain how're you doing.."are you okay? I heard you saying something."

I don't know he replied walking towards his room "What is 'okay', really? Is it when you are happy,? Should I feel 'okay' when I love the person that don't love me back?"You don't mind even to call me up to hear whether I reach save or not?what a girlfriend

"Well, what about the girl who do love you? Isn't she count for something?"
No unless she let me know?"
"Not everyone is going to let you know. They will show you though, every day."

What if it is not as visible as it should be? but I'll still manage like this,how are you doing?

I'm fine Alhamdulillah,how's our mother doing and also how's the flight?
She's fine Alhamdulillah I'm returning back to Cyprus today.
Are you serious?

Mmm dad call the man, That mouse of a T captain must have thought I would return with a look of defeat and regret. Maybe apologize for my foolishness. Well, I had no choice because dad would definitely burn me alive if I have done something wrong this time around.."and wallah Asma I'm not happy about that he zip his suitcase."

You won't understand I won't comeback anytime soon from now maybe till our wedding and I will miss seeing your beautiful face."how's your night hope you dreamt about me,no about us."a silly grin appeared on his face"

No she answered."

Ouch my heart,but  I had a beautiful dream last night. A dream that made me happy... we were together, walking hand in hand and talking for hours, joyfully.It was perfect and when I woke up I realized that it was a dream and I wanted to go back to sleep, just so that I continue the dream. I tried but the dream never came back again.

She smile mmm what a nice dream have you eaten?
I ate because of you"why aren't you going to school?
I'll but tomorrow,I'm telling faiza about us she stated

No please he said too much in a hurry
No-why don't you want her to know.."just that I don't want family to know this first."

They kept on talking for almost an hour before he cut the call the next day he flew back to Cyprus he's not happy about all this knowing now he won't comeback home anytime soon.....

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