Speed of my heart [H.S]

By Aquariistar

646 26 89

I can't control the speed of my heart around you... ********** Was originally Runaway Teenagers. More

1- Gingerbread man
2- Hey world
3- Forgetful
4- The day after
6- secrets
7- Memory lane (part 1)
8- Memory lane (part 2)
10- Harry Will You Be My Prom Date?
11 - Eco-Friendly
12 - The Look
13 - Speak Russian To Me
14 -Accidental (part 1)
15- Accidental (part 2)
16- Freaking Out!
Important (kinda)
17 - Mouse Trap
18 - My boots!
19 - Coffee

5- Almost

34 1 2
By Aquariistar

The cold wind slaps my face as I wait for Zayn to leave school. Everyone has left. Blue had to run home because her parents needed her to work at their zoo. Dennie left because she had "unfinished business". That girl is a total mystery.


"Where are you going?" I asked Dennie as she skipped away without saying goodbye.

"Huh?" She turned to face me with a questioning look "nowhere" she insisted, still smiling.

"Okay..." My eyebrows furrowed. She stood there staring at me. Forever had passed and she still stared at my face. Why is she so weird? "Hello" I waved my hand in front of her face.

She snapped back to life "oh sorry I forgot we were talking" she shyly smiled.

"Really?" I wonder what goes on in her mind sometimes. But then I think if I went into her mind, I'll never come out the same. "Aren't you going somewhere?"

"Yes" she smiled, but she didn't move an inch.

I twisted my head to the side "are you okay?" I questioned.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it" she grabbed my head with both hands and shook it side to side. "I have unfinished business to attend to" she placed her finger on my nose, then flicked it.

She turned to skip away again "bye Dennie" I laughed.

"I only answer to the name Fluffy Bubbles" she announced to the students that were lingered around.

"You're mad" I told her.

"In the words of the mad hatter 'all the best people are' " she laughed. Her laughter came to a stop "did Alice say that?" She thought about for a while, then waved it off. She then skipped into the distance, leaving me completely dumbfounded.

~ Present ~

My phone beeped in my pocket. I stuff my hand in my pocket, pulling out my phone. I glance down to see a text from Zayn.

I have a 30min detention. I can't come. Sorry mouse. - Zayn

I glared at the phone before replying.

I can't do this alone. -Minnie

I stare at my text before sending it. Not wanting to sound desperate I erase the message and start a new one.

Too bad. You won't know my secret - Minnie

I send the message.

Zayn replies the second the text is delivered.

I'm coming to your house as soon as this shit is over. There's only 10 minutes left. Stop worrying about what happened. I know whatever happened wasn't your fault. You can't blame yourself mouse - Zayn

I smile at the text. Knowing I have more than one friend to lean on.

Someone's hand clasps down on my shoulder. I scream and leap forward, almost dropping my phone in the process.

"It's me" I spin round to see Harry. His eyes are wide as if he didn't mean to frighten me. "Fuck you Harry!" I continuously slap his arm.

"Why are you out in the cold?" He asks. "I was waiting for someone" I admit. Harry ignores what I say.

"Did you hear me?" I snap.

Harry rips off his jacket, throwing it to the ground. My eyes feast on his body, when his top hitches as he takes of his grey jumper. Staring at his prominent v-line, I gulp.

"Take this. Your fingers are purple" he holds out his grey jumper. I glance down at my numbing fingers, that have discoloured. "I would give you my jacket but I thought the jumper has more warmth" he smiles.

I hesitate to take the jumper from his hands. After the silent debate with myself, I grab the jumper and pull it over my head. My body instantly warms up and I subconsciously inhale Harry's scent.

Harry slips his jacket back on.

"Did you know it's winter?" He smirks.

I roll my eyes "really? I thought it was summer"

"Nope, I'm the only hot thing here" he triumphantly smiles "besides from you of course" he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"I'm honoured" I laugh, rolling my eyes. "You should be" he winks.

"And the award for the biggest ego goes to..." I start a drum roll. "Harry Styles" I wave my arms towards Harry.

"Thank you" he bows "I'd like to thank my mum-"

"Mamas boy" I say, trying to disguise it with a cough.

Harry raises a eyebrow at me "I'd also like to thank this wonderful lady beside me" he wraps his arm around my waist. "She's... something" he laughs "three words to describe her?" He taps his chin.

"Funny" he locks his green eyes with my brown ones. I don't think it's just the jumper giving me warmth.

"Absolutely stunning" he breathes, leaning in. His nose is practically touching mine. Why am I not moving away?

He moves in closer, tightening his grip on my waist. His spare hand caresses my cheek. My eyes flutter closed, when I feel his breath fan against my lips.


I open my eyes to see Harry with his eyes closed. I immediately shut mine. What is happening? I can't say I don't like it, because I do. The world disappears and it's just harry and I.

Harry's lips brush against mine, sending a bubbly feeling in my stomach.

"A total bitch" he finishes.

My eyes fly open. We haven't moved from our position. Our heads are still touching.

"Run" I glare at Harry, as a huge mischievous grin spreads across his face.

"Don't need to tell me twice" he quickly kisses my forehead, before sprinting away.

"Stop kissing me!" I chase after him.

Harry turns so many corners that it's hard to keep up. When he's lost out of sight, I run back to school. I stand with my eyes glazing over my surroundings. I spot a mass of curly hair, bobbing in the distance. Harry then ducks down behind a wall.

I sneak up to the wall, keeping my footsteps light so he won't hear me coming. I put my back on the wall and hold up my imaginary gun. I'm acting as if I'm in a spy movie.

I quickly turn the corner, pointing my gun towards Harry "got you!". Only I didn't. I drop my gun and tilt my head. Where the fuck did he go?

Suddenly, two arms wrap around my small frame, lifting me into the air. My heart leaves my body. I can see my soul floating towards heaven. My soul suddenly stops, and starts sinking down. What the fuck?

My feet finally touch the blessed ground. I turn and slap Harry across his face.

"I almost fucking died!" I scream.

Harry raises his eyebrows. We both stare at each other, before erupting into laughter. I place my hand on Harry's shoulder to hold me up.

"What's going on?"

Authors note. Authors note. Authors fudging note.
Yep, I have absolutely nothing to say.
Harnie. X

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