Asylum - On the Run Sequel

By Rye_Lie

20.6K 740 596

Mumbo, Grian and Xisuma got out of Concorp, but what happened to the others? Where did they go? This will foc... More

This is a Sequel
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
For those who are confused
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 24

531 23 18
By Rye_Lie

It wasn't exactly easier now. In some senses, it was, like how Stress Mumbo and Grian all had jobs. Iskall was getting treated properly and the others were adapting to the new life in the flat.

The night was the best time for them all. When not on the roof they'd go down to the ocean where Mumbo and Grian used to sail.

Tango sat in the boat with Xisuma, Stress and Wels or Hels, Mumbo sailing them all. Grian above doing somersaults and tricks, diving so he almost touched the water and tearing himself up at the last second. Cleo could walk along the bottom of the ocean since she didn't need oxygen, he hair caught up in the waves made her look like a mermaid.

Ren and Doc became closer, whatever one was doing the other would be too, both careful of the other's limitations. Ren's thick coat made him overheat easily and Doc couldn't go near water.

And Iskall came home after a while. He sat in between Stress and Tango, the girl scooting closer to him to 'help him with his balance.'

As if none of them caught the way they looked at each other and held hands. It was adorable. And Mumbo couldn't help but get jealous.

He could've had that with Grian, but he didn't.

It was peaceful. For a while. Iskall got better, he and Stress left to help other hybrids in need. Then slowly but surely everyone else started slipping away.

Tango left to go and find his way in life, Doc left with Ren, Wels and Hels set off soon after, Cleo and Jevin were the last to go.

It was just Mumbo, Grian and Xisuma in the small flat. The house felt so weirdly empty. The nights on the roof were different.

They just sat around the TV most nights, wondering what on earth they would do now.

Grian perked up at the image on the screen.
"Did you see that?"

Mumbo hummed in response and opened his eyes, he was almost falling asleep.

"And this winged man with a chicken costume on has just arrived at the scene. He appears to be- throwing eggs at passersby."

Grian's mouth dropped and he scrambled for the remote. Mumbo watched in awe as he did so. The TV paused as the chicken man came on screen.

"No- no they're all gone." Grian pulled his own wing forwards and glanced between it and the wings the chicken man had.

"My god, they're almost exactly the same."

Mumbo began to catch on to what Grian meant. He sat up straight in his seat and Grian spun his head around to look at the moustached man.

"You- there's- Grian that's amazing."
"Amazing? Mumbo that's more than amazing!"

The smaller scrambled up and ran to his bedroom. Mumbo stood off the sofa and walked through to watch Grian.

"What are you doing?"
He was kneeling on the ground and looked like he was packing a bag.

"I'm gonna find him."
His face didn't break concentration. He was serious about this.

"Find who?" Xisuma came out of his room, the music from his jukebox still playing softly.

"There's more avians!" His voice was almost a squeak at this point and Xisuma picked up on it immediately.

The two spoke excitedly, Grian relieved to not be the only surviving avian, Xisuma wanting to know exactly what was happening and what he was going to do next.

Mumbo was confused. Was Grian really going to up and leave? What if something happened to him again, what if he needed help, what if someone tried to hunt him down.

"I'm coming too."
The two hybrids stopped and looked up at the human.

"No there are too many risks. I have to come with you."

Grian stoops up off the floor and stepped over to Mumbo. The taller took in every detail of his face, his slightly furrowed eyebrows, the sympathetic look he had, and his eyes.

"Mumbo... I'd love for you to come, I really would. But this is proof that I'm not the only lasting avian. And I don't want you to get hurt."

Grian lifted his hand and cupped Mumbo's face.
"I'm sorry."

Mumbo leaned into the touch and sighed.
"But what if you don't come back."

He wasn't asking. He was scared.

"I will. I promise I will."

Both of their voices were quiet, barely a whisper. And how desperately Mumbo wanted to kiss him. God, he looked perfect at that moment.

Grain brought his hand down from Mumbo's face and picked up the bag on the floor.
"I'll be back as soon as I can."

Mumbo nodded and stepped back to let Grian out of his room. The avian walked past and into the hallway. He stopped at the front door with his hand rested on the handle.

Mumbo could feel tears threatening to fall, but refused to cry.

"Goodbye Mumbo, Goodbye Xisuma."
The two replied. The door opened. And shut again.

The corridor was left with just Mumbo and Xisuma.

The warden could hear him quickly running down the stairs, a door opening, and then a swoop of rushing air.

Then there was nothing.

He had left.

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