the bet

By beomcqyu

19.9K 1.1K 249

"let's see, your bet is to ask him out." eighteen year old kim sunoo finds himself stuck when he gets himself... More

part one: the phone call
part two: ice skating
part three: jealousy
part five: 6pm
part six: the bet
part seven: the invitation
part eight: the party
part nine: i win
part ten: i hate coffee
part eleven: weak
part twelve: you're weird.
part thirteen: "is that your way of flirting?"
part fourteen: first snow
part fifteen: his eyes
part sixteen: sides
part seventeen: valentines day
part eighteen: dont call me cute
part nineteen: saddened smiles
part twenty: distance ๏ฟผ
part twenty one: just pizza
part twenty two: i love you
part: twenty three: errands
part twenty four: wide awake
part twenty five: library
part twenty six: tears
part twenty seven: thoughts
part twenty eight: "i had too!"
part twenty nine: the universe
part thirty: false
part thirty one: leave me alone

part four: study hall

1K 54 9
By beomcqyu

"Why not." A voice says behind me as I jump in my chair.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I freeze. Oh crap.

"Oh hey Mr. Seo.." I say in a nervous tone. He clears his throat.

"Please see me during my study hall period Sunoo."

"What time is that at?" I say.

"It's during 6th period." Just my luck, that's my lunch.

"Okay, see you then." He walks away and starts teaching the lesson.

As he's teaching the lesson I think back to earlier this morning and how cold Niki acted towards me, I know I totally ran away from him yesterday but to be fair he was getting on my nerves, acting like we were close. I could try and apologize but I know he would act like he doesn't know me, after all that's what he always did when I tried to talk to him even if it was about Jungwon. I hate having a crush on a straight man.

"Sunoo." Mr. Seo says.

"Hm uh what?" I say in confusion.

"What's the answer to question 13?" He says in a disappointed tone. I look at the board and try and quick refresh myself on the lesson. 'Hmmm Sunoo think.' 'I got it!' I think to myself.

"Goryeo." I say confidently. He lets out a loud sigh while the other students in my class laugh at my answer.

"Sunoo, that's what we learned last semester." He says, I know he probably wants to call me stupid but he doesn't.

"Oh right sorry." I say.

"Once again, you can see me during 6th period since you weren't paying attention and on top of that you didn't finish the homework." Are you kidding me right now.

"Okay." My day is going so good today. I think to myself sarcastically.

"Class dismissed." He finally says.

"Nice one." Changmin says in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, yeah I know I was just thinking about stuff."

"You always are." He says in a not surprised tone. As we part ways I head to second period.


As I walk away with Jungwons arm tightly latched with mine I just want to punch that Jake kid in the face.

"Why are you so mad Niki?" Jungwon asks.

"I'm just fed up with that Jake kid." I say, I know this whole thing is babyish but he acts like he is cooler than everyone else at this school when he's not.

"Can you please let go of my arm now it hurts." I laugh at him and unlatch my arm from his.

"Yeah." I say. I just want this day to be over already.

"Okay, I'll see you at lunch." Jungwon says as he goes the opposite way of me. I walk into my biology class late, like always. I know my teacher is tired of me by now but I really don't mind. I get good grades in her class and that's what matters.

"Oh hello Niki, nice to see you showed up." She says in a annoyed tone.

"Yeah, sorry my lock was jammed." I say. A lie obviously.

"That's what you said last Friday Niki." Mrs. Baek says.

"Did I? Sorry." I say while walking to my seat. She has a good memory.

"Okay class so today we will be doing a partner activity to help you, 'she pauses' socialize." Oh great, I don't like anyone in this class. She starts to name partners. I have a nervous feeling in my stomach, I hate group and partner projects.

"Haechan and Yoojin, Yuri and Jiwoo..." She keeps listing off names that aren't mine until she does.

"Lastly let's see we have Jake and Niki." He's in this class?!? Are you kidding. I quickly stand up out of shock.

"Something wrong Niki?" Mrs. Baek says. Yes, somethings wrong I have to work with shithead over there, is what I wanted to say instead I said,

"No everything is fine Mrs. Baek."

"Good, why don't you all find your partners." She says. I make my way across the room to were Jake is sitting since his lazy ass didn't get up to find me instead.

"Hey bro." Jake says to me in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm not your bro." I say in a cold tone.

"Which is why I said it in a sarcastic tone, have you never heard of sarcasm?" He says. I don't reply instead I open my computer to read about the assignment. 'Choose one of these projects to complete with your partner, the due date will be Wednesday November 28th.' Three weeks from now?

"I want to do the 'raise a butterfly' one." I say out of the blue. Jake nods his head in agreement.

"Raise a butterfly it is." He says.

"Hey Jake?" I say.

"Hm?" He asked with a questioned tone.

"Be at my house by 6, so we can work on it. I want to get a good grade and I'm sure you do aswell, if you don't looks like you'll fail." He turns to me with shock and starts hysterically laughing.

"Shut up! You're making a scene!" I whisper-yell, while looking at everyone's stares across the room.

"I'm sorry, I was going to come in the first place no need to be all parent mode on me. I didn't know you cared about your grades so much." The thing is I didn't, my mom did. I didn't want her to be disappointed in me I just wanted to do something right for her, for once.

"Yeah well just let me know when you will be there okay?" I say annoyed.

"Sure thing, your majesty." He says while adding a bow to it. Just then the bell rings, finally. I get up but feel a tug on my arm. I turn around to see Jake looking at me.

"I'll walk with you." What is this? One second he's being a jerk and now he wants to be all "buddy-buddy" with me.

"Uh okay?" I say in a confused tone. We walk out of class to our my locker while I get my stuff for my next class. Sooner or later It's time for lunch. I sit down with my usual group of friends until Jake sits down by us.

"Sup guys." He says.

"Ay! Stop with the weird phrases!" I say while playfully punching his arm. My 'friends' look at me and Jake with judgement.

"What are you looking at?" Jake says out of the blue, "My beauty?" He says with confidence.

"No, I would never like a boy that's just weird, right Niki?" One of the guys at my table says to me.

"Niki?" one says with a frustrated tone.

"Hush your giving me a headache." I say while grabbing my head. The rest of lunch is awkward but I don't mind. I sit there thinking about my day and don't get a bite of food in.


As I walk to Mr. Seo's room, I feel frustrated because I'm missing my lunch. I even packed something good today. Are you kidding the doors locked. I let out a sigh and knock on the door. A random kid opens the door for me, I walk in and Mr. Seo makes eye contact with me.

"Oh Mr. Kim I'm so glad to see you here." Mr Kim?

"Well you kinda told me to come here so obviously." Oops, when I'm annoyed I can't control what I say.

"Why don't you take that smart mouth to detention." Saw that coming.

"Why didn't you get your homework done again?"He asks.

"Uhm I was studying late last night for a different test thing." Smooth. In reality I was crying but why would I tell that to a 40 year old man. I hear a scoff in the distance.

"Is something funny?" Mr. Seo asks, yeah I was thinking the same thing.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to picture Sunoo studying." The blonde boy says. Wait. Niki? I instantly go red.

"You want detention too?" Mr. Seo says in a stern tone.

"Sure, why not." Niki says while smirking at me. I'm about to slap that smirk off his face, but Mr. Seo tells me to do my work from earlier so I walk to the empty desk in the back of the room. As time goes on the day is done but I have to go back into Mr. Seo's room for 'detention' he's so dramatic, giving me detention for talking to him. Sure I was a little petty but that doesn't mean I have to go to detention. I stand there for ahwile instead of going into the class room. I feel a pat on my head.

"Come on nerd." Niki says as he grabs my arm and yanks me in.

"Yah!! I'm not a nerd, let go of me!" I squeal.

"Sure you aren't Mr 'I was studying for another test'" He says while mocking me. I roll my eyes.

"Cmon let's sit here." I say while pointing at two desks at the front of the room. Why are we the only ones in here. Where is Mr. Seo?

"Sunoo." Niki says while looking at me.

"Hm?" I reply.

"I'm sorry for yesterday, I didn't mean to hurt you. I should've let you and that guy talk." He says with a sincere tone.

"It's okay." I say while smiling at him. I can see his cheeks get all red. That's what I call the Sunoo affect, it gets everyone. I suddenly get a call and flinch a bit at the loud blaring tone. No caller ID.

"It's me." Niki says, "now you have my number." He winks at me.

"Niki, don't ever wink again." I say while laughing at him.

"I didn't wink, I had something in my eye." He says like he's trying to lie to me.

"You know, you're not a very good liar." I say. We sit there arguing with eachother for awhile until it's 4:00 PM. Mr. Seo never showed up. We walk out of his class but I see a tallish figure standing there. I quick jump back falling back onto Nikis chest. I quick go all red as I remove myself from him.

"Jake what are you doing here?" Niki says.

"My planned worked! I'm such a good wingman!" He says excitedly. Me and Niki give him both confused looks. He explains himself.

"You see, I knew you and Niki were fighting or whatever so I told Mr. Seo to give you both detention and not show up so you guys could work out your differences. It was his idea, Jake looks back at Sunghoon.

"Sunghoon! What are you doing here?" I snapped.

"I felt bad you know getting you two into a fight, so I told Jake the plan and I see you two are better now." He questions. I look at Niki but he's zoned out, I nudge him.

"Niki!" I yell. He quickly adjusted his stance and looks at me.

"You said something?" He says tiredly.

"Are you okay, you seem tired." I say with a worried tone. Before he answers his head falls down onto my shoulder. I freeze. Shit what do I do? I glance over and Sunghoon and Jake and see them looking at us like puppies when they want a treat.

"Yah! Stop looking at us like that, your weirding me out!" I whisper-yell.

"Cmon I'll drive you guys to your house." Sunghoon says. As we walk to Sunghoon's car Niki won't let go off me. Weirdo. My poor heart. I try and get us both into the backseat off his car but it's kinda hard when Niki's arms are wrapped around my waist sound asleep. Jeez he's a heavy sleeper. The whole car ride is quite accept for Jake and Sunghoons whispers. I admire the blondes features. Soon enough we arrive to my house.

"Niki.. you have to wake up." I say in a soft tone.

"I'm tired~." He whines. I flick him in the head and he jumps up then he goes all shy after realizing he's been clinging onto me like a 2 year old. At the same time I'm worried about him.

"I'm so sorry, I haven't had anything to eat today and I've just been exhausted I'm sorry for putting you through that." He says in a rushed tone.

"Niki, Niki.." I hold his shoulders and tell him it's okay. I smile at him.

"Hey so I hate to ruin the mood but Jungwon is walking towards the car." Jake says. I get out of the car and so does Niki, Sunghoon and Jake.

"Where have you been Sunoo!" He says in a worried tone.

"Why the whole crew with you?" He asks.

"Detention, and Niki didn't feel good so we brought him along." I say. Jungwon walks over to Niki and tells him to come inside. They both walk inside the house as I trail along.

"Thanks for the help." I say to Sunghoon and Jake.

"Yeah no problem, I'm gonna crash at your place." Jake says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Niki and I have this biology butterfly project and so-" He gets interrupted by tire squeaks and a zooming black car coming into my driveway.

"Who's that?" Sunghoon asks.

"I dunno." I say with a nervous feeling in my stomach. They could drive a little slower. Maybe?

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