Knights of the sky(Jikook)

By StorybySam32

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NOT BY ME * credits to the OWNER The Sentinels blocked Jeongguk's sight as they searched for a mark. "He ha... More

Chapter 1:The lore
Chapter 2: The mark.
Chapter 3: Crowned prince
Chapter 5: Divine Sky
Chapter 6: Ivory Dragon
Chapter 7: Prince Jeon
Chapter 8: Sheer Cliffs
Chapter 9: The Dracki Prince

Chapter 4: Ebony

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By StorybySam32

"You were very studious today, Highness," old man Chunho commented, closing the leatherbound notebook, it's twine groaning at the movement while the scent of ink tickled at the Prince's nose. The quill over his parchment stilled, black ink dripping on the withered paper as he lifted his head.

The old man's gaze was glittering with a knowledge that set Jeongguk's skin on edge, his mind scrambling to come up with some sort of excuse as to why he all of the sudden cared more than he had the day before.

He lowered his eyes, letting his fringe cover his eyes. "It's my Kingdom, is it not, Songsaenim?" He questioned instead, tone a forced light as he finished scribbling in his neat Hanja the Kingdom's ambassadors and Nobles.

Chunho hummed, hands clasping behind his back as he stepped forward, leaning over the table so that he was closer to the Prince. Jeongguk held his breath as the elder gave a knowing smirk.

"Why do you not ask the questions that have been plaguing you?" At Jeongguk's incredulous look, mouth opening to protest, Chunho merely scoffed and pulled away, shaking his head with his head raised. "Do not lie, Majesty. I have known you since you wrote your first character and still crawled on four legs instead of two. I know of you, and I am old, not blind."

Before Jeongguk could ask what he meant, an old withered finger, slightly crooked and stained with ink from the constant writing, turned his left arm over, tapping at the band over his wrist. Panic flooded his system as he pulled it away, staring at his teacher in shock.

Chunho merely smile, hand drifting back behind his back. "Fret not, Young Prince, if I wished to reveal you, I would have long ago. I have no desire to see ill will towards you."

"Then why say anything at all?" Jeongguk questioned, keeping his arm under his table. "How do you even know to begin with?"

"Simple. I pay attention in ways The King can never begin to understand." Jeongguk flinched at the words, the reminder that his father hasn't paid attention to him since he still wore cloth diapers, or until his brother died. Making him the heir. "The King thinks that a Dragon's worth lies within their gifts, but he does not see."

The words were sad, the old man's gravelly voice filled with a weariness as he groaned, lowering himself into the oak chair. His dark eyes peering up at the shelves of the library, bright and glowing in the light of the day.

Jeongguk's mind returned to the cells, as it has since he had woken from his slumber that morning, where the beautiful Dracki remained chained. ' They are said to be the most beautiful, like angels walking across the land, but can bring death among them ,' the words of the scroll appeared in his mind, and he nearly snorted aloud.

The raven black hair, full lips, and piercing silver eyes were only fragments of the Dracki's beauty. His voice of soft honey, sweet and lingering, while the sight of the smile reminded Jeongguk of the tales of angels, so beautiful, and then he remembered Jimin in the throne room, voice outraged, a danger lingering under the silver orbs.

Like Jimin, like Mark, it seemed Chunho knew of Fated, knew of things outside the castle and for a moment, he felt like the lost child again. Everything was spiraling out, but he had a feeling he had been falling for a long time.

He was just aware of it now.

"Songsaenim," Jeongguk mumbled, turning his gaze to search the withered skin of his teacher, who hummed and looked towards him. Swallowing, he pushed on. "What worth does Dracki and Dragon bring? Why do you seem to have this knowledge?"

"Magic. They bring magic across the land, filling our fields, our mines, and without them, we will have nothing," he replied gently. "I am not ignorant. I have seen the dragons fly, heard their roar, even witnessed their tears. My noona was a Knight. I have seen it."

"How do you know of me?" Jeongguk asked, gripping his wrist tightly as if that will protect it from any who discover the silver ink, the ink that binds him to the Dracki in the cells. The teacher made a humming sound.

A slow smile crossed his smile as he leaned forward, inches from Jeongguk's worried face as amusement dance in the teachers gaze. "When you wander the halls at night, Majesty, to come to the library, do pay more attention to those who linger in the dark." His dark eyes flickered to the corner on the far left where a writing desk awaited, quill put away and paper clean. "And always wear a band."

"You... you were in the library," Jeongguk breathed, shocked and somewhat embarrassed. "You knew I was lying to you when I said was riding at night."

"Not at first- only caught you three times," he clarified and leaned away. Disbelief surged through his blood- he wanted to smack himself. He had been careless and reckless. Sighing to himself, he turned his head away. "As I said before, Highness, your secret's safe with me. But, may I speak?"

"Like I could stop you Elder."

"Be weary tonight, boy. A Dracki's presence is not a coincidence, and I fear for what it could mean," Chunho stated before standing. Jeongguk stared at him as the teacher bowed his head. "Be well, Highness. I shall see you on the morrow."

What the Fates does that mean? Jeongguk groaned, a hand reaching up to run through his hair and cause his crown to tilt as he closed the parchment as the doors clicked shut. A restless energy raced through his legs as he stood, approaching the window to peer down at the town.

"You think this Peace treaty is going last? You and your father are fool. Busan is untrustworthy."

The words caused his stomach to clench, his head to pound in agony at the brewing headache. What could Jimin mean the other night? What was he trying to say? That the Treaty that had kept them together was breaking apart? For what?

Floundering and coming up with nothing, a hiss tore through Jeongguk's lips as he left the library sharply, coming face to face with Jackson, whose dark eyes were exhausted and features worn as he stood straighter at the Prince's sudden arrival.

"Send Mark hyung to me. I desire a duel. I shall meet you both in the training grounds," he ordered, voice firm and cold. Jackson didn't even protest as he turned and rushed through the halls. Without hesitating, Jeongguk slapped his leather boots against the ground towards the training grounds.

The castle was hustling, maids running around on slippered feet while butlers were in a more languid pace but the alarm was clear. He tried to ignore it as he remembered his mother's words from earlier in the morning.

"The Busan Ambassador desires a simple party with the Nobles of Seoul. Be sure to dress finely- he mentioned he wished to see your presence to go over details of the trade."

Shaking his head, he wondered when his father was so keen to please someone as lowly and disgusting as Yi Mingyu, and what was so urgent about the trade. The words of his Fated returned to his head but he pushed them away.

He already had headache enough, not to mention having to deal with the usual Nobles all gathered tonight like Vulture Dragons to try and peck their way through Jeongguk, seeing if he was as good a King as his father.

Thinking of Jimin would not help now.

If these Nobles did not respect him like his father, he could never hope to control them when he takes the Crown. He already knows they hate him- the little son who was an odd child taking the crown from the brother who died mysteriously? Lung problems?

Yes, I totally killed my hyung for the crown I don't even want, he snorted in his mind as he pushed open the door to the training grounds, the warm air whisking at his robe. Breathing out slow, he untied it and let it fall to the cobblestones as he stepped further out.

The sun was hidden by clouds, a darker grey that warned of rain, and the air a bit heavier but it was warm and that was all that mattered. The training grounds were made up of a walls shaped like a triangle, blocking from the back part of the palace.

Rails of swords, axes, daggers, and great swords lined the walls, shields scattered haphazardly. The open part was made of simple places to duel, wooden swords for the younger guards in the back and protective gear lining the right side of the wall.

Breathing out slowly, he stepped towards the center just as he heard the familiar sound of a sword being drawn. His back muscles tensed as a slow smile curled at the corner of his lips. "What kind of duel do you want, Majesty?" Mark asked.

"Hard. Don't hold back."

Gripping the hilt of his sword, he drew it from the sheth as he turned at the sound of Mark's boots across the cobblestone, watching as the Dracki rushed and swung his sword. Flanking right, he blocked it and shifted his weight.

Mark grunted, changing his tactic to swinging his sword under and jabbing towards the thigh but Jeongguk sidestepped and cut his own blade to the left and knocking the other blade away.

Breathing a bit ragged, Jeongguk felt sweat easily begin to build up on his skin as he shoved Mark back and lifted his blade, twirling it to send it down but Mark lifted his own to the dull side and shoved it away.

Jeongguk danced away, breathing laboured, but the Dracki didn't let up as he came forward again, blade shifting to the right to twist back towards his side but Jeongguk parried and stepped forward, making Mark take a step back.

Heat flooded Jeongguk's system as he flicked his wrist, parring three more of Mark's forward attacks before turning his body, going into a backflip to knock Mark's sword from his hand with his boot and sending it flying.

Landing easily, he watched as Mark lunged for it. Jeongguk stepped forward but Mark's skin rippled, red scales appearing for a brief moment as he leapt into the air and grabbed the sword. A curse left Jeongguk's mouth as the sword came back down towards him.

Jerking backwards, he blocked the blade again, eyes large as he saw Mark's eyes burning orange, shaped like a reptiles, with teeth bared. Jeongguk stumbled, shoving him back as he swung the blade around, but Mark was back on him again.

Breathing heavy, he tried to keep up but Mark easily got the upper hand, his blade being tossed aside as he fell to the cobblestones. Sweat was pouring from his cotton white shirt, his buckskin pants tight, lungs aching as he fought to catch his breath.

The sound of air whooshing past a sharp blade reverberated through the air as Mark twirled it before lowering it to the ground. Jeongguk clutched at his shirt, pulling it away from his chest as he stared up.

"You have to be fast with a Dracki, Jeongguk-ah. In human form, we are slower, we are weaker, but we still have the advantage over you," Mark warned. "We have harder skin- if we transform you won't be able to harm us unless you have a special blade or that of a charm."

"Didn't realize this was a lesson," he commented back, legs shaking as he stood slowly. Mark cracked a weary smile. Jeongguk lifted his blade.

"Your sword is not charmed. If I had my scales, it bounce off like a rock instead of a blade. You will need to charm it if you want it to be useful- since I am in human form it can pierce my skin but it will still take more effort," Mark continued, ignoring the comment. "Do you know how Sentinels charm it?"


"Blood of a Dracki or a Dragon. Either works. Or, finding something with magic can work too. One of the places that holds sheer magic," he explained simply. Jeongguk's heart clenched as he stared in shock towards Mark, who met his gaze evenly.

"You mean..."

"If you want that blade to work, a Dracki will have to bleed on it." His eyes flickered towards the sterling silver of his blade, glinting in the splotches of the sun as his stomach churned. That explains sentinels, of why their swords work, but it still made him sick. "I would bleed on it myself, but I do not believe your Dracki would like my scent or magic across your blade. He might kill me for it."

At the words, Jeongguk's brow furrowed. Why would Jimin care if Mark's blood was slick across the blade, giving him the power to cut against the Dracki's scales? Mark seemed to catch the look on his face because he sighed.

"You paid no attention to Songsaenim during the Dracki anatomy lessons, did you, Highness?"

Jeongguk winced, trying to not let the guilt show but Mark saw through it all as he shook his head. "I'm sorry- I didn't think it would really matter so I just... didn't?"

"A Dracki's senses are stronger than a humans: smell, touch, hearing, taste. Everything. It's heightened- we are like reptiles within in our Dracki form, meaning we see by body heat. It also depends on what type of Dracki you are," Mark stated. "In human form, our senses are strong but not as strong as in our true forms."

"Then it's true? The human form isn't it's true form?" Jeongguk thought aloud. The curiosity about Jimin was bubbling in his gut, wondering what the black scales meant, what the male truly looked like instead of the angelic being he was currently.

Mark hesitated before shaking his head. "No. Dracki are not meant to be in human form for long periods of time. We are dragons in soul, our bodies are just, different." Jeongguk bit his lip, wondering how long Mark has retained his human form, despite how much he wishes to shed it.

Clearing his throat, the red haired Dracki raised his sword as the heavy air around them dissipate. Sensing the change, Jeongguk followed suit as a quiet 'again' sang through the air. Moving first, Jeongguk lunged and thrust his sword upwards.

Mark passed forwards, shifting his weight while deflecting the other blade before stepping further forward. Jeongguk stepped back, following his lead.Pivoting to the right, Jeongguk swung his edge wide. Mark jumped back, ducking his head before sending his blade to clash against Jeongguk, the sound sharp.

"Left side is open-" Mark warned, swiftly twisting his wrist that sent Jeongguk's blade to the right before Mark lunged, tip suddenly pressed against Jeongguk's side. The Prince hissed and retreated back, turning his body around to deflect another quick attack but the butt of the hilt slammed against his back, sending him to the ground.

Huffing, the prince turned over and narrowed his eyes on the Dracki who stepped back and gave a bow. His lips twitched as he leaned his head back and collapsed against the grass. "I always forget how good you are with a sword."

"You have improved greatly, Jeongguk-ah. You pushed yourself."

"I always push myself, hyung," Jeongguk laughed. Mark hummed in agreement as he put his sword back in his sheath, the plates of his armor glimmering a moment as Jeongguk closed his eyes, letting the heat of the high sun blister across his skin while the cobblestone bit into his back.

Mark's clips dangled as he unhooked the light armor, tossing it to the ground in a heap before he stepped out, wearing the plain roughskin shirt, plain cotton black pants, tight and shapely, before stepping barefoot against the ground.

Jeongguk watched silently as the Dracki stepped back into the sun and laid himself across the ground, a few feet from the prince himself, and stared up at the sky. A sadness had circled his aura, orange eyes glazed and lost as he hooked his fingers across his chest.

Turning his body over, he searched Mark's profile, noting something he hadn't before. Like Jimin, Mark was otherworldly beautiful. His skin had a glimmer, a glow that couldn't be explained, and his features sharp and yet soft, like an angel.

"Hyung," Jeongguk breathed quietly, breaking the tranquility that had fallen over them. Orange flitted to meet brown, brows raised in question. "Earlier, you said that Dracki aren't meant to be human. Why have you..."

"The longer we are human, the more our dragon soul dies."

"You're dying, hyung!" Jeongguk panicked, lifting himself up to stare down at the creature nearby whose eyes glistened with tears. Mark craned his head away, his tears the color of gold as they slid down his cheek.

"Jeongguk-ah, it matters not." Mark pushed himself up, a breathless laugh choking his chest as he touched his cheek to reveal the golden tears. A bitter smile crossed his features. Confused, heartbroken, he stared at his hyung. "I must seem selfish, killing myself and my Sentineal slowly, huh? Yet I shed tears."

"Hyung, you have to change. You can't die."

"I have lived a long life, young one," Mark murmured, letting his hand fall back to the cobblestones as his head tilted back to the sky. A wistful smile touched his lips, orange eyes softening. "I still have years left before my soul finally gives out, my human body giving out because it can no longer can contain the magic. Fret not. Jackson is well aware."

"Fret not my ass," Jeongguk swore. Mark's eyes twitched as they turned to meet the burning brown gaze, flames licking behind them as the younger reached forward and pulled at the string to reveal the scales beneath. "You are always teaching me to use my abilities to the fullest; that even though I am a Prince I can learn to fight, to do my own chores, and see what as a person I can do. Listen to your own advice. Fuck my father and society. You going to let them kill you because you have scales?"

"I will not lower myself to be ridden by man, by man who is selfish and stealing my wings. I will not soar in that sky with these chains binding me, Jeon Jeongguk. Yes, I am a Dracki, my being made to fly, but I cannot let your father win," Mark snapped back, nostrils flaring. "Revealing my true form again reinforces that I can be used. For four years I have remained human. I can keep doing that. Just like you don't want to be used by your father, neither do I."

Jeongguk opened his mouth to reply, but nothing came out because sympathy and understanding wouldn't let him. Mouth snapping closed, he watched as Mark got to his feet, grabbing his things and dressing quickly.

Unable to answer, feeling foolish and heart aching with the thought of his oldest friend dying, possibly in pain from this, was heart wrenching. Jeongguk had never good at making friends, nor was he really supposed to with the royal seal stamped across his back.

Jeongguk lowered his head as he grabbed his sword, standing on shaky legs just as Mark finished pulling on his boots. His face was impassive as he faced the Prince, bowing his head slightly. "We should retire back into shelter, Majesty, and start preparing you for the gathering this evening. I shall ring the handmaiden."

Jeongguk wanted to argue, but instead he bit the flesh of his cheek and kept silent. Mark needed time to be alone, and he knew that. Bowing his head, he agreed as he picked up his robe and stepped inside the palace where Jackson lifted his head, straightening.

"Have a good duel?" He asked, cheeky grin in place. "King ready to tear you a new one?"

"Always." Jackson chuckled before looking towards Mark, who smiled towards Jackson, but the other easily read the darkness lingering across his Dracki's gaze. "I'm retiring to my room. I'll be fine on my own. I am sure you have duties to attend to."

Without a word, Jeongguk spun and headed briskly towards his room to escape to peace. And let his thoughts wander once again to where his life was headed. He heard Jackson call for him, Mark telling him to let him go, but he pretended to not hear.


Jiwoo stepped back as Jeongguk rose from his bath, the warm water trailing over his body before the handmaiden approached with a towel, easily drying off his body before bringing out his dark black silk pants, his cloth belt a royal blue, and a silk white shirt, tucked within the folds of the belt.

"Majesty, your hair," Jiwoo said, her soft fingers trailing through. "Shall I style it to fit with your crown?" He hummed an answer towards the ten and five girl as she got to work, her dark eyes flickering away. "It shall be done."

Jeongguk stay still as she worked when the sound of a knock across his door startled him. He called out for whom was on the other side and was surprised to see his mother step inside. She wore a golden golden, hair pinned back and kohl lining her eyes a bit heavier than usual.

She smiled warmly upon seeing her son, stepping inside his room and settling on the edge of his bed. He smiled. "Eomoni? What brings you here?"

"I haven't seen you in a while. Chunho-ssi says your studies are going well," she replied, voice soft as she studied his features. The prince bowed his head in acknowledgement when he felt the weight of his crown grace the curve of his head. "We think that if tonight goes well, we can make better connections with Busan."

"Is that why Abeoji is playing this game? We rarely hold parties such as this. It is quite tedious."

"Yes, that is why," his mother admitted, dark eyes unreadable. "We need this to work."

"Why?" Jeongguk questioned. His eyes narrowed as he watched her spine straighten, eyes flickering away before she gave a breathless laugh, waving him off. "Eomoni, I am no fool. You are not telling me something."

"Nonsense. You are my son," his mother objected, but her eyes remained locked slightly over his shoulder. His anger simmered, Jimin's words echoing in his head like a buzzing of bees. His mother stepped forward, touching his shoulder. He jerked it away. "Jeongguk."

"I am the Crowned Prince, future King of the Kingdom of Seoul. I deserve the right to-"

"When the time is right, my son," his mother intruptted. Anger flared in his gut, mouth prying open to correct her but she placed her finger across his lips. "Trust your Abeoji, Jeongguk, trust me. The information is not vital. When the time is right, we shall explain our reasonings. For now, less information is better."

Jeongguk turned his head away, but settled. He hated it, but there was nothing he could do. If they weren't going to explain then he couldn't make them. The desire to go down, to go see Jimin that has been there all day,  grew, but he shoved that away as well.

His mother stepped away, brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear as she gestured for the door. "We should go- the party is about to begin." Nodding, he headed for the door, holding out his hand so his mother can place her palm on top as they began their way to the ballroom.

Already the sound of a Haegeum, Geomungo, and a Junja were filling the halls, the sir scented of the finest sweets the chief has made and soju. Stepping through the oak doors, Jeongguk's eyes landed on the ballroom, guests standing, some dancing with with their partners, and the servants milling around, serving what they can.

The ballroom has always been the most grand in the Palace Boseong. It's windows on the back wall revealed the garden below, showcasing the colors while the curtains were a eye catching burgundy. The chandelier that hung from the center of the circular room was made of diamonds and crystals, casting shadows along the floor.

The wooden floor was from the finest cherry oak from Gyeongju Kingdom, laying out in different combinations to create the effect of their royal crest being imprinted within the wood. The front part of the room was raised, revealing the royal chairs, and the far right corner holding the instrumentalists, playing gently through the room.

The food was in the left corner, decorated in Seoul's finest delicacies- including lamb skewers. Making a mental note in his mind for the lamb later, he paused beside his father who took his mother's hand.

The ballroom fell quiet, the nobles dressed in their extravagant gowns, the males wearing the brightest colors, and turned towards their raised podium. The smiles on their faces was like poison, posed and ready to strike like one of the Asian cobras that find their way into the palace.

But their eyes were like a hawk, watching, waiting for one of them to mess up, so they can coil themselves up and strike where it hurts the most. Jeongguk knew that they hated him- has since his brother died, and that wasn't going to change.

In many ways, he couldn't blame the Nobles. They loved Junghyun and everything he stood for. He was bright, smart, and brilliant when it came to ways of attempting to keep the peace. He worked hard to accept the throne.

Unlike Jeongguk himself, who never once thought of sitting up on the gem encrusted seat. Now, they all thought him a traitor and a killer- a liar among them and wanting to dash their country, their Kingdom, into the ground.

The King stood, his gown as brilliant as his crown as he gestured for the crowd, stepping forward in a grand sweep. Jeongguk took a step back, bowing his head with his hands locked in front of him.

"I thank you all for joining us today for the celebration of the Busan Kingdom Ambassador!" The crowd cheered, the sound high pitched in Jeongguk's ears. "He has agreed to send the message back to Busan, in hopes for a new peace! I implore you, show him what Seoul has to offer."

With a finishing bow, another cheer, the music returned and the chatter aimlessly cutting across as they returned to their meetings, the Busan Ambassador flittering from Noblewoman to Noblewoman like a wolf on the hunt.

The King turned towards Jeongguk. "You should go and mingle, son, greet the Nobles." It sounded like a request, but Jeongguk knew better. It was an order. Bowing his head once, Jeongguk brushed past him and stepped down into the mass of the crowd.

"Ah, Majesty," the Busan ambassador greeted instantly, his smile grim and eyes watchful despite the glass in his hand that reeked of distilled Seoul soju. Jeongguk lifted his head, his own smile decorating his features. "I see you have come down to join the festivities."

"I cannot say no to a good lamb skewer," he replied politely, but really he wanted to smash his face in with the hilt of his sword that he had left back in his room- Prince Jeon wearing a sword to a party? The gall.

The Ambassador hummed, eyes flickering around the room in slight disinterest. "I will not lie, Seoul is much grander than I imagined. Gems lining every hall and such fine cut meat." He took a swing of his liquor. "And the high king so high on his pedestal. Must be quite  a fall, wouldn't you say?"

Jeongguk's shoulders stiffened like an iron rod, the black rat eyes of the Ambassador watching, a smirk curled across his lips. Internally, he agreed. His father was so high on his throne that his own son was merely an ant.

But the Ambassador was not speaking of relations. At least not the family kind.

Taking a step forward, he kept the smile on his face as he reached over, stealing a glass of the soju from one of the servants. The ambassador watched as he took a slow sip, eyes never once wavering.

"Seoul is indeed grand," Jeongguk hummed lowly, voice dropping an octave, "and the King is one of the greatest to ever live, so I wonder, should there be, a threat made to the stairwell he created, what could happen?"

"You are treading dangerously, boy," Mingyu growled, eyes narrowing. "That stairwell you speak of is already crumbling. You just don't even realize it." The desire to grab Mingyu, to slam him against the nearest wall was appealing, but in front of all the party guests would be suicide.

Mingyu seemed to sense this, sipping once more at his soju as a deep chuckle resounded through his chest. He took a step back."A shame really. You remind me of a lost lamb, Highness." Smirking to himself, he turned away. "Enjoy the lamb skewers. A delight really. Maybe dance with a lamb from in here."

Jeongguk shoved down the anger that was brewing further in his chest, trying to keep his breathing from racing as he watched the other disappear into the crowd. Growling deep in his throat, he flicked his eyes over the guards, hoping to find Mark hyung or Jackson hyung, but there was no sign of orange hair.

Cursing under his breath, he downed the rest of the soju and wandered for the table. The music was getting louder, buzzing against his ears as he approached the table of food. The servant boy, who couldn't have been more than ten and five, bowed straight at the waist.

"Prince Jeon," he greeted, voice a few pitches too high that spoke of nerves. Jeongguk gave a tight smile back towards the boy, eyes raking the servants plain tunic, buckskin pants and tight shoes. "H-how can I s-serve you?"

"Another glass of soju. Lamb skewer," he recited. The boy nodded, easily pulling up the glass plate, piling a extra large lamb on it before handing it over with a bow and pouring the drink. Jeongguk thanked him, turning away while taking an extra large sip.

The alcohol scorched his throat, a sharp contrast on his tongue, eyes raking over the crowd of Nobles. He felt eyes prickling against his skin, and he fought to ignore it, taking a quick bite of his food before he stepped out.

The first Noble he approached was one of the more tame ones- a younger male who was in his late twenties and regained his wealth from his grandfather who was from Old Blood, securing his place among the King's court.

At the Prince's approach, Park Chiwoo offered a smile and a bow, but the light eyes were searching, careful, as Jeongguk bowed back. "Prince Jeon. A pleasure to see you this evening," he greeted, but the surprise was obvious. Maybe it was a bit of the alcohol- he was not drunk but he could feel he was a bit lighter- but Jeongguk found it amusing.

"No need to lie, Chiwoo-ssi. It is never a pleasure," he commented, taking another small bite of his lamb. The Noble's brows raised, a chuckle resounding before nodding his head.

"I guess you are right- am I obvious?"

"No. Rather well at acting- one of the best, if I say so myself," Jeongguk replied, looking back to meet his gaze. He wanted his slightly loosened tongue to fall silent, knowing he was being stupid, but he wanted information and this Nobleman happened to work with a merchant. "However, you are also civil and a good businessman."

"You flatter me, Highness," Chiwoo spoke quietly, looking surprised, and somewhat intrigued as he turned his whole body to face the Prince, light eyes alight with curiosity. "Is there something you require from me?"

"Merely a question, if you should choose to answer."

"You are a Prince- you could easily order me to," Chiwoo replied, tilting his head to the side. Jeongguk sipped a bit more of his soju, but slower. He knew better than to get drunk.

"I have no desire to order you or another around for a simple question. Tedious and controlling." Placing his empty cup down, he turned back to face Chiwoo, whose tense shoulders have lowered and his air a bit more friendly. "Will you allow me to ask?"

"How can I help, Highness?"

"Business. Have you been receiving your trade carts on time with all of the items needed from Busan and other Kingdoms?" It was a question that Jeongguk had been needing to know. If Busan, and others, have been short lately, he wanted to know. Was something happening on the route or was it something more?

Chiwoo looked a bit startled, eyes flewing open before he cleared his throat and looked at the ground, Without a word, he grabbed onto Jeongguk's wrist and pulled him away from the small group nearby.

Jeongguk allowed him to, following obediently, before pausing in a slightly more secluded area before Chiwoo breathed out slowly. "I am no follower of your father, nor do I believe that you will any better and I am aware of the weight of my words, but you seem to be unaware. My latest buyer has pulled out- I am no longer receiving any seaweed or clay from Busan and little lumber from Gyeongju."

Fates, Jeongguk swore in his mind, thoughts returning to the weighted look of his mother, the sharp words from the Dracki below, and then to odd sayings of his teachers. What was happening in the outside world? Was it happening all over?

"How long ago?" Jeongguk asked, looking back up to meet his eyes. Chiwoo paused, hand dropping back to his side as he rubbed his brow.

"It started a few full moons ago, before the season change."

Ah, when Abeoji started getting more cross, sending me to more lessons, Jeongguk recalled. Biting on his lip, he glared down at the wooden floor as his mind scrambled to figure out what his father and mother were hiding.

"Do you know something about this, Highness?"

"No, but I am going to," Jeongguk muttered, a headache brewing as the alcohol from earlier fled his system. Irritated, his only thought was to return to his Dracki. Lifting his eyes, he offered a wabing smile. "I owe you a debt of gratitude, Chiwoo-ssi, and I thank you for the answers despite the distrust. I shall take my leave. Enjoy the evening."

Bowing his head, Jeongguk fled from the scene. He ignored the fact he was going to be scolded by his father for leaving the party so early, he had only been there over an hour, but that was long enough. He cared little at this point; they were lying to him. His mother was even aware and yet they say nothing to him.

How was he supposed to rule this Kingdom when he is kept in the dark, unaware of the troubles and possible dangers that are lingering and he is ignorant? It is no wonder so many dislike him compared to his brother.

Jimin is right; he is only a child and knows nothing of his kingdom.

Slipping out of the door, Jeongguk leaned his head back against the cold door as he ran a hand through his hair. Exhaustion was weighing on his mind and body, urging to go to bed, but he stopped himself short and instead let his feet guide him towards the cells. Towards the one person he felt like he didn't have to hide.

Jeongguk didn't understand the connection he felt with the Dracki. Was it the mark that was across his wrist, binding him, or was it just the fact the legends are true and they were made for one another? Made to match? Speaking with him just that once, he already felt like more of a person than he had in years.

He wasn't just Prince Jeon Jeongguk, Crowned Prince of Seoul and future King. He was just Jeongguk, a twenty year old kid who wanted more for his life than sitting on the throne and try and help people in a way he didn't understand.

And it was addicting.

He paused at the servant entrance, but realized he would get himself lost if he attempted to go through there, so he pushed on through the actual palace halls. He was actually grateful for the party since it kept everyone busy and giving him a free rein.

Turning right, he glanced around the darkened hallway, noting the candles are dimming from their long use. Clicking his tongue, he passed by the large bay windows when a sound reached his ears. It sounded like padded soles, quiet like a whisper against the carpeted ground and sent chills to break across his skin.

Jerking to the right, he opened his mouth to cry out at the sight of a hooded figure wearing a dark cloak covering his entire body, face covered, and a curved dagger glinting in the moonlight as he approached on fast feet. Before Jeongguk can make a noise, the man swiped the blade across.

Jeongguk jumped back, barely missing the blade as he moved to grab his sword- only to remember that he left it back into his room. A Prince could never wear a weapon. A gasp left his lips as his head jerked up but he was a second too late. A steel toed boot slammed against his chest, pain flaring throughout his lungs and body as he collapsed against the ground.

The agony raced up his elbow and back at the impact, matching his chest.

Jeongguk fought for breathe, his lungs screaming when he realized the very air was tore from his lungs. Tears glittered in his eyes as the man straddled him, lifting up his dagger. The intent to kill was clear across the cold glint of the male's dark eyes.

Eyes widening, the Prince grabbed the others wrist, pushing with all his might to keep the other away. But it was hard- the male had strength as he groaned, pushing harder so the curve of the blade was inches from his heart.

An assassin, his mind supplied as he stared at the clothed face, a black cloth covering his face only revealing his dark eyes, and the black cloak and clothes. The pain was going through him, the assassin lowering the dagger closer and closer. He was sure he could feel the cold tip touching his tunic.

Desperate, Jeongguk bucked himself, thinking only of how to survive, sending him off. The assassin swore as Jeongguk twisted his body around and slammed his foot against the assassin's face. He cried out as Jeongguk scrambled to his feet, knowing in his head he needed to get away- he had no weapon. He had nothing to win.

He could tell the male was experienced- no mere soldier. He was trained to fight and kill and with no weapon, Jeongguk was at a great disadvantage. Sure, Mark helped train him for hand-to-hand combat but this wasn't like that at the moment. The male had a dagger.

A hand shot out, grabbing his ankle. Jeongguk let out a loud scream, not caring at the moment how he sounded, as he was pulled back to the ground. His elbow reconnected with the carpet, a shard of pain racing up his shoulder as he gritted his teeth, feeling he grip tighten painfully. Struggling so he can fight back hand-to-hand, the foot slammed against his back, sending him back to the ground, struggling to breathe.

Hair being jerked back, tears formed in his eyes at the white hot pain of the pressure on his head. Hissing through his teeth, he reached up to try and claw at the hand holding his hair, but the man held fast. Pain was racing through his body, but he stilled at the feeling of cold steel pressured against the soft jugular of his flesh.

Panic surged through his chest as he heaved ragged breathes, body stilling at the sharp edge that was a warning against his throat. Eyes wide, mind scrambling for a way out, he thought about his brother for a brief moment, wondering if he would be seeing him sooner than he thought.

The dagger shifted, getting ready to make the cut that would end his life when a sound broke across the hall.

"JEONGGUK!" A familiar voice screamed. Jeongguk's eyes widened as they jerked up. Raven black hair, flushed face, and ragged cloak was a breathtaking sight as Jimin rounded the corner, eyes wild and the mark on his wrist glowing. His silver eyes with reptile slitted pupils and rippling skin.

Mark was right behind him, eyes large, scales rippling across his own skin as he took in the sight with a small cry of surprise.

The assassin moved quickly, sensing that these two were going to stop him from his end goal, a cut already forming across Jeongguk's neck as the assassin tried to cut deeper when suddenly Jimin was there. Jeongguk startled; how in the hell did Jimin get there so fast?

Without hesitating, Jimin attacked the male by grabbing the dagger and slamming his hand against the stone. The dagger went flying across the hall. The assassin stumbled backwards, clutching his hand a moment, a hiss in the air before the dark cloaked figure became enraged, pulling his arm back to attack him.

A deep rumble that wasn't quite human ravaged through Jimin's throat as he twisted his body around, snapping his neck. The thud echoed in the hall.

Jeongguk collapsed on the ground, clutching neck as he felt the warm blood drip between his fingers, but it wasn't fatal.

The silence was deafening, louder than any screaming that could have erupted, as Jeongguk fought to control his breathing, body aching and minds eye reloving the brief moment of fear, of horror at the realization. An assassin had come for him, and nearly succeeded.

Jimin heaved a breathe, body shaking as his skin rippled like water from a pond, black scales skittering across like a warning. It was deadly, seeing the way the other closed his eyes, trembling so horribly. Mark hurried over, grabbing his arm.

"Don't! You change in here and they will kill you!" Mark hissed.

"I'm fucking working on it!" Jimin snapped back, silver eyes glittering as they reopened. He fisted his hands, trying to keep calm. Shaking his head, Mark realized that the wild Drakci needed space, sensing the wild thrum the other was giving off.

He turned back towards Jeongguk, smelling the iron scent of blood, breaking past the trance of shock from earlier. Blinking, he rushed over and knelt down in front of him, notig the glazed look in the Prince's eyes, the crimson stains slipping past honey skin of his hand and staining the tunic an ugly red.

Swallowing, his heart reached out to the young human. He could sense the slight tremor of his body, the brief flash of fear. "Are you alright, Jeongguk-ah?" Mark asked, a hand coming to touch his shoulder. A flash of recognition at this voice, Jeongguk coughed, nodding his head briskly just as Mark's hand was ripped away from Jeongguk's shoulder, a snarl running through the air.

Mark flinched at the harsh grip- it would surely break his wrist if he was human. But he wasn't, but the feeling of his bones bending was enough to cause him to meet a burning silver "I will not cause him harm, Park Jimin!"

Jimin bared his teeth, the skin around his eyes turning darker as if the scales were inches from the surface but Mark didn't back down, feeling the way his own skin wanted to react to the other being so near.

Jeongguk looked over to the ebony Dracki, shaking his head. "I'm fine, I'm fine, I swear," he mumbled. The silver orbs flickered over towards Jeongguk, eyes softening instantly as he released Mark and let his skin settle. Stepping closer, he lowered himself to the ground as his eyes were locked on the cut.

For a moment, Jeongguk just stared at him, seeing how gorgeous the male was in the moonlight, like he belonged there. His black hair gleamed, and his pale skin seemed to be iridescent, while his silver eyes were like silver flowers.

"Jimin, what are you... how did you?" He breathed, wondering how he was not in the cells, standing before him like an angel the legends beg his kind as. Jimin flushed, eyes darting towards Mark.

"Me. Jimin started screaming and said that there was someone here- I ignored him at first but then I got a bad feeling." Mark gave a waning smile, eyes flickering over towards the dead body and the crimson across Jeongguk's hand. "I guess I should have listened."

Jimin nodded, reaching over to carefully remove Jeongguk's hand from his neck. At the feeling of the chilled, soft skin Jeongguk shuddered as he stared towards Jimin. The Dracki looks paler than before, his soft skin looking a bit more worn. His clothing was still ragged, cloak covered in dirt.

But the beauty remained. His raven hair dusting lightly over his forehead, plump lips pursed in worry, brow drawn as he looked over the cut, blood still slipping down into his shirt and hands trembling a bit by his side.

His touch soothed him, like it was balm over a burn that Jeongguk just couldn't explain as his tense body softened, a little smile twitching at his lips. "The cut isn't deep. Your heartbeat is slowing. Are you really alright?"

"Fine. Thanks for... saving me."

Jimin broke into a bright smile, eyes turning into crescents as his fingers still over Jeongguk's skin. "Anytime, Highness."

"Speaking of which," Mark spoke up, straightening from where he was kneeling by the body, orange eyes glowing bright. Jimin glanced over, brow furrowing. "What the Fates were you doing? Where is Jackson? Another Guard?"

Jeongguk flinched, eyes instantly dropping to his feet. Jimin's brow rose before narrowing, the hand turning his face to look at him, wanting to see the dark eyes. Biting his lip, he shrugged. "I was... trying to get away from the party and... I wanted to go see Jimin and I don't know. I... I didn't think an assassin would come for me. I have never seen an assassin get this close."

"He's from Busan," Jimin mentioned briefly. Mark snorted in the back of his throat, agreeing with the sentiment, nose wrinkling, before pulling down the black cloak, revealing an unfamiliar face. Jimin's nose scrunched. "He smells of death."

"He's from Busan?" Jeongguk asked, looking back towards Jimin with raised brows. The Dracki nodded. He cursed, but before he could reply, guards burst through the hall doors, startling the tiny group as Jimin straightened, fear racing through him as two sentinels grabbed his arm, a new chain locking around his throat before he could move.

Not that he was planning on moving. Before he was stupid and was being ignorant, but this time he had a reason to stay despite the desire to make a run for it, to break away and never look back. And that is the male staring in shock and horror towards the guards, face young and eyes lost.

The grip on his arms were enough to make him want to lash out all over again, but he kept himself in check as Mark stood, only to have the Captain of the Sentinels slam him against the wall, a hand against his throat to cut off his airways.

Panic surged through Mark at the grip, hands reaching up to try and pry the human off, but the Captain's black eyes remained unmoving.

"Where is your Rider?" The Captain growled low, his voice dark and deep like a snakes, a coldness that was remarkable. It was a familiar voice- a voice that was constantly screaming at him to change to his true form, trying to beat him to change.

Mark struggled a moment, unable to answer with the grip on his throat as the King rounded the corner, his robe following in a flourish. Jackson was not far behind, eyes narrowing in outrage at the scene, including the way the Captain was holding his Dracki.

"He is my Dracki- release him now!" Jackson's voice boomed, his accent thick as the anger that was stark across his face as he paused five feet away from the Captain and Mark, whose eyes darted away from his Rider.

"You need to gain control of this animal. He has released the other Dracki and attacked the Prince," the Captain retorted blandly. Mark made a growling noise under his breath, already moving to defend himself but Jackson wouldn't let him.
"Do not say a word, Mark," he snarled low. Mark blinked in shock towards the harsh tone, orange eyes widening with hurt as Jackson looked away from him- like he was the animal they all said he was. His chest ached, but his heart hurt more. "That is my Dracki and he is Runed to me- release him and he shall receive the right punishment for what has occurred- however, he has done no such harm to the prince."

"And yet, the Prince has blood across his hand, this creature standing nearby, and a Dracki from before released from his cells. You dare defend his actions?" The Captain questioned, a dangerous edge to his tone.

"Then you you must be blind considering I am seeing the dead body of another across the floor, and what appears my Dracki protecting the young Prince," Jackson rebuffed, gesturing vaguely towards the body that already one of the guards was examining. "I cannot deny that my Dracki has broken a law and released the other Dracki, but do not assume that he has done ill towards our Highness."

"And neither did I, you piece of-" Jimin spoke up, wiggling his arms to try and get the Sentinels to loosen their grip while the medal chain weighted him further down. He had that metal, being once again trapped in his human body.

"Jimin," Jeongguk snapped, causing the other Dracki to fall silent, anger causing his body to shake. The Captain blinked once at the name before stepping away from Mark, who nearly collapsed at the sudden lack of weight before catching himself. He gripped his throat. Jackson looked towards the body.

"What occured here?"

"This man attacked Jeongguk- nearly killing him," Jimin replied. "He's from-"

"Silence!" The King boomed, hand raising and a slap resounding through the air. Jeongguk flinched, mouth falling open as Jimin fell back to the ground at the force of the blow, silver eyes glittering dangerously. "You have no right to speak here, vile snake!" His hand raised again. Jimin's eyes blew wide.

Jeongguk didn't hesitate to rush over and stand in front him, stopping his father mid blow who stared at him in shock and disbelief as Jeongguk's nostrils flared, chest heaving as more blood dripped from the wound.

"Jeongguk, move-"

"-Do not lay a finger on him, Abeoji," Jeongguk advised coldly. The king was taken aback by the tone before his hands clenched and a vein popped from his forehead. Jeongguk held strong, refusing to glance back towards Jimin, who he knew was staring at him in disbelief.

"Jeongguk. Step. Aside. Now."

"No. I will not allow you to hurt him."

"It is a Dracki. It is nothing but a uncontrollable animal! Step aside. Back. Down. Now," the King warned again. Once before, Jeongguk would have whimpered and like a runt of a litter, stick his tail between his legs and obey.

But too much has happened that he couldn't do that anymore. His father was lying to him, Jimin meant something to him, and he was so tired of being the so called 'Prince'. He was going to do something for himself for once.

"He is my Dracki. I bare his mark as he bares mine. I will not allow you to cause him harm no more." Lifting his hand, he tore away the cloth as a gasp went through the room as he bared it for all to see. Mark made a noise in the back of his throat while Jackson swore, connecting the pieces together in his head.

The King stared at Jeongguk's wrist, dark eyes unreadable before disgust flashed across his face, a clucking of his tongue echoing through the air as everything around Jeongguk went cold. Before the king even opened his mouth... Jeongguk knew.

He had known a long time ago.

"Throw them both in chains. Send them to the cells."

Jeongguk lowered his wrist, not saying a word as the Guards and Sentinels hesitated, holding their breath as they exchanged looks, afraid of what to say or do. The King snarled, causing everyone to instantly jump and comply.

Jeongguk held out his wrists as the Captain of the Sentinels walked over, ready to place the chains across his wrists when Mark used his body weight and shoved him aside, growling as he glared heavily towards the King who stared back.

"You bastard! He is your son!"

"He is no son of mine."

"That's bullshit!"

"He was not born from the Queen's loins nor was he created from my sperm. He was merely a means to an end," the King finished. Jeongguk felt the blood drain from his face, blood rushing to his ears as he stared at the man who has always been called father speak so calmly.

"You... you're lying."

"I do not lie. You are not mine. You never were. I have only birthed one son, one true heir, and he died," the King affirmed. A cry tore from Jeongguk's lips, body shaking as he thought about everything. He never acted like his mother nor father, never did he remind himself of his brother.

He was always so different.

The Captain stood again, ready to continue his order, but something surged through Jeongguk, stealing his breathe and possibly his sanity as he shoved him aside, grabbing the key that held Jimin's chain and faced his father.

"Fuck you," he snapped before punching the first guard in the face. Instantly, Jimin turned and knocked out the other guard holding him. Two guards moved to rush over but Jackson stopped them, pulling his sword and stopping them from stepping closer.

The King gasped as he moved to interject but Mark was suddenly there, skin rippling dangerously as he bared slightly sharpened teeth. "Step closer and I will show you what you so desperately want." Mark glanced over his shoulder. "Run Jeongguk! Jimin!"

Unlocking the chain around Jimin's neck, the Dracki grabbed Jeongguk's hand as it tumbled to the floor, and pulled the Prince behind them as they dashed through the hall. Jeongguk fought to keep up, shocked by the speed of the tiny male as they rounded sharp corners and up the staircase.

Jeongguk's breath was wheezing past his lungs, but he felt like he couldn't hear anything over the racing of his heart and the blood rushing through his ears. The hand that was clutching was small, and if he wasn't panicking, he might have commented on it.

Jimin kept going higher, hearing the sound of the sentinels and his Dracki part sensing other Dracki that were Runed being sent out. That alone terrified him. He needed to get out of here with Jeongguk.

Turning another sharp right, he saw a open room with a balcony, and his mind realized he was as high as it goes. Breathing shallow, he shoved Jeongguk inside and slammed the door. Looking around the room, he saw that there was a chest. Without hesitating, he shoved it in front of the door.

Jeongguk was standing blankly in the center of the room, eyes glazed over. Hurrying over, Jimin stood in front of him, eyes tracing over his cheek as he swallowed, touching his cheek gently. "Jeongguk-ah, can you hear me?"

"I... I don't..."

"Jeongguk, I know you are struggling right now, but Dracki and Sentinels are headed straight for us. We can't stay here." Jimin looked towards the door, cursing under his breath. They are getting closer. "Please, come with me. Leave this place and be... be my Knight. We are Fated right?"

Jeongguk's breath hitched as Jimin lifted his wrist, revealing the mark that was the same shade as his eyes. Exhaling lowly, he stroked the soft flesh while touched his own. Jeongguk stared at the matching makrs, feeling his mind calm.

He wasn't completely lost.

Jimin flinched when he felt the first tremor against the door. His eyes darted towards the open balcony, the forest miles away from the open city, but he could taste the freedom. He looked back at Jeongguk who nodded.

"I'll go."

"Do you trust me?" Jimin breathed carefully, eyes locking with the chocolate orbs.

"Completely." Jimin felt a shudder, and he tried to pretend that his heart didn't soar with the words that meant more than Jeongguk would ever understand. He gave Jeongguk's hand a gentle squeeze.

The door shook again. Tightening his hand, he turned on his heel and dashed for the balcony. "Hope you aren't afraid of heights!" Jimin shouted, making a beeline for the edge. He heard Jeongguk's breathe catch, a pang of fear racing through him as they got closer. "Jump Jeongguk!"

Jeongguk leaped just as the door burst open, the chest being shoved away. Air whipped past Jeongguk as his stomach managed to crawl it's way past his throat while his heart was left somewhere back at the balcony.

Everything was whipping past him, his eyes overly large and a scream tearing through his throat as his body was plummeting down towards the stones of his village. Jimin's hand was suddenly gone from his as he stared up towards the Dracki as his body shifted, scales appearing where skin once was and raven black wings bursting from his back.

"Trust me!" Jimin screamed before he was in the shape of a ebony scaled dragon, powerful wings flapping. A claw reached out and grasped at Jeongguk, stopping his descent as he grunted. Silver orbs, reptilians, stared back at him just as the sound of dragons roaring filled the air.

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