The Daughter of Pitch Black

By darkmoon897

8.6K 286 80

Rebecca Black has been taught to be darkness itself, to be hatefull, and unkind, to show no compassion or no... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Author's Note
author's note
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 :1/3
Chapter 11 : 2/3
chapter 12 : 3/3
Important authors note!

chapter 3

689 21 2
By darkmoon897

I just sat their on the ground like an idiot with my hand over my left cheek, it stung so bad that I couldn't really stop the tears from coming, I looked up and saw her standing above me, with a smile on her face and her demon eyes lite up like the fourth of July,

"Never talk to your mother in that ungrateful tone, young lady " she hissed at me with her evil grin still on her face.

She then turned around and went walking back to my sister, she slung her arms around alex's shoulders and regained her motherly smile for her,

"Alex sweetheart" she said slowly "can I talk to you alone for a minute? " she said in a sweet voice but with a pout on her face like she was gonna regret it,

Alex just kept her gaze on me, she was just staring me straight in the eye's, but I shifted my gaze down, I could feel the tears run down my face faster now, I then heard footstep coming closer to me.

I thought they were alex's but I really didn't believe that, she wouldn't do something she's not told, then all of a sudden it was dark, like a big shadow was in front of me, I looked up and found bright yellow eye's stare straight into my baby blues, something told me that I should be afraid but I wasn't, matter of fact it was some what.....calming.

The man extended his hand out towards me, and to my surprise I took it without hesitation, he pulled me up and close to him, like I was something valuable to him, I felt something when he held me close, I didn't know what it was but it felt some what like....darkness?

He didn't let go of me, he just held me close and I just stood their, wide eyed, I looked up at him and he just looked down at me and smiled, he then looked up and his smiled faded once he set his eyes on mom.

"I think we need to talk here Liz " he said his voice low and steady, like he was talking to wild animal.

"Don't call me that " she snapped at him, his eyes narrowed at her but he didn't say anything.

"And why shouldn't I talk to her about this in private "? She hissed at him

"Because their my daughter's and they need to know from ME first " he said with a grin on his face

"Daughter's?"   Me and Alex said at the same time, she moved away from mom while I moved away from my now all of a sudden father.

"Yes my dear, this wretched man is your father " she said shaking her head as if she was ashamed of it, which she probably was.

Alex looked towards him then to me.

"No wonder you and Becca look so much alike " Alex whispered more to herself

The man then took a step towards me and bent down so he was face to face with me, he took his hands and put them on my shoulders.

  "That's right my dear, I'm your father and iv come to take you both home " he said stretching the BOTH part out like he wanted someone to hear  him.

I noticed that he had a hint of British in his voice, I didn't really know what to do so I just stood their and looked at my him, we looked...a lot alike, I guess I really got my looks from him, except he had light grey skin and I had normal pale skin.

"Now wait a second their.....pitch," mom spat at him "your not taking MY daughter " she said as if it was funny that he even thought that.

"Owww no " he coed   "I'm taking both of my daughter's " then before a blink of an eye he had gotten up and threw something at mom, it looked like black sand formed into a ball, it hit her in the head and she flew backwards onto the couch, I was expecting her to jump up off the couch and attack him but she never did, she didn't even move a muscle.

" she dead? " I said my voice shaky and uneasy

"No my dear she's just...sleeping " he said calmly, like it was no biggie I do this all the time.

"What was that you threw at her " Alex said coming up behind me slowly and placing a hand on my shoulder

"Its my little secret " he said with an evil grin on his face, his eye's sparked a little like a fire, but with satisfaction like he wanted to do that for a long time.

Alex then pulled me closer to her, I could feel that she was scared a little, wait a could I feel that?

The man then set his eyes on me then on my sister, "My dears, you do not need to fear me, I wouldn't harm my own two daughter's now would I?" He said it more like a question.

"I don't really know now, you hurt your own wife " Alex said her voice cold, I knew that she really didn't trust him even if he was our father, he didn't say anything, a couple of minutes had passed and I was getting a little agitated at them for just staring at each other at a time like this.

"Sis " I said breaking the silence,(and their staring contest that might have lasted forever if I wouldn't have stepped in) she looked down at me and her eyes soften a bit,  "please, don't you see? He's helping us escape, " I whispered, trying to convince her, she just looked at me stunned.

"Your sister is right, all I want to do is to bring my daughter's home after all these years" he said a bit sad, I looked at him and could see the sadness in his yellow eye's.

She must have noticed to because her eyes soften up all the way and she just stared at him with big eye's like a child, just like me when I looked up at him "so is that why you've come back...after all these years just want to bring us... home?" She sounded a bit happy and worried.

"Yes my darlings, that's all I'm here for, is to bring my girls home, please you must understand that's why iv come back, please "

She didn't looked very convinced because she looked at me for advice,which she rarely did.

"Please, he's are daddy ..he just wants to bring US home " I pleaded to her

She looked like she was making the biggest decision of her life, she keep sneaking glances at me then to him, until she lowered her head in defeat and sighed.

"Alright then....but where gonna have to get some answers " she said pointing a finger at him.

He just smiled, then out of no where he picked me up in his arm's like i was a kid, and took Alex by the hand.

"We need to move quickly before they come " he said rushing us out the door.

"Before who comes? " me and my sister said together

"My darlings you will know in time but right now we must hurry " he said

"Wait a minute, you need to at least tell us who you are "? I said tugging on him like a 5 year old

"Yes, we at least need to know that " Alex said stopping us

He just looked around like he was afraid of getting caught, he took a deep breath then looked at me and my sister.

           "My name is pitch....pitch black......and I am the boogie man.

           Hope you enjoy it so far...and hope you keep reading on!!!!
                                       **** SNOWFLAKE OUT!!!! ****

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