Schoolin Life📚

By Beyoncesmanz

5.4K 399 14

Beyoncé is forced to go to college and her parents want in her in a general business job. But her heart says... More

Schoolin Life📚
First day
And i ooop!
Movie night🍿🎥[Explicit]
Christopher The Hero💪🏾
Back 2 getha[Explicit]
Bonnie & Clyde[Explicit]
And we're off
"Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious"[Explicit~ish]
"If I were a boy"
"If I were a boy...even just for a day"
Caught yo ass
My apologies my queen [Explicit]
Oh, you're back.
Try, try again
A start
Nice to see ya again!*explicit😈*
Authors Note: Should I end this story here??
"Stop it, get some help"[Explicit]
Moving fo-nope[SAD!]
"Maaakkeee loooveee tooo meee"[Explicit][Extremely Freaky]🔞
Make up[Explicit]
GOOOOD MORNING!!![Explicit][Part 2]
1 week laytare
Flying through your fears💍🛫
💍🏝[Highly Explicit🔞]
Sunny Day[Explicit]
BACHELOR PARTY...Gone Wrong and Explicit😬

"So baby come back."[The End?]p

106 7 0
By Beyoncesmanz

Bey's POV
I cry hysterically as I leave his house. How could he fuck a hoe multiple times? I mean I get we were in break, but he said he wouldn't fuck any other hoe. I've never hooked up with any other guy. I still have about an hour until the meeting and decide to stop by my moms house. I run in and see Solo and my mom. I try hiding my tears. Momma was putting dinner on plates and the eh both looked happy then frowned.
Momma T: oh baby! What's wrong?*puts plate down and hugs Bey*
Bey: what? There's nothing wrong.
Solo: Sister come on. Stop frontin.
I couldn't help but break down.
Bey: he-he had sex multiple times with another woman.
Momma T: wait hold on. I thought y'all were on break. So-
Bey: he promised me he would go man hoeing around. And I promised him I wouldn't hoe around either. But I'm scared, what if she's pregnant? What if they fall in love? What if she steals him from me? Wh-
Solo: wait Bey hold on. I'm so sorry he did that but don't over think it
Bey: why else would he tap her ass more than once?
Solo: I don't know. You should've talked to him more about it.
Bey: it dosent matter anyways because it's never going to work out between us.
And all of a sudden, I get an idea.
Momma T: she's right. Just give him a chance to explain. In the mean time, eat something baby, you lookin thin.
Bey: I can't I got another meeting with my team. And thank you both for giving me an idea. Love y'all.
I kiss them both on the cheek and leave them confused. I go into the studio building and have a talk with my team and give them the plan.
Chris POV
How could I be so stupid?! Why did Karruche have to keep popping up everywhere?!
Flashback (2 weeks ago)...
Im in the studio building and spot this hottie secretary walking down the hall. Without Bey, I'm horny as hell. I have some spare time and I go into her office and we start talking and before we know it, I'm fuckin her right on the table. It was a quickie and we went on as if nothing happened. A few days later, I brought her out to the club when I was horny and drunk. And i was trying to look out for paparazzi and ofc we fucked again. And one more time after that. Fuck. I promised bey I wouldn't!
It was soo stupid to do so. And her pussy wasn't even all that. Nothin compared to Beys. I run in and turn the stove off. And there she goes. Out of my life, but forever. I-I can't live without her. I need her in my life. I don't even care about anything else. I can't believe I fucked things up.
3 days later...
I flip through the channels and wooow. I caught my girl well was my girl on tv. She's doing her own Ellen interview as well.
Ellen: Please welcome one of the best new artist out here, Beyoncé!!!!
The audience went wild like they did for me. She came out in this beautiful romper. She's soo damn beautiful. They hug and sit down and the audience calms down.
Ellen: hello Beyonce, it's so nice to meet you. Wow you're so beautiful in person. No wonder Chris has been all over you.
Bey: haha thank you for having me and yes he shoulda remembered what he had.
Ellen: now *pulls up pictures of her and Chris at nightclub* it looks to me like you guys both um, said hi.*everyone laughs*
Bey:  *laughs* yes and it was soo nice to catch up with him and-
Ellen: you have sex with him right?*everyone and Bey laughs agai*
Bey: man you really do get right to the questions haha! We "caught up" and then now we are not together anymore*the whole audience awws in sadness*
Ellen: why is that? Is it because of her?*shows image of Karruche*
Wooow. She really did me dirty like that putting a photo of me and Karruche kissing.
Bey: um. Can we please take this photo down?*takes it down* but I can assure y'all that I'm single. And you know what, I don't think I'm in a place at my life right now where I can really entertain a relationship because I've been working soo hard.
Ellen: aww that's a shame because you and Chris made a really cute couple. I think in the long run, you guys will find each other again. Don't y'all think?
The whole audience screams yes! They know it.
Bey: but other than my relationship, what I really wanted to talk about was this "album" coming out.
Everyone hoorayed. Goes on to talk about what the album talks about and my heart nearly sank.
Bey: well, at the time, when I was all in love with Chris before we broke up-
Tears start to form in my eyes again. I don't wanna believe we're broken up.
Bey: I was writing songs about him before we signed on record labels. He was the inspiration for a lot of them. Unfortunately.
I gotta go see this girl! Fuck!
Bey's POV
I finish up the interview and thank Ellen. I just wanna head back home. My manager and team gets in the limo with me.
Manager: we all know you've had it rough s- Oh bey!
Everyone crowds around me hugging me while I sob.
Bey: how could be do this to me? After everything we been through and the promises we made?
Manager: you know, I think we may have over worked you
Bey: no. I did it to myself.
Manager: have you given him a chance to explain?
Bey: no! And there's nothin that will change my mind. We're done. *cries harder*
Kelly: it's a damn shame. Y'all were just fuckin in the club.
Bey: that's one of the most things imma miss. That dick. Mmm
Manager: ok well anyways, I just texted the producer and he saw the interview and we are giving you this weekend off. Starting today.
Bey: aww thank you! It's Friday tho.
Manager: girl I just watched the saddest interview of my life, I ain't think you is in the right mind girl😂
Michelle: if there's anything I know about my sista, we finna do some shopping as medicine.
Bey: fuck yesss!!!! I just gotta stop home first and change.
We head to home and the limo driver drops me off. He leaves and is on his way to drop the girls off as well. I turn around and I stop dead in tracks. It's Chris holding my favorite flowers.
Chris: hey baby, can we please talk?
I ignore him and walks right past him but he stops me. I wanna go in before I cry. He hands me the flowers and I throw them across the yard and shatter the nice vase they were in. He looks miserable as well. His eyes were all puffy.
Chris: baby, I can't go another day without you baby!
I see in the corner of my eye paparazzi running twoards my home.
Bey: Chris let me go! I don't wanna talk nor see you eve-
Chris: I watched that interview and saw the hurt in your eyes. I'm so sorry baby. But you have to believe me I didn't plan it like th-
Bey: dosent matter you broke my heart. I have no feeling left. Hurry the fuck up and leave I hear the paparazzi coming.
Chris: no!
Bey: do not make me scream!
Chris: it's what I do best😈just 2 minutes. Then I'll leave ya alone.
Bey: *eye rolls* fine.
I open the door and he hurries in. I slam the door quick and leak out the whole window and see a whole bunch of paparazzi at the gate.
Bey: wait a sec, how did you even get in here?
Chris: hop fence. *gets on knee* Beyoncé, I know there's nothing I can say to make up for what I did...but there's something I can sing.
He sings "with you" and the song always makes me smile and I couldn't help my crack a smile. He mixes the words into an apology and I damn near cried again. He gets off his knee wipes my tears.
Chris: baby. I don't think you understand how much I love you and doing what I did with Karruche was unexcusable. I know you always a bide by "once a cheater, always a cheater" but I promise you I was just confused and drunk and a mess without you.
Bey: Well. Thank you for the song, but you're right. Once a cheater, always a cheater. And nothing you'll ever do will make up for what you did. Goodbye Chris. Forever.
The end??
A/N: Should I end the story here or keep it going? Won't do another chapter until comment says end it or keep going.

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