A World Away

By poet_at_heart

158K 5.1K 971

BOOK 1 - completed Two best friends find themselves freefalling through Velaris' sky with no way back home. ... More

1.Under the starry night sky
2. A whole new world
3. Dinner parties
4. Mor' Birthday!
5. Midnight talks hit deep
6. Java Café
7. A day with MorEve
8. Out of the closet
9. Prank war
10. Partying
11. Distracting
12. Starfall again
13. An evening out
14. An enemy
15. Kiss and run
16. To reunions
17. Meeting Rhysand....Formally
18. Date (official one)
19. Speechless
20. Culprit caught and some drama
21. Meeting Feyre
22. Feyre bonding
23. Human lands
24. In the dead of the night
25. Hybern
26. Into the Cauldron
27. The Spring Court
28. Escape
29. Back to Velaris
30. Welcome back
31. It feels different
32. Training
33. Dinner plans
34. Dinner = mini battle
35. Burying the dead
36. Closure of some kind
37. Blazing high
38. Ready for a battle
39. Adriata
40. The aftermath
41. Quality time
42. The Dawn Court
43. The meeting (part 1)
44. The meeting (part 2)
45. The wall comes down
46. Contemplating options
47. The second battle
48. Sister
50. Ianthe
51. Comfort
52. The prey and the predator
53. Hybern camp
54. Burn the world down
55. The battle begins
56. The battle
57. Just like fire
58. Hello friend
59. A game of choice (part 1)
60. A game of choice (part 2)
61. A game of choice (part 3)
62. Come back to me
63. The last meeting
64. When the war is over but the scars remain

49. The Middle

1.3K 53 6
By poet_at_heart

It was on the fifth day that a panting Azriel came with news- Hybern had somehow skirted them entirely, and sent a force marching up the seam between the Autumn and Summer Courts. Heading for the Winter Court border.

After hours of debating during which Eve sat with Nesta, patiently waiting for the decision, that Varian came up with a solution. A witty one at that, and also so simple that Eve couldn't help but admire his intellect. They would march North and stay- spinning a glamour on this place, fooling Hybern.

And so, the work began. Rhys, Feyre and Cressida spun the glamours all day long, perfecting every little detail.

They moved out again, a far larger beast than the one that had flown down here. The Summer Court soldiers and Keir's legion could not fly, but Tarquin dug deep into his reservoirs and winnowed them along with the Inner Circle. He'd be wholly empty by the time they reached the enemy, but he insisted he was better at fighting with steel anyway. Eve' respect for him increased.

Hybern' army was at the northern edge of the mighty forest that stretched along the Summer Court's eastern border. It was late enough in the afternoon that Hybern was readying to settle down for the night. Cassian had let our army rest all day, anticipating that. Knowing that at the end of a long day of marching, Hybern' forces would be exhausted.

With rain-heavy clouds sweeping in from the east and the sun sinking toward the trees behind- sycamores and oaks that towered high- Eve landed on the cliff. Rhys ripped off the glamour surrounding them, letting Hybern know who had come for them, who was defeating them at every step of the way.

Eve stayed back this time too, along with Mor and Feyre. Though this time, Nesta joined them as they stood at the edge of the cliff, watching the battle unfold. She let a bit of her fire surround the little group, warming them up against the onslaught of the rain.

But then, Hybern came onto the Darkbringers' forces and Eve' breath hitched. Cassian, ignoring Rhys bellowing orders, flew and landed in the middle of the enemy lines, unleashing himself. Eve prayed to whatever Gods that still listened to keep him safe, though, she doubted they would be of much help.

"Re-form the lines," Mor muttered from beside her. ""Re-form the damned lines." Az and Cass were trying but.... but it was overwhelming. "Mother above," Nesta said, her voice filled with dread.

Eve whipped to where Mor stood, pale-faced. "You need to go," Mor shook her head. "Rhys ordered me to stay and protect-"

"I can do that. I promise. But right now, they need you," Eve insisted. "He will kill me if I-"

"He will do no such thing." Feyre said. Mor looked helplessly between Eve and Feyre, the latter nodding in encouragement. "Be careful," Mor said after switching her eyes from the battle where Cassian now charged towards the commander to the determined look on Feyre and Eve. Letting out a breath, Mor nodded and left, battle ready.


Eve watched as Mor disappeared in the chaos along with Azriel. Azriel- he better stay safe. She hadn't talked to him properly for days now, only exchanging few nods here and there. He better survive the battle.

"You're leaving?" Nesta said and Eve' tore her eyes from the battlefield to see Feyre, dressed up to leave. "Absolutely not." Eve said.

"I have to, I will be back soon," Feyre insisted. "You are staying here, I promised to protect you," Eve shook her head, going eye-to-eye with Feyre. "I have to. Don't you see? We need answers, we need help. I am going," Feyre said, head held high and Eve knew this was the High Lady of the Night Court.

"I am coming with then." Feyre sighed but agreed nevertheless, knowing this was the only way out.

Feyre motioned Eve to follow her to Elain' tent. After giving Nesta a short nod to keep look out, Eve followed. "I need you to find something for me," Feyre told her sister, laying a map in front of her, of Prythian, Eve realised. "It's called the Suriel- it's one of many who bear that name. But ... but it looks like this," Feyre hesitated, "may I show you?" Elain nodded.

"Plant the image in your mind," I clarified. "So, you know where to look."

"I don't know how to look," Elain mumbled. "You can try." Elain nodded, a determined look entering her eyes. After a second of her eyes glazing, Elain looked at Feyre, terrified. Eve wondered how this thing Feyre sought looked like.

"Why?" "It has answers I need. Immediately." Elain nodded, and closing her eyes, let her hands move over the map. "It moves ...," she whispered. "It moves through the world like ... like the breath of the western wind."

"To where?" Eve asked softly. "There," she breathed. "It is going there. Now," pointing towards the Middle. Eve distantly remembered it as the place Feyre had gone once to retrieve a ring from some Weaver.

Feyre' eyes widened. "Thank you," she said to her sister, and taking Eve hand, winnowed straight into the Middle, just south- miles, perhaps ... from the Weaver of the Wood.


"Want to tell me why we are in this creepy forest?" Eve asked, once they landed. "The Suriel is like an all-knowing creature. And I need answers," Feyre answered, scanning the area. "Follow my lead," she told Eve who obliged.

After a few leaps which left Feyre breathless and Eve nauseous, the famed Suriel finally made its appearance. Clad in a cloak, he looked like the Red Skull from Marvel but maybe, it was just Eve' imagination to make it look less..... scary.

"I'm sorry if it was a violation, but it's an urgent matter." Feyre said, her voice steady as ever.

"You wish to know where Hybern is hiding its army." 

"Yes. And other things. But let's start with that."

"Even I cannot see it."

"I thought you could see everything?" Eve asked. The Suriel angled its head at her then. "He uses magic to cloak it—magic far older than I, Cauldron-made. Oh, how the wind have whispered stories about you, other-worldly yet.... belonging."

"He is using the Cauldron." Eve said, ignoring the latter part of the speech, and the Suriel nodded, his lips twitching when he saw the flames in Eve' hand in a defensive position. "I heard what you went through. The wind whispered it to me," Eve gulped but didn't show any expression. "Then do we have your sympathy to help us?" Eve asked. The Suriel laughed at this, the sound making goosebumps appear on her skin.

"The King of Hybern does not travel without the Cauldron and you have those already who can find Hybern. You and the viper make quite the team, don't you think, Eve?" It hissed. At this, Eve sucked in a breath. Of course, she thought.

"How?" Eve demanded. "The bones talk." Suriel answered. Eve huffed, that was utterly unhelpful, but Feyre asked, "you mean scrying?" The Suriel nodded.

Eve had her next mission it seemed. 

Happy reading :)


the amazing author who is working on muscle memory... so tired with freaking everything... any volunteers for finishing my project whilst I binge watch Reign? Yeahhh.... 

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