Cup's Adventure Part 1: The S...

By ClownTheClown

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this story is a rewritten version of the original comic that I made in college. Main Plot: An Evil Corrupted... More

Ch.0 The Beginning
Ch.1 No Strings To Hold Me Down
Ch.1 {Part 1/2} Metallic Madness Vs No Strings
Ch.1 {Part 2/2} Metallic Madness Vs No Strings
Ch.2 Ticking Numbers
Ch.2 {Part 1/2} Greenier Hills Vs X & O's
Ch.2 {Part 2/2} Greenier Hills Vs X & O's
Ch.3 Explosive Manners
Ch.3 {Part 1/2} Final Countdown Vs Cup, Zone and Mazze
Ch.3 {Part 2/2} Final Countdown Vs Dirty Luck
Ch.4 Love Strucked
Ch.4 {Part 1} Love Struck Vs Metallic Madness
Ch.5 Erasing The Space
Ch.5 {Part 1/2} Through Space Vs Dirty Luck, Metallic Madness, Greenier Hills
Ch.5 {Part 2/2} Through Space Vs Dirty Luck
Ch.6 Time After Time
Ch.6 {Part 1/2} Due In Time Vs Dirty Luck
Ch.6 {Part 2/2} Due In Time Vs Dirty Luck
Ch.7 {Part 1/2} Chained To The Wall Vs Dirty Luck and Greenier Hills
Ch.7 {Part 2/2} Chained To The Wall Vs Dirty Luck
Ch.8 A Slide Down To Danger
Ch.8 {Part 1/2} Metallic Madness Vs Slider
Ch.8 {Part 2/2} Metallic Madness Vs Slider
Ch.9 Chasing Cats
Ch.9 {Part 1/2} Greenier Hills Vs Cat & Mouse
Ch.9 {Part 2/2} Greenier Hills Vs Cat & Mouse
Ch.10 Absolute Darkness
Ch.10 {Part 1/2} Wrapped In Black Vs The Gang
Ch.10 {Part 2/2} Wrapped In Black Vs The Gang
Ch.11 The Wrong Direction
Ch.11 {Part 1/2} Final Countdown Vs Gravity Defying
Ch.11 {Part 2/2} Final Countdown Vs Gravity Defying
Ch.12 Steel Horror
Ch.12 {Part 1/1} Steel Plated Horror Vs The Gang
Ch.13 A Burning Hatred
holy shit 57 reads?
Ch.13 {Part 1} SPH & SOC Vs Dirty Luck & Metallic Madness
Ch.13 {Part 2} SOC Vs The Gang
Final Chapter: SOC vs The Gang

Ch.7 A Heavy Feeling

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By ClownTheClown

After Cup and his friends had gotten back from school they went to Cup's house.
Cup then runs in and hugs Susie
Susie: oh Hello Cup! What's wrong?
Cup: the principal was being mean about you!
Susie: aww...don't worry, I will tell the police about this
Susie leaves to go report what happened.
Zone was typing on Susie's computer
Mazze: any luck?
Zone: yeah the school wasn't owned by Jones
Cup: who was it?
Zone: a company called Mystery Wings
Mazze: I see...where is this company at?
Zone: lemmie take a look.
Zone started typing again
Cup: well?
Zone: the company lives on an island next to this country, we will need to get a boat to get to that island
Cup: wow...a boat?
Mazze: that's not good at all
Zone: no, not at all.
Cup: don't worry we can do this!
Zone: you are right but, how are we gonna get on that boat?
Mazze: that is very are we gonna get on?
Cup: isnt boats quiet expensive?
Zone: wait a minute
Mazze: what?
Zone: we can find a boat and drive over there
Mazze: that's crazy, I like it!
Cup: yeah!

Zejo was planning as usual...he was typing along on his computer and then there was a knock.
Zejo: come in.
Tabando walked into the office of Zejo Smith

Tabando: Mr Jones has been defeated by Cup
Zejo: what?! I knew he couldn't be trusted...
Tabando: what should we do boss?
Zejo thought about it and then got up from his chair
Zejo: shut down the school.
Tabando: are you sure?
Zejo: I am!
Tabando: yes sir
Tabando walks out of the office
Zejo: no one will expose me, not anyone.
Back with the gang++++++++++
Susie entered the house
Susie: I am back boys!
Cup: mom!
Zone: we got some news for you
Susie: oh really?
Cup: we are gonna go to Mystery Wings and expose them for their corruption
Susie: I am glad to hear that dear, I will book you the boat to that island. Just make sure you come back by midnight
Cup: no worries mom, I got this
They got up and left
Susie: good luck, my son...
To be continued

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