Remember Cedric Diggory

By sleepingatlast15

264K 4.5K 2.1K

Clarissa Argent was ready for a new year at Hogwarts, and she couldn't wait to see her best friends: Harry Po... More

" The fight"
"Coming Home"
" Triwizard Tournament"
" The Goblet of Fire"
" The Reunion"
"Potter Stinks"
" The Black Lake"
"The First Task"
" Gossip"
"Lunch with the Hufflepuff's"
" One Day"
" The Eagle And The Lion"
"The Truth"
"The Break-Up"
"The Announcement"
"The Yule Ball"
"The Clue"
"Haters, Apologizes And Insults "
"The Second Task"
"Polyjuice Potion"
"The Star"
"When It All Comes To An End"
"Life Just Keeps Moving"
"Remembering The Good Old Days"
"The Third Task"
"To The Stars"
"If I Die Young"
RIP Alan Rickman
"Remember Me"
Epilogue-"The Last Goodbye"

" The 4 Champions"

8.9K 165 43
By sleepingatlast15

It was a very long day. Care of magical creatures wasn't great at all, because Hagrid was obsessed with monsters, and he keep bringing them to classes. After that we had lunch, and then McGonagall sent us an owl. Hermione and I needed to skip history of magic, so we could go and see which of us was going to be picked. We left our books in our room and we went to get Oliver Wood. Oliver is the captain of the Gryffindor team, and he is a very nice but ambitious person.

When we arrived, McGonagall was waiting for us with the other nine students from the other houses. I knew one boy from Ravenclaw, that smiled at me once he saw me. His name was Grant Agustin, and he was a fifth year. He was a handsome and clever boy, with the one I talked very often. I sat by his side and we waited.

"I summoned you today because as you know, you are the smartest wizards at Hogwarts. Of course, I only summoned students from fourth year or older, because you now know the branches of magic. I will call one by one, and I will make you perform spells. After this task, the one who has more points, will be the person who will help the Hogwarts champion in the Triwizard Tournament". She said.

Grant and I stared at each other.
"Do you think it will be difficult?" He asked.
" I don't know... I don't think so. After all, if she summoned students from fourth year it can't be advanced magic, since we haven't seen that yet" . I said.
" Well, Clary, you wouldn't have a problem with that, would you? After all, you can perform every single spell ". He said, winking at me.

I smiled. God, he was gorgeous. I never thought someone from Ravenclaw could be so kind, they were the most competitive people I've ever met. Grant was only 16, a year older than me. He spoke to me for the first time when I was in the library, two years ago. We connected instantly, since we have a lot of things in common. We never saw each other us a couple, but well, that could change at any moment.

McGonagall started calling the students. I was very nervous, after all, I had to admit that I really wanted to help the champion. It would be great, skipping classes, practicing spells, watching the tasks and thinking about the possible clue. I was thinking about this, when I heard my name. I was the last one. I stood up and entered a small room. She asked me a few definitions, which I told her, because I knew them by heart. Then, I noticed something was moving behind me. I turned around, and I saw the biggest spider I've ever seen. The spider was 4 meters long, with 8 hairy and long legs, which made me shiver. I was about to scream, but all I could thinks was why the hell did they bring a spider, since it's the thing I fear the most. Then, I realized. This wasn't a spider; it was a bogart. I took my wand and I screamed RIDDIKULUS!. Suddenly, the spider fell to the floor, it had skates in its legs. I laughed and I lowered my wand.

" Very well Miss Argent. You and Miss Granger were the only ones capables of recognizing a bogart. The others just stood there and screamed for a while". Said McGonagall, with a disappointed look in her face.
" Thank you Professor." I said, smiling
" Very well. The winner will be announced today before the champions. Again, congratulations." She said.
" Thank you, goodbye." I said.

I left the room. I immediately went to Gryffindor's common room, where I saw the Weasleys and Harry.

" Hey, how did it go?" Said Harry.
" Good. Actually, great. It was so much fun". I said, smiling.
" Fun? Answering questions is the definition of fun to you?" Said Ron.
" Oh, shut up. It was actually really easy. I guess we will have to wait". I said.

Classes ended early because of the announcement. Everyone was so excited they could barely eat. We waited, and then Dumbledore spoke.

" The moment has arrived. First, we will announce the students who are going to help the 3 champions. " He said. " First, the helper from Beauxbautons is... Gabrielle Aurnaud".
Gabrielle stood up and smiled, while everyone was clapping. She stood by the side of Dumbledore.
" The helper from Durmstrang is...Vladimir Nabokov". He said. All the students from Durmstrang seemed to be delighted.
" Last, but not least, the helper from Hogwarts is... Clarissa Argent" he said.

I couldn't believe it. I was actually chosen. I was going to help the Hogwarts champion. Everyone in Gryffindor was clapping, so I stood up and went to shake hands with professor Dumbledore. I noticed Cedric was looking at me, with a smirk in his face. "Please, he can't be chosen as a champion. There's no way I would help him,"I thought.

The hall went quiet and Dumbledore spoke once more.
" Now, I will announce the 3 champions who will compete in the Triwizard Tournament. The champion from Beauxbautons is...Fleur Delacour".
All the Beauxbautons girls were clapping and smiling. Fleur was actually beautiful, and apparently , everyone was rooting for her.
" The champion from Durmstrang is...Victor Krum" he said.
" Ron must be freaking out right now. He might be thinking that if he dies, Quidditch will literally end" I thought.

The champions and its helpers went to wait in another room. I stood there by myself. Everything went silent once more. Hogwarts' students were waiting. We were all waiting. I was praying to have someone from Gryffindor, or at least someone kind.
" Last, but not least... The champion from Hogwarts is... CEDRIC DIGGORY". He said.
The school was screaming and clapping. Meanwhile,I was dying. I was definitely the person with the worst luck in this world. I could not do this. I'd rather die. " this is just an ugly and horrible nightmare" I thought. But I knew it wasn't. This was happening.
Cedric stood up, smiling and giggling. He shook Dumbledore's hand and then he walked towards me. I couldn't breathe. He smiled at me and I shook hands with him.

" Well, look what we have here". Said Cedric, laughing.
I said nothing. I just left the hall with him and went to the room where the other champions were waiting.
I wanted to die. What was I supposed to do? I had to help him. It is my duty, and there's nothing I could do.
We walked and then we saw the other champions. They were all silent. We did the same, but I could feel his eyes on me, and I could see from the corner of my eye that smirk that everyone loved. Except for me, of course.

Then, I saw Harry coming down. Now I couldn't breathe. What was he doing here? He looked terrified, and he was shaking. Then, I saw Dumbledore, karkaroff ( Durmstrang's headmaster), Madame Maxime ( Beauxbautons' headmistress), Barty Crouch and Mad Eye Moody. They were screaming at Harry, asking him if he put his name in the goblet. He kept saying no, but no one believed him.
I couldn't listen. He couldn't have done that. He said he didn't want to compete, and I believed him. I knew he didn't put his name, and I knew he didn't ask someone to do it for him. He was going to die, I thought. My legs were shaking, and I swore I was going to fall down. However, Cedric hold me.
" Are you okay?" Asked Cedric, he looked concerned.
" I'm fine. I just need some air. Excuse me".
And I left the room as fast as I could.

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