The Favourite Brother: Comple...

By Cynicalwaste23

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Forced into a position he didn't asked for, but is perfectly qualified to; bamboozled by corruption in the mi... More

Flight to Kyoto
First Impressions
Main Objective
The plan
Air and sea
Glorious progress!
The chaplain is dead
The retired officer
Excuse to play dress up
Equal distribution
Let the battle begin!
Andrew's heroism
The greatest worst decision ever made
Sudden death round
Having fun, or having an idea of fun
A reform and a repress
A General inspection
A welcome battle and a reunion
Extraordinary tactics
Worthy and insane opponents
Like in a movie
Party until night
A blooming friendship
The start of an epic journey
Look at me...I'm the principal now
The 63rd Hohei-Dō tournament
The queen's favour
The best way to learn is to experience it PT. 1
The best way to learn is to experience it PT. 2
Sisters of battle
The Saunders Espionage
Your guardian angel
Smile and optimism restored
Mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery
End of celibacy
Tournament now
Back in the saddle
Welcome to Ha'nei
A war penalty
King of the hill
Operation Surprise Buttsecks
The St. John brothers - A Rescue!
The St. John brothers - A Rescue! Again?
Big brother instincts Pt. 1
Big brother instincts Pt. 2.5
Hog killin' time
The Defence of Nozomi
Don't mess with our young Pt. 1
Don't mess with our young Pt. 2
Don't mess with our young Pt. 3
Don't mess with our young Pt. 4
Don't mess with our young Pt. 5
Something bit me
An end to this nightmare
Battle scars
Repatriation and substitution
From one safe haven to another
What's a yeet?
We have made it thus far
Everybody's weird
Recurring nightmare
Recurring nightmare Pt. 2
What's mine is yours, what's yours is mine
The gloves are off
Backdoor Shenanigans

Big brother instincts Pt. 2

11 0 0
By Cynicalwaste23

Chapter 49:


It takes a while for the convoy of Philip's assault battalion's remaining members to reach Northbury Township, as they arrive during the time the sky turns red, and lamp posts in nearby villages they come across are lighting up.

As their safe haven's protective walls come within their sight, they see a banner posted on top of the parapet that says, "Welcome home, soldiers," in Japanese. At least, that's what they think it says.

There are soldiers, mostly gunners, stationed outside the walls to make sure there won't be any disturbances the moment they got inside the walls.

As the first tank – the Panzer IV – entered the town, it was immediately cheered on vigorously by soldiers and confused civilians alike. The way these cheers continued as the rest of the convoy entered made it look like a military parade was in town. Many of the troopers could not wait much longer and decided to jump out of their jolting trucks so they could finally rest their blistered behinds in their fort of Northbury Township.

The Ooarai military police, and perhaps the actual police in Northbury did not scold or tell them to get back in the truck because they knew that they deserve this well-deserved rest.

The tanks are parked in the garages; to be tended to by the civilian mechanics, and the infantry trucks are scattered around parking lots and spaces they could find. The mentally exhausted troops embraced one another, and perhaps any nearby base defender for comfort. Those who got a random hug did not complain... In reality, they do need a hug as well.

The tank team members were overjoyed they finally made it to their safe haven, that some – especially the freshmen – cried tears of joy, or lay down in the pavement to feel the relatively clean roads.

As the tank crews get out of their vehicle and take in the fresh, non-paint tainted air, Ray Gonzales – the man himself, Andrew, and Matthew were the first persons to welcome them home.

Mako, from the Anglerfish team, upon seeing Andrew, could not contain herself and rushes in to hug the young man. Andrew was tackled off his feet, but his giggles indicate he is enjoying this.

Miho felt the same with Matthew, but this time the latter expected this. He welcomed his loved one in open arms and was yelling as much as her on how much they missed each other.

It's expected for Yukari to do the same to Ray, but she got out of the tank looking rather depressed and down. Out of character for her usual eccentric and energetic personality. Ray fears she must've been burnt out by war, and wonders about the possibility of what her parents would've reacted if she sees her in this state.

His first instinct was to go and check on her, and imagine his relief when she, upon close proximity, perked up and hugs Ray down by the neck. She too was excited upon reuniting with him as much as her team members are with theirs, though perhaps she's just not demonstrating it as much.


Ray: "Am I glad you're safe! Thanks to you, your friends, and hundreds of men and women are safe. You must feel like a hero."

Yukari: "Ehhm... I kinda don't feel like a hero."

Ray: "You can get used to it, Yukari. Now, where's Philip?"

*Someone taps Ray's shoulder. When he turns to look, it was Bartholomew. He is not wearing his cloak of leaves, revealing such a rugged physique that his duster couldn't hide. As always, he still wears that damn scarf that covers half of his face.*

Bartholomew: "Philip opted to stay behind. He took Andres, and his... Dare I say, 'Macho Men' and stayed in that godforsaken town just to annoy the Americans."

*Ray's smile drops into a frown, but he fully understands his motives, and lets it go.*

Ray: "Oh... I see... I wish him good luck in whatever he is trying to achieve. Just hope he won't hurt himself for reals doing this stunt. What about Simon?"

Bartholomew: "Oh, Simon is with us, but I think he's the least of your worries right now. You heard about the announcement, Ray?"

Ray: "That we got penalized? Yep. Just because I'm a few kilometers away from y'all, doesn't mean we didn't hear it."

*Yukari makes herself look small, shy, and nervous that she may have disappointed Ray. He is disappointed, but rather in a way as if he's upset that he's right. He sighs, scratches his nose, and clears his throat.*

Ray: "I always knew that someday some of my troops would have had enough of their bullshit. This is a thing Chuck does; it is what he will always do, and I'm sick of it! He keeps bending the rules; making it his bitch so he can win by a technicality. If he annoys all of us to death, then these penalties would be regularly given to us. That's why his fucking cavalry prefer to strafe us than attack us. Goddamn, I want to wring his neck!"

Bartholomew: "Guarantee, the wringing of his neck will come shortly as we continue this advance. I'll situate my boogeymen into their new posts if you don't mind."

Ray: *He sighs once more, and takes his hat off, revealing his matted hair. His hair gel must've worn off recently.* "Sure, Bart. The watchtowers are yours. Just be careful of those redskins screaming from the top of their lungs and firing arrows at you... By the way, they have arrows."

Bartholomew: "I'll see what I can do. How did they allow that?"

Ray: "I don't know, but it's a good thing is that it's a suction or plunger arrow...type thing. I'm not sure how he made the black sheath we used for our knives and blunt weapons into a numbing suction cup tip. It makes a childish weapon deadly-ish, but I suppose he has a knack for that... Chuck always makes harmless things worse."

*Bartholomew nods at Ray and leaves, taking his boogeymen with him. He says his goodbyes to his club before leaving. When Ray turns to Yukari, he sighs again, and still thinking about the arrows, expresses more disappointment. Yukari must've thought it was directed at her, as she puts her hands up maybe to stop Ray if he lunges at her out of anger.*

Ray: "I sometimes fear that...this sport awakens the dark and sadistic nature of players. I mean, a game about war? And people don't believe that other people have their limits. It makes me sick. In all seriousness, I'm glad you're okay, Yukari. I hope you don't mind me saying, but I think this advance thing of mine would be much more difficult than Philip's. I can already tell that we're no match for...fucking, 19th century guns. I can't believe we're gonna get beaten by Cowboys... Cowboys!"

Yukari: "L-let's not lose hope that we're not gonna win, Ray! We still have the technological advantage! We just need to adapt to their tactics!"

Ray: "Heh... Always are a smart girl, ain't you, Yukari?"

*Yukari chuckles and blushes. She turns right and waves her hand downward, flattered.*

Yukari: "Stooop, you're making me blush~"

*As Ray turns around, he cocks his head towards the road – telling Yukari to follow him, who does so. His next objective was to get the women into the bunks that they set up just for them, but looking at Saori and Hana, they look distressed about something. They stand at the edge of the sidewalk, nervously looking left and right, and occasionally gazing at their two team members who are overjoyed at being united with their partners again.*

*Ray, along with Yukari approach them to ask what makes them so uneasy.*

Ray: "Hey, guys, what's up? Why the long face?"

Hana: "John and James came with us. Shouldn't they be here by now?"

Ray: "That is true, but perhaps they met with some trouble on the way? All we can do is wait, I'm sorry."

*Saori wails silently in worry. Hana hugs her for comfort, and Saori hyperventilates. Ray can't comfort these possible pseudo-widows at the moment, but he also can't stop thinking about what happened to John and James, of why they're taking so long to get here.*

*Ray thinks that establishing, or re-establishing contact with the brothers would put their minds at ease, so he turns to Matthew who recently finished up putting Miho up to speed – as a way to get her to forget the awful and tedious things she had to experience, and was about to order him to call the two idiots on what they're doing.*

*But Ray notices Momo stomping towards him; he takes this as a sign that something bad is gonna happen. Anzu lags behind, to mediate if it all goes...nuts.*

*For some odd reason, Yukari quickly hid behind Ray and holds him up as if she's using him as a shield. Ray looks over his shoulder, and Yukari smiles sheepishly.*

Momo: "Ray! I like to file a complaint!"

Ray: "The complaints department is over there."

*Ray points to a trash can. Momo didn't find it amusing as much as Anzu.*

Momo: "Not the time for jokes, Ray! You see, your...subordinate, James, pointed a gun at me! Indiscriminately!"

Ray: "Heh... Heheh... Oh... You're not joking?"

Anzu: "Ray... Has Momo ever made a semi-decent joke?"

*Ray puts a finger up, but realizing he can't argue about that, he nods and purses his lips.*

Ray: "Valid point. Boozer pointed a gun at you? Okay? Why?"

Momo: "I-I don't know! But you put that man in line! He's been nothing but a troublemaker ever since he first came to this school! Either you sort him out, or else."

Ray: "Or...else what?"

Momo: "Or!... Be professional for once in your life, Ray! God!"

*Sayori conjures herself up right next to Ray, with a very shocked expression.*

Sayori: "Wow! The balls on this woman!"

Ray: "Here's the thing, woman; light the fuck up. I hope you realize that I'm a General, not a Principal, or a Human Resources Secretary. I can't send James to a disciplinary hearing, even if pointing a gun with or without intentions of harming is considered a punishable offense involving court martialing. Unfortunately...we haven't established a court-martial, because I haven't established a law that makes it so. Though, I know James better than you; yes, what you said is right — the dude loves being a thorn on everyone's side, but if you get him to aim his gun at you...then you might've done something wrong."

Momo: "Wha!? Did something wrong!? What kind of logic is that!?"

Ray: "James doesn't particularly get pissed of easily; trust me... I tried, but to get him to aim a gun at you? He's a Boy Scout before; ironically he's more dedicated to it than his big brother. Of course, the fact that his Boy Scout group has him bake cookies – which inspired his love for baking – probably makes me doubt things, but he has good trigger discipline to not aim at someone indiscriminately... Maybe... You did something that pissed him off."

Momo: "Are you!... Are you accusing me of something?!"

*Anzu gets in between as this argument gets heated.*

Anzu: "Okay! Okay! Settle down! No one is accusing anyone!"

*Matthew also decided to get involved. He gets in front of Ray and shields him with his arm.*

Matthew: "The fuck is going on here? Can we at least go for one day without infighting? Please!"

*Yuzu, not wanting to make a scene again, puts a hand on Momo's shoulder, and tries to distract her with something to put her mind at ease.*

Yuzu: "Listen, Ms. Kawashima, you're stressed out; you need to relax. Look, come and take a walk with me. We're already in a safe haven; no need to disturb the peace."

Ray: *He points down the street behind them.* "Down the street, two blocks down, there's a bathhouse. Members of Philip's battalion have free admittance. By the way! There's also a lot of domesticated pets around you can pet, and the problem would be if you're allergic, or if you hit them and annoy the owners."

Yuzu: "Thanks. Come on, Momo."

*Momo stares at Yuzu with such contempt, but after looking around, seeing the confused faces of her team members, Ray's soldiers, and civilians alike, she relents, and agrees to go with Yuzu.*

Momo: "You keep your men in line, Ray!"

Matthew: "Care to add a 'General' in that statement?"

Ray: "Matthew!... Quiet... Whatever you say, Mo!"

*Momo and Yuzu finally leave, leaving behind a bewildered crowd. Ray orders his soldiers that are present to disperse the crowd and get the women to the quarters he set up for them. Anzu stayed for a moment to apologize for her friend's rash actions, and so did Yukari, who's still behind Ray.*

*Matthew walks up to Miho and asks to take her for a walk... She's content with that idea. The events that transpired made Ray forget what he was supposed to ask Matthew for, but as Andrew takes Hana and Saori away to get their minds off their partners who might be in serious danger, nonetheless things might be going fine.*

Anzu: "I apologize for my friend's bold action. She is as stressed as we are. She also hasn't removed that stick up her ass ever since she got the position as secretary three years ago, and she also takes her job seriously. Also, that's kind of pretty much how a normal person would react if they were threatened with know?"

Ray: "Wow... That might be the most genuine apology you've ever done."

Anzu: "Tph. It doesn't happen commonly, Ray. Count yourself lucky."

Ray: "Well... I hate to admit, but in some things she is right. After all, even with everything I've done before, up to this point, I still think I'm not cut out for being a General. I don't have the...maturity, you know?"

Anzu: "Um...all of us don't? Don't let it get to you, man. Don't forget, most of us are still kids, and some are dropouts who came back to learning. I gave you this role for a reason; I didn't put you up to be the General because you looked hot~"

*Yukari, from behind Ray, hisses at Anzu silently.*

Ray: "Okay, okay. Let's stop with the flattery, Zu. Is there any more you need for you to enjoy your stay?"

Anzu: "Just a bed, warm coffee, and treats for Apricot, and I'm set! No need to be a hotel butler or something. Oh! By the way, you may need to talk some sense into your little girlfriend there. That war penalty? Yeah, she caused that. Just thought I'd let you know!"

Yukari: "Anzu, why?..."

*As Anzu skips away, cradling her chest area so her pet possum won't fall, Ray turns around slowly to Yukari, who is covering her face. He expected a war penalty to happen...but from Yukari? Of all people? Ray never felt so disappointed at being right.*

Ray: "I... Needless to say, I'm speechless."

*Yukari lunges at Ray and latches on to his collar. She apologizes as if she's begging, and there's some slight wailing and sobbing in her voice.*

Yukari: "Please forgive me, Ray! I didn't intend to earn us a war penalty! It just happened! I'm sorry! I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry—"

Ray: "YUKARI!!... Fuck sakes!... Enough with the groveling. Look, it doesn't matter, okay? I'm cool with it, but... We probably need to talk about this. Let's discuss this matter over some tea, okay? Been learning how to make them with Pek—Yuzu before this."

Yukari: "Were... You about to say, 'Pekoe'?"

Ray: "Nope. Come on."


Ray talked over with Yukari about the war penalty she caused. She tells the story from start to finish, in a defeated and shy tone. After she ended at the part that she didn't mean to give them a war penalty by massacring a platoon of surrendered soldiers, Ray recalled the time a few hours before they arrived – and coincidentally in the same time as Major Ash announced their penalization, that they were being pummelled with raids left and right from Chuck's cavalry of Cowboys and Indians.

At the third wave, Ray kind of had enough and decided for them to shoot at the riders' steeds. Turns out the horses were given the numbing bracelets, and it somehow worked for them. After they immobilized the horses, without breaking their legs, they took the riders off, round them up, and each soldier took turns beating the crap out of them.

Perhaps the animal cruelty and POW beating are what got Major Ash triggered, though it can't be a coincidence that his announcement happened after Yukari did a massacre of her own.

Then again, Ray is aware that there may be more massacres happening in many parts of his occupied region – they may just not have been noticed by Ash so far.

He felt bad about it, and tried to redeem himself by healing the horses and claiming them as their own, and imprisoning the captured riders after cleaning their wounds.

The horses are currently in the stables of farms of Japanese ranchers who are hospitable enough to take them in temporarily. As far as Ray knows, he, along with Joshua and Andrew, and perhaps Judas are the only ones who know how to take care of horses. Giving them to untrained hands would be dangerous.

This news came as a great relief to Yukari, but her relief is more likely that the war penalty wasn't her fault. Ray catches on with this but decided not to broach it. Like what Major Ash said, this is a wrong type of mentality for players and they shouldn't get used to it, but Ray doubts himself about being able to talk Yukari down.

After some time talking, Ray ends their conversation politely and abruptly and then leads her to her quarters. Their quarters are a three-story three-star hotel they rented, named 'The Nozomi Hotel'. Yukari asks about the peculiar name, and Ray replies that "Nozomi is Northbury Township's actual name." They named it 'Northbury Township' to make it sound more western, and to get some of their westerner soldiers used to their environment.

Focusing more on pressing matters: Ray wonders about John and James's current situation. It has been an hour ever since the women, and Philip's battalion has arrived, and the brothers haven't returned yet. His gut and Sayori tell him that they're fine, but he can't help but be worried for them as much as their partners worry for them.

Speaking of their partners; Hana and Saori frequently hang out at the gate that they entered in, possibly to wait on John and James, and they usually stay there for more than twenty minutes.

Ray was about to order Matthew to radio them in to ask how they're doing, but as he hears the sound of motorcycle engines rumbling at a distance, relief overcomes him swiftly.

Ray joins Hana and Saori at the gates, who are also quite relieved to hear those engines purr.

At a distance, spotters and snipers see a group of motorcyclists, and a single jeep with a mounted turret leaving a dust cloud trail behind them as they approach the fort at high speed.

Ray recalls that Deacon's Mongrels, and perhaps Boozer's Boozerkas (James's very creative Corps name) travel in bikes, and in packs. They work in tandem with each other; the Boozerkas, or tank busters riding the pillions; shooting everything that moves, and the Mongrels driving.

Ray chuckles remembering the name James chose for his unit.

After the Mongrels entered, they were whooping all the while; cheering and celebrating what seems to be a recent but challenging victory. One of the mongrels high fives Ray on the way to park his vehicle, the General happy that his men are happy.

As the gun jeep enters last, and the gate closes behind them, the jeep stops to a halt near Hana and Saori. The ones on the jeep are none other than Deacon and Boozer, who look like they picked a fight with a moose, an elephant, and a hippo all in one. Their clothes are dirty, torn, and smoky for some reason, and their faces are worse for wear — but in Deacon's case, it's probably an improvement.

As expected, their partners are delightfully happy their partners are fine; Hana scolds John for making her worry after embracing each other, and James refrains from dip kissing Saori as the progression of their relationship is not that personal enough.

Their appearance is concerning to Ray, however, so when their partners walk-off – expecting their partners to come with them, Ray uses the opportunity to ask what they look so disheveled... He also had the jeep valet parked somewhere else by two random soldiers who crossed his eyesight.


Ray: "Deek, Boozer, why the hell do you look like you've recently got out of a violent moshpit?"

James: *He shrugs and laughs.* "Ain't our first rodeo, bud." <He fakes a southern accent, an accent Ray is starting to get sick off from hearing it too much>

John: "Funny story, Ray... Chuck is a confederate fan, right?"

Ray: "If you mean the Art of War version; yes, yes he is. But for the real-life thing?... That's...a different story."

John: "Well... Here's the thing... Why we take so long to come back? Well, we had to fight off a platoon that was on our tail. Approximately three Shermans, and a bunch of half-tracks with soldiers in 'em. However...there're these three half-tracks with a fuck ton of fog condensing machines inside the carriage, and basically, Chuck created his own version of the Chameleon."

Ray: "... What."

James: "Chuck made smoke screen trucks, Ray."

Ray: "I know, I heard... But... How... How are fog machines compatible in this time period?!"

John: "Um... Fog machines already exist; they're called smoke bombs. I also heard that some kind of army with a bunch of rotten-looking soldiers invented some sort of steam-powered smoke ionizer which covered their tracks."

James: "Or maybe Major Ash found it really cool that he lets it slide."

John: "It took us a while finding those fog-ionizing machines, and when we did, Booze-man gave me his bombs, and I threw most of his grenades into those carriages. Afterward, I had all of my Mongrels cut all of them down. We decided to leave them at Bravo-2, where they will be transported back to Ha'nei for imprisonment and junk."

James: "By the way, wouldn't recommend driving into a fog full of men. I'm not sure how they can see through that mist; we couldn't see shit in there!"

Ray: "Maybe some sort of special goggles or something?"

John: "Well, that's too futuristic for World War Two, plus it's from a movie. I think there was some kind of reconnaissance plane above that acts as their eyes, but...yeah."

Ray: "Most vehicles from the Art of War: Global Conflict are recreated from real life, dude. Anyways, I'm glad you guys are safe, and thanks for the info. I'll have Matthew warn everyone else of Chuck's Chameleon; depends if they haven't encountered it themselves. Have fun with your old ladies!"

*Hana peers around the corner down the sidewalk.*

Hana: "Hey! You guys coming?!"

John: *He cups a hand near his mouth.* "We'll be right there! We'll see you around, Ray."

*As John and James wave goodbye to their General, Ray suddenly remembers Momo's complaint. Before James disappear around the corner, Ray catches up and taps him on the shoulder. James turns with a curious and confused look.*

Ray: "Hold up a second, James. Earlier today, Momo said you point a gun at that true?"

*James rolls his eyes and sighs exasperatedly.*

James: "So that sbitch ratted me out? Hmph, why am I surprised?"

Ray: "Answer the question, James."

James: "Yes, I did, Ray. I pointed a gun at her. So what?"

Ray: "Um, wow... Why?"

James: "Well... Because she... She's a bitch."

Ray: "Normally, that's a valid excuse, but be serious for once, James. This won't look too good in the paperwork."

James: "Alright, fine!... She made Yukari cry, and I kinda snapped. You would do the same!"

Ray: "Well... You're right about that. So you defended Yukari when she made her cry? That's... Mighty honorable of you to do, James, but... Don't...don't do that again. Bring it up to me instead, okay? It's written in the Codex: every problem should be answered for by the commanding officer, but if the commanding officer is taken out or unavailable, take matters into your own hands... I'm clearly still alive, plus you could've phoned me, but... I'll let this slide, okay?"

*James smiles and slaps Ray in the shoulder playfully.*

James: "Thanks, bro. That bitch needs to keep quiet sometimes. Fucking hell, it's like she's not getting tired from yelling!"

Ray: "Kinda like my mom. Anyway, have fun with Saori now."


James gives Ray a two-finger salute before leaving. Momo's not gonna like the fact Ray let him off the hook, simply because she made Yukari cry, but deep down...Ray doesn't give a rat's ass about her feelings.

Now that most of his problems are out of the way, Ray goes back into being a General before settling things down as night is about to set.

He first goes to report to Matthew about what John and James said. Isaac was surprised by the news, though his shock was less as if he already suspected something about it. Turns out, other outposts and camps that are close to the point-of-no-return line were facing giant clouds that shoot bullets and shells at them.

Many of their camps at the forefront were taken or in conflict, but fortunately, in the eastern front – or the campaign at the right-hand side of their region, Audie and his marines were doing a good job in countering this Chameleon threat by charging in suicidally, or rather firing blindly into the fog until it goes away. This threatened his numbers, and his ammunition, so his advance was halted in intervals, but all in all, so far, he is fine.

Ray is freaked out about the Chameleons and is aware of their effectiveness in the movie, but Matthew reassures him that Javier has everything covered with his bombers... Though it depends on the fogs not containing flak guns. Ray no longer wants to be worried anymore, so he politely ends his conversation with Matthew, and focuses on other pressing matters.

Ray sends Andrew to scout things out stealthily while the dark is on his side because he heard some rumors from the locals that there is an abandoned metal factory that Saunders took to squatting in. Andrew is aided by a platoon of his couriers, a few of Simon's suppliers, and followed by a section of Bartholomew's boogeymen for protection.

He exits through to the western gate and disappears into the vast forest that encloses the path leading into the Saunders region. His mission is to confirm if there is a metal factory, and if it's controlled by Saunders, and if he doesn't find something in the next hour, he is free to return home.

The next part of his job is to participate in menial labor with his men, to boost their morale and his reputation as a humble General, and maybe help the locals out to earn their trust in them. The men's morale indeed skyrocketed as their beloved General joins them in night guarding, cleaning up the mess the raiders left and playing games with them if he can.

He also volunteered in supervising and helping out in community soup kitchens, and attending evening prayers to boost the locals' morale. Saying his mere presence makes everyone's day is a bit over the top, though the sight of the General being around his grunts and suffering through the same labor as them is well appreciated.

During his meanderings of volunteering around the town to boost morale, he spots some of the women from the tank team enjoying the commodities Northbury Township has to offer.

He could've sworn he saw the student council in one of the requisitioned chapels praying on their knees while he attended an evening prayer to ease a worried soul.

He pretends he didn't see them, though it raised a few questions... Anzu is implied to be an atheist in her first meeting with Ray, and Momo is no better with the way she acts. Ray wonders what got them so freaked out that they needed a prayer from Joshua and his many chaplain gunners to boost their spirits.

He notices the freshmen situated inside a diner, enjoying their meal and watching a movie from the TV hung on the ceiling behind the counter. Upon closer look, it turns out to be an adaptation of one of Governor Hosea's bestselling books. Most precisely "Arknights."

Ray thinks of writing someday; he has the imagination for it, but not the motivation, nor the free time to do so. He did intend to dedicate himself to writing after he retires from...whatever profession he wishes.

The rest must be back in their quarters, taking advantage of the peace and quiet and sleep, but because Ray sent Andrew out for a dangerous scouting mission, Mako is seen to be restless, and so ironically, she is more awake than her team members. Every time Ray passes by, she casts a scowl at him, and that scowl remains until he is gone from her sight. She didn't appreciate the way he sent Andrew out when she clearly needs his company, though they could only wait for him to return so she could have her well-needed sleep.

A few more hours into the night, Andrew hasn't returned, and Ray starts to worry. He is tempted to send a rescue team to track him down and retrieve him, but his gut and Sayori tell him he's fine, though she left it ambiguous if he is fine fine, or fine but captured.

Late in this time, a truck drove up the northern gate passage; the same gate they went in to get into Northbury Township. As guards came to check up on this mysterious truck, Ray discovers the people on the truck to be Thomas and Judas? How and why did they get here?

Judas explains that Ha'nei is self-sufficient on its own with its reforms to infrastructure, medicine, and laws to that place, and therefore his presence is not needed. Thomas has the same reason, and he adds that he is also there to improve the defenses of Northbury Township, and perhaps repair the women's tanks that must've been badly damaged during the fighting.

They were welcomed warmly after learning their reason, and Ray had them introduced to their bunks which is also the hotel where he and his trusted compatriots are staying for the time being.

Eventually, because the stress of Andrew not returning is starting to get to him, he decides to get some time for himself. He climbs up a vacant tower at the southern gate, where he relieved the sniper and spotter there so he could admire the stars, the fields, and possibly substitute for night guarding.

As he makes himself comfortable in his tower, he pulls out two folding chairs and sets them on either side of the tower. He hasn't had a conversation with his guardian angel ever since this campaign started, so he figures this would be a good time.

Sayori, expectedly, appears on the chair, sitting casually and watching Ray adjusting the lamps to give himself a clear view down below, while also not jeopardizing his position.


Sayori: "Quite a view, is it?"

Ray: "It sure is, Sayori."

Sayori: "It's a shame, though..."

Ray: "What is?"

*Ray finishes up adjusting the lamps and sits down on his chair afterward. He pulls out a club sandwich and a can of light beer to give himself saturated and busy. Sayori looks at him with envy.*

Sayori: "I wish I had a stomach; I miss eating things, you know? Anyways; what I meant is — this wall that envelopes the town was made to counter an attack from that mysterious mutant force attacking Korea, right?"

Ray: "Yep." *He takes a bite out of his sandwich.* "Point being?" <His voice is muffled slightly>

Sayori: "Folks just never leave each other alone, is what I'm saying, Ray. It goes to the point where this is a common way of living life, that the locals' ancestors, and many towns before or after them, created walls to keep their beloved town safe. History is repeating itself here, Ray; there are gated communities, but these walls are solid concrete! They're intended to keep people off from sacking their town! I remember the days when we didn't have to worry about stuff like this... Everything is so peaceful, yet good things don't last long, do they?"

Ray: "You're absolutely right... My dad died trying to protect his country, fully knowing it won't stand a chance against that vile army. It's like we're living in our very own fantasy world."

Sayori: "Perhaps in the near future, an Arknights-like world is possible, than just mere fiction that intends to entertain us."

Ray: *He takes a sip from his can of beer in such contempt.* "I just hope I don't live long enough to see it actually happen. Would've been nightmarish."

Sayori: "Worse bit would be your friends experiencing it."

Ray: "Could you please not make me more anxious, Sayori?"

Sayori: *She giggles and sighs.* "Sorry, Ray..."

*Silence befell their conversation for a short while; the two trying to think of more topics or more words for their current topic.*

Ray: "Well, everything is inevitable, right? Like perhaps our loss is inevitable, or a win, or...something or other."

Sayori: "I suppose. You ever get the feeling like something is gonna happen?"

Ray: "It's war, man; everything is bound to happen at some point, you just have to expect it."

Sayori: "Yes, but... I feel like someone's coming. I'll talk to you later."

Ray: "Wait! Sayori!"

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