warning! furry porn /j
but there's smut 💪😇
Sonic was at his local chilli-dog stand as usual, with his buddy Tails. They joked around and ranted to eachother about the past week they've had, until suddenly they heard someone come close. "Huh.. no one comes here on a Sunday!" Sonic said as he turned around to face the suspicious stranger. "I-Is that a squirrel?" Tails said, shocked as Conker walked by and sat next to Sonic. "Eh? What, do ya guys not get squirrels often?" Conker replied, in his goofy ass voice. Sonic looked Conker up and down, admiring his fur beaming in the sunlight. He then spoke, "Well you see, we only get tiny squirrels. Like-- baby ones or something, because this guy called Eggman traps them in his robots." Conker frantically looked around, slightly panicked. "O-Oh god! You mean that fat guy with the buttons, right? Big bushy pedo mustache? He was on my ass today! Luckily, the woods back there helped. The guy has glasses but can't even see me well! Ha-Hah!" Conker laughed. Sonic and Tails joined in, they liked this squirrel guy. Sooner or later, Conker got a chilli-dog and munched down on it. Conker's eyes filled with delight as he took each bite out of the chilli-dog. "What, have ya never ate before?" Sonic suddenly said, hinting that he was slightly irritated. The tone in his voice made Conker jump, i-it.. satisfied him... in a way he hasn't felt since his bad fur day. "W-Well!," he stammered. "Not in awhile, no. I've been running on grass and such. It sucked ass." Conker answered, trying to hide the shakiness in his voice. He looked towards the ground to hide his blushed expression. "Sorry, I'll chew more silently next time." Conker added. Sonic scooted closer to Conker and patted his back, practically hugging him. Conker's head was pressed up against Sonic's furry chest, this made him blush. Sonic's scent nearly sent Conker into a coma. He could hear his heart, and his breathing. "Also, what's your name? Mine is Sonic, and thats Tails!" Sonic said, looking down at Conker. "..C-Conker." Conker replied. Sonic pulled away and gave Conker a thumbs up, but soon after Sonic and Tails looked at eachother and gossiped while Conker sat by himself, once again questioning his sexuality. "I'm straight, I'm straight!.. Not for that damn blue furry, god I'd bend like a fucking straw for him!" Conker thought, blushing more. He quietly giggled, but not quiet enough. Sonic heard, but didn't say anything. His ear just twitched. "Hey, Tails, that squirrel's actin' real weird all of a sudden.." Sonic whispers. Tails nodded, eventually adding on. "I think he's gay. I'm homophobic." Sonic realized Tails was homophobic, and gave a sad look. "Oh yeah.. like when I tried to date Shadow" Sonic sighed. But something about Conker made Sonic get butterflies. Was it his giggle? His humor? His looks? Sonic shook his head, they just met. There's no way he'd fall in love easily.
Days passed, and Sonic crossed paths with Conker again. They met in the forest, Sonic had just found another chaos emerald and Conker was going out for a stroll. This time, Conker was a bit more introducing than he was yesterday. Also flirting. "Hey, Sonic! You're a hedgehog, right?" Sonic laughed. "Of course I am, what else would I be?" Conker smirked, he bends over and puts his finger up at Sonic, and winks. "Vegetarian? I'd let you eat me like you eat chilli-dogs." Conker flirted. Sonic stood there, fucking astonished. "HOW DOES THAT MAKE ME A VEGETARIAN" "'Cause my ass would taste like a salad! Duh!" "WHAT THE FUCK. ...Actually a salad sounds good! I haven't been following my supposed diet for a hedgehog." Conker fucking jumped, his fur took the shape of pokey piss-infested grass. His cheeks, red like his ass in about two fucking seconds. Gotta go fast! Sonic grabbed Conker's legs and put them over his shoulders, then ate his ass like it was a cake from a worldwide eating competition. Conker covered his mouth to silence his squeaks of pleasure, he thought somebody would be around. Sonic pulls away after 5 minutes and laughs, "Conker-- no one's here! Be as loud as you please." Assured Sonic, then he went back to his dine. Conker removed his hands and moaned louder than intended. Each lick felt like Jesus tickling his balls with holy spirit, it was heaven at it's finest. Conker's leg twitched and twitched until-- He wagged his fucking tail. The fucker started flying while getting his ass ate, and everyone saw. Even Eggman. It was horrible. Sonic was fucking embarrassed. Everyone knew he was gay, and now he was seen eating out a squirrel.
the end
moral: don't eat out conker! unless he's strapped down <3 /j