Life for the Alsina's

By call_megiggles

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This is a follow up from the book "stuck forever" if yu didn't read that please do so🥰 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 43

282 17 9
By call_megiggles

Libras POV

Lately I've been outta site and outta mind! Ain't really been talking to anybody and thats how I wanna keep it honestly! Drew still been blowing me up but his ass is getting ignored from each and every number he contacts me from! I dont wanna see him, talk to him or nothing and he's not seeing my kids!

Libra- them bitches is not your friends I don't know why you hang with em anyway!

Kash- well at least they talk to me and don't give me attitude!

She said in a annoyed tone and I looked at my phone because I know this bitch ain't serious.

Libra- Girl what?!

Kash- Libra you heard me! I get you're going through it but you're a bitch lately! You act like everybody gotta pay for what Drew did!

Libra- Kashmere you better go ahead girl! You called my phone I ain't wanna talk to you no way!

Kash - okay! Bye bitch I won't call you no more!

She yelled into the phone and before I could respond that bitch hung up I shrugged my shoulders putting my feet up rubbing my stomach drifting off into a nap. I woke up to a knock at my door and that worried me because nobody knows where I live but mama Kay and Kashmere, me and Kash just argued and ma wouldn't drop by unannounced so who the hell is it?

Libra- who is it?!

I yelled opening the door to a bouquet of flowers and I just knew! He poked his ugly face from behind the flowers and my blood boiled...

Drew- baby I've been calling you! Are you okay?!

Libra- I'm fine Drew! How did you get my address?!

Drew- libra we're married! Everything you do and everything I do always goes on paper together!

He said with a smirk and I just looked at him he walked inside the house closing the door behind him and just seeing him made me sick!

Libra- Hey Drew! You gotta go! I don't wanna argue I don't wanna fight! But I thought me telling you nicely you would understand!

Drew- Understand what?! You think I'm supposed to just be okay with not seeing my wife and kids! Libra I told you I'm not giving up on us!

Libra- and I told you I don't care! I don't wanna see your lying , cheating , drug addict face! I hate chu!

Drew- you hate me?!

Libra- yea... I do! I can't stand yo ass! You think you're the shit and you're not! Without that money Drew you wouldn't be shit! And to be honest you're an embarrassment to your family and your parents legendary reputation!

I said looking him dead in the face so that he knew I meant it. He just looked at me and nodded before responding...

Drew- that's how you feel libra? After everything!



He yelled and I chuckled shaking my head at his corny high yellow ass.


Drew- aye... let's not yell please... you'll stress the baby!

Libra - Like you care!

Drew- I'm here ain't I? Baby I'm serious! Since that day you told me I wouldn't see you or the kids I haven't done anything! I'm trying libra... I really am!

Libra- you're lying again.... hear all about you being in clubs high outta your mind making a scene....

I said shaking my head at em and he just stood there looking stupid!

Libra- like I said before Drew you'll never change so why waste time! You don't love yourself or your kids enough to want better or do better! So just go! You'll be dead in a few years keep doing what you're doing!

Drew- don't ever say that again libra! I'm serious!

Libra- what don't speak the truth? YOU ARE AN ADDICT ANDREW! YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!


he yelled throwing the vase at the wall and I looked at em like he was crazy


Drew- I'm not going no where we gonna work on things like I said!


I said nodding my head I went into the closet grabbing the hammer outta my tool kit and cracked his ass he screamed out in pain and I ran locking myself in the bathroom.



I yelled and moments later I heard the door close I sat there waiting for a while before leaving the room only to find blood all over the floor, I gasped covering my mouth what have I done?! Did I hurt em bad?! .....

Later that night

Believe it or not I was worried about Drew so I called mama Kay telling her everything but she said she hasn't seen or heard from em so that left my mind wandering!


I yelled pointing in his face and he just stood there looking at me , looking just like his father...

Levi- gosh I'm sorry you don't have to get like daddy!

Libra- well that's the only time you listen and watch your mouth!

Baby Drew- I wanna see my dad... where is he?

I sighed putting my hands on my head because I really don't even know what to tell em... but I jus had to!

Libra- listen baby... you can't not right now... daddy's sick!

Levi- sick how? Shouldn't we go see him!

Libra- he's got this cold he just can't let go... so it's best we give him space okay?

Levi& baby Drew- okay...

They both said in a low tone and I sighed tryna hold in my tears it hurts me keeping them away from Drew but I don't want him and his bad habits around my children!

Drew's pov

Libra has said some mean shit to me before but those words earlier really hurt... does she really mean that? Is that how she really feels about me? Everything just kept replaying in my head and her hitting me with a hammer takes the cake! I could never imagine libra ever doing some shit like that! Believe it or not I'm really trying to sober up! It's been days since I took anything and it's doing something crazy to my body!

Aj- I told ju' ... I told ju' don't go down there fuckin with libra now look!

Drew- you ain't tell me shit August!

I said getting annoyed rubbing my head , my head was ringing like crazy and I felt queasy!

Saad- Damn Drew she fucked you up bro Forreal!

Drew- I ain't even do shit for her to hit me that's the crazy part! And then with a hammer? Dats over board!

Drè- she hit cho ass with the mystery mouseketool

Aj - " Oh toodlessssss"

He said sounding like Mickey Mouse they all cracked up laughing but I didn't find it funny at all! Just when I was about to say something I felt it all coming up but it was too late I let it out all over the table and they all jumped back in disgust!

Saad- nigga what's wrong witchu? You good?!

Drew- yeah I'm straight... my fault!

Aj - you going through withdrawl.... You took soo much of dat shit your body depends on it!

He yelled scolding me but I just ignored him nothing is ever good enough for these people! I stop getting high and everybody's still mad at me!

Drè- Ima call a cleaning service to clean this mess up, and you go get a shower Drew! You needa rest!

Drew- I tried! I can't! I can't sleep, eat or do anything!

Saad- cold turkey ain't the way to go bro... you need help! Like rehab!

Drew- I'm not going to no rehab! I can handle this myself! It's only the first week I'll be okay!

Aj- Are you stupid or are you dumb? You could seize up and die! You need to slowly take yourself off !

Drew- I really appreciate the concern but rehab ain't an option I can't leave my kids for a couple months... are we forgetting Libras having a baby? Chill ima be good!

I said getting up going to the bathroom to clean myself up, the next morning I got a call from my mom wanting to see me and I could already sense my brothers told her something!

Mama Kay- Hey beybe!

Drew- hey momma..

I said giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek I watched her make a plate for me to eat but I didn't have the guts to tell her I wasn't hungry.

Mama Kay- libra called yesterday! She told me what happened, why did you go down there causing trouble?!

Drew- momma I didn't!

Mama Kay- you did! I know you did, you been running around here crazy ever since that girl left!

She continued to say and that irritated me , she's not listening to me at all she just keeps talking about stuff that isn't true!


I yelled and she looked at me like I was crazy , I immediately apologized and she sighed looking away from me.

Mama Kay- I know you're back getting High Andrew, you walk around here looking like a zombie with the shakes!

Drew - I'm not! I just told you ma I'm sick!

Mama Kay- so take a drug test! Or just tell me the truth!

She said looking me deep in the eye and I sighed before responding.... I can't lie to her.... I just can't !

Drew- okay... okay ma .... I did it.... I relapsed...

Mama Kay- I Just wanna know where I went wrong with you Andrew? where did I drop the ball?! Because I've always made sure you and your siblings had everything! Nothing but the best! The best schools, best clothes , all the electronics, cars everything!!!!! I always gave lots of love and attention so tell me where did I fuck up?

She said crying and if I never felt like a piece of shit before I definitely do now.I pulled her into a tight hug wiping her face kissing her forehead.

Drew- you didn't ma.... You taught me right, I just did wrong on my own!

Mama Kay- your dads gonna be pissed Andrew...he just may even drop you from the label...

Drew- yeah....I know....

Mama Kay- you're my beybe... people say the meanest things about you but you're still my beybe... I'll neva be ashamed of you and I'm not giving up on you! Ima help you but you've gotta wanna help yourself Andrew!

Drew- I do... I've been trying ma.... That's why I'm sick I tried going about it on my own but it's hard.... 

Mama Kay- you can't do that beybe... you need real help like professional help....

Drew- ma I can't... I can't go to rehab! I'll miss Libras birth...

Mama Kay- you're gonna miss a lot more if you don't get the help that you need Andrew....

She said looking me deep in the eye and I looked away because I hate that she's right....

Asaad's pov

I've been outta the way lately doing what's best for me and my family. I even started going to anger management and I feel way better... and it's definitely helped me and Tanisha relationship! I feel like she trusts me again and that's all I've ever wanted!

Mimi- Daddy

Asaad- yes baby?

Mimi- I wanna go back to maw maw and paw paw house.

Asaad- you just left! That's only on weekends baby remember they have to run the company ...

Mimi- that's not what paw paw said... he said him and maw maw are tired and now me and pop can come over anytime we want!

I stopped and looked at her and she nodded with a smile I swear if this little girl ain't messy and always spilling tea.

Asaad- I thought I told you not to repeat everything you hear girl.. but maybe they are maw maw and paw paw are getting older ...just don't tell em I said that!

I said poking her cheek and she giggled I took her outta her car seat getting ready to go inside the ice cream shop but a man stopped me dead in my tracks the way he was looking at me was hella uncomfortable.

Asaad- you good? Can I help you with something?

Him- Asaad right?

Asaad- Yea man Wsup? You want a autograph or sumn? I'm not tryna be rude but you shouldn't just walk up on me while I got my daughter!

Him- I don't mean to disrespect...I just really wanted to see you... I've talked with your parents and they bragged about you like crazy... they told me you probably wouldn't wanna see me but I thought I'd just take a chance...

He said with a smile and then it all hit me ... Keshia saying she ran into my "dad" and then him bringing up my parents and as much as I hated to admit it we look very similar.... 

Asaad- Aye man if you know what's best for you I think you should walk Forreal....

I said sitting Mimi down he looked at Mimi and I stood in front of her to block his view

Asaad- Bruh this is the last warning....BACK THE FUCK BACK AND GO BOUT CHA BUSINESS!

I yelled he put his hands up walking away and I sighing picking Mimi back up kissing her cheek.

Asaad- you okay baby?

Mimi- yes... who was that man daddy?

Asaad - some crazy man ... don't worry about it let's go get your ice cream...

I said brushing it off , later that day I made sure to pay my parents a visit! That's how bad that nigga made me mad.

Papa aug- hey son you straight?

Saad- Sup pops.... Aye momma around ? I wanna talk to y'all about something!

Papa aug- she's in the kitchen ... Wsup? You look mad as hell!

Saad- because I am " MOMMMAAA"

I called out making my way to the kitchen she greeted me with a smile but quickly dropped it when she saw my face.

Mama Kay- Uh oh who did it... what's wrong beybe?

Saad- did y'all talk to the sperm donor?!

I said looking them both in the face and the look on their faces told me everything I needed to know...

Papa aug- Yea son... he called momma last week


Mama Kay- Calm down!

She said pointing at me with the look and I sighed taking a seat.

Mama Kay- I guess keshia gave it to em beybe... ion knoe! But he just wanted to meet with us to talk about you! I told him he should wait awhile but I guess he didn't!

Saad- wait for what? I don't wanna talk to him!

Papa aug- okay! And no ones saying you have to!

Mama Kay- what?!

Papa aug- beybe he doesn't! Yeah we would want him to forgive and have a bond with them but you can't force it!

Saad- THANK YOU! And the next time they call you put me on the phone! I'll tell em myself! why he coming around all of sudden now? Ion even know that man!

Mama Kay - I don't know beybe... but he really seems interested in seeing you!

Saad- What he want some money? Tell em ask keshia I send her plenty of it! I just want them both to leave me alone! I don't need neither one of them I never did and I never will!

Papa aug- you're a man Na' you can make yo own decisions and if you decide you don't wanna be bothered dats just what it is!

Mama Kay- but he can't continue to be angry at them because that's why he has anger issues now!

Saad- I'm not... and therapy is working because I didn't beat his ass like I really wanted to! But I asked myself what would Dr.Green do?

I said with a smile and my dad laughed but my mom didn't..

Mama Kay- aug dats not funny!

Papa aug- Babe yes it is! And you heard em therapy is working that's what we wanted! I'm proud of you son!

Saad- thanks pops! Another thing I wanted to ask tho....

Papa aug- Wsup?

Saad- y'all okay?! What's this I hear about y'all "being tired of working"

I said doing quotations with my fingers and they both laughed

Mama Kay & papa aug- Mimi !

Saad- Yeah! Y'all know she repeats everything she hears!

Papa aug- we're fine son....we just realized that we work too much and it's causing your brothers and sister to run around here wild...

Saad- sooo y'all stepping down?!

Mama Kay- mhmm.... We're gonna give the company to Drè for his birthday!

Saad- Awwwww shitttttt!!!

I said nodding with a smile and my mom just gave me a blank stare

Saad- sorry ma it slipped! But dats dope!

Papa aug- yea he deserves it... plus we wanna keep everything in the family, yanno that generational wealth!

Mama Kay- mhmm dats right beybe! But you keep this between us! Don't tell em Asaad !

Saad - I'm not gone say nothing ma I promise!

I said with a big smile, but I mean it I wouldn't dare spoil something that big for my brother he definitely deserves it!

Authors note

Hey loves another quick update! 🥰

I didn't get to proof read this one because I just wanted to publish it so excuse any errors and enjoy 😘

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