He Gave Me Hope

By ScandalxLover_Mar

1M 41.1K 2.4K

A divorced mother of three takes on a new job as the assistant of one of the wealthiest men in the United Sta... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note (new)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Author's Note

Chapter 33

20.4K 883 41
By ScandalxLover_Mar

My head was pounding. I couldn’t move. Where am I?

“Baby we are rich!” that could only be Desiree. I opened my eyes more and I saw the most grotesque thing I have ever seen.

All of the money was spread out onto the floor and they were making out on top of it.

I was surprised that I wasn’t tied nor gagged.

Desiree turned her head to me and smiled. “Honey he is mine now. You should have kept this one because he is the best lover I have ever had. Better than Logan.”

If only I could just get to her. One on one. It’s her fault that Logan and I had broken up. She manipulated him and caused a good thing to almost die.

“If Javier would allow it, I would most definitely take a shot at you.” She turned to Javier and he looked as if he were contemplating it.

She grew nervous. I had always pegged her to have people to do her dirty work for her.

“Actually let’s move this to the study. We have things to discuss.” He walked around the money and yanked me up, leaving Desiree.

Once inside of the study he took out a gun. Oh no. this can’t be it. I am not ready to die. I can’t say goodbye to my children just yet. They need me and I need them.

Desiree was practically gloating. “I wonder what it feels like to be fat, ugly and knowing you are about to die.”

“Fat and ugly you are not but about to die, yea that you are.” Javier pointed the gun and Desiree and pulled the trigger.

It was like everything was happening in slow motion, Desiree fell to the ground in slow motion. While lying on the ground with a gunshot wound in her abdomen she turned to me and single tear glistened down her cheek.

“Why, Javie?” she whispered. Oh my gosh she was bleeding out quickly. She was dying. Death is something I wished on no one. Everyone makes mistakes but death shouldn’t be means to pay with.

“Because I want it all. I want the money and the house. I don’t need a whiney bitch like you.” He walked up to her and looked her without an ounce of remorse and shot her in the head.

Her beautiful blonde hair was sprawled out on the floor but it was tainted with ruby red highlights of blood.

Although her eyes were still open her look was lifeless. Desiree was gone. I couldn’t help but weep for the woman. She still had her whole life to live. That just goes to show that Javier cared about no one.

Javier turned to look at me and pointed the gun at me. If he shot her point blank then I know he wouldn’t flinch to shoot me.

He stood there for a second and one lonely tear slid down his cheek.

“I know that I wasn’t the best husband, and for that I am sorry. I am sorry that I couldn’t see in you what I see now. You have changed so much Leigh. You seem more independent. More confident.”

I looked away from him. I couldn’t believe after all of this time he had finally apologized to me. This wasn’t enough. My blood began to boil.

“And our children? Why did you leave them? You could hate me, beat on me and now you want to shoot me all because you don’t know the meaning to love someone unconditionally. You make me sick.”

This time he flinched and another tear fell.

“You are a nobody. You want all of this?” I asked looking around. “You have earned nothing! Everything that I have and my children have is because I worked for it. You are a joke.” I said through gritted teeth.

I was unaware that I was taking steps toward him. Each one I took forward, he took back.

“I pity you Javier. I hope your children never grow up to be like you. I hope they are just like me and even though you may shoot me, I will always be proud of the fact that they are not like you. A coward.”

Javier was standing against Desiree’s desk. What she needed with a desk I would never know.

“You know something Leigh, I sat outside your apartment one night with a gun and knife wanting to end you… but I couldn’t. I was so full of hate that I couldn’t think straight.” He said lowering the gun. “But now I can see perfectly.” He said raising the gun once more.

“Any last words?” he asked with a demented look on his face.

“Yes, can I have a hug?” I asked in an even tone.

“A hug?”

“Yes, a hug. I am unarmed and you are. What harm could a hug do?” I eyed the letter opener beside him. Looks like that Anatomy class just might pay off.

He lowered the gun and I wrapped my arms around his waist. Little by little I inched for the letter opener.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and inhaled me in. “You still smell like coconuts.” He said. “Que Hermosa fragrancia (What a beautiful fragrance).”

“Gracias, Javie. Lo siento ok. (Thank you Javie, I’m sorry ok)” I said. I jammed the letter opener into his armpit and the gun went off.

Hey Hey Hey!! So the book is almost over but obviously this isn't the last chapter. I have decided to attempt a new book. I will get to work on it right away and will let you know on the name and as always thanks for the reads i have gotten thus far. I wasnt expecting 450+ reads to be honest. If you havent done so yet please go back and vote. It really does boost one's confidence and gives them that extra umph to continue writing.


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