Honkai Impact 3rd:Void Twins

By shadowgamer254

18.1K 401 160

as the 2nd Honkai War erupted,where millions and more died,a secluded house hold laid untouched and unbothere... More

Trying to Settle
Teaming Up
Testing Phase
The Test

Welcome to School

2K 57 13
By shadowgamer254


Theresa's POV

after organizing the defense of the school,sorting through the files needed to be done and quickly looking through what had happened,I was now heading towards the gate of the school with Himeko and Fu Hua as we were going to meet a boy that had appeared and helped during the attack 

from what was told to Me of the situation,the Honkai began going feral and attacking each other,right before they were all destroyed by a singular shot from the weapon that the boy was carrying with him

I could only assume that he was the messenger,that the Overseer had sent from HQ to deliver a letter but I had to make sure,just in case he posed any serious threat to the girls of the school as he was in fact armed

it would require incredible power to single handedly destroy the attacking Honkai as Fu Hua had said which meant that the boy was very possibly trained,though his weapon was alternative answer to how he managed to deal with the Honkai,it would still require a significant amount of power to fire and wield the weapon 

Hq also wouldn't have just given a random person such a  powerful weapon for a letter delivery task,which further complimented my theory of the boy being a trained fighter as it would be near impossible to acquire such a weapon of power without the help of a large organization such as Shicksal

arriving at the gates,the girls who bravely defended noticed us arrive as they moved out of the way to give us a path,now having a clear line of sight on the bridge,I could see the boy that was mentioned as he was inspecting his weapon before quickly noticing Me,Himeko and Fu Hua

he made his weapon disappear and turned himself to face as he began approaching,seemingly also trying to say something as he raised his arm and was opening his mouth but he stopped as he quickly took a small jump back to dodge a bullet that would have hit near the front of his foot as we quickly looked over to one of who had a rifle in their hands

???1:stay right where you are,not single step forward

???:I'm just a messenger,don't shoot

???(mind):geez,I know this a military type school but I would have thought they'd be more trained in restraint,then again,that was a pretty quick shot,I barely took a step forward and she put a bullet in front of Me,dead on accuracy and near immediate reflexes,these girls are no joke

Theresa:hold your fire girls,we do not fire on civilians

???1:but Principal-

Theresa:you will take extra restraint classes with your squad Leader when classes are back up,we do not fire at civilians and you will learn that

unable to answer back,the student lowered her rifle and looked away from Me as we all looked back to the boy on the other side of the bridge,seeing his hesitance  to approach as he wasn't moving forward,I motioned him to approach,which he quickly understood

as he began approaching,I did the same with Himeko and Fu Hua at my side as we met on our side of the bridge but a little near the center as he stopped before he got too close 

???:good day,Ma'am,you wouldn't happen to be Principal Theresa Apocalypse,would you

Theresa:your one of the few people who hasn't brushed Me off as some random child on a school campus,in which case,you are right,I am Theresa Apocalypse,Principal of St.Freya

???:well the Overseer did mention the relation of "Granddaughter" so I put the pieces together and assumed you'd have to be quite young

Theresa:not bad,are you the messenger that he sent

???:yes I am,I have a letter for you from him,he specifically asked Me to deliver it to you

reaching into his jacket's pocket,he quickly took out a small white envelope,that was sealed with red wax and handed it to Me as I gladly took it from him and opened it,pulling out a letter from the inside and taking notice of another small item inside,I began reading the letter while giving enough attention to listen to my surroundings as fu Hua and Himeko began questioning the boy

Himeko:why did the Overseer send a letter instead of directly sending the message through any of the Comm channels

???:I'm not quite sure myself,all he said about it was,that he found it more convenient this way 

Fu Hua:convenient??

???:yeah,I don't know what he meant by that since every other method is way more convenient than this but I'm just a messenger,so who am I to deny his orders

Himeko:do you know the contents or nature of the letter

???:just like I said,Ma'am,I'm just a messenger,the contents aren't my business,just the delivery,wouldn't want to peek on something private afterall

Fu Hua:what about the weapon you carried,did HQ give you that??

???:yes actually,I may not look like it but I've been sent to my fair share of battlefields before,never know when you might just accidentally walk into an enemy strike force and need to fight them yourself

Himeko:you seem pretty trained with it for being a messenger

???:I've had a good bit of advice given to Me  by some people,really helpful stuff

Fu Hua:you must know your way around a lot of places then 

???:a fair bit,I'm not often sent back to the same place in recent times for security reasons,so I do take my time in familiarizing the area

Himeko:did the Overseer give you any extra instructions along with the letter??

???:yes actually,I'm to remain at the school until the letter is read,after that,I either receive further orders from highers up from here or from HQ,either that or I head back to the nearest base and head back to HQ

finishing the letter just as the boy finished speaking,I put away the letter back into the envelope as I looked over to the boy in front of everyone as he quickly realized that I was done with the letter and now giving him my full attention

Theresa:is that so,well then before any further orders,I can't imagine that any parent would name their child,Messenger,so why don't you tell us your name

Kai:ehehe,you all can just call Me,Kai,Ma'am,it's what everyone calls Me

Theresa:alright then Kai,follow Me,we much to discuss,regarding the letter you brought Me,Himeko your coming with us


Theresa:Fu Hua,I'm going to leave you to organize everything while I'm gone 

Fu Hua:don't worry Principal,I'll have most of it done before you're back

Theresa:thank you,everyone,we're done here,return to your housings and get some rest

with nothing else to say,the students followed my command and dispersed as I led Himeko and the boy,now identified as Kai towards the school building as I had much to ask and discuss with the boy regarding the letter he brought Me,which I could not discuss in open public

I was going to lead them to my office which would take a short while seeing as it was at the top floor of the school building but the walk would provide ample time for us to get a good grasp of who we were with

entering the school building,we walked through the manay large and long hallways of the building as I led and navigated us through the school,still heading towards the stairs to get to my office as Himeko and I took subtle occasional glances at the Messenger we were with

Kai had been eyeing every detail in the school ever since he stepped off the bridge,taking note of every path,door,ornament and even plain colors in every area,seemingly making a mental image of everything there was in the school,which was highly suspicious 

being the Principal and Himeko being one of the longer term teachers,it was our duty to protect the students of St.Freya,that included hostiles that could come from HQ itself as we both began a small interrogation as we walked

Theresa:taking a liking to the school?

Kai:hmm,ehehe,yes actually,everything is so well made and crafted,no doubt that nothing was left at half finished

Himeko:you can be sure of that,St.Freya aims to give it's students the best experience 

Theresa:this school was worth every coin and dime,we wanted it to be as grand as possible to give a morale boost to the students,giving them pride in attending such a prestigious school

Himeko:it worked very well too,all the girls love attending the school and quite prideful in keeping it in such an amazing state

Kai:I expect nothing less from Shicksal's most elite force,if they can't handle simple garbage,then they'll never be able to face the Honkai

Theresa:what about you,you've been eyeing every detail in the school since you got here,even as a messenger that is quite a curious act

Kai:ahaha,sorry,it's habit and somewhat of a reflex,as a messenger,I'm not often sent back to the same place twice for security reasons of Shicksal,so I developed a habit of memorizing layouts and locations in my mind,come in handy when I do get sent back to a previous location

Himeko:you must know a lot of good spots then,mind telling Me some good date locations??

Kai:haha,I can most definitely recommend a good few of the notable ones

Theresa:actually,I almost forgot,I'd like to apologize for the student that took a shot at you,we look to train not only strength and power but also the mind and restraint,she will receive proper lecturing regarding her actions

Kai:no,no,it's fine,I don't believe a lecture will do any good in teaching her restraint,if I know anything,the best teacher is experience and I believe the scolding you gave her at the bridge is good enough,further lectures would be a waste of time 

glancing back at him after I heard his answer,I realized that we were dealing with a lot more than a messenger and more than just a random boy,that my Grandfather sent,Kai was not only trained to an extent we were unaware of at the moment but also incredibly wise and smart

Himeko:you're quite generous and wise for a messenger

Theresa:people like you are quite rare,a man with a simple job but with the morals and intellect of a person who could be running a mega corporation

Kai:ahaha,please,your words are too kind,as a notable messenger from HQ,I've had the liberty to spend time with many,in service soldiers and Valkyries,I'm simply influenced by their ideals and beliefs  

Himeko:you must be incredibly popular with everyone if HQ let's you hand around soldiers and Valkyries

Kai:haha,well a lot of people depend on Me to deliver messages to others and I always make sure to get the word to its reciever

Theresa:for a messenger,your morals and personality are a great role model for the student's of this school,kind and hardworking while remaining open and active to everyone around you

Kai:well,everyone is a type of person,Ma'am,everyone's unique in their own way,I'm sure the student's here have a large room to grow and if they don't,then the school will just have to help make room for them,at least that's what I believe 

hearing his answers,I could tell he meant no harm,his answers were well said and thought of and the sincerity in them we're as a clear the shiniest gems,he was far wiser than I had thought he was and he was far more skilled in manipulating a conversation as our interrogation turned into a normal conversation

seeing no reason to doubt him or his words,I continued to lead us towards my office as we climbed up a tall spiral of stairs to reach the third floor of the building,which was where my office was located at

reaching the third floor,we entered a long hallway with only a few doors along it,the hallway way split off into two directions at the end but at the end as well was a set of wooden double doors made of dark oak wood,that had golden doorknobs

approaching the doors,I opened them both for Himeko and Kai and motioned them to enter as they did with Himeko entering calmly and Kai examining the room to great detail as I closed the door behind us and went to my desk

standing behind my desk,I looked to the two as they stood in front of Me,now waiting for whatever it was I had to say in private as I could tell that they already knew that this could not be disclosed publicly yet,the moment they saw my doors

Theresa:so then,now that we're here,I have a few questions for you Kai

Kai:ask away,Ma'am,I'll answer to the best of my knowledge

Theresa:is that so,do you know when the next issue of Ninjas,Vikings and Knights is coming out

Kai:the manga series??,if I'm not mistaken,it should be coming out next week

Theresa:alright,thank you,I'll have t clear my schedule for next week


Theresa:right,onto more serious topics,do you know what the letter you brought Me contained

Kai:no I don't,I didn't want or think of looking into it incase it was private,it was a letter from Grandpa to Granddaughter after all

Theresa:hmmm,do you know why,the Overseer chose you specifically for this delivery

Kai:I.....didn't know I was chosen specifically,I thought he just needed a messenger and saw Me which was why I was tasked with it


hearing his response to my two questions,I found myself in a problematic situation,understanding the letter's contents,the Overseer had put us teachers in a very precarious situation as I doubt he would have sent Kai here if he knew he wasn't safe

no doubt,the Overseer expects Kai to be fully safe while he was here but the situation he was in and not even aware of made things difficult as one wrong choice or move could result in his ostracization and knowing that Kai was trained,I had a guess as to who trained him based on his skill level,I could only hope I was wrong on that guess

Theresa:if that's the case,I assume you have many questions about this whole task,don't you

Kai:quite many,this is one of the more confusing tasks I've been given

Theresa:then I assume you want some answers?

Kai:mmm,having those would clear my mind quite a bit

Theresa:then let's get our answers from the man who has them

pressing a button that was underneath my table,the windows to the room were shut and covered up by metal protectors while the door was locked and sealed by soulium reinforced steel

from my table,a small holographic projector came out and began projecting an image of three dots at the end of a phone symbol,after a few moments,the image changed to show a high resolution image of a blonde man with green eyes,wearing a white shirt with a pink tie under purple robes 

this was Otto Apocalypse,Overseer of Shicksal and my Grandfather,he was holding a glass of red wine in his palm as he stood straight up before giving us his attention and looking to the camera on his end of the call

Otto:ah,Theresa,what reason does my Granddaughter have to seek an audience with Me

Theresa:we both know why I called,Overseer

Otto:ah,then you've received my letter?

Theresa:you can thank you messenger here for making a swift delivery

Otto:you have my thanks,Kai,you reputation for speed and efficiency  precedes you 

Kai:no problem,Overseer but,I do have some concerns as Ms.Theresa seems to have something to do with Me and the letter


Theresa:cut to the chase,Overseer and tell him the truth,we'll still need to get preparation under way

Otto:very well then,Kai,once again,you have my thanks for delivering the letter but I'm sad to say this will be the last time we see each other for quite a while as far as I am aware

Kai:I'm not following,Overseer

Otto:as a trained combatant of Shicksal,you have not been able to live the life we envisioned for you as you had skipped a large majority of it,your skills made you a worthy candidate for a active Valkyrie and as such,I made you one,but unfortunately,I fear that because of this,you have missed out on many things

Kai:Overseer,I've been told that I've been pretty good when it comes to decrypting vague and cryptic messages but I'm still not quite following what your point is

Otto:to put it simply,I'm moving you out of Shicksal HQ and moving you to St.Freya 


approaching my desk,he slammed his hand down with a good amount of force along with a shocked look on his face as he looked at the Overseer with disbelief in his eyes 

Kai:Overseer,I don't question or doubt your decisions but why this all of a sudden,I didn't even get a warning or a notice of this

Otto:that was on purpose,announcing this would cause some problems for everyone and as you already know,your mentors aren't the easiest to convince,for the sake of everyone's effort and time,this was done in secret

Kai:what about my belongings,they're all still-

Otto:your items have already landed in vicinity and are being transported,they'll arrive within the hour

Himeko:Principal,do we even have any open rooms

Theresa:typically,we don't assign a full Dorm House to one person since it's meant for an entire squad but there aren't any open squads at the moment and the Apartment Building is full,so I don't think we have a choice

Otto:excellent,I'll leave the needed the work to you then,Theresa

Theresa:of course,Overseer

Otto:stay safe and get plenty of rest,Overseer out

having the call cut,the hologram of the Overseer disappeared as the projector hid itself back into my desk while the blinds and locks of the room unlocked and hid themselves again,letting light back into the room as we all processed the information we just got

Theresa:*sigh*the work just never ends

Kai:sorry for causing trouble,Principal

Theresa:no,no,this wasn't your fault,you didn't even know

Himeko:we need to get you situated and caught up with lessons,finals are  around the corner

Kai:I'm confident in my academic abilities,I should have no problems catching up

Himeko:we'll see about that

Theresa:that's the least of our problems,how am I supposed to break this to the students

Kai:no worries,Principal Theresa,if there's anything i know about schools,it's that news spread fast and dark oak doors can only support so much weight for so long before giving in and falling

as if it was on cue,the hinges to my right door broke off as the door fell over to reveal multiple student on the other side as they fell over on to each other,groaning from the pain of the fall as they rubbed their soar spots while Himeko and I crossed our arms in disappointment while Kai tucked his hands into his jackets pockets

coming to their senses,they looked up to see Me and Himeko and payed little attention to Kai as their worries were with us as they each gave a wry smile to us while I narrowed my eyes to them,disappointed that they would break one of the school's oldest and most simple rules

???1:h-hey Principal-

Theresa:what do you all have to say for yourselves,it is clear that eavesdropping,especially on private conversations of the teachers,is forbidden

???2:w-we just got a bit curious is all,Principal

Theresa:that is not an excuse

Himeko:respect to everyone's privacy is one of the first things we tell you,here in St.Freya,words can't describe our disappointment

???3:excuse Me,Ma'am but we're not going to justify our actions here but at least tell us,your not actually going to enroll him to the school

Theresa:we are going to enroll him,direct orders from the Overseer,is there a problem with that

???4:Ma'am,the school has never had a male student before,don't-

Theresa:true,St.Freya has never had a male student in its entire history but should that mean that we cannot and should not

???3:but Ma'am,he a guy in a whole girls school 

Theresa:your point?

???3:don't you think this is a bit dangerous for us,he could be a massive pervert and harass us or-

Theresa:he's barely been here for an hour and you're already throwing baseless accusations,you haven't even said a word to him and your already calling him names and desecrating his good name

???4:better safe than sorry,Principal

Theresa:that statement could work if it didn't degrade a person's name and reputation

???5:Ma'am,he's a gut,it's in his nature,you can't possibly consider letting him enroll

Theresa:so your saying that,because he's boy,he's going to harrass you all

???5:yes Ma'am,it' in his nature and being,it's-

Theresa:would you say that the Overseer would harass you then,just because he's a guy as well

???5:w-well,no,but that's because he's far older and more trained in res-

Theresa:so because he's older,he won't harass,have you stopped and thought that he would have passed the same age as Kai here in order to get to the age he is

finding no suitable responses for a rebuttal,the student closed her mouth and didn't utter another word as I turned to her fellow students while she contemplated our little back and forth of words

Theresa:tell Me,do you all agree with her statements,do you also think that Kai should not be enrolled to the school

looking at the students,they all eyes and looked to each other as they waited for one of their fellow students to give an answer,all of them being to afraid to give an answer as I would have a readied response to give them,soon enough,one brave soul gave an answer I was not ready for

???6:I don't agree,personally,I think it's great,since he's from HQ,he should be super smart,so he should fit right in

looking at the student,I gave an interested and slightly surprised look as more of the students who shared the same opinion began showing themselves as well

???7:I agree with her,as long as he doesn't cause trouble,then I see no problems

???8:yeah,if he's super smart,then maybe he could even be top student of the school

???1:I just wanted to know what was going on but I see no problem with him being here as long he doesn't make a ruckus or cause problems for anyone

Theresa:is that so,well,this has gone better than expected,even so,you all still broke school rules,so an hour of detention should be good enough,Himeko,I'll leave them to you

Himeko:of course,Principal

standing up from each other,the students dusted themselves off before filing in as Himeko led them out and away from my office for detention as I looked at my now broken door which was now laying on the ground with it's hinges on the floor with it

out of his own generosity and my good luck,Kai offered to fix the door himself,which I gladly accepted even when I shouldn't as I thought things couldn't get any worse than they already were

unfortunately for Me and my big mouth,things got worse as the sound of quick and heavy stomps approach with concerning speed,suddenly,the hinges of my other door flew off while my remaining door crashed to the ground 

looking up to the culprit,I saw my niece,Kiana,on the other side of the door as she stormed into the room with a very angry look on her face as her friends and squadmates,Bronya and Mei, followed in behind in a hurry,both wearing worried faces as they entered the room



Kai(mind):this girl.....................she looks a lot like Mom but younger

Kiana:Auntie!!,is it true,is he enrolling

Theresa:*sigh*yes Kiana,he's enrolling,nothing you say will change that

Kiana:but Auntie-

Theresa:that is a finalized decision and it come directly from the Overseer,you will respect it

Mei:see Kiana,we told you already,now come on

Bronya:the Idiotka is making a bad impression on the new student

Kai:no,no,it's fine,in truth,this is much better than how I'm mostly treated within the organization when I first started out,so I don't mind her

Mei:I'm very sorry for her,I'm her Squadmate,Raiden Mei and she's Kiana,

Bronya:I'm Bronya,pleased to meet Subject New Student

Kai:that's a mouth full,you all can just call Me,Kai

Bronya:mmmm,Subject Kai added to memory

Mei:sorry again for the disturbance,Principal,we'll get going

Theresa:go then

hearing that they we're good to go,Mei grabbed Kiana's hand and led her out of the room as Kiana narrowed her eyes and looked at Kai,trying to seem threatening as Kai looked back at her with a neutral expression 

leaving the room,Bronya followed behind the two,turning back to us once she was out and giving a light bow before following her friends as I looked to my now two broken doors,that laid on the ground

Kai kneeled down and inspected the door and the hinges before smiling and looking to Me as he seemed to exert a feeling of confidence

Kai:don't worry,Principal,these parts are this good,I can fix this in a few minutes

Theresa:thank you Kai,I hate to make the student work already but I'll take any help I can get also,I'd like to apologize for my students again,this not how we typically greet new students

Kai:no problem,Principal,I'm always happy to lend a hand and don't worry about it,I've dealt with worse

Timeskip brought to you by Kai wielding the Cleaver of Shamash


Kai's POV

after fixing the Principal's door,she led Me out and away from the school building as we walked away from the campus and onto the bridge where we first met,leading past the bridge,we took the path,that I had taken to get to the school as Principal Theresa explained a few things while we were walking

as she explained to Me about what my new life was going to be like,I wondered as to where she was leading Me as she hadn't said a word about our next destination,though I had a good guess as to where we were going,I could really guess,which wasn't good enough in my opinion

continuing to walk away from the school building,my guess was confirmed as the sight of multiple buildings came into view,I had passed the building before,when I was on my way to the school and I had even assumed their purpose on a school area but that was assumption was now,also confirmed as multiple trucks,belonging to a moving company,were parked in front of one of the house plots

movers we're unloading items and belongings onto the side of the road while one person holding a clipboard stood by and supervised the others,checking off items on the list,we approached the man,who quickly took notice of us and gave us his full attention

Supervisor:good afternoon Principal Theresa

Theresa:good afternoon,are these Kai's belongings?

Supervisors:they sure are,the Overseer personally picked out,what would be sent here and what wouldn't be,a few of the large things we're left behind but a lot of the important things we're sent

Theresa:must have been some trouble getting them here from HQ

Supervisors:we had some packing issues but nothing major,we're just finishing the unloading process before we start bringing everything inside

Kai:actually,can you just leave it here,I can bring it all inside myself

Supervisor:are you sure about that Sir??,we could do it for you

Kai:it's fine,I'd like to place everything myself

Supervisor:alright then,whatever you say Sir

turning back to supervise the unloading of my belongings the man with the clipboard turned away from us as Principal Theresa motioned Me to follow her as she led Me into the lot,heading towards one of the three houses in the lot,the Principal led Me to the house on the far left 

pulling out a key to the house,the Principal opened the door for the both of us as we entered the house to see an extremely furnished household,completed and made to suit anyone's needs and wants

though there were spots that were left empty,I assumed they were there to be filled in by the students,which implied that the house had availability for customizations,which I also assumed,that the Principal would tell Me shortly after a while

Kai:this is a nice house,it really has that homey feeling,it's just as great as the school building

Theresa:there are many houses like this on the campus but this one is yours and for your future squadmates,for your entire school life here at St.Freya,you will be staying here,the house is yours to take care of and use,you can add and remove things you don't want and remodel to an extent-

Kai:that's pretty nice

Theresa:but any damage to the property will have to be paid by you or by your future squadmates,depending on who causes the damage

Kai:alright,that's typical,I'm not too worried about that

Theresa:you don't have to worry about water or electricity as the school will pay for that but food will have to be purchased and cooked by you here,for breakfast and dinner at least,when your at the school building,you can go to the cafeteria for food

Kai:will we be getting an allowance or something to buy food

Theresa:yes,the amount we give you is good for 2 weeks for an entire squad,we'll be giving you an allowance as well but reduced since you don't have a squad yet

Kai:no problem there,anything else I need to know about

Theresa:there are a few rules but we don't enforce them heavily to give the students more freedom,there's a book upstairs in a bookshelf that has all the rules you need and would want to know,I recommend reading it in your leisure time

Kai:alright,anything else

Theresa:no,that would be all of it,once again I apologize for the rude arrival,I know it's not what you'd probably expect from such a prestigious school but-

Kai:Principal,I've told you already,it's fine,I don't mind,I'm not going to let a bunch of people I don't know,ruin my image of the school,as far as I'm concerned,this is the best greeting and arrival I've had ever since I joined Shicksal,so I'm happy to be here and I look forward to my life here

Theresa:*sigh*alright then,thank you for understanding,I won't take anymore of your time then,you should get unpacked and get some rest,classes won't start until a few days later,so use that time to familiarize yourself with the school 

Kai:I was thinking of just that,I'll be sure to know the layout of the school before classes

Theresa:good then,I'll leave you to your own devices then,have a nice afternoon

walking with the Principal to the door,I saw her off as the Principal walked away and onto the streets to head back to the school building,where I assumed she still had work to do before I looked over to the pile of belonging,that the movers had finished unloading and left on the side of the road

knowing I couldn't just leave it there,I headed and began to grab my things and bring them inside to fully furnish the house in a style I very like as I picked up a couch and brought it into the living room

Kai(mind):new life,new beginning,same goal,just another new start for Me


Shadowgamer254 out

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