Unexpected Falling | Taegyu

By dimpletaegyu

279K 9.1K 18.8K

Taehyun was one of the richest young men in the city who despised relationships and did not believe in them... More

Chapter 1⚠
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4⚠
Chapter 5⚠
Chapter 6
Chapter 7⚠
Chapter 8⚠
Chapter 9⚠
Chapter 10⚠
Chapter 11⚠
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14⚠
Chapter 15
Chapter 16⚠
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23⚠
Chapter 25⚠

Chapter 24⚠

11.3K 269 961
By dimpletaegyu

Waking up in Taehyun's arms felt so surreal. It was hard to believe that this wasn't a dream, that Taehyun was here in his apartment and Beomgyu was wrapped up in his embrace. Beomgyu snuggled in closer, kissing the other man on his chin before getting out of the bed, walking over to the washroom. As Beomgyu brushed his teeth and washed his face, he looked up and saw Taehyun in the reflection, rubbing his eyes blearily and his heart started jumping in his stomach. It was all real. Taehyun really did stay.

"Did you sleep well baby?" Taehyun asked, his voice deeper and raspier with sleep.

"Yes, I did." Beomgyu smiled at him, moving away to let the man refresh himself, passing him a sealed toothbrush. "Did you?"

"Yes, I can't believe what I had missed out on for almost a year." Taehyun sighed as he removed the brush from its covering.

Beomgyu had no answer to that, but he thought about how everything probably happened for a reason, they had to take the harder route to get to where they were, the hardships made the relationship more valuable and maybe that was just fate. Was the pain and tears worth it? Beomgyu looked at the man brushing his teeth, his hair sticking up in different directions and smiled.

It was definitely worth it.

They had breakfast together and spent the entire day in pajamas, drinking tea and flipping through the TV channels. Beomgyu's head was resting comfortably on Taehyun's lap, and this was by far, the most comfortable, most cozy he had ever been. He stared up at Taehyun, wanting him to look at him, frowning when the other man kept ignoring him in favour of the television. Beomgyu knew Taehyun was doing this on purpose, that the man knew and could sense him looking at him intently, craving for his attention, judging by the tiny smirk he had lingering on his lips. Beomgyu got up and swung his legs around to straddle Taehyun's lap, startling the man by crashing their lips together, feeling proud of himself.

Taehyun got up from the couch suddenly with Beomgyu in his arms, eliciting a squeal from the older man. He carried him to the bedroom, throwing him gently on to the bed as Beomgyu bounced on it.

"Looks like someone was begging to get all my attention." Taehyun moaned as he climbed onto the bed, laying butterfly kisses all over Beomgyu's face, before reaching his lips again.

"Looks like it worked." Beomgyu giggled, sighing happily as Taehyun broke away from the kiss.

Taehyun had been thinking about something for a while now, but he didn't know how to put the idea across to Beomgyu.

"Beomgyu..." Taehyun trailed off, slowly staring into Beomgyu's eyes. "I just realised it was always you trusting me.... I never showed any evidence that I do trust you too." He said, his tone becoming more nervous. "And I really trust you."

Beomgyu looked up, confused, "What are you saying suddenly?"

"I am saying I am always doing the thrusting not the trusting." He chuckled loudly at his own poor joke while Beomgyu gaped at him, understanding creeping over his face.

"Are you for real?" Beomgyu asked him, his eyes wide.

"Yes...I can teach you how to do it." Taehyun said, shrugging.

"I think I do know how to fuck, thank you very much." Beomgyu said, smacking him on his arm.

Taehyun smirked before pulling Beomgyu in to kiss him, cupping his face. Beomgyu leaned forward, kissing him deeper before his hands moved lower, slipping inside Taehyun's pants and briefs, and stroking his cock, listening to the way his lover was sighing in bliss.

Taehyun broke away from the kiss, before pulling at Beomgyu's tee, almost ripping it as the older pushed him away and removed it, pulling Taehyun's shirt off too and throwing it onto the floor.

Once they removed all their remaining clothes and were lying on the bed naked, Beomgyu reached out for the lube, coating his fingers with them, his hand shaking slightly.

"Have you done this before?" Beomgyu asked and Taehyun shook his head. Beomgyu suddenly felt extremely pressured as he moved between his lover's legs, breathing in deeply. He had only topped once or twice and it was ages ago and he wanted Taehyun to feel nothing but pleasure and satisfaction.

"You got to find the hole and insert your fingers in." Taehyun said casually as Beomgyu turned red.

"Taehyun, I know what to do."

"Do you really, baby?"

"Taehyun can you shut up, just stop talking?" Beomgyu complained as he inserted one finger in slowly, "Relax." He whispered when he felt his boyfriend tense around his finger.

"I am relaxed, you relax." Taehyun snapped, gasping as he felt the sharp intrusion.

Beomgyu shook his head endearingly, knowing Taehyun was nervous, before inserting another finger in, kissing Taehyun slowly, to ease his pain as he gently prepped him.

"You are doing so well baby." Taehyun breathed against his lips. "Keep stretching like that."

Beomgyu felt honoured that no one else in the world could see Taehyun like this, only he was the one. He knew how much Taehyun liked to be in control and this was...this definitely was a huge step in their relationship.

As Beomgyu slid in a third finger, he caught eyes with Taehyun, who was looking at him with so much love and Beomgyu was starting to feel overwhelmed.

"Are you ready, Taehyun?" Beomgyu asked slowly as his boyfriend nodded with a smile.

"Ok now you need to insert your dick in me."

"Taehyun, I am telling you I know how to fuck." Beomgyu said rolling his eyes.

Taehyun's hands moved to squeeze his butt, "You are so cute baby. I am so proud."

Beomgyu smacked his hands away, before coating his dick with lube and he slowly pushed in, observing Taehyun's reaction.

Taehyun's eyes were closed, and he let out a soft sigh. "You can move now." Taehyun whispered after a while. "You are doing so well."

Beomgyu could feel the heat creep up his face at the compliments as he held onto Taehyun's hips, pulling out and pushing in again slowly until he was completely inside Taehyun. The feeling was so good, so fucking good, and soon Beomgyu found a rhythm.

Taehyun opened his eyes, and everything felt so intense right then. The way Taehyun was willing to trust Beomgyu and let him be his first. And hopefully the last. Taehyun kept assuring him he was doing well and encouraged him to go faster and Beomgyu listened.

Beomgyu looked at Taehyun, memorising every inch of his perfect features and felt his heart burst with emotions, he could sense how the intimacy between them had increased tenfold.

"Oh god...Taehyun. You are so handsome. So unreal." Beomgyu moaned as he continued thrusting.

Beomgyu never wanted to forget this moment, he shivered when Taehyun's hands ran down his back, pulling him in close to kiss him softly as Beomgyu kept up the rhythm, feeling like he would explode as he felt his orgasm reaching him.

"Taehyun." Beomgyu moaned loudly.

"God, Beomie, you feel so good, I am going to cum." Taehyun groaned and Beomgyu reached down, stroking his dick until Taehyun came with a shout of his name.

Beomgyu saw the love and trust in his boyfriend's eyes, and he moaned, closing his eyes as he finally released.

Beomgyu pulled out slowly, falling onto the younger man as he chuckled, wrapping his arms around him.

"Thank you for trusting me, Taehyun." Beomgyu sighed.

"I can now understand the struggles you have to go through." Taehyun stated, his fingers rubbing circles onto Beomgyu's back.

"It isn't bad, I enjoy it way too much actually." Beomgyu chuckled.

"You did so well baby." Taehyun sighed, peppering his face with kisses.. "But I prefer fucking you." He whispered against his ears as Beomgyu snickered, not wanting to admit that he would indeed prefer being fucked too.

Autumn soon arrived, the leaves changing colours as they dropped from the trees. The summer heat soon dissipated into the cool breezy fall. Taehyun and Beomgyu had been dating for around five months now, and they would still argue over the most trivial things, but they had been going strong. However, compared to the first few months they were together where they had made a habit of meeting each other every day, it slowly decreased as the months passed by. Beomgyu was okay with that, as long as he could see Taehyun for at least few hours a week. He understood that they were both busy and it would not be possible to see each other every minute of the day, especially since it wasn't like they were living together. Not that Beomgyu wanted that, of course it would be nice to live with Taehyun but he also didn't want to freak the other man out, or appear to be too clingy and needy which Beomgyu was beginning to feel that he was.

It was the 2nd week of March, when he realised Taehyun would come up with various reasons to not meet up. It will always be the same, "I have work, Beomgyu." or "I am going for dinner with my dad, Beomgyu." And when Beomgyu told him he wouldn't mind driving over to wherever Taehyun was and wait for him, Taehyun would actually sound pissed, telling him that he was busy and would be tired and Beomgyu would try to stop his mind from over analysing everything.

"Soobin hyung, it is happening again, he is ignoring me. He is going to leave me."

So much for not over analysing everything.

Beomgyu was on the phone with his best friend and he heard him chuckle over the receiver.

"Beomgyu...he must be genuinely busy. He loves you, calm down." Soobin said soothingly.

"We haven't met in almost two weeks!" Beomgyu exclaimed, sighing dramatically.

"Beomgyu... can you please calm down?" Soobin snorted.

"I feel betrayed. When did you go to his side you betrayer?" Beomgyu huffed in annoyance.

"I am not on his side, just give him time, will you?" His best friend groaned.

Beomgyu grumbled before hanging up, checking his phone to see if Taehyun had texted him at all.

He had not.

It was hard to concentrate at work when his mind was occupied with Taehyun. He was moping around, and the longer Taehyun took to text him, the more irritated he became, and he kicked his table in anger, immediately regretting it as the pain shot up his leg.

It was Friday night and Beomgyu was working late to distract himself, when his phone started ringing in his pocket, the vibration startling him from his thoughts, and he answered it with a low grumble after seeing the name flash on it.


"What do you want hyung?" Beomgyu asked coldly.

"Nice to talk to you too." His best friend chuckled.

"Doing okay, considering my boyfriend does not know I exist anymore." Beomgyu said in a strangled voice.

"Beomgyu, you are being dramatic. Why don't you just go over to his place if you are so worried?" Soobin said, sounding so casual it was pissing him off. Though Soobin had a point, he could just go over to his place and check on him. Taehyun was his boyfriend after all.

"What if I walk into him having sex with another human?" Beomgyu asked, his insecurity floating to the surface.

"Beomgyu..." Soobin sighed, his voice trailing off. "Just go and check on him, otherwise your mind won't let you sleep tonight."

Soobin was right. It was better to go check for himself than go back home and think about Taehyun throughout.

Beomgyu took a deep breath in, trying to calm his racing heart down, "I will go there now." He said.

The drive to Taehyun's apartment was agonizing, and Beomgyu's heart was beating rapidly in his chest when he headed over to the elevators.

He gripped the strap of his bag across his chest tightly and tried to take deep breaths in. When the elevator door opened with a ping, Beomgyu felt his heart drop and he wanted to go back downstairs. This could be a mistake.

He walked up slowly to the door, hesitating before ringing the doorbell.

Beomgyu waited for a while, but he could not hear Taehyun's footsteps and he tried to open the door, finding to his surprise, that it was unlocked. Taehyun always locked his door, so this was really strange and Beomgyu was suddenly more alert.

The lights were off in the apartment, the only source of light coming from the moon that was shining bright outside the window. Beomgyu removed his shoes, picking one up in his hands in case he had to defend himself.

"Taehyun?" Beomgyu whispered, slowly stepping in, feeling like he was in some horror movie. Just as his mind started coming up with the worst case scenarios, all the lights in the apartment switched on and there were familiar voices screaming "Surprise" from different directions, making Beomgyu jump right out of his skin, his heart thudding so fast he could faint.

"Oh, fuck me." Beomgyu yelled out loud, almost throwing the shoe at someone as he closed his eyes shut.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Taehyun standing there in the midst of his friends, smiling at him.

"Happy birthday, Beomgyu."


Beomgyu checked the clock and saw it was midnight. He did not even realise it was his birthday and he let his shoe fall to the ground limply.

"Did you forget it was your birthday again?" Hueningkai asked, staring at him, holding balloons and streamers in his hands.

"I told you, he doesn't remember his own birthday..." Soobin said turning to Beomgyu.

"How could someone actually forget their own birthday?" Jay asked incredulously.

Beomgyu stared at them all wide eyed, speechless, before he walked up to Taehyun, his fists colliding with the younger man's chest, once, twice, and thrice as he spoke, "What is your problem?" The older man then took a step back, looking at the decorations, and the huge cake on the table and at all his friends surrounding him and he could not help it but burst into tears.

It was hilarious once you think about it, and a little anticlimactic.

Everyone in the room had gasped, surprised at Beomgyu's reaction, and came running to him, engulfing him in a warm tight group hug as Beomgyu covered his face with his hands.

Soon, there was only one pair of arms wrapped around him, one whose scent he had memorised and had become the biggest source of comfort for him.

Beomgyu burrowed his face into Taehyun's chest, trying to dry his tears on his expensive shirt.

"Beomgyu...what happened?" Taehyun pleaded, trying to get Beomgyu to look at him but the man kept clutching on to his shirt, feeling ashamed. "Beomgyu..." He finally managed to pry Beomgyu's hands off him and grab the tops of his arms, looking into his teary eyes. "I told you I was never going to leave you..." Taehyun said softly, pressing a soft kiss on his forehead, ignoring the looks from his friends who were probably staring at them two, rolling their eyes, "I love you, happy birthday baby."

"I thought you got bored of me." Beomgyu mumbled softly, smacking lightly at Taehyun's chest again.

"How will I get bored of you? I am sorry Beomie." Taehyun apologised sheepishly.

Beomgyu coughed lightly, "Thank you for this Taehyun." He looked up at him, smiling at him and Taehyun pinched his cheek lightly.

"God, you are so adorable." Taehyun sighed.

After Beomgyu apologised to everyone for his sudden outburst and for making them all worried, they sat around on the big couch, catching up on each other's days.

Beomgyu finally was able to see the room properly once Taehyun dimmed the lights, and was shocked to see it was decorated to look like the galaxy, with glowing stars, planets and crescent shaped moon decorations hanging everywhere on the ceiling. There was a large galaxy tapestry covering one side of the walls completed with balloons at the corner and it was making his heart swell with joy.

Beomgyu never celebrated his birthday, never finding it important to do so, and he was so touched that Taehyun actually went to this extent to do this for him.

"I told you not to over analyse everything." Soobin whispered as he passed him an expensive bottle of champagne. Beomgyu blushed a bright red, "I am sorry..." He muttered, "Were you aware of all this?"

"Of course, who did you think helped him with the decorations and the shopping? Oh god, you should see your boyfriend fuss about almost everything. 'I need this to be perfect, because Beomie is perfect' or 'the decor needs to be as beautiful as Beomie which might be impossible' argh gross." Soobin mimicked as he gagged.

Beomgyu was flattered, and maybe a little bit embarrassed but he felt his heart warming up at the idea of his boyfriend and best friend going out together and getting along well with each other. "How did you know that I would actually listen to you and come here?" Beomgyu asked curiously, "What if I had just gone back home?"

"Beomgyu." Soobin said firmly, "I am your best friend for a reason." He said seriously, staring into Beomgyu's eyes. "Oh, and also, Taehyun had a backup plan of kidnapping you from your apartment and bringing you here, so it would have still worked out in the end." He concluded with a laugh.

Beomgyu decided to not get too drunk like the previous times, wanting to remember this day forever but at the same time, he wanted to be a little tipsy. He watched as Taehyun kept moving all over the apartment, serving food and drinks and being the perfect host.

The younger man then came over and slumped over the couch next to Beomgyu, placing his head on his lap, as he exhaled a tired breath.

"Are you okay?" Beomgyu asked softly, moving his hands to run them through his hair, massaging his scalp gently.

"Yes...it is time to open presents." Taehyun said, excitement seeping into his tone as he enjoyed the way Beomgyu's fingers ran over his scalp for a little longer before getting up and sitting straight.

Beomgyu ripped open all the present excitedly, Sunoo had gifted him a large oversized teddy bear that made him shriek in glee, Hueningkai had got him a beautiful jewel adorned notebook, "for you to write your genius lyrics." Soobin had gotten him a LP of his favourite band that he had always wanted and Jay and Jungwon had gotten him an expensive Rolex watch that made Beomgyu stop and stare for a while, never owning anything this expensive before. Yeonjun on the other hand had gotten him another shirt, white in colour and just as outrageous as the black one he had gotten before. The back was completely sheer and cut more deeply, certain to expose his back and Beomgyu groaned as Yeonjun shrieked in glee. Beomgyu could see Taehyun staring at it hungrily and he felt heat creep up his neck. He made a note to himself to have a talk with Yeonjun later.

The last gift was from Taehyun and he had a tiny gift box in his hands. Beomgyu watched Taehyun fidget in his seat nervously as he handed him the gift. "I hope you would like it..." He said, voice low and trailing off.

The box was wrapped up beautifully with a bow that was neatly tied, probably by Taehyun himself. Beomgyu unwrapped it and opened the box, his heart stopping when he saw a beautiful gold bracelet, with a padlock and a key charm on it, both embedded with stones that looked like diamonds and Beomgyu knew this must have cost a bomb. As he peered at it closely, he saw a tiny T engraved on the lock and a B engraved on the key. Beomgyu looked up at Taehyun questioningly, his breath knocked away.

"So..uhm...there is a story," Taehyun started speaking, uncertainty in his eyes, "The lock is my heart...it was locked for so many years, and no one bothered to understand me, or try to penetrate it but then you came along, the key to my heart, unlocking it and securing a place in it." He finished speaking as silence flooded the room. "I swear it was not this tacky when I was getting it made..." Taehyun murmured quietly, almost to himself.

Beomgyu could feel the tears prickling at his eyes again as he stared at the bracelet, removing it from the box and Taehyun took it from him before holding his hand tenderly and clasping it around his wrist. "It fits you so perfectly." Taehyun sighed, before taking his hand and placing a quick kiss on it.

"Thank you so much, Taehyun." Beomgyu breathed softly, loving the way it looked against his wrist. He then looked up at Taehyun, flinging himself onto the man and hugging him tightly. "You did listen when I said I like gifts that had a story behind didn't you." Beomgyu whispered against his ear, feeling Taehyun's chest rumble with laughter.

"I told you...I listen to you." Taehyun answered back as he wrapped his arms around him, hugging him tightly.

It was all Beomgyu wanted and more and he felt his heart seeping with joy as he felt like he was home in Taehyun's arms.

Beomgyu pulled away from the hug, kissing Taehyun gently on the lips and the younger kissed him back harder, nibbling on his lip for entrance that was granted readily and Taehyun's quick tongue slide into his parted lips, tasting the champagne that was mingled with the taste of Beomgyu.

As they broke away from the kiss, they looked around to see all their friends' eyes on them, gawking at them in silence.

"Who knew you two would be this sweet to each other back then?" Jay whistled slowly, shaking his head disbelievingly.

"I swear I am not crying." Yeonjun muttered as he stared up at the ceiling, fanning his face.

"Jesus- Taehyun you got to stop doing this, you are putting so much pressure on me to do things for Yeonjun now." Hueningkai groaned, as he rubbed his forehead in stress.

"I still love you Huening." Yeonjun said fondly through watery eyes.

"Hyung, you will always have the key to my heart even if I can't afford to buy you a customised bracelet." Hueningkai said as he pulled Yeonjun into a hug.

"If you guys are done with making out in front of us, and being sappy, perhaps we can focus on partying?" Sunoo groaned, rolling his eyes and the others started snickering at that. "Some people are still single here."

Yeonjun and Hueningkai broke away from each other as Beomgyu stepped up from Taehyun, clearing his throat awkwardly, "Yes. Sorry..."

With the night drizzling away into languorous smiles and celebratory chinks of glasses, the party moved on smoothly. Taehyun even got up and burst out some moves along with Jay to a pop song, with Yeonjun joining them. Beomgyu could not take his eyes off Taehyun and the way he was moving with so much accuracy and precision. As Beomgyu could feel the alcohol starting to take effect, giving him the pleasant buzz, he stepped out onto the balcony, inhaling in the fresh air. He felt the presence of another man behind him and smiled, knowing exactly who it was.

"Couldn't stay away from me even for a minute, could you?" Beomgyu said teasingly, without looking back.

"I have another gift for you." Taehyun said softly, hugging Beomgyu from the back, before turning the man around.

"You already did so much, Taehyun." Beomgyu sighed but smiling at him earnestly.

"Beomie...I cannot believe you were thinking that I was getting bored or was going to let you go, because that would never happen. And this is for you. But you... you do not have to accept it..." Taehyun coughed, his hand in his pocket and the man was getting a bit restless and Beomgyu noticed it. Taehyun was nervous. It was like they were thrown back in time, when Taehyun came up to him at the café and asked him to be his friend. The same nervousness except maybe it was intensified tonight. "I don't know if it is too soon, I think it might be too soon, so I hope I don't scare you away and you really don't have to accept now." Taehyun rambled on and Beomgyu watched him in amusement, taking his hand and squeezing it gently.

"Taehyun...it is okay." Beomgyu smiled at him reassuringly.

Taehyun held Beomgyu's hand gently in his, stroking it as he removed his other hand from his pocket, placing a cold object on Beomgyu's hand, curling the older man's fingers around it.

Beomgyu stared at his closed fist in curiosity, before opening it slowly, to find a key placed in it. He looked up at Taehyun in curiosity, "Is this a key to your heart again, Taehyun?" He asked.

Taehyun laughed as he cleared his throat, taking in one desperate breath, calming down his nerves, "It is the key to my apartment...Do you want to move in with me, Beomie?"

Emotion swelled in Beomgyu's chest like a balloon pressing against his lungs and he found it endearing how nervous Taehyun was at the moment, and how the man could even doubt that he would not want to move in.

"I know. I know, it had been only five months, and it is a bit too soon, but Beomgyu, I can't get enough of you, I love you so much." Taehyun blabbered nervously, avoiding his eyes.

"Taehyun..." Beomgyu breathed, his face brightening up and under the moonlight he looked even more ethereal. "Of course." He said, his eyes turning into crescents as he smiled at the other man sincerely.

Taehyun looked into Beomgyu's eyes, which were so sincere and beautiful and leaned down to kiss those lips he loved the most. He broke off the kiss, turning away and resting his elbows on the railing, staring out at night sky as he started shouting from the balcony.

"I fucking love Beomgyu." He yelled suddenly, his voice bouncing through the wind strong and deep. Beomgyu started laughing at that, the happiness in Taehyun's tone prominent as he continued shouting. "We are moving in together! I am the luckiest man in the world." Taehyun bellowed and Beomgyu had to drag him back, giggling.

"Taehyun, be careful, you might get kicked out." He laughed, and they entered the living room again, joining their friends.

"Congrats you two." Hueningkai said, lifting his glass up.

"Oh...you heard him screaming?" Beomgyu asked, bewildered.

"The whole apartment heard it." Jungwon chuckled, "I am so happy for you two."

Beomgyu's entire being melted at that moment, so thankful to have the friends he has now, people who would always stick by them no matter what. And he was so thankful he had Taehyun. He felt so loved at that moment and it was overwhelming.

As the party continued, Hueningkai and Yeonjun got a tad too drunk and started making out in a corner.

"Jungwon..." Jay turned to face his boyfriend, "Why are we always the only ones not making out in front of everyone?" He asked, genuine curiosity in his voice and he received a smack on his head from the man in reply.

"Seriously this group is infected with couples, I need to find new friends." Sunoo groaned. "Yeonkai and Taegyu are having a competition to see who the best new couple could be, but the winner is Sungour, which is me and my brilliant sense of humour."

"Honestly, more than these couples, you are starting to annoy me." Soobin grumbled, as he shoved the younger man off the couch.

It was early in the morning when they all decided to leave, hugging Beomgyu tightly and wishing him a happy birthday once again before leaving and Taehyun came and rest his face on his shoulder, a hand on his waist.

"So...I have one last birthday gift for you." Taehyun whispered hotly against his ear and Beomgyu's body shivered at that, already guessing what it was going to be, and he was right, when Taehyun's hand moved slowly down, groping his ass. "I am going to take good care of you tonight, baby, I am going to fuck you all night long."

Beomgyu whimpered as he turned back and pulled Taehyun close to him, grinding against him as he kissed him hard. Taehyun moved down, running his tongue over Beomgyu's neck, and slammed him against the wall, before joining their lips together, their tongues lazily dancing around and hands roaming all over each other. As they broke away from the kiss, Beomgyu met Taehyun's dark and predatory gaze and gulped.

Taehyun slithered a hand up his shirt, feeling his tummy before moving up to pinch his nipple and Beomgyu whimpered as he thrusted against him, wanting to feel more. He tried to unbutton Taehyun's shirt impatiently, wanting to feel the man's skin against his hands already. He pulled it off and unbuckled Taehyun's belt with one hand, throwing it to the ground.

Beomgyu then jumped on Taehyun, wrapping his legs around him as Taehyun's hands went to grip on his ass, holding him securely.

"So..." Beomgyu whispered, as he stared down into Taehyun's dark irises. "Tell Beomie what your last birthday gift is, hyung." He moaned sensually and was proud of himself as he felt Taehyun tremble with arousal.

"I am going to make Beomie cum multiple times tonight." Taehyun growled, as he carried Beomgyu to their bedroom, kicking it open before shoving Beomgyu against the wall, supporting his weight with his strong thighs, and attacking the older man's neck, biting them, and marking it red.

Beomgyu wrapped his arms around Taehyun's neck as he moaned, "Hyung...I need more."

Taehyun spun around, holding Beomgyu in his arms before throwing him lightly on the bed and clambering on it, hovering over him. He quickly undressed the older man, stripping him naked. Beomgyu then switched their positions, settling on his knees in between Taehyun's thighs.

"I need to thank you for making this the best birthday ever." Beomgyu whispered and he pulled off Taehyun's pants along with his briefs, freeing his erection.

Taehyun let out a sharp gasp as Beomgyu leaned forward, taking in his member past his full and plump lips without any warning, bobbing his head up and down. He moaned out loud as Beomgyu took him to the hilt with each fall, tonguing his slit each time he paused, swirling and teasing the sensitive head.

Taehyun shuddered underneath him as Beomgyu pressed his tongue firmly against his member, slurping it and hollowing his cheeks as he went down on him again. His hands moved to grip on Beomgyu's hair, tugging hard at his dark strands as Beomgyu hissed in pain around his dick, sending vibrations up his body.

Beomgyu had gifted lips, Taehyun thought to himself, wondering once again how the man was this good at giving blow jobs. Beomgyu peeked up at him innocently as he continued to suck his dick, his hands caressing his balls, and Taehyun started thrusting his hips up into his tight mouth, feeling his member hit the back of Beomgyu's throat.

Taehyun soon felt a coiling in his stomach and stopped his thrusts. "Beomgyu I am going to cum." He moaned weakly as the older man looked at him in confusion.

They held eye contact as Beomgyu, slowly went down on his member again, his perfect lips wrapped tight around his cock, and hummed around it and Taehyun could not hold it in any longer as he came with a scream of Beomgyu's name.

He watched as the older man calmly swallowed around him, savouring every last drop of his cum, looking up at him with intense eyes. Taehyun lets go of Beomgyu's hair, which was sticking up haphazardly, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"I was supposed to make you feel good, baby boy." Taehyun groaned as he tried to catch his breath.

"This is my thank you gift, and also, this made me feel good." Beomgyu said, giggling as he started stroking Taehyun's limp member and the younger man could feel all the blood rush down, feeling himself get hard again.

"My turn now." He growled, as he bit lightly on Beomgyu's earlobe, slamming him back into the bed, spreading Beomgyu's thighs apart, grinding against him. He moved down, leaving marks everywhere on his body, kissing Beomgyu's stomach.

"God, you are so beautiful." Taehyun groaned as he reached over to the bedside table, taking the lube out as Beomgyu whined, wanting him to come back. "Be patient, baby." Taehyun chided as he poured the lube over his fingers and inserted them inside, the older man rocking against his fingers.

Taehyun took his time, stretching the man out, admiring the soft mewls the man let out as he curled his fingers and hit his prostate, he watched Beomgyu's hole swallow up his fingers, watched it throb, pink and dripping in anticipation before he removed his fingers and started stroking his member before sliding into him slowly.

Taehyun waited until he was fully sheathed in before pulling out completely and thrusting in sharply again, making the older man gasp mutely. Taehyun lifted the man's milky white thighs, hooking it over his shoulder, his ankles knocking against his neck and the angle suddenly shifted, allowing Taehyun to slide in even further, more deeper and Beomgyu started purring lewdly at the pleasure.

"Omg, Taehyun. Fuck. So good." Beomgyu moaned, screaming when Taehyun pulled out and thrusted into him deeper, hitting him straight at his sweet spot, building up a steady pace.

"Go...faster." Beomgyu whined, thrusting his hips up to meet him but Taehyun held on to him, still going slow, wanting Beomgyu to feel each and every thrust.

Beomgyu dug his nails on to Taehyun's back, holding on to him as the pleasure kept building up slowly and the younger man suddenly quickened his pace. Pulling out and slamming into Beomgyu, who let out a yelp of surprise. Taehyun sped up, hammering into Beomgyu's tight hole, slamming the man against the headboard as it banged out a feverish staccato against the wall.

Taehyun twisted Beomgyu's body around, letting one thigh fall to the bed and bending the other one back as he continued pounding into him ruthlessly, knowing the man was about to reach his orgasm just by looking at his expression. And Beomgyu came on to Taehyun's stomach, with the loudest moan of the night.

The tight heat of Beomgyu's walls embraced him, and Taehyun could not control himself as he came soon after. He pulled out slowly, giving sometime so they could catch their breaths before Taehyun flipped Beomgyu over on to his stomach, pulling his ass up and spreading his cheeks before he inserted his fingers in, watching as the cum trickled out of his hole.

"Taehyun..." Beomgyu moaned, looked so fucked out, so delirious with pleasure and Taehyun wanted to ravish him over and over again, unable to believe he was this lucky to get a man like Beomgyu in his life.

"I am not done with you." Taehyun panted, lying beside him on the bed. Beomgyu giggled, as he sat up on the bed, clambering onto Taehyun's lap.

"I am not done with you either." He breathed as he started rolling his hips against Taehyun's member, hand reaching out to stroke it and he felt it become hard again.

Beomgyu then lifted himself up, sliding Taehyun's dick into him, letting out a shaky breath as he sat down slowly, impaling himself and quaking at the fullness.

Taehyun sat up, holding Beomgyu in his arms, cocking his head back at the delicious tight heat enveloping around him and it took all of his self control to stop himself from instantly thrusting into him.

"T-Taehyun." Beomgyu quivered, as he moaned lavishly, feeling a dizzying pleasure all over his skin, his hole feeling already too sensitive as Taehyun gripped Beomgyu's hips, slowly pulling him up and shoving him back down on his member.

"Fuck, Taehyun." Beomgyu shouted as he threw his head back, eyes rolling in his head and bottom lip tugged between his teeth and he tried to keep his balance by holding onto Taehyun.

Beomgyu rose up, until only the head of Taehyun's cock was inside him, staring down at Taehyun as he dropped down, impaling himself again, eliciting a sharp gasp from the younger man. Beomgyu then started bouncing on Taehyun's lap faster, and he moaned his boyfriend's name out as loud as he can.

Beomgyu continued lifting himself up, slamming down on the younger man's member, loving how it throbbed in his hole and brushed against his overstimulated walls, until Taehyun's breathes became raspier, feeling his climax hit as he released into Beomgyu once again, filling him up with warm liquid the same time as Beomgyu came, white spilling onto Taehyun's stomach.

Taehyun lied back on the bed, pulling Beomgyu with him, too tired to pull out his limp member from Beomgyu's hole as he attempted to catch his breath.

After some time, Taehyun finally pulled out, and took a minute to admire his lover. The way his dark hair fell into his eyes messily, some strands sticking up in different directions. His cute nose and full, pink lips that he loved kissing. The way his tiny dimple kept appearing with a tiny smile, and his sexy body. The way his chest rose up and down with every breath. Everything about Beomgyu screamed perfection. He was ethereal.

"You're staring." Beomgyu huffed, covering his face with his delicate hands, embarrassed.

Taehyun chuckled before leaving butterfly kisses all over his face. "That is because, you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life."

"It is because you haven't seen that many men before." Beomgyu groaned, a crimson flush creeping over his face.

"No... I have seen them, but no one could catch my attention like you my precious baby boy." Taehyun sighed, kissing him on his lips, before bringing him in close into a hug.

They stayed like that, merely basking in the afterglow of one another, letting their breathing even out before moving to the bathtub where Beomgyu said he would help wash and clean him up but he couldn't control himself and ended up ravishing him and thrusting into him until Beomgyu came once again, screaming out so loud that Taehyun wondered if they would really end up getting kicked out of the apartment.

Once they were done, Taehyun led Beomgyu back to the bed, removing the covers and throwing them into a corner while he spread new sheets over the bed and jumped on it, dragging Beomgyu with him. They curled together, dead tired and sore but feeling extremely happy and Beomgyu buried his face into Taehyun's bare chest, listening to the low hum thrumming of his heart.

"Thank you." Beomgyu whispered as he felt comfortable in Taehyun's arms. "For the surprise and the gifts, all three of them." He laughed.

"You are always welcome." Taehyun said, his voice becoming groggy with sleep. "Thank you for existing, you being born is my greatest gift."

"I love you, Taehyun." Beomgyu hummed peacefully.

"I love you too, baby." Beomgyu could feel Taehyun's smile against his cheek as he pecked him, before tightening his grip around his waist and falling into a content slumber.

This was so incredibly cheesy please forgive me and bear with me -

but yay for taegyu being whipped for each other and finally showing their whippedness

and yay for taegyu birthday sex

AND YAY for taegyu living together!

Also, I hope I don't go to hell for all that smut but bottom Beomgyu is just <3 -

Thank you so much for all the votes and comments! <3

Next chapter might be the last chapter??? I am not sure but thank you for all the love and support <3 I really appreciate it, each and every one of you :')))

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