Space Girl [P.Parker]

By theboyisgenius

130K 4.5K 1.9K

[PETER PARKER x OC] "Do you ever have that one person you really wanna tell about your powers, but you can't... More

Space Girl; ACT 1
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Space Girl; ACT 2
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Space Girl; ACT 3
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Space Girl; ACT 4
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36

chapter 33

2.1K 75 51
By theboyisgenius

Peter brought everyone to Happy's condo. Luna made her way in behind all the others, with Peter being behind her. The boy watched Luna walk in after everyone, but not turn back. He approached May, who greeted him at the door.

"I feel bad about using Happy's place like this." He whispered. 

"He'll get over it." May responded. She looked to Luna for a moment, then to Peter. "Did something happen between you two?" She wondered. Peter sighed. "I don't know."

"So, this is your plan, Peter?" Octavius spoke while the others paced the living room. "No lab, no facilities. Just performing miracles in a condominium, hmm? What, are you gonna cook us some churros or some burritos in a microwave?" Continued the man. Luna struggled to withhold her laughter, taking a seat beside Flint on the couch that was now covered in sand.

"Oh, so you find this amusing?" Octavius turned to Luna. She cleared her throat. "No, sir."

"I could go for a burrito." Osborn commented.

 "He's gonna kill us all." Octavius argued. 

"Well, let's hope not." Peter responded. "You're up first, Doc." He approached the angry man. "Luna." Peter called. She finally looked towards him.

"Could use your help." Peter pursed his lips. Luna stayed put for a moment. "Sure." She stood up and followed him into another room.

"I told you, I don't need fixing. I don't need fixing!" Octavius shouted. "Especially by teenagers and scraps from a bachelor's junk drawer!"

"Oh, no, no. They've got something back there." Electro interjected. "I can feel it. That weird energy." He made his way to the room where Peter and Luna silently set up their materials.

Peter pulled off a blanket from a large machine. 

"What the hell is that?" Osborn questioned. 

"It's a fabricator." Peter stated. 

"It can analyze, design, construct basically anything." Luna explained while Peter turned on the machine, making it expand and light up.

"I thought that was a tanning bed Happy broke." May commented in shock. A light spun around in the machine.

 "Look at that." Electro mumbled. Suddenly, the machine stopped spinning, and a piece of the wall behind it broke. Startled at the sudden noise, Luna reached for Peter's hand.

When the realization set in, she looked down at their hands and let go, placing her hand back by her side. Peter turned to look at her for a moment with a sad expression.

"They're gonna kill us all." Octavius repeated.


"So the chip at the back of Doc's head was designed to protect his brain from the AI system that's controlling these tentacles, but if you look here..." Peter explained to Osborn and Luna while he demonstrated on the machine.

"The chip is fried, so, rather than him being in control of the tentacles, the tentacles are now in control of him." He concluded.

 "Explains why he's so miserable all the time." Luna commented, bending down to type notes into the computer in front of her.

"Hey, does this place happen to have a washroom I can use?" Requested Osborn. 

"Uh--yeah. Down the hall, to your left." Peter directed. 

"Thank you." The man left the room, leaving Peter and Luna alone.

Peter watched as Luna continued to type. He hoped she would say something, but she didn't.

"Luna." He sighed.

 "Yeah?" She continued to stare at the computer screen in focus. 

"I--" Peter paused. "Hey, can you just look at me when I'm talking to you for a second?"

Luna stopped typing, then slowly turned to him. 

"I'm sorry for going behind your back, okay? I shouldn't have done it." He stated. 

"It's fine." Luna shrugged.

Peter furrowed his eyebrows. "No." He shook his head. "No, Luna. You don't get to do this right now."

"Do what?" She questioned.

"Shrug it all off like it's nothing!"

"I'm not shrugging it off!" Luna argued.

"You always do this! You avoid conversations that you don't wanna have. You pretended like you didn't care about Mysterio revealing our identities, you changed the subject when I started talking about it on the roof the first day of school, you acted like you were fine when we didn't get into MIT, and now, after I do something completely stupid, you pretend like it's fine but I know it's not." Peter rambled. "It's okay to be angry! You should be angry! I completely messed up!"

They were both silent for another moment. 

"You're always right. Last year, I didn't wanna call Nick Fury. Turns out, he was with a bad guy, speaking of which, you told me you didn't trust Mysterio and I didn't believe you, then look what happened! Now, you told me not to go to Strange because it would end bad, and it did, and I'm sorry, but I'd rather you hate me than pretend it's fine because that never ends well and you know that." He concluded.

Luna bit her bottom lip anxiously. Before she could say anything, Osborn made his way back inside. "Alright! Are we ready to get building." The man grinned, rubbing his hands together. Peter cleared his throat, watching Luna turn back to the computer with slightly teary eyes. "Yup." He exhaled.

Peter started the machine, that began constructing their device.

 "Remarkable." Osborn watched in fascination. "The technology and you." He watched closely. "When all this is over, if you need a job and you're willing to commute to another universe..." He trailed off. The machine finished. 

Peter lifted the face covering he had put on. "It worked." He grinned. "That totally worked!" He ran out. "I got it! I did it! I did it!" He called out.

While Peter and Osborn left to test out the device, Luna stayed on the computer, making sure to take note of everything they had done. She was falling behind due to being out of focus after her and Peter's conversation.

Was what Peter said true? Had she always done this? She never noticed it until he said it. She heard protests from the other room, then silence. For a moment, she worried something had gone wrong, but was assured when she heard Octavius thanking Peter.

All of a sudden, Luna received a phone call from Happy. "Hey, Happy." She answered, making sure she didn't sound upset. 

"Uh, hey. Peter's not answering my calls. Is he with you right now?" Happy wondered. 

"Uh..." Luna trailed. "Yeah, why?"

"Well, I accessed my doorbell camera, who are those guys, huh?" Happy interrogated. Luna's eyes widened. "Oh--uh--Hello? Hello?" She pretended to not be able to hear.

"Hello?" Happy replied. "Luna, can you hear me?" He asked.

 "Uh--Sorry, Happy! I can't hear you anymore! Call you later!" She shouted into the phone before hanging up.

Peter made his way back into the room, followed by Osborn. "It worked." Peter stated. 

"Great." Luna forced a smile. 

"Next is you, Doctor Osborn, while we do Electro's at the same time." Peter took a seat back at the machine. "The magic of machinery." He spun around in his chair excitedly.

Octavius also made his way inside, standing in the corner while Peter began to create a serum meant to cure Osborn.

"How does it feel, Norman?" Octavius spoke. "You're about to become whole again. No more darker half. Just you."

"Just me." Osborn repeated with a smile.

Peter furrowed his eyebrows. "Hey, Luna, can you come over here for a sec?" He requested. Luna looked away from the computer and stood beside Peter. "Does this look right to you?" Peter checked, referring to the device he was going to use on Electro.

Luna leaned in closer. "Yeah. Looks good." She confirmed. Due to the both of them looking at it closely, their faces were very close together. Luna looked Peter in the eyes. They didn't move for a moment, they stayed still, unsure of what to say or do. Luna backed away. "You should, uh, go try it out on Electro. No time to waste." She sighed.

"Yeah." Peter shut his eyes for a second. "Yeah. You're right." He nodded. "I'll be back soon." He made his way out. It was not long before Peter returned to the room. He had left Electro in the living room with the device, waiting for it to be completed.

While he sat back down to check on the serum, he suddenly stopped. He looked to Luna. "Luna." He whispered. She hummed in response while focusing on the machine. 

"Peter tingle." He responded. Luna turned to him worriedly.

The boy stood up, grabbing Osborn and Octavius' attention. "Peter." Octavius spoke. "What's wrong?"

Peter and Luna went out into the living room. "I don't know." Peter muttered while Osborn and Octavius followed the two teenagers out. "May?" Peter called.

"What is it, Peter?" May asked as she came down the stairs. Peter stared at Electro. "Why are you looking at me like that?" The man questioned. Peter then looked to Osborn skeptically.

Suddenly, Peter webbed Osborn's hand to the wall. "That's some neat trick, that sense of yours." Osborn spoke, but now in an eerie voice. 

"Norman?" Octavius furrowed his eyebrows.

 "Norman's on sabbatical, honey." Osborn responded with a smirk.

"The hell?" Electro looked to Peter in confusion.

 "Goblin..." Peter realized. He looked to May across the room, signaling for her to retrieve the serum from the machine.

"No more darker half? Did you really think that I'd let that happen?" The goblin continued. "That I'd let you take away my power just because you're blind to what true power can bring you?" Osborn continued.

"You don't know me." Peter responded.

 "Don't I?" The goblin raised his eyebrows. "I saw how she trapped you." He added, referring to May.

Peter looked off to the side. May had successfully gotten the serum.

"Fighting her holy moral mission. We don't need you to save us. We don't need to be fixed!" The goblin turned to Electro, who looked down at the device on his chest, which was almost completed. "These are not curses. They're gifts."

"Norman, no." Octavius shook his head.

 "Quiet, lab dog." Insulted the goblin. 

"You don't know what you're talking about." Luna spoke up. 

"I watched you from deep behind Norman's cowardly eyes, struggling to have everything you want." The goblin grinned. "While the world tries to make you choose." He shook his head. "Gods don't have to choose. We take."

"May." Peter said. "Run!"

Just as May ran off, Electro removed the device on his chest before it was finished. Osborn ripped his hand out from under Peter's web. Electro retrieved the rest of his power back from the device in the other room, and shot Octavius out of the window.

While the goblin approached Peter, Electro then struck at Luna.

"Come on, man! I thought we were friends!" Luna shouted. She ran off to the side, causing him to chase after her. He created a huge tornado that surrounded the building. Luna tried to control the wind to counter it, which only worked to slow it down a little bit, but not enough.

Through this tornado of energy, he was gone, pushing Luna nearly off the edge of the building. Now alone, she ran down the stairs to find where Peter had gone.

"Peter!" She called out worriedly. She went out on the balcony, looking down at the balcony just below her, where Peter and the goblin had fallen. She jumped down, using her moon ring from Stark to blind the goblin.

In that moment, she reached to push the man, but was instead grabbed by the leg and thrown to the side. She clung off the side of the balcony while Peter was thrown in through a wall.

It didn't take her long to get back up and follow them in. As soon as she made it in, she was flung into the nearby window by the goblin, causing the glass behind her to break. She fell quickly towards the ground, too fast for her to be able to control.

Just as she thought she was about to hit the concrete, the fall was much lighter than she had expected. Her eyes were shut tight. When she opened them, she found herself in her grandmother's house, with a glowing portal directly above her that began to close.

She coughed, staring up in shock.

"Luna!" Ned shouted standing over her. Their grandmother appeared just beside him with a horrified expression. "Luna, what happened?" Ned bent down beside her worriedly. She sat up.

"How'd you do that?" She questioned Ned, shocked that he was able to open a portal like Doctor Strange.

 "I don't--I don't know! I--I'm wearing Doctor Strange's ring--and it just happened--" Ned replied.

"Ned, you just saved my life." She wrapped her arms tightly around her brother. 

"Are you okay?" Ned worried. "Where's Peter?"

Luna pulled away from the hug. Behind them, was the news on the TV about a death reported in that building. A woman. It had to be May.

"God, Peter." She worried. "He's alone now. Oh, God." She panicked, standing up, but nearly falling back due to an injury on her leg. 

"Woah." Ned held out his arms to catch her.

"I need to go back. Ned, take me back." She demanded. 

"I'm not letting you go back. No way!" Ned refused.

 "Ned, I swear to God. You better take me back right now!" Luna repeated.

"You're not going back, Luna. You're hurt." Ned sat her down at the table. Luna sighed, then looked up at her Grandmother, who had been speechless the entire time. "Hi, Lola." She held up her hand with a sigh.

The woman whispered something to Ned, which Luna was not quite able to hear. Ned whispered back, while they both stared at Luna as if she was crazy.

Luna looked to Doctor Strange's box that was set in front of her. "I'm gonna press it." She stated. 

"W-What? No--" Ned hesitated. 

"We can't wait anymore. He's in danger." Luna interrupted.

"Just wish--I just wish we could see him." Ned sighed. All of a sudden, there was a yellow spark in front of them, that quickly disappeared. Luna and Ned shared a confused expression.

"Ned..." She trailed off. 

"Yeah?" He responded. 

"Do that again..." Luna looked back to where the spark had been.

 "Yeah..." Ned breathed. "I just wish we could see him." He repeated. The spark was much bigger, but it still vanished after a moment.

Luna stood up from her seat with furrowed eyebrows. Ned stood up as well. "Okay." He took in a deep breath. "I just wish we could see Peter." He motioned with his hands similarly to how Strange would create portals.

A portal finally opened on a dark alleyway, where Spider-Man was standing in the dark. They all gasped, including their grandmother. The woman spoke out in shock. Ned and Luna turned to her.

"Oh, you're right. I am magic." Ned responded. Luna squinted her eyes at the man in the portal. Something felt different. "Is that him?" She asked, tapping Ned. "Yeah, yeah. It has to be." Ned nodded.

"Peter!" Luna called out. "Peter!"

"Hey, Peter!" Ned joined in.

Finally, he started making his way towards them, beginning to sprint. He jumped inside, startling their grandmother once again. She screamed.

"Hi!" He waved at her. "No, no no! It's okay! It's okay!" He assured. "I'm a nice guy!"

He pulled off his mask, revealing a man who was definitely not the Peter that Luna and Ned knew. His face was long and more narrow, and he appeared to be in his twenties.

"Who the hell are you?" Luna held up her arm, ready to strike. 

"I'm Peter Parker." He stated

. "That's not possible." Refused Luna. 

"I'm Spider-Man." Continued the man. "In my world, but then yesterday, I was...I don't--I was just here." He stammered. Luna and Ned were speechless.

"Wow...string theory..." The man backed away from the portal. "Multidimensional reality...and matter displacement. All real?" He looked to Luna and Ned. "Yeah." They replied.

"I knew it." He grinned excitedly. 

"This has to be because of the spell." Ned whispered to Luna. She furrowed her eyebrows. 

"The spell?" The other Peter raised his eyebrows. "Like, magic spell?"

"Uh--Uh--There's no spell." Ned denied.

 "What's a spell? I've never heard of that." Luna played along. 

"Magic's real here, too?" Peter smiled in excitement.

"I mean--" Ned turned to Luna. "No--It's not...real. Uh-- I mean--." He stammered. "There's magicians, but there's no--"

"Ned." Luna interrupted. 

"Yeah?" He turned to her. 

"Stop." She shook her head. 

"Right." He nodded. Luna looked back to the man in front of them. "Prove it." She demanded.

"Prove it?" He repeated in a questioning tone. "Prove what?"

"That you're Peter Parker."

"I don't carry an ID with know, that kinda defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing--"

He stopped talking when he was hit with a ball of water created by Luna. "What--how did you just do that?" He gasped. 

"I have powers. Hence why I'm in a suit." She said sternly, still holding up her hands in defense. 

"Oh. I thought those were just really fancy pajamas." Responded Peter.

"What was that for, anyway?" He inquired. 

"I was trying to see if you have the tingle thing." Luna replied. 

"I have the tingle thing just not for water flying at my face." Explained Peter.

Luna created another ball of water and floated it in the air.

 "Don't...throw the water again. I hate getting the suit wet." Requested the man. "You're a deeply mistrusting person... and I respect it." He jumped up, sticking his hand to the ceiling and hanging from it.

Luna hesitated. "Crawl around." She directed.

 "Crawl around?" He repeated in disbelief.

 "Yes." Luna confirmed. 

"Why do I need to crawl around?" He questioned.

"Just do it."

"This is funny." He shook his head. 

"No, it's not." Luna defended.

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."

"It is."


"How do I stick to the ceiling?" He argued. 

"Do it, or I throw the water at you again." Luna threatened. He shook his head.

Suddenly, their grandmother spoke up. Ned translated her Tagalog for Peter. "My lola's asking, if you could just--" Ned pointed to the corner of the ceiling. "...get the cobweb...there."

"Yeah." Peter squinted his eyes for a moment, then crawled on the ceiling to clear the cobweb. He hopped down. 

"Thank you." Spoke the woman.

"Good?" Peter raised his arms, looking to Luna. 

"For now." She replied. She looked back to Ned. "So, I opened the wrong portal to the wrong Peter Parker." Ned realized just as the portal closed.

"Yeah, I guess...we just keep doing it until we find the real one." Luna suggested.

 "Ouch." The other Peter spoke. 

"No offense." Luna added.

Ned set up his arms again to open a new portal. "Find Peter Parker."

"What's the thing on his hand?" Peter questioned.


"Find Peter Parker." Ned repeated, shutting his eyes in focus. "Find Peter Parker!"

Another portal opened behind him. They turned around, watching another man step inside the portal. He had blue eyes and appeared a little more older than the previous Peter they had encountered.

"Great. It's just some random guy." Ned commented. The man waved with a smile. "Hello. Um...I hope it's okay. I just came through this.. uh.." He turned around, noticing the portal close. "Oh." He looked back at everyone. "Just closed."

Luna squinted her eyes, holding up her ball of water in the air. "You're Peter..."

"Yeah." He confirmed. "Peter Parker..." He trailed off. "I...I've seen you too--I'm are you doing that with the water?" He inquired. 

"I'm a super hero. I'm literally wearing a suit." Luna replied.

"Oh. I thought those were just really fancy pajamas." He furrowed his eyebrows. 

"That's what I said..." The other Peter whispered to himself then gasped.

The blue eyed looked off to the side, noticing Ned and Luna's grandmother waving at him. "Hi." He smiled.

Suddenly, he caught eye of the other Peter. "Wait-- he's..." He trailed off. "He's not your friend." The blue eyed Peter realized. After a moment of silence, both Peters pounced forward, using the same exact moves at the same time.

The blue eyed Peter webbed the other Peter's hand down to the table. The defeated Peter chuckled.

"Wait--So, if you're Spider-Man, too. Why didn't you just say that?" Ned wondered. 

"I generally don't go around advertising it. Kinda defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing." The man explained.

"I said that too..." The other Peter whispered to himself. 

"That's what he just said." Luna remembered, looking back and forth between both Peters.

Once again, their grandmother spoke up.

"Lola's asking if you can clean up the webs you just shot." Luna translated.

 "Oh, sorry, Lola." Apologized one of the Peters.

 "Of course." Added the other.

"I'm going to bed." Concluded the woman, before making her way upstairs.

"Goodnight, Lola."

"Uh, this might seem kinda weird, but...I've been trying to find your friend ever since I got here." The blue eyed Peter stated. "I just have this sense that...that he needs my help."

"Our help." The other Peter stepped forward. Luna and Ned turned to one another. "He does." Luna nodded. 

"We don't know where he is." Ned added.

 "And um...right now, honestly, we're all he really has left." Luna sighed.

"Well, there some place that he might go that has...meaning to him?" Wondered the blue eyed Peter. "Like, uh--uh...a place where he would go to just--"

"Get away from everything?" Finished the other Peter.

"For me, it was the top of the Chrysler building." The blue eyed Peter stated. 

"Empire State." The other Peter said. "Better view."

"That is a sweet view." The blue eyed Peter agreed.

Luna paused for a moment, then remembered the rooftop he and her would escape to. "Yes. Yeah, I know a place."

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