Just by chance (lesbian story)

By StandingInTheDark7

24.8K 1K 180

Meet Ashley Lawson, a 17 year old lesbian. She has been spending most of her life trying to become that perfe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Not a chapter....
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Lead up to the wedding.
The wedding
Author's note

Chapter 25

379 24 6
By StandingInTheDark7

( Ashley's pov )

No..this can't be happen..

She's joking right?

'Yes, I will marry you.' I heard Sky say shakily. I looked away from the new couple, scared of what I might do if I just look at them. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Taking a deep breath, I looked at both of them, keeping my tears held back.

'Uh...congratulations to the new couple.' I said, giving them a fake smile. Mckenzie smirked at me while my boys just stood by me, suddenly becoming protective. 'Yes congratulations!!' Adam shouted out, faking his enthusiasm. We started to clap for them.

'Can you do me a favour Miss Lawson?' Mckenzie asked me, raising an eyebrow. I sighed again, knowing I can't back down. 'Yeah, sure..what is is?' I scratched the back of my head. The room was starting to spin. 

'Sing for me and my fiance at our wedding?' she asked. I barely had time to reply since everything around me turned black. 

( Skylar's pov )

'What the hell Kenzie!!' I screamed at her, kneeling beside Ash's now passed out body. I touched her hand but pulled away quickly. Kenzie's still jealous, so I should probably stay away from Ash a bit...

'What do you mean? I know you love this band and I love you AND we are getting married, so I figured why not?' she replied, her hands on her hips. I looked at her, almost regretting my decision. I though she was the person who I fell in love with but now...now I saw a monster behind this loving mask. I stood up, walking to her. 'I love this group, yes I know but...Ash....' I said, trailing off slightly. 

She rolled her eyes, walking away, leaving me in the room with the Lawson band. I looked over to the boys who looked at me appolegetically. My eyes trailed down to Ash. A smile was instantly brought to my lips when I saw the bracelet again. She kept her promise....

But I was stupid enough to break mine....

I know its slightly short, but the next chapter should be slightly longer. However, I must warn you that the next chapter might make some a bit uncomfortble.

You have been warned.

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