Thank you wolfhard

By fcnnwolfhard1

173 27 2

I ran into my old friend, Noah. I started living at his place and I meet his friends. One of them more worth... More



5 1 0
By fcnnwolfhard1

I get out to the balcony. I sit down. I haven't been here for a couple of days. Kinda actually missed it. But something about tonight is not right. The cars, there is nothing. I look down. The road is empty. On people and cars. I can't hear the birds either. Just like a ghost town. All the signs and shops and everything were still fresh and new and light. But all living things is just gone. I get down in the house.
'Wtf  y/n?' A voice said.
I turned around, it was jack.
'Oh hey.' I didn't pay much attention I just walked to the door.
'Where the fuck are you going?' He comes after me.
'Oh, just for a walk I can't sleep.' I answer and opens the door.
'Is it okey if I follow? O can't sleep either?' He asked.
'Sure come on!'

We both left the house and now we are walking in the empty city.
'It's really empty.' I say.
'Yeah, I wonder what is going on.' Jack answers
'Sooo shy couldn't you sleep?' I look at jack
'Just so goddamn hot. And finn was talking in his sleep.' Jack giggles
' lily talks much to' I giggle
'I hope you know that man is crazy about you y/n.' Jack looks at me.
'Is he?' I say surprised but happy.
'Yeah, yesterday when he came into my room he told me EVERYTHING!. I have never seen him this happy' jack laughs
'Everything?' I look at jack
'Yeah? Or there was a couple of things he was like "I can't say that" but otherwise yes everything.' He looks at me.

Oh god he scared me. I thought it was over. He had told everyone my whole life.

' oh, well I'm kinda crazy about him too' I laugh
'Oh you areee' jack jumps happy.
'By best friend is getting a girlfriend!' He jumped more.
I lanyard at him
' do NOT say that to him tho' I laugh
'Okay sure mOOom' jack laughs

We found a playground and we sit on the swings for a while and we try the slides and all the spinning things. We are just like little kids.

'Hey jack look at this!' I spin in an egg cup.
'Look at this y/n' Jack had made an castle in the sand.
I run over to him and stamp on it
'Hey what the fuck MOM?!' He runs after me.
We are running around until I accidentally fall on a big ass rock.
'FUCK' I scream
'SHIT Y/N YOU OKAY?!' He runs up to me and sits on his knee.
I'm bleeding and I can't move my leg.
'Get up' Jack help me up on his back.
'Does it hurt?' He asks.
'A bit, it feels like hot.' I answers
'What's the clock?' He asks
'Wait I can check, 9pm?!'
'Holy shit we had fun' I laugh
'Yeah until now!' Jack also laughs

We had so fun so we forgot the time. We got home about 10. It took so long cause Jack was so weak. When we got inside everyone stormed at us.

Jack starts calming everyone down but I only see finn. He stands behind everyone, when he see me looking at him he rolls his eyes. What the fuck have I don't him? The others can see finn and back up continue with their lives.
' so where have you guys been?' Finn walks to us.
'Outside on a walk' i answers happy
'For the whole night?' He says annoyed
'Pretty much yeah. We found a play ground so we kinda lost the time!' Jack says happy
' I thought we had something y/n.' He says.
'What? If we have what are you talking about finn?!' I say worried
'You disappeared w whole night with my best friend while I was at the balcony waiting for you while I had a panic attack. And after this fucking night when I had to comfort myself you  show up with MY BEST FRIEND and ON HIS BACK and laughing being REALLY FUCKING HAPPY' he storms upstairs.
'What the fuck' jack says
I get down from jacks back and he help me walk and we get to the others.
' you really hurt finn y/n' Caleb says
'You surly did' lily says
'He was crazy about you' Gaten says
'Guys shut the fuck up' Jack says.

'Last night, i was downstairs drinking water cause I couldn't sleep. Y/n came down without knowing I was there cause she couldn't sleep. She said she was going for walk and I asked her if I could follow. She said yes ofc and we just walked while talking. Then we got to the play ground and we had fun on the swing and the slides and we made sand castles. Then she trampled on my castle so I ran after her and y/n accidentally tripped on a big rock. She couldn't walk so I had her on my back on our way home. We. Just.forgot.the.time assholes ' j

'Yeah, I could never dare jack.' I laughed
Jack show them my wound, it was deep. The blood had dropped down to my foot. And my knee was swollen.
'Oh shit- sorry' Gaten says
'Yeah me too' Caleb says
' its okay guys, now there is only one problem. Finn is stupid and he won't talk to me about it?' I say sad.
'I can talk to him' jack says.
' but first we gotta clean that wound' jack giggles.
'Then get me on the back and let's go to the bathroom' I say.
I wave at the others and get on jacks back and he carries me to the bathroom.

He puts me on the sink and cleans it.
'Fuck that hurts jack!!'
'Shut up y/n I'm trying getting your wound good' he laughs and so do I.

When where done jack helps me back to the others and we play video games and watch movies. Group hang you know.

But jack goes upstairs to finn. He knocks the door. No answers, Jack goes in.
' get out asshole' finn says while he buries he's head into the pillow.

Ohh a bit of draaammaaaaa, anyways hope you still like it de you later. Byeeee

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