Takemichi harem oneshots

By Neo-chanz

99.1K 2K 1.4K

Just a bunch of oneshot stories that come to mind featuring our crybaby hero and his harem. characters do no... More

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4.3K 120 138
By Neo-chanz

Sanzu x Takemichi

College AU

Requested by: Zolikov_Yuika

(A/N: Senju and Sanzu will have white hair. Idk how to start this but let's just get into it!)

"First, I'd like to thank all of our participants for their hard work today! Next, I'd like to thank the crowd for coming and supporting our participants. Lastly, it is with great pleasure that I begin announcing the winners of today's sporting event!"

The crowd of supporters looked at the announcer with eagerness awaiting the final results.

Today was the annual archery competition. Many of competitors showed up and tested their skills. After nearly five and a half hours the winners of the competition were picked.

"Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, the moment you've been waiting for. Third place goes to Hiroshima Hibata!"

The crowd cheered as a male crossed the stage and accepted his award, bow and arrow in hand.

"Coming up in second place Kande Akane!"

Once again, applause erupted from the crowd as a young girl happily accepted her award.

"Lastly but definitely not least first place goes to Hanagaki Takemichi and Haruchiyo Sanzu!"

The crowd cheered loudly as the two boys accepted their rewards. It was the first time in 15 years that two people had been selected as first place winners.

The competition usually only took three and a half hours, four at the most, but not this years.

Hanagaki Takemichi and Haruchiyo Sanzu were long time rivals. They compete with everything. Who's more popular, who's richer, who's more academically smart, who's more physically fit, who gets the most scholarships, hell they even turned using the bathroom into a competition.

They'd been rivals since they were thirteen, when Takemichi beat Sanzu in a kendo tournament and sanzu beat him in a mock exam the next week at school.

They were both straight A student's with great popularity and several college scholarships.

Whereas Sanzu's popularity formed from his mysterious additude and intriguingly handsome features, Takemichi's formed from his cute features and kind heart.

Sanzu earned academic scholarships to prestigious and expensive colleges while Takemichi earned athletic scholarships to powerhouse colleges.

Both were unique in their own ways but shared the same competitive and stubborn traits.

The announcements ended and Takemichi and Sanzu wasted no time taking their awards and leaving.

Next week was exam week and they both had to study if they wanted to beat each other.

"Neh, it's not looking too good for you is it, Takemichi?"

Takemichi growled in annoyance when sanzu said this to him, his eyes full of arrogance.

"Oh, shut up. I might not have gotten first but I still got second." Takemichi grumbled drawing a chuckle from Sanzu.

"You didn't get first because I'm just smarter than you, plain and simple. Have a nice day, Takemichi." Sanzu smirked with a wink before walking away and immediately being swarmed by his fanclub of screaming girls and boys.

That fanclub always irritated Takemichi for some reason. He always assumed it was because of how loud they tend to be.

Nevertheless, Takemichi pushed his thoughts from his mind and made his way to his class.

He packed his stuff up and left the school. He was supposed to hang out with his best friend today.

Takemichi had a race coming up and was in need of some new running shoe's. Therfore, his best friend, Senju, offered to go shopping with him.

Grumbling the entire time, Takemichi made his way to the mall. Senju immediately spotted him.

"Hey!, over here!." Senju yelled. Takemichi went over and plopped down on the bench with a frustrated growl.

"Oop-, what's got you so irritated??" Senju Inquired.

"That stupid rival of mine! He thinks he's so smart just because he beat me by 3 points. Oh, and that stupid little fan club of his that follows him everywhere is also annoying!. They only like him because he's handsome." Takemichi ranted out not even caring for the odd looks by passers gave him.

Takemichi always complained about this "rival" of his. Senju felt that it was something more.

"Sounds like you might be a little jealous of the fan club~." Senju teased.

"Yeah-, No!, No I'm not jealous! They're just so annoying with their loud squealing and he's so irritating with that devilishly handsome smile, those light bluish-green eyes, his long white wavy hair, that intoxicating scent of fresh vanilla and coffee-...." Takemichi stopped mid sentence when he realized what he was saying. Senju just smirked as Takemichi's face turned a crimson color.

"I-I'M NOT JEALOUS! STOP SMIRKING YOU FOOL!" Senju began dying with laughter as Takemichi headed into the sports store right across from them.

Senju stopped laughing and wiped her tears away before following. Though, she couldn't help realizing, Takemichi's description of his rival oddly resembled her older brother; Sanzu.

'Maybe it's a coincidence...' senju thought, but then again, white hair was not a common color unless dyed.

Senju and her brother Sanzu had been born with hair as white as snow, a genetic trait they inherited from their mother. Their older brother Akashi had jet black hair with white strips.

"Oh, mitchy, look at that!" Senju said as she pointed to something in the store.

Takemichi laughed at his friends behavior.

After they bought Takemichi's shoes, they strolled around the mall for a bit.

Takemichi had to be back on school campus in about 30 minutes. He had to be on time to his fifth period and then he was free to go for the day.

"Ah, I better go. I got another class." Takemichi said.

"Oh, I'll walk you to school then!" Senju insisted skipping to catch up to her friend.

Takemichi smiled and didn't try to tell her no. Senju was persistent and determined. Once she said she'd do something, she meant it.

A little under 20 minutes later they arrived at Takemichi's school.

"Thanks for bringing me here, senju. I gotta go or else I'll be- sh×t!" Takemichi ducked behind the wall confusing the hell out of Senju.

"What are you doing?" Senju asked.

"He's right there!" Takemichi whispered in a panicked tone.

"Who?" Senju quizzically asked.

"My rival!" Takemichi whisper yelled and pointed in a direction inside the school.

Senju followed his finger, to see Takemichi's rival, only to lay her eyes on her own older brother.

"Sanzu?..." senju remained calm on the outside but was jumping for joy on the inside.

Takemichi liked her brother! They we're rivals! Her brother, Sanzu, also found his rival to be, quote on quote, "an annoyingly cute idiot.".

That means Sanzu likes Takemichi and Takemichi likes Sanzu. They were just to stubborn to let their pride go to see it.

"Y-you know him?!" Takemichi screamed before covering his mouth.

Sanzu apparently heard it and began walking in their direction, also slightly curious as to why his younger sister was in front of his school.

"Eep, he's coming! He'll kill me when he sees me!" Takemichi panicked and tried to run but Senju grabbed him.

"No, he won't." She replied

"I skipped third and fourth to hangout!" Takemichi said as he struggled to release himself from Senju's grip.

Finally, Sanzu made it to them. He gave Sanju a questioning look before grabbing Takemichi's arm.

"Anyways, I'll leave him to you sanzu. We should go on another date soon, Takemichi." Senjus said.

Takemichi looked at her with a confused expression while Sanzu's eyes went wide. His expression became irritated and he glared at senju a bit before dragging Takemichi with him into the school.

That was all the confirmation senju needed. She purposely said that to see if sanzu would get jealous and it worked.

Meanwhile, sanzu practally dragged Takemichi down the hallway.

"I can walk on my own!" Takemichi practically yelled. Fifth had already started so the hallways were empty.

"I'm aware but you skipped two periods to go on a date with my little sister. Gotta make sure you don't run off again." Sanzu said, irritation clearly evident in his voice.

"Little sister- Senju's your little sister?!" Takemichi practically yelled again.

"Yes." Sanzu's reply was short. They arrived at their class and made their way to their seats, that were coincidentally right next to each other.

Of course Takemichi got reprimanded by the teacher for skipping.

Sanzu looked highly pissed.

He was hurting. He knew he had a crush on Takemichi and hearing his sister ask Hanagaki on a "date" really hurt him.

He thought his sister was into girls. She always had this pink haired chick over. Her name was Hana, hinata, or something....had he been wrong?

Were senju and Hanagaki dating?

His thoughts were cut short when a folded peice of paper was placed on his desk.

Looking over he saw Takemichi motion to the note. With nothing better to do, he opened and read it.

His heart was relaved when he read the letter claiming senju and Takemichi were not together, but best friends.

Sanzu immediately realized his sister had manipulated him into showing he was jealous. She was smart, he had to give her that.

Still, his heart was beating a mile a minute. Since Senju and Takemichi weren't dating....Sanzu still had a chance!

About an hour later, school ended. After Sanzu's personal chauffeur (driver) had dropped him off at home. Sanzu made his way inside his home.

Closing the door and slipping his shoes off for the maids to take, Sanzu announced his pressence as he made his way to the family area.

"I'm home."

Senju seemed to be the only one home at the time and greeted him.

"Welcome back."

"Hey, sen. Where's Takeomi?" Sanzu asked. They had gotten mail and most of it belonged to Takeomi.

Sanzu knew if he left it laying around their Otousan may snoop through it, resulting in Takeomi becoming pissed.

"Omi is helping Okaasan at her company. She got a bunch of new shipments and needed to get them inside quickly before the rain sets in." Senju replied.

(A/N: Translation time!

Okaasan: Mom

Otousan: Dad)

Given they're from a wealthy family, they grew up using these terms when referring to their parents as a sign of respect and well upbringing.

Though, Sanzu, senju, and Takeomi being siblings had formed a tight bond. So, they called each other by their names or nick names.

Sanzu's nickname for Senju was 'Sen' while Takeomi referred to her as 'Princess'.

Senju's nickname for Sanzu was 'Sanz's' while Takeomi referred to him as 'Bud' or 'Buddy'.

Senju's nickname for Takeomi was 'omi' while sanzu referred to him as 'Chief'.

(A/N: we Stan a healthy sibling relationship 😌.)

"Alright, I'll just put his mail on his bed." Sanzu said turning to head up the stairs but senju asked him something that made him stop.

"You love Takemichi, don't you?"

Sanzu was quiet for a moment. He knew he had given himself away earlier.

"Yes, I love him." Sanzu replied.

Sanzu saw senju prop her feet on the coffee table through the corner of his eye.

"You know, I could be the perfect wing woman. I could set you up a few date's or something, all you gotta do is say the word." Senju stated with a confident smirk.

Sanzu rolled his eyes and playfully smirked, forgetting that his little sister actually meant half the things she said.

"Yeah right. You, my wing woman? Never in a million years." Sanzu fought the urge to bust out laughing when senju made an offended sound.

He began to walk up the stairs before stopping.

"And get your feet off the coffee table. I doubt anyone wants to taste your smelly feet in their coffee." Sanzu said before evily laughing and bolting up the stairs.

"H-hey! My feet do not stink you dork!" Senju yelled after sanzu, still hearing his evil laugh as he bounded up the steps.

Senju laid back......

An idea came to mind...

'How did I even end up in this situation?!' Sanzu panicked.

Couldn't blame him, you'd panic as well if you got trapped in a closet with your Crush being only an arm distance away.

That's right, Sanzu was trapped in his little sister's closet with his childhood crush, Takemichi Hanagaki.

Let's back up a few minutes.

Sanzu changed his clothes and finished his homework before heading downstairs to get something to snack on.

During his desend down the winding stairs of their home, sanzu heard his younger sister speaking to someone.

Without much thought, sanzu continued. He figured their parents or his brother may have come home and senju was telling them about her day, per usual.

Oh, how wrong he was.

Getting to the last flight of stairs, sanzu saw who it really was.

There sat Takemichi Hanagaki laughing with his little sister.

Time seemed to slow. Takemichi truly was beautiful. He was so mesmerized by Takemichi just sitting there, in all his beautiful and enchanting glory, that he totally forgot he still had another flight of stairs to desend before he was on the main floor.

Senju and Takemichi stopped laughing and talking when they heard a loud thud followed by a few similar thuds and curses.

Takemichi looked confused and worried, as did senju. Senju then saw Sanzu's trademark bunny slippers that senju had gotten him for Christmas.

It was supposed to be a gag gift to piss Sanzu off but the male took quite a liking to their cute design and soft and comfy interior. Nevertheless, senju was happy sanzu liked them.

(The term "Gag gift" is basically a gift that is given to a person to piss off the receiver for comedic purposes.)

Senju immediately jumped up, Takemichi following closely behind.

"Sanz's, you okay?" Senju said as she bent down next to her brother who was holding his head.

"Ah, yeah, I'm fine, Sen." Sanzu replied. He had fallen down at least fifteen steps so his vision was doubled  at the moment.

As his vision came back into focus he saw Takemichi, a foot from his face, looking worried.

"You sure you're okay? That sounded like it was a pretty nasty fall." Takemichi enquired.

"Y-yeah.....I'm fine." Sanzu stuttered.

"That's a relief. What were you doing anyways?" Takemichi asked as he helped sanzu stand.

'Can't say I was staring at you.' Sanzu thought.

"I wasn't paying attention and missed a step." That seemed to satisfy both Takemichi's and Senju's curiosity.

"Well at least you're okay. Be careful next time, that might not have ended well." Takemichi reprimanded.

Senju and Takemichi helped Sanzu stand up. Thankfully, he was mostly uninjured, with the exception of a few scrapes and his hurt ego.

'Who fall's down the stairs like a clumsy idiot?!' Sanzu thought, he was embarrassed.

(Ehm, that would be meeeeee. Anyone else?)

He sat on the couch and senju quickly pulled the first aid kit. Together, both Takemichi and senju cleaned the minor scrapes Sanzu had.

Of course, the big dork complained which ended with senju giving him a couple smacks on the back of the head.

Eventually, he was patched up and good to go.

"We were just about to watch a movie, why don't you join us?" Senju asked.

Sanzu shifted his attention to Takemichi who shrugged his shoulders and looked away, blush tinting his cheeks.

"What's the movie?"

"Omg! She's so fluffy!!!" Senju squealed.

They were currently watching Turning red and senju was fingerling over how cute Mei was when in her panda form.

"Sanz's, I want one!" Senju screamed.

"Sen, it's a movie! They don't actually exist." Sanzu rolled his eyes when senju rolled off the couch and laid, sprawled out on the floor, in a dramatic position.

Takemichi just suppressed a chuckle at his friends behavior as senju dramatically cried on the floor.

Sanzu paused the movie.

"I'm gonna go get more popcorn." He stated as he got up.

"I'll help, we need refills anyways." Takemichi stated, grabbing the three empty cups and following sanzu.

It was nice. For once, they weren't fighting or competing. Both rather enjoyed it but would never admit it.

While sanzu and Takemichi were in the kitchen, senju finally stopped being dramatic and decided to put her plan into action.

Wasting no time, senju raced up the stairs and into her room.

"Caramel popcorn or extra buttery?" Sanzu asked Takemichi, hopping he heard since he asked in a low tone.

"Caramel please, it's my favorite. Lemonade or vanilla Dr. Pepper?" Takemichi asked.

"Vanilla Dr. Pepper, nothing tops that." Sanzu replied, Takemichi agreed.

Sanzu turned to grab the bowl for the popcorn only to unintentionally corner Takemichi between the counter and himself.

Takemichi still faced away from Sanzu but stiffened his body when he felt Sanzu's.

Sanzu couldn't seem to help himself. Placing his hands on each side of the counter, sanzu trapped Takemichi between his arms.

Takemichi could smell Sanzu's cologne. He gently turned his body so he was face to face with sanzu.

Both were blushing profusely.

"Takemichi, i-i....lik-" sanzu and Takemichi were just inches from each other's lips.

Sanzu was prepared to confess right then and there but was caught off guard when a scream resonated throughout the house.

Both males were startled and looked at each other.

"That was senju!" Takemichi panicked.

Sanzu cursed and they both ran into the living room, only to find no senju.

"Must have come from her room." Sanzu yelled before quickly bounding up the stairs, Takemichi right behind him.

Both males busted into Senju's room.

"Sen!" Sanzu yelled running to his sister who was panicked and backed into the corner of her room.

"Are you okay?!" Takemichi Inquired.

Senju shook her head and shakely pointed at her closet.

"I-i swear I s-saw someone i-in my closet.." tears pricked her eyes and sanzu saw red.

No way in hell was someone fixing to spy on his little sister. He'd drag that peeping tom to hell and deliver him, at the foot of Satan's throne, personally.

Sanzu stomped towards the closet  Takemichi not far behind him. Senju hid behind Takemichi, clutching his shirt.

Sanzu yanked the door open with such force, senju swore it would have come off the hinges.

"Show yourself, perv!" Sanzu yelled stepping into the closet and moving clothes around, trying to feel for someone.

The next moments were a total blur, as soon as Takemichi was close enough senju pushed the boy in, causing him to bump into sanzu.

"Hey, what the-" was all sanzu could yell before senju slammed and locked the closet door.

"Have fun~" senju called out as she wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled. Pulling out her phone, she pressed a button and called someone.

"Hey, hina-chan. Wanna come over? I'm watching a movie." And with that she exited the room, not bothering to pay attention to the two males who were currently banging on her closet door.

"Senju! Let us out!"

"Come on, I'll buy you Strawberry milk for two weeks straight!"

"I'll get Okaasan and Otousan to up your weekly allowance!"

Nothing they screamed seemed to work. Tiring out, they gave up.

Now, living in a mansion you'd expect  large walk in closets, Senju's was not the case.

Senju didn't have many things she kept hung up, so she took the room with the smallest closet. She preferred keeping her clothes in a dresser.

So, Takemichi and Sanzu were about five feet away from each other, both on opposite sides of the closet.

"I'm sorry." Sanzu spoke softly.

"Why are you apologizing, it's not your fault." Takemichi reassured.

"Still, senju is my little sister." Sanzu was genuinely sorry. He had no idea when they would get out. It'd be their luck, senju would forget about them.

"And senju is my best friend. Trust me, I'm used to her antics by now." Takemichi couldn't help but giggle.

Even though it was dark, Takemichi could see the smile on Sanzu's face.

"This is nice." Takemichi said gently.

"What's nice?" Sanzu questioned

"Us. We're being locked in a closet together yet not fighting, we haven't even insulted one another the entire evening." Takemichi heart was pounding in his chest.

"It's nice not hating each other for once." He stated again. Sanzu was shocked...

"Hate...each other. Is that what you think I feel for you, hatred?" Sanzu asked, his head lowered.

"W-well, I mean you've been mean to me ever since we were thirteen. We compete with everything and constantly insult each other, so....what else could you feel for me other than that." Takemichi stated.

Sanzu knew he had to act. Hate was not what he felt for Takemichi, no where near what he felt for him.

Sanzu stood straight and closed the five foot gap between him and Takemichi. He then proceeded to kabedon Takemichi between himself and Senju's jackets.

"Hate you, I could never." Sanzu spoke looking Takemichi straight in the eye.

"H-huh?" Takemichi was shook.

"I was mean to you so I could hide my true feelings. Truth be told, I've liked you since seventh grade." Sanzu felt confident and there was no way he was backing down until he knew how Takemichi felt for him.

"I realized my crush for you. Due to my past, I never wanted a relationship. But you, you changed everything. When we became rivals, I knew it was a good way to mask my feelings for you, but they only grew as we got older...then I realized I was in love with you...I never meant to make you feel as though I hated you." He did it, he confessed to his crush.

At this point sanzu was nervous. He'd been gripping Senju's jackets for the longest. Silence fell between them.

'Oh, God, I've messed up.' Sanzu thought. Takemichi wasn't speaking, wasn't even looking at him anymore. His head was lowered and his hands were cleched together.

Just as sanzu was fixing to move away, Takemichi placed a hand on Sanzu chest and another on his face.

"I-i love y-you, too."

Did he hear right? Had his crush really just confessed that their feelings were mutual?

"A-are you serious?!" Sanzu asked excitedly.

"Yes, I serious. I'm in love with you, Haruchiyo. I always have been and always will be." Words could not describe how happy sanzu was.

He picked Takemichi up in a warm and loving hug. Without thinking twice, sanzu kissed Takemichi.

Takemichi kissed back with just as much love and excitement. Who would have thought rivals would become lovers.

"Well, looks like my plan worked." Sanzu and Takemichi's eyes shot open. They broke their kiss only to see that Senju had opened the closet door with her crush, Hinata Tachibana, standing right next to her.

Sanzu gently placed Takemichi on his feet again and they both exited the closet.

"You are an asshole, senju. Next time I might not believe you when you say someone is in your closet." Sanzu scolded knowing damn well he'd come running if she screamed again.

"Yeah, not cool, senju!" Takemichi agreed.

Senju laughed and leaned against the doorframe of the closet.

"Sorry guys, you two were making no progress at all, I had to do something. I was tired of hearing you both complain about cute one was and how hot the other was." Senju rolled her eyes and smirked.

Both Takemichi and Sanzu looked at each other and nodded, seemingly in the same page.

Before senju could react, sanzu pushed her in the closet while Takemichi did the same to hinata. Quickly moving out of the way, sanzu slammed the closet shut and locked both of the girls in it.

"H-hey!, let us out guys!" Senju yelled from inside the closet.

"Nah, why don't you do some confessing to your friend in there." Sanzu said with a smirk, making sure to emphasize the word friend.

Senju blushed from inside the closet knowing they had just reversed the role on her. She now had to confess to her crush or they wouldn't let them out.

Takemichi and sanzu high fived each other before sanzu wrapped his arm around Takemichi.

"Ya know, we make a pretty good team." Sanzu stated.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Takemichi agreed.

They both laughed and headed downstairs to spend some quality time together as lovers do.

"You think she'll confess?" Takemichi asked as they descended the steps.

"She will, eventually." Sanzu stated.


And that is the longest oneshot I've written that hasn't been split into two parts.

Hope you enjoyed!


Baji x Takemichi

-XWild_ catzX

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