The Owl House x Oc: Hidden De...

By Mosskatani1

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Descripton: "Run. Hide. Feed. Ever since we've escaped the Emperor's castle, that's all we've ever known."A s... More

She Was a Teen Abomination
The Intruder
Day at the Library
Hooty's Moving Hassle
A Possible Friend
Lost in Language
Once Upon a Swap
Something Ventured, Someone Framed
Pink Hair, Grey Feathers
Sense and Insensitivity
Adventures in The Elements
The First Day
The Secret's Out
Book of Demons
Really Small Problems
Where My Demons Hide
Understanding Willow
The New Student
Wing It Like Witches
Agony of a Witch
Young Blood, Old Souls
Season 2 Designs
The Owl House & Amphibia Crossover
Seperate Tides
Magic Lessons
Escaping Expulsion
Not Chapter
Switch It Up! (One-Shot)

Enchanting Grom Fright

780 9 8
By Mosskatani1

(I'll put a warning at the start and end of it. It's only small.)

Screams. Bright lights flashing as several tortured souls struggled to escape the never ending pain.
Chains were wrapped tightly around Hazel's wrist and neck, and she struggled to take them off. But the more she pulled on them, the tighter they became. The basilisk could feel it cutting off her air.
Letting out a whimper, her eyes searched the cage frantically for anything to help take them off. There was nothing.
It was getting harder to breathe.
Gasping for air, she leaned against the cage bars, closing her eyes tightly as she tried desperately to breathe.
In her darkening vision, a golden mask with glowing blue eyes stared back at her, and refused to leave.
His laughter rang out, echoing in her head as everything started to grow dark


She could breathe again.


Hazel sat up in her bed, gasping for air. Feeling her wrists and neck, she found them free of restraints.
The demon took a moment to breathe. She was back in her basilisk form, but at that moment, Hazel didn't care.
Wrapping her tail protectively around herself, she glanced over to Luz. The human was still sleeping, with King curled up at the foot of her bed.
As long as she didn't wake them, it was fine.

Hazel and King sat side by side, watching cat videos on Luz's phone, while the human sat on the floor finding new glyphs. The phone was placed between Hazel and King, so both could see it easily. The basilisk held a small book and a pencil. Her tail wagged excitedly as she watched the little critters playing briefly.
"Aw, they're so cute!" She stated. King shrugged. "I prefer it when they battle to the death."
Hazel chuckled, returning her attention to her book. Sketching out the final touches of her drawing, she grinned, ripping out the page to keep. The picture had Eda, King, Luz, Hooty and herself, and she felt proud of herself.
At that moment, Eda walked in, stumbling toward the kitchen in a sleepy daze. Hazel got up, holding out the picture. "Eda! I drew something!" She said excitedly, holding it up for the Owl Lady to see.
Eda waved her off, letting out a yawn. "Okay, just let me get my apple blood." She said tiredly, not even turning to look at it. The demon halted in her tracks, watching as Eda entered the kitchen.

Hazel turned to No.3, holding up a picture. "Look, No.3! I drew a picture!" She grinned.
No.3 ignored her. Hazel got up, walking over to the larger basilisk. "No.3! Look!" She exclaimed. Reaching out to nudge No.3, the larger basilisk turned and growled at her. "Leave me alone, No.6!"
Hazel backed away, frightened. Dropping her picture, she ran to the corner of the room, getting as much distance as possible between No.3 and herself.

This is stupid. Why did I even bother?
Downcast, Hazel sat back on the couch. Scrunching up the paper, she placed it carefully beside her. If No.3 didn't care enough, why would Eda?
The demon watched cat videos once again, but this time she wasn't as enthusiastic. Luz had excused herself for a few minutes, going and getting ready for school so she could take a break from the glyphs.
Eda returned to the lounge room, carrying a cup of apple blood. "Now, what'd you wanna show me?" She asked.
Hazel rubbed her arm anxiously. "O-oh, it doesn't matter. It wasn't important." She replied. Eda raised a brow, but left the kids alone.
King, curious, looked down at the scrunched up paper. Picking it up, he opened it to observe the drawing. "Hazel, this is cool!" He complimented. Hazel looked down at him in surprise. She didn't even see him grab it she was so distracted.
"Why don't you show Eda?" He chuckled at the statement. "Scratch that, I'M gonna show Eda!" He cackled. Getting up, he was about to jump off the lounge.
Hazel panicked, grabbing King and trying to snatch the paper away from him. "KING! NO!"
The two struggle for a moment, trying to win the paper back.
"WEH! Why don't you wanna show Eda?! It's cool!" He squealed. Hazel grunted, trying to reach for it. "Because-it's-STUPID!" She shot back.
Hooty swoops in the fight, gobbling the paper from King's grasp. The two look at him, before Hazel lets King go, brushing off her hands. "Alright. Now that that's dealt with, I'ma go get ready for school." She stated, getting up and walking out of the lounge room. Luz walks back in, going back to her studying.
King watched her go, before turning an angry gaze to Hooty. The bird tube smacks his lips. "Mmm. Yum. Tastes like paper." He said.
Rolling his eyes, King picks up Luz's phone and continues watching cat videos.

Luz used a magnifying glass to look at a flower, where the faint outline of a glyph was visible. "Come on! Work this time." She begged. Replicating the pattern onto paper, she gave it a light tap. She gasps when a flower successfully grows. "YES! Check it out, King: my glyph skills are blossoming!" She grinned excitedly.
King, who was eating crisps, looks over at her. "You think that's impressive? Check this out! Two warriors battling to the death!" He cheers. Luz hops on the couch to take a closer look.
On the screen, two cats meow. One prepares to pounce on the other but falls on its back. The human looks at the open portal door. "Ah. I see we're getting enough wi-fi through the portal for cat videos." She points out.
King giggles hysterically. "Senseless violence. Yes, attack! DEATH IS YOUR GOD!"
Hazel walks back into the room, in uniform as she sits back down on the couch. "What'd I miss?" She asks. She then peers over to the cats playing. "Aw, they're so wittle!" She coos.
Luz looks between King and Hazel. "Yeah...I regret teaching you about the internet."
King laughs at her statement. "Hah! What possible regrets could come from the internet? Oh! Did you know that the Earth is actually flat?" He asked curiously. Luz snatched the phone away from him. "Yep, that's not right."
Her phone vibrates in her hand, and a text message pops up. She gulps when she realises it's from her mom.
"How's camp today, cariño? <3, Mamá."
Luz tries to reply, typing out a few words before finally settling with a thumbs up emoji. "Good enough."
King and Hazel watch her. "Ah, a severed hand! Perfect response." King compliments. Hazel, on the other hand, looked skeptical. "I don't know, one of those severed heads could've gone nicely."
Luz flops down on the couch and puts a pillow on her face. "What am I supposed to say?" Her muffled voice asked.
Sitting up, she smiled nervously. ""Hey mom, not at camp actually! I'm in a demon realm learning to be a witch! Also, did you know that demons and magic are real?" She. Will. End me." She whimpered the last part.
King patted her on the head. "Nah, she'd be freaked out by our world anyway. So actually, by keeping the truth from her, you're doing her a favour!" He stated. Luz hummed in thought. "The demon on my shoulder makes a good point."
"Always trust a shoulder demon!" King said, taking back the phone. Realising her other friend was quiet, she glanced over to see Hazel cartoonishly crying. "So I'll never get to meet your mom? I was so excited to meet her!" Hazel sniffled.
Luz giggled, patting her head as she stood up. "Don't worry, one day I'll be able to tell her. Just today is not that day." She chuckled nervously.
The door opens, and Hooty enters. "Hoot hoot, girls! Time to fill up that darling little head of yours with..." gagging, he regurgitates a stack of books onto the ground. "Mm-hmm. Delicious knowledge!"
Willow and Gus peek through the doorway, clearly grossed out by the bird-tube's behaviour. "Please hurry!" Gus begged. "The more I look at him, the more uncomfortable I get." Willow added.
Luz chuckles, finger guns her friends before giving King a kiss on the head. "Don't spend all day watching Mewtube, 'kay?" She stated, as she and Hazel walk out the door. King shakes his fist at her. "I FORGE MY OWN PATH!"
Returning his attention back to the screen, a fluffy black cat hisses as it chases its tail. The small demon snickers. "What a dum-dum."
His tail starts wagging, and he watches it carefully before trying to catch it. But he flops on the couch after a second. "Ugh. Who has the energy?"

In the halls of Hexside, many students and teachers were getting ready for a large event. The spider kindergarten teacher decorated the halls with streamers. The hallways were decked out with balloons made of abomination goop and other decorations. Luz, Gus, Willow and Hazel enters, admiring the handiwork.
"Something's different today. Did everyone get a haircut?" Luz asked curiously. Willow giggled. "Oh yeah! I forgot you've never been here for the social event of the season." She said. Gus grinned. "Welcome to your first-"
"Outta the way!" Two masked health workers enter, rolling a stretcher and making siren noises. The four friends move out of their way as they surround a beast-keeping student standing by Skara.
"Come with us immediately! Your disease-it's advancing!" They said, helping the student onto the stretcher. The student looks up at them fearfully. "Is there a cure, doc?" He asks.
One of the health workers looks down at him. "Only one...finding the perfect date to Grom!" He says in a light-hearted tone.
The student looks over to Skara. "If that's the cure...then, Skara, will you go to Grom with me?" He asks, holding out a beating heart with the word "GROM?" Written on it in red ink. Skara squealed, wrapping him in a hug. "Ahhhhh! Of course I will, or whatever!"
Onlooking students and teachers cheer.
Luz gasps excitedly. "You guys have a weird version of prom on the Boiling Isles? I was kicked out of my last school dance for dressing like an otter, but here, I can be your Grom queen!" She says, striking a pose.
Hazel frowns, trying to remember what Grom was really all about. She'd read it somewhere before, but where?
Willow and Gus share a look at Luz's statement. "That's, uh, not something people usually sign up for." Willow tries to explain.
Luz lets out a yelp of surprise as someone walks into her from behind. They drop all their books and a small note. "Watch it, nitwit!" Amity snaps, before realising she'd run into Luz. "Oh. Hi, Luz...and co. Sorry about that." She apologises. Luz smiles. "No problem, let me help you!"
The human helps Amity pick up her books and hands her the little pink note that dropped. "Here, your note."
Amity snatches it from her, keeping it away from her grasp. Luz chuckles. "Man, you got some quick grabbers." She chuckles. Amity looks between Luz and the note. "It's just, it's...private."
Hazel looked up to see Liza walking around the corner. Her heart beat quickened, and she clutched her uniform skirt nervously. Liza wasn't carrying her normal books, but instead the dragon covered satchel Hazel had first seen her with.
The witching's attention turned to Amity and Luz, then to the rest of the group. She smiled. "Oh, hi guys! Are you ready for Grom queen to be announced?" She asked. Hazel felt her smile widening, as Luz replied. "Yes!"
The speaker screeches on, and everyone looks up at it nervously. Some students began to mutter.
"Attention Hexside students. This is your principal speaking." Principal Bump said over the intercom.
"Oh, man, this is it!"
"He's announcing who'll be this year's Grom royalty." Willow whimpered. All stared intently at the speaker.
"This year, I have the privilege to bestow our highest Grom honour to...Amity Blight!" He announced. Willow, Gus and Liza gasp, turning to Amity in concern. Hazel knew this wasn't good.
"Our Grom queen!"
The other students all turn their attention to Amity, who was noticeably uneasy. Luz, on the other hand, cheered. "WHOO! Amity! Get it, queen!"
Holding up her hand, the human waited for a high-five. Amity looks around, before running off. Liza reaches out to her in concern, before chasing after her. "Amity, wait!"
Luz was confused. "Don't leave me hangin'!" She called. Willow walks up the human. "You might want to give her some space. Being Grom queen is a tough job." She explained. "Even for Amity."
Hazel watches as Liza leaves, when she feels Gus elbowing her side. "Hey, why don't you ask Liza out to Grom?" He said, changing the subject. Hazel looked down at him. "Uh...what do you mean?" She asked.
Gus pointed to Skara and her date. "You know, like taking her to Grom as your date!"
Hazel felt her cheeks flush, and she looked away. "I...don't know. I mean I like her, but I don't think she has the same feelings for me." She stated.
Gus thought for a moment, before snapping his fingers. "I got it! Why don't you ask her out to Grom platonically! Then you can go as just friends!" He said excitedly. Hazel tilted her head to the side. "You that?" She asked. The smaller witchling nodded his head.
The basilisk furrowed her brows in thought. "I...have to think about it." She said, walking away from her friends. "I'll see you guys later."

"I don't know, would she even accept? Even if we're just going as friends?" Hazel wondered to herself, as she walked down the halls toward her locker. Stopping at her locker, she lets out a sigh, tickling it so she could retrieve her books.
"Hi, Hazel."
Hazel jumps, turning to face the voice. Liza was standing behind her, surprised at her reaction. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She apologised, looking at Hazel in concern. Hazel chuckles nervously, waving her off as her cheeks flushed pink. "I-it's okay. So, how are you, Liza?" She asks.
Liza lets out a sigh. "Well, I'm a little concerned about my cousin. She's scared to face Grom." She said.
Hazel tilts her head curiously, grabbing one of her books without taking her eyes off Liza. "If you don't mind me asking...what exactly is Grom? I read about it somewhere, but I can't remember." She stated.
Liza looked at her curiously, but didn't question her. "Well, from what I've researched back in Glandus, Grom is a monster that lives underneath Hexsidel. Grometheus the Fear Bringer, as it's called, tries to break out every year. And every year, a student has to defeat it before it invades the town. Bump holds a party and makes it tradition." Liza explained. "But the worst thing is, Grom can read minds and shape-shift into your worst fear."
Hazel's brows furrowed. "And...Amity has to fight that thing?" She asks. Liza simply nodded. "I'll be there cheering her on, and I'll probably go in there to help her. I don't care if it's against the rules...I just don't want her getting hurt. Physically or emotionally."
Hazel listened carefully, amazed at the witching's courage. The bell rang, and the two look up at the bell. "Gotta go. See you in class Hazel." Liza smiled softly, waving her goodbye. Hazel watches her go, before making a final decision.
"I'm going to ask her out to Grom."

(Back at the Owl House...)

Luz had just marched out the door, and Hazel was pacing around the living room. "Okay, okay. How do I ask Liza out platonically? "Hey, Liza! You're looking lovely today!" No! Ugh..."
Flopping on the couch, she groans. "What do I do?"
"HOOT! I can help you ask your date out!" Hooty chimed in, leaning through a window. Hazel abruptly sat up, squinting suspiciously at the bird tube. " thanks, Hooty. I'll figure it out on my own." She replies, heading toward hers and Luz's bedroom.
After getting ready for bed, she let her disguise fall. Laying down on her bed, she fell asleep.


Hazel sat up. She was back in the all too familiar void. Looking around, she was confused. There was no one here. What was going on?
A hiss and a slithering sound echoed all around her. Searching frantically for any sign of life, she stood up. "H-hello? Is a-anyone there?"
There was silence, until a tail lashed out, striking her across her back and flinging her across the void floor. Hazel let out a yelp, getting up from her tumble. Looking up at her attacker, her eyes widen in terror.
The larger basilisk towered over her. She had a huge grin on her face, as she leaned close to Hazel. "You really think you're good enough for her?" She hissed. Hazel was confused, slowly getting to her feet. "W-what do you mean?" She asked in a shaky voice.
No.3 appeared from behind her. "You weren't good enough for me. I let them take you away."
Hazel swivelled around, finding the basilisk gone. Feeling something wrapping around her torso, pinning her arms to her side, she squirmed in the basilisks vice-like grip.
"What makes you think you're important to her?"
Hazel could feel the air escape from her lungs as No.3's grip tightened, crushing her ribs.

She couldn't breathe.

Why couldn't she breathe?


Hazel woke up to Hooty laying on top of her. He was crushing her stomach, and Hazel hurriedly pushed him off. "Hooty!" She yelled angrily. Hooty picked himself up from the ground. "Hoot! Morning Hazel! Thought you needed a hug!" He hooted.
The basilisk glared at him, before spotting Luz searching through a chest of clothes. She pulls out a black dress. Humming in thought, she places it carefully on the ground, before pulling out an otter suit. She noticed Hazel up, and grinned. "Morning Hazel! How are you feeling?" She asked. Hazel glared at where Hooty disappeared. "I could be better. What are you doing?" She asked. Luz held up the otter suit and black dress. "I'm picking my outfit for Grom! Which one do you think I should choose?"
Before Hazel could answer, Luz's phone buzzed. Picking it up, the human reads the texts. Hazel watches her expression fall, as she typed back. "Is that your mom?" She asked. Luz nodded solemnly.
Hooty enters the window once more, pressing his face against Luz's. "Oh, Luuuuuzzz! You have a gueesssttt!" He said excitedly. Luz tries to hit him. "Hooty! No touching!" She grumbled.
Hazel giggled, before realising what Hooty said. "Wait, guest? Who is it?"
The door opened, and Hazel quickly changed into her witchling disguise. Amity enters through the door, plucking feathers out of her hair. "If that bird-tube ever talks to me again, I'm going to destroy it." She grumbled. "Hi Hazel." She added.
Hazel nervously waved at her, hoping that she hadn't seen her. Letting out a sigh of relief, she realised she hadn't. "Mornin' Amity. What are you doing here?" She asked curiously. Amity straightened herself up, picking out the rest of the feathers from her hair. "Oh, right. Luz, you ready to train?" She asked.
Luz nodded, picking up the otter suit and the black dress. "Which one should I wear to Grom? This one says, "witch with a dark side."" She said, holding up the black dress. Lifting up the otter suit, she put on a matching smile. "But this one says, "I'm an otter...with a dark side.""
Hazel stood up, fixing up her hair. "Wait, Amity, what do you mean "train"?" She asked. Luz butted in. "Oh! I've taken Amity's place to fight Grom!" She stated. Hazel was left baffled, as Amity rolled her eyes.
"Luz, you need to take this seriously. If you can't defeat Grom, everyone on the island will have to live out their worst nightmare." She stated.
Hooty leaned into the room once more, pressing his face against Amity's. Amity scrunches up her face in anger. "YOU WANNA HEAR MY WORST NIGHTMARE??" The bird-tube asks.
Amity starts attacking Hooty, as he lets out yelps of pain. Luz and Hazel try to pry Amity off of him.
"Stop, stop! Amity, Amity, wai- AMITY STOP!"

Now that the chaos of the morning had passed, Hazel had time to think about what her dream meant.
"You really think you're good enough for her?"
"What makes you think you're important to her?"

What did No.3 mean by that?
Sitting on the couch in the living room, Hazel rested her chin on her fist. "She must mean Liza. Well, in that case, I-i'll prove her wrong! No.3 can't get to me anymore...hopefully." She muttered the last part to herself.
Hearing Amity talking outside, she gets up, walking outside to join her.

"Grom will transform into your darkest fears. What are you afraid of, Luz?"
Hazel opened the door. Luz was thinking. Edric came up with an idea, and he turned to Emira. "Wanna say our greatest fears? On three. One, two...being alone forever!"
"Being stuck with you forever."
Edric groans, looking down sadly. Luz reaches into her pocket. "In preparation, I've made a list!" She stated, holding it out to Amity. Amity takes it and starts reading.
Hazel exits the house, standing off to the side. Edric and Emira, who were leaning over Amity's shoulder and reading the letter, chuckled, and each drew a spell circle. A huge version of Luz's phone appears. The screen shows a guy tipping a white fedora, and a message bubble that says "M'LADY".
Luz yelps. "Jerks online who wanna debate!"
A cat with a human face appears. Luz screams. "AH! Human souls trapped in cat bodies!" The cat walks up to her, and starts talking, pleading for the human to help him. Even Hazel shivered at how creepy and weird that one was. Finally, a carton of milk appears, floating in the air, and pours milk into a glass in Luz's hand.
"NOOO! I'm lactose intolerant!"
Amity groans. "Not enough." Walking up to Luz, the illusions vanish. "The reason I can't face Grom-it goes deeper than things that just gross me out. What's your real fear, Luz?"
Luz looks up at the window to Eda's room. She frowns. "My real that Eda thinks I'm too fragile to do this! And if she's right, I'll never be a real witch!"
Hazel had deja vu. But as quickly as it had arrived, it vanished. What was that?
Edric and Emira look at each other and draw a conjoined spell circle. A giant illusion of Eda rises from the ground, flipping her hair. She looks down at Luz.
"You're inadequate." She boomed. Illusion Eda drew a spell circle. The human is put in a high chair with a bib that says "weak baby".
Hazel raises a brow, but doesn't question it. Moving over to Amity, she started sweating. "U-uh, A-Amity? Can to you about something?" She asks.
Amity, after turning her attention to her, nods her head, motioning for Hazel to continue. The basilisk holds her hands behind her back as she kicks the ground, a pink blush covering her cheeks.
"W-well...I wanted to...ask Liza out to Grom-as just friends, of course!-But I don't know how to ask her." She finally stuttered out. Amity's eyes widened, and she smiled. "Well, just say, "Liza, do you want to be my partner at Grom tonight? As friends?", and I'm sure she'll say yes." She says.
Hearing a chuckle come from behind her, Hazel glanced over her shoulder, just as Edric and Emira lean on her each of her shoulders. "Someone wants to ask our little cousin out to Grom?" Edric asks with a smirk.
Amity groans. "Stop annoying her! It was just a question!" She snaps. Hearing Luz scream, "NOO!", all four turn their attention back to the human. She was wailing like a baby. Emira and Edric grinned as they look up at their creation proudly. Amity, on the other hand, looks nervous.
Hearing footsteps coming toward the front door, Hazel moved aside as Eda exited the house. "I get it. Ditch the yellow." Looking up, she gasps as she spots the illusion of herself. "Is that supposed to be me? Dang, I look great." She chuckles. Spotting Luz in a baby chair, she gasps once more.
"Wait a sec. You're training to be Grom queen!"
Luz glares at her. "So what if I am!" She yells, rocking the seat. It falls, and she yelps. The high chair and bib disappear as Eda walks up to her. "You think training will help against Grom? Luz, you always go overboard and I end up bailing you out. Now, what's the fun in watching a kid get eaten by a monster if it's my kid?" Eda points out.
Hazel felt another wave of deja vu. But just like last time, it disappeared before she could grasp what it was.
Luz gets up determinedly, as a cat appears beside her. "Well, maybe you'll have fun watching me defeat Grom!" Luz stated. She karate-chops the cat, and it disappears. The human grins proudly, but Eda looks at her in worry.
Amity puts a hand on Luz's shoulder. "Luz, I don't think you're ready, but we're literally out of time." She said. Luz grins. "I'll take it!"
They smile at each other, and Hazel realised she still hadn't asked Liza out to Grom. As friends, of course.

Hazel walked through the town, wearing her hood up. She was on her way to the library, where Amity said Liza would be before getting ready for Grom.
Entering the large building, she walks through the aisles and aisles of books. She finally caught sight of the pink-haired witch in her red uniform.
Liza was sitting at a table, reading a book. Hazel watched her a moment. The witchling was engrossed in the book. The cover had an abomination track symbol on it, and beside her was another book with the healing track symbol.
Hazel took in a deep breath. "Okay. Alright. Now's the time to ask her. Don't mess this up!" She scolded herself. Walking out from behind the aisle, she carefully walked up to Liza.
The witchling didn't notice her approaching. "H-hey, Liza! Fancy meeting you here!" Hazel chuckled nervously, placing her hands behind her back.
Liza looked up at her, surprised. But she smiled as she saw Hazel. "Hello, Hazel. What's brought you here?" She asked. Hazel looked around, trying to find an excuse. "O-oh! Wha-what am I doing here? I, uh, came here because...Luz asked me to grab a book about Grom! So she can research!" She stammered out. Liza raised a brow, the smile never leaving her face. Hazel looked away. "A-anyway, what are you doing here? Aren't you coming to Grom?" She asked.
Liza chuckled at Hazel's cute behaviour. "Yes, I'm still coming. But I'm researching the abomination and healing tracks." She stated simply.
Hazel scratched the back of her neck. "Well, I just wanted to ask you...s-since we have so much fun together, would you like to go to Grom together and just....hang out?" She asked. Peeking at Liza out of the corner of her eye, she could see her cheeks turn a faint red. She immediately held up her hands. "A-actually, forget I said anything- I-it's stupid." Covering her face, she tried walking away, when Liza grabbed her arm. "Wait-"
The basilisk turned back to Liza. She had a comforting smile on her face. "I'd love to hang out at Grom with you." She said. Hazel smiled back, feeling her cheeks heat up.
They stared at each other in silence. Liza looked down at her hand, which was still holding Hazel's arm. She hurriedly let go. "Well, I'll go home now. Get ready for Grom and all." She chuckled. Hazel nodded her head. "Y-yep! Uh, s-see you at Grom, then?" She asks.
"See you at Grom, Hazel."
With that, Liza picked up her books and left. When Hazel was sure she was gone, she grinned from ear to ear. "Yes!"

The Hexside gym was lively, as several students chatted together. Some awkward couples danced to rockabilly-style music playing in the background. Willow dons corsages onto some guests, who all clapped.
Hazel stood off to the side, anxiously waiting for her partner. She wore a black, one long sleeved dress that faded to yellow, with white speckles dusted all over it. She watched as many of the other students and their dates talked.
Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Hazel turned around. Liza was standing behind her, wearing a short blue dress with a pale pink ribbon around her waist. She wore a pink amulet around her neck, as well as rose quartz earrings. Hazel couldn't take her eyes off her. To herm the witchling looked like a goddess sent from the stars above.
" look...great." Was all she could utter out. Liza smiled. "Thanks. You do too."
The two stand in an awkward silence. Hazel didn't understand why.
All of a sudden, the music died down, and Gus's voice spoke over the chattering crowd. "Alright, all you lovely couples! This song was requested by an anonymous pair. Get on your dancing shoes and hit that dance floor!"
Another song came on, a slow guitar cover. Many of the students grabbed a partner, rushing to the dance floor. Liza grinned, turning to Hazel. "May I have this dance, friend?" She proposed, holding out her hand. Hazel looked down at it, as she felt her cheeks flush for the millionth time that day.
Taking Liza's hand, she allowed the witchling to lead her to the dance floor.
Many of the other students were already dancing. Standing amongst the crowd, Liza placed one hand on Hazel's waist, and the other held her hand. "You know how to dance?"
Hazel, face glowing red, stumbled for a reply to try and distract herself. "I-i, uh...." She trailed off. Liza giggles, before guiding Hazel's hand to her shoulder. "Just follow my lead."

Wise men say
Only fools rush in

Liza started gently swaying from side to side. Hazel, after a few awkward steps, finally moved in sync with her crush.

But I can't help falling in love with you

Feeling herself relax, Hazel's gaze moved up to meet Liza's eyes. Her bright, amber iris's stared back into her purple ones, captivating the basilisk.

Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?

Edric and Emira smirk as they secretly watch Hazel and Liza dancing, giving each other a fist bump. Just something they conjured up to give Hazel a little nudge.

If I can't help falling in love with you

The world around them seemed to disappear. It was just the two of them, swaying from side to side.

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea

Hazel, realising she was staring, hurriedly looked away. Liza did the same, but out of the corner of her eye, the basilisk could see the smallest hint of a smile on the witchling's face.

Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be

Hazel stopped dancing. "I-I'm sorry, this is stupid." She said hurriedly, starting to walk off. Liza, shocked, reached out for her hand, grabbing it.

So take my hand

Hazel looked down at Liza's hand in her own, then back at the witchling. Liza's concerned, enchanting eyes were staring into her own.
"Where are you going?" She asked quietly.

Take my whole life too

Hazel shook her head, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. "I-i can't do this. I'm sorry." Her voice cracked, as she pulled her hand away from Liza's. She walked away from the crowd, leaving Liza on the dance floor.

For I can't help falling in love with you

Hazel felt guilt wrack her entire body, as she tried to hold it together. She couldn't be with Liza.
Looking down at her hands, she watched the new white spots grow larger and smaller. Before long, her vision started to become blurry.

For I can't help falling in love with you

Wiping away her tears, she exited the gym, making her way to the bathroom. Hazel could already feel her tail dragging behind her, but the basilisk didn't care.
Finally, after what felt like forever, she reached her destination. Looking into the mirror, she could already see she had transformed back. Tears had stained her cheeks, and she hurriedly wiped them away.
She had to hold it together.
She couldn't be with Liza. Not like that. What would she think if she found out the truth?
Not everyone is as positive as Luz.


Eda stood on the side lines, watching the young couples dance, before anxiously checking her watch. It has King as the arms.
King walked over to her. "Why so twitchy, witchy? Trying to remember if I've ever seen you this nervous before." He says, placing a hand on his chin in thought.
Eda frowned. "Well, of course I'm worried! I'm going to have to save Luz from a nightmare monster! Ugh, so much for Mama's fun night out." She grumbled.
The lights dim, and Gus's voice calls out through the microphone. "Ladies, gentlemen, and assorted demons! It's almost time for our main Grom event. Please, please, take a seat, and be aware that the first three rows are designated splash zones."


Hazel looked toward the door, hearing Gus's announcement. Taking a deep breathe, she walks slowly back toward the gym, taking a seat up the back.
Looking around, she caught sight of Liza on one side of the gym. They shared a glance, before looking away from each other.
"Now, introducing our Grom queen. You know her, you love've at least heard of her. Luz, the Human!"
The spotlight turns on, and at the gym door entrance stood Luz. The pedestal with a red button skitters onto the stage. Gus presses it, and the floor starts to open to reveal the Grom arena.
Hazel watched intently as Luz picks up a flail and places an ice-glyph on it. Gently patting her own pocket, she made sure her own glyphs in case of emergencies were there. The human ventures into the arena.
Grom rises up behind her, transforming into the creepy cats with human faces. They start begging her to help them, and Luz swings her flail to gain momentum and slams it to the ground. A pillar of ice rises and rockets out the cats. The students around Hazel cheer.
Gus points at the human. "And there she goes, folks! Using that characteristic human magic to keep Grom at bay! And now, to hand things over to my co-emcee: King!"
The basilisk looks up to the stage, where King walks on. Gus hands him the mic. "Hel-LO, Hexside! So..." King trailed off, pulling out a bunch of cards before dropping them. The microphone feed back screeches, and he tugs on his collar nervously.
"Oh, oh gosh. Um...whooo. Wow, these lights are warm. Observe! Luz, is um...she's down there, all right..."
King continues to talk gibberish, and the crowd start to boo him. Eventually, he threw the microphone, before running offstage, wailing. Gus raced after him.
With a sympathetic glance at King disappearing, she returns her gaze back to Luz. The human was fighting the illusion of online jerks. Slamming an ice-glyph down, it creates a sharp shard of ice that pierces the illusion and makes it disappear. The students cheer once more, as Bump narrates.
"Luz has lasted surprisingly long. But what form will Grom take next?"
The human cheers for her own victory, not noticing the Grom rising up behind her. Hazel gasps as it towers over Luz. An illusion of cursed Eda with glowing eyes creeps towards her, reaching out and touching her head. Luz's eyes glow, and Grom morphs into the portal door.
Hazel tilts her head in confusion.
The door opens, and out steps out another human. Luz's mother.
She looks around in fear and confusion, before looking down at Luz. "Mija?"
Luz only stares at her in shock, as her mother looks around at the crowds of witches and demons. "Mom! What are you doing here?" She asked fearfully.
"Luz, what is this terrible place? Espérate un moment, this isn't camp. Have you been here, all these weeks?" She accused. Gasping, she points at Luz's weapon. "And is that a weapon?"
Luz drops the flail. "Ah! I can explain!"
Luz's mother morphs into Grom, towering over Luz. "Mija, have you been lying to me?!" She growled.
The human stares at Grom, terrified.

Grom pounces at Luz, who let out a scream as she ran. Heading for the exit, she slides through the door, pass Liza. Hazel's eyes widen in horror as Grom chases after her best friend.
Grom pauses for a moment, spotting Liza staring up at it in horror. The witchling backs away as Grom splits into two, and roars menacingly at the Blight. Liza ran in the opposite direction. One half of Grom chased after Luz, while the other chased after Liza.
Without a second thought for her own safety, Hazel runs down the gym seats, chasing after Grom and Liza.
Eda got up from hers, about to call out to Hazel. But the young demon was already gone. Out in the hallway, she stands anxiously as she looks at the two different directions both her kids took.

Hazel pushed aside as many branches as she could, trying to keep up with Grom and Liza. Finally breaking out into a clearing, she found Liza facing her fear: two tall, humanoid figures, their features obscured as Grom towered over the witchling. It had puppet-like strings attached to her arms, lifting them above her head and moving them around.
Liza struggled against them, but it was in vain. One of the figures stepped toward her, brandishing a long rod with a blurred out symbol. Liza watched as it approached her in terror. "No! Stop! I don't want this!"
Hazel brought out her glyphs. "Hey, Grom freak!" She yelled. The two Grom figures turned to her, dropping Liza onto the ground and leaving her dazed. The basilisk activated the ice glyph. "Stay away from her!"
The Grom roared, morphing together once more before charging toward her. Forgetting about her burning hands, Hazel slammed the glyph into the ground. A pillar of ice rose from the ground, piercing through the Grom and pinning it in place. It let out a screech, as it tried to break the ice.
Hazel rushed over to Liza, who was picking herself up from the ground. "Liza, are you okay?!" She asked, trying to help the witchling to her feet.
Liza stared up at her in a daze, confused. "H-hazel? W-what are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to be around me." She said. Hazel could see the hurt in her eyes. Feeling tears pricking at her eyes, she shook her head.
"No, Liza, it's not like that! I-it's just-" she let out a yelp as Grom grabbed her with one of it's inky arms. Holding her in the air, she looked up at Grom.
Grom's eyes glowed, and Hazel was paralysed as she felt the monster search through her mind for her greatest fear. It grew larger, morphing into three figures.
Emperor Belos.
Finally, it settles on one. It placed Hazel to the ground, and she stood facing Grom. Looking up, her eyes widen in surprise at who it had chosen.
It was Eda.
At least, something that looked like her. It was a cursed version of the owl lady. Grom Eda scowled down at her.
"You really think I care about you?" She hissed. "After all the lies you've told, the secrets you've kept?"
Hazel started shaking. What did this mean?
"You betrayed us! You betrayed me!" It continued.
Then it clicked. Her biggest fear. Eda was like the parental figure she had always wanted, ever since No.3 gave her up. She looked up to her.

But she lied to her. She'd never be good enough to be a daughter. What was she thinking? No.3 was right. If the one who raised her didn't want her around, why would Eda?
She was a stranger, and strangers are not welcome.

Hazel fell to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks as she reaches out to Grom Eda. "Wait-no! I-i'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"
Grom Eda burst into laughter, before growing in size. "You'll never be good enough!" She snarled. "If I ever see you again, I'll-"
A stream of fire struck Grom Eda from behind. It shrieked in pain, before turning to its attacker.
Eda stood at the edge of the tree line, holding her staff at the ready. She was panting, glaring at the Grom in fury.
Grom screeched, charging at the owl lady, leaving Hazel curled up on the ground, shoulders shaking.



She couldn't breathe.

Hazel trembled, trying to take deep breaths. But the tightness in her chest made it impossible to do so.
She couldn't hold it together.
Clutching her hair, the basilisk started sweating. Her heart beat rapidly, as if she were fighting for her life. A head ache started to form, and she felt nauseous.
She HAD to hold it together.
Visions of Grom Eda flashed through her mind. Reality started to slip away, and she tried desperately to grasp it.

She had to b r e a t h e.



Grom let out one final shriek, before exploding. The last remnants crawled away, as Eda glared after them, panting for breath.
Hearing a whimper coming from behind her, Eda turned to see Hazel on her knees, head bent to the ground as she took in ragged gasps. The witchling, Liza, was standing over her, reaching out a concerned hand.
The Owl lady hadn't seen what exactly Grom had turned into, but she knew it had something to do with her. And whatever it said had a negative effect on the young demon.
Rushing to the basilisk's side, she dropped to her knees, grabbing her shoulders and lifting her up and into a tight hug. The basilisk had her eyes screwed shut, and she was having trouble breathing.
"Hazel, calm down. It's going to be okay." Eda said reassuringly. "I'm right here. I understand this is frightening, but it will pass."
Liza stood beside them, not knowing what to do.
"I'm gonna stay with you, kid. Just breathe with me, okay?"
Hazel nodded, trying to take in deep breaths once more. She listened to Eda's chest rising and falling, trying to stay in sync. After a while, her rapid breathing turned into small hiccupy sobs. "I-i'm sorry....I'm so s-sorry..."
"Shhh. Just let it all out, kid."
After a few minutes, Hazel had quieted down, keeping her forehead pressed on Eda's chest. The owl lady let out a sigh. "Did you wanna go home?" She asks quietly.
Hazel shook her head. "N-no. W-we can go back to Hexside. Luz is probably worried about us. Just g-give me a minute."
Liza, seeing Hazel was okay, quietly left, hugging her arms tightly as she made her way back to Hexside.

Eda let out a yawn, about to climb into bed when Hooty burst into her room. "Heeeyyyy. Guess what's been in my mouth for 2 days that I'm about to throw up!" He says cheerfully and starts gagging. Eda pushed him away in disgust. "Hooty! Not right now, it's late!" She groaned.
The bird-tube pukes up a- surprisingly dry- crumbled piece of paper. Curious, Eda picks it up, unfolding it.
It was a portrait of Luz, Hazel, King, Hooty and herself. She recognised the art style as Hazel's. Touched, she smiles, placing the drawing next to the picture of Luz hugging both Eda and Hazel together, and King photo-bombing the picture.
Humming in thought, she exits the room to find the basilisk. Hearing muffled muttering coming from the bathroom, she opens the door a crack to spot Hazel struggling to brush her tangled hair.

She seemed upset about something.
"I ruined everything. She won't want to talk to me again. I ruined my one chance...."
Eda opened the door wider. "You need a hand, kid?" She asks with a smile. Hazel jumped, turning to face her. "O-oh. H-hi, Eda. Uh....yes please."
Eda takes the brush from Hazel, and the basilisk turned to face the mirror. She was in her natural form, the owl lady noted.
"That's a great picture you did, Hazel." She compliments. Hazel's eyes widen. "W-what picture?"
Eda chuckled. "The one Hooty ate. You have great talent kiddo."
Hazel smiles, and the two sit in silence for while.
"So, about that Grom wanna talk about that?" She asked. Hazel turned her gaze to her hands. "...not really...." She mumbles. The Owl lady shrugs. "Alright. But if you ever need to talk about anything, I'll be right here." She states.
Hazel smiles once again. "Eda?"
"Thank you...for everything." The basilisk says softly.
"It's no biggie, kid."

A/N:....h-have I not traumatised her enough....but no....I plan on so much more....oh no....I aughta rewrite the book lmao (this is NOT the time to LMAO....)

-Also, has anyone ever had that deja vu where something triggers a memory or something, but before your brain can process it, it just disappears? Leaving you wondering what the hell you just had deja vu about? Or is that just me?

-Sorry for those who actually have panic attacks. I'm not sure if I've experienced one myself, but I tried my best at writing this one. And for anyone who does experience them, please tell me if it was necessary or not.

-The whole thing of going back to Hexside after the panic attack was just for the plot- I know that nobody would actually want to back to a party. I know I wouldn't lol.


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