Forever Greatful To You

By DudeTrustMe

6.9K 95 29

This is my first fanfic I hope you enjoy it there will be sexual parts in the book and if there is bad gramma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapters 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Late 5K Special

Chapter 2

921 10 1
By DudeTrustMe

Obito POV

The rain falls on obitos face the rain shinobi escorting him threw the woods they tied up obitos hands and they are making conversation with each other they talk about the cach they just got a leaf shinobi who is a uchiha will be useful to them in getting information on the konoha villages weak points in there walls and other places they then talk about the usefulness of the supplies they just got but to obito this is all inaudible he can't get his mind off of one thing and that's how his team left him.

At one moment obito and his teammates were fighting along side each other all seemed like it was going well but next thing he knew he saw his sensei grab kakashi and rin then he was all alone to fend for himself the rain shinobi easily beat him leaving him bloody and bruised they tied him up and gaged him they then carried him away into these woods his mind races.

Are they going to drown me will they just drop me on the ground and let me starve to death here or maybe they will cut my throat whatever it is i need to find some way to escape.

Obito thought to himself he looks around for something that could be used to help him escape but nothing he has one idea though its reckless and there's a slight chance he'll pull it off considering his injuries but he doesn't have a choice he mustards up his courage and starts to run away deeper in the woods the rain shinobi give chase to the young boy.

Obito trips and stumbles multiple times but he keeps getting up and running he ducks down behind a tree to catch his breath he tries to to get his hands out from this rope he gets them free and starts to walk in a random direction hoping to find something but however this freedom of his is shorty ended by a rain shinobi knocking him out from behind him.

(A few hours pass)

Obito starts to wake up on a bed and then instantly falls off he looks around and sees he's in a holding cell he gets off the ground he notices that there's a prisoners uniform under the bed he was just on he gets off the floor and goes over to it and picks it up on the back of it has the words and number D4C and there's also a note on the bed which says.

"Put your uniform on and make your way down the hall to your actual cell marked C-1"

Obito not having any options puts the uniform on and walks out the cell leaving his old clothes in the holding cell a rain anbu escorts him he eventually reaches his cell the anbu opens it and obito walks in to see four beds with three people in three of them they don't pay much attention to obito.

Obito sees only one bed available thankfully its a bodome bunk he walks over to it and sits down to think why his team would leave him.

Maybe they finally got annoyed with me and decided to just ditch me if they did then that means I guess me and rins friendship means nothing or maybe sensei got overwhelmed and could only grab kakashi and rin but if that's the case kakashi is alone with rin I swear if he makes a move on her I'll-

???: oi new guy calm down I can feel you over thinking from here

A prisoner with a rubik's cube and with blonde hair that is also the same age as obito says obito looks up at the guy obito decides to plays it cool and acts like he's talking to a normal person.

Obito: sorry I didn't mean to be a bother

Ruvik: don't worry about it I was the same when I first got here thinking about what I would do to the guy who dare to make a move on my girl my name is ruvik but the guards call me D3A

Obito: I'm obito I guess the guards will call me D4C wait did you read my mind

From the top of ruviks bed a female voice starts to talk they both look up and a girl with tomboy short brown hair and a year older then both of them sits up reading a book.

Rose: nah ruvik is just good at reading people I'm valentine by the way also known as D7S by theose mistakes we call guards

She looks over to the top bed across from obitos she gestures to someone to introduce themselves to obito, obito looks up and sees a guy looking down at him with black hair he waves at obito and obito waves back the guy then goes back to laying down on his bed.

Obito: who is he?

Ruvik: we don't know we just know his prisoner number which is D8F and we call him by that

Rose: he's probably a mute but we decide to just leave him be he doest bother us so no need to bother him

Obito is about to say something but a guard bangs a kunai on the cell and yells at them to go to sleep ruvik rolls his eyes rose flips him the bird D8F doesn't respond and obito just falls asleep since he was very tired  anyway the rest soon follow him after.

(The next day)

Obito is woken up by a loud bang on the cell door this makes obito fall out of bed his cell mates let out a chuckle they get out of there bed and ruvik helps obito up the cell then opens and they walk out once obito was out of his cell he saw the long line of inmates they all then turn and start walking somewhere obito goes to follow but one of the guards stop him and tell him that he has to see the warden because he wants to talk to him.

Obito arrives at the wardens office the warden looks up from his desk and gestures obito to take a seat obito sits down.

Warden: so obito I would like to ask you a few questions about the leaf village

Obito: why would I do that old man?

Warden: I thought you would respond like that no uchiha has any manners anymore

Obito: well I don't really appreciate being thrown in here

Warden: I think you should be more greatful we gave you a new home when that awful sensei of yours left you now if you cooperate with me this place you call a prison will be called a home now what do you say now can you answer my questions?

The warden sticks his hand out for a hand shake obito stares at his hand for a few seconds he goes to shake his hand but sikes out the warden and runs his hand threw his hair obito chuckles but the warden does not see any amusement on his face the warden puts his hand back on his desk.

Obito: sorry old man but I won't give up anything about my villages to even if my sensei left me he'll come back for he's probably on his way right now with more shinobi

The warden starts to chuckle he stands up and walks over to obito and pats him on the back and commends the little amount of hope obito still has in him.

Warden: well I guess I can't get to you but we have ways if making people talk also take care of that nose bleed boy

Obito looks at the warden confused and he is about to say something when the warden punches him in the face causing him to fly out his seat and his nose starts to bleed the warden then starts to kick obito in the stomach he then coughs up blood.

After awhile of the warden beating obito he calls the guards over and they pick him up the warden goes to ask obito about the leaf but obito spits in his face the warden wipes the spit off and tells the guards something that's inaudible to obito they take obito out of the wardens office and take obito to a room with dry blood on the wall the guards put him down and continue the beating obito crys out in pain as the beatings evolve into full on torture.

The torture stops when the sun goes down we see obito straped down to a chair coated in his own blood and stab wounds tears fall down his face as obito is left in the dark of this room he tells himself that his team will come for him and he prys that they'll come soon.

(End of chapter two if there's any miss spellings please feel free to tell so I don't make the same mistake anyways till next chapter arrivederci)

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