Love Again

By 2Shiny

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I was living in an alternate world where, once marked, the eyes turned red, and the first to fall in love was... More

1. Never Love Again
2. The Color Red
3. Who Did It?
4. Who are you?
5. Loosing control
6. About To Burst
7. Walk Of Shame
8. The Imprint
9. I See You
10. Who will I Choose?
11. When You Look At Me
12. Pushing My Luck
13. Stay Away
14. Choose Me
15. Sensitive To Touch
NOTICE - Characters Personalities Revealed
16. Yeon!
17. Awakening Of Fated Mates
18. Making Me Angry
19. When You Smile
20. A New Nemesis
21. The Stalker
22. Slipping From My Fingers
23. He Is Mine
24. I'm A Man Too
25. My True Feelings
NOTICE End Of Part 2
26. You Never Asked
27. Unpleasant Encounter
28. My Fated Mate
29. Fate Of Jealousy
30. This Constant Feeling
31. I Want You
32. The Chosen One
33. Life Is Short
34. Hard To Read
35. How Romantic
36. Home Alone Together
37. When Lips Part
38. Sex Friends
39. Facing The Truth
40. Terms And Conditions
41. Chasing A Fantasy
42. Hunger For You
43. You Can't Run Away
44. Two Promises
45. A Night of Passion
46. Pregnant Or Not
47. A Big Problem
48. A New Catch
49. Bite Me
50. I Love You
51. Anger Management
52. Spoilt Little Brat!
53. I'm Warning You
54. A Friendly Advice
55. Let Out Your Scent
56. It Hurts, It Hurts!
57. Fighting Over You
58. Shock On Me
59. Danger Ahead
60. Too Many Secrets
61. Can't Wait Anymore
62. Mijin
63. It's All Your Fault
64. Such A Huge Mess
65. I Know What You Did
66. I Miss You
67. Don't Leave Me
68. You Can't Hide
69. Stay Here
70. You Owe Me
71. Welcome Back
72. Tell No One My Secret
73. A Happy Occasion
74. You And Me
75. Coming Out In Public
76. Let's Break Up
77. The Real You
78. Let The Games Begin
79. The Other Side Of Me
80. Tell us More
81. Paying The Pauper
82. I Am Sorry
83. Cuddles And Sex
84. What Happened?
85. Whatever You Want
86. Let's Play
87. I Don't Know
88. I'd Hate To Be You
89. Uninvited Guest
90. A Thousand Apologies
91. How To Love Right
92. Uncomfortable Truths
93. I Don't Like It
94. It Can't Be True
95. A Strange Place
96. Payback Time
97. The Face of Ugly
101. Two Lovebirds
103. Caught in The Act
102. I Need Your Help
104. My Big Mouth
105. An Act Of Love
106. Seeing Through You
107. Don't Push Me Away
108. I'm Smarter Than You
109. Feeling Abandoned
110. Play To Win
112. Doing Absolutely Nothing
111. Ready Whenever You Are
113. Warm Bodies
114. Eyes On You
115. Loosing My Temper
116. Moral Compass
117. Waging War
118. Are You In Or Out?
119. My New Pet
120. Snooping Around
121. Are You Insane
122. In My Favor
123. Make It Clear
125. A Good Mother
124. Bring To Light
126. I Caught You
127. Blast From The Past
128. Love And Harmony
131. They Look Suspicious
132. What Did You Do?
133. Our Special Connection
134. A Time To Act
135. What A Surprise
136. Double Date
137. Much Needed Advice
138. Accept the truth
139. Distance Between Us
140. Comfort Zone
142. My Insecurities
143. Enough Is Enough!
144. Nowhere To Escape
145. Playing A Fool
146. A New Identity
147. Keeping Secrets From Me
148. The Missing Piece
149. The Past, The Present, The Future
150. Shadows From My Past
151. How Does It Feel
152. Expecting The Unexpected
153. Tough Choices
154. Let It Burn
155. Things Falling Apart
156. Without A Trace
157. What Do You Know?
158. A Small Mistake
159. Perfect Timing
160. Three Wishes
161. Game Changer
162. Unnecessary Burden
163. It Tastes Bitter
164. Greedy Guests
165. Feeling Helpless
166. Breaking Down
167. Never Getting Out
168. Choose Your Weapon
169. Butterflies
170. Wedding Vows
171. What Are You Up To?
172. That Was Unexpected
173. Take Me Home
174. What Do We Do?
175. Black, Gold & White
SPECIAL: Stan's Proposal Poem
176. April's Fools
177. Perfect Timing
178. Break Free
179. New Beginnings
180. Twilight

141. Make A Move

69 2 0
By 2Shiny

"There are two ways to provoke or cause emotional collapse to Mora, either inform her Yeon is dead or use her bloodlust against her. For the first option, we'll inform her her father was responsible since he had intentions of eliminating her moral compass so to speak."

"Isn't that lying?" Yeon's mom seemed displeased by the idea.

"It's called provocative interrogation. It is a harsh method I agree however, we seek to cause terror in order for her to provide information. She will end up confessing just so she can get away from an interrogation. At the moment, she feels constrained and is giving invalid responses. Her instability allows use of excessive pressure but that may render her confession unsafe. That is why to get her to name her targets and reveal names and events, a focal point is necessary and that is where Yeon comes in."

Dad Joss shook his head disapprovingly. "Stannie will never agree to this."

"Call them in then. It's time we shared our thoughts with them."

"W-What no! Is this why you told us to come with them?"

"You snitched to Stannie about a part of our plan Joss. I'd have expected it from Robin but Joss, you being the most secretive of you two..."

"He is closer to Stan." Dad Robin cut in. "Still, I concur with him on the Stannie issue so do not be optimistic."

"I don't agree either." Yeon's father said. "I won't allow my son to be used as bait. There has to be another way and if there is none, let's go with the first option.."

"Pronouncing our son dead...It's ominous..!"

"Sweetheart, you're letting out scent..." Looking around, Yeon's dad cautioned upon noticing the frightened looks from Stan's parents and Elric's mother. "You're scaring everyone."

"I'm sorry."

Just then, Yeon and Stan walked in and were briefed about the plan. "I'll have you know if we do decide to puncture you to extract blood, Mora will have to be alone. She won't be handcuffed but we shall have back up. We just want a little confession from her. We have evidence against her father as provided by her among other things and for sure, he'll be spending all his life in maximum prison but Mora has been very careful and vigilant. Her fourteen days of being detained are almost up and she is free to sue us for detaining her without concrete evidence, let alone accuse us for slander."

"Is there no other way?"

"Do you want me to list down the things she has done? Not just to you but to other people?"

"Yes." Stan answered in Yeon's stead.

"Unlawful kidnapping and detaining victims repeatedly as confessed by her staff. Attempted murder, multiple drugging violations from you and her brother." Seeing that no one in the room seemed to take her side, Elric's mother added. "We are talking about a very powerful and formidable opponent, two at that. Every accusation lodged at Mora is backed up by some counter attack. For one, the first attack against Yeon, Mora did start a fundraising and a so called support group to back herself up. If I were to argue this case in court, I'll be ridiculed. The courtroom survives on manipulation and even if an evidence directly pinpoints the accused, he or she will be set free depending on how the judge and jury takes in the manipulation.

Keep in mind we obtained our evidence in a questionable way. Though brought to us, Mora knew what she was doing. She could claim she was threatened to expose her father by me or any of you. It will be pulled out as nonfactual or fabricated and Mora will sue us for being brainwashed and manipulated to betray her own father!

Secondly, Yeon dropped charges against Mora's brother right after his case was ruled out. Keep in mind Yeon was accused of careless behavior and using his scent to lure others that despite being forcefully imprinted, the culprits are seen as victims for being exposed to his alluring scent. The only reason they haven't been set free is because they are repetitive offenders on record, committing petty theft like shoplifting and others big enough as attempted kidnapping.

Did you also forget Stan using the power of fated mates while alone? Where is the proof he was protecting Yeon when he wasn't there? I didn't proceed further with his case to avoid potential stress and time wasting when we are focusing on catching the big fish who is Mora's father and the mastermind manipulator, Mora herself."

Mora's father has attended both civil and criminal cases and that is why my team has successfully been able to keep him detained this long. I've also stumbled upon numerous new evidences through the help of his parents however for Mora, the jury will have less inferences to draw facts that can prove her guilty since everything is all mixed up. Her brother can not be a key witness in his state until proven mentally sound. Nonetheless, we can still call him to the stand just to prove the extent of damage done to him. Yeon on the other hand is a witness too as a repetitive victim. In your resent attack, if you are given the pure antidote of the drug, you might recover some of your memories but I'm afraid, your statement won't serve much. It will be argued out as some sort of revenge later on as the case progresses.

The best we have is a deadlocked jury since I see this case being half and half. They won't be able to deliver a verdict to the judge. What I'm looking to accomplish is a unanimous decision for Mora and her father to be convicted.

If I'm to proceed with the case now as it is, both cases will be closed and the defendants will be set free. If it were an average family, I'd have ended this case in less than a week however, a powerful person is hard to bring down. He has bribed victims who were willing to confess to me in private, but not in open court. Do you understand what I'm saying now?"

The room went silent, everyone deep in their thoughts. They all knew what Elric's mother was saying was true.

"I get it. I suspected from the beginning it was not going to be easy especially after my case took so long to settle." Yeon flinched when Stan reached to hold his hand, as if signalling him not to agree to anything just yet.

"Maybe you don't know Yeon and Stan but Mora can't survive without detaining someone and drawing blood. It's like ecstasy to her. You are Mora's Achilles heel."

"What's that?"

"Her weakness. She kept mumbling to herself 'It was bad, It was bad' and hit her face repeatedly. She didn't know but we had her cell monitored. Afterwards, she'd calm down and smile as if nothing happened. Honestly she drives me nuts."

"Let's do it, but I want in. I'll protect Yeon with the power of fated mates "

"Stan, if Yeon is her weakness, what do you think that makes you?"

"Her enemy?"

"No. Her competition. There is a difference. Mora has been trained by her father to be a predator. She doesn't need a weapon to get rid of a threat such as yourself. She just needs to launch a provocative attack and knowing you, you'll loose your common sense whenever it involves Yeon."

"Then I can't allow Yeon to..."

"It's not up to you Stan, it's up to your fated."

Yeon scanned the room and felt pressured. He always hated situations that put him in the spotlight however, today was not one of them. Just like Elric's mother, he too was fed up with everything being dragged this long. He missed the lab and wished to walk and enjoy the spring of nature without having to think someone was constantly watching him.

"You've bombarded me with so much information, and for you to settle for the two scenarios, I'm sure you've thought through and through of any possible outcomes. Nonetheless, I still have a suggestion. How about we incorporate both ideas."

"How do you mean?" Elric's mother looked confused.

"To prevent a catastrophe, Mora can meet her father and from the scents they both let out, Stan's dads can deduce what we are dealing with. I've majored in Quantum Scentonomy and practiced it. My guess is that they haven't taken scent inhibitors and heat suppressants after being locked up hence, they can let out scent just like any ordinary person would do normaly. Stan's parents specialize in paired, unpaired and unmarked casualties. They have a better sense of smell than us fateds. If I can deduce the strength of their scents, how many Naks it is, that is one leverage against them."

Elric's mother touched her chin as if in deep thought. "That could work since there has been no need so far to get a warrant and have both their blood tested. I can only do that if they are accused of consuming the drug and acting in a life threatening fashion. The two have also been subtle with their scents. Mora's father did let out a little scent when his husband showed up as I remember from his partner's reaction."

"He was his Achilles heel." Yeon concluded.

"Exactly. You are quite smart. Scent can indeed be a threat to us which they could use and manipulate an escape."

"If that were to happen, my wife has a strong scent enough to paralyze anyone." Yeon's father added confidently.

"Yet the strength of their scents is a mystery to us." Elric's mother pointed out.

"I wanted to add something on that. If they do decide to use that against us then that's when I'll puncture myself, if what you are saying about Mora's blood lust to be true."

"It is true. Are you aware the tiny cut on your finger made her inflict some punishment on herself for hurting you. She values your unfathomable as it sounds. Anyway, I'd like to bring to your attention that one of my spies was attacked upon being discovered. Mora's father is retaliating outside even while in prison. He has power and is using that but a lot of people have lost faith in him, diminishing his alliances. Nevertheless, no matter how small, power is power and we can't afford to stay complaisant. That's why this plan is our backup plan." Looking back at Yeon, Elric's mother pointed out. "The men that attacked you while drunk, up to now, none of them have confessed to anything. They even pretend to suffer from amnesia. I wonder why they would still choose to keep quiet unless threatened from inside too as outside. Therefore, Stannie, I need you to cooperate even if you don't like it. I know how attached you get with things. I can only imagine the kind of attachment you have towards your fated. It must be suffocating for Yeon."

Everyone laughed, unable to hide their honest reactions but for Stan, his laughter felt like a defense mechanism, hiding his emotions that made him feel inadequate. He badly wanted to contribute but every time he made a suggestion, his hands remained tied.

Elric's mother read his reaction like a book. "We will keep you as back up for scent nourishment to help heal whatever wound Yeon might incur. I hope we don't get to execute that."

Pushing a file towards Yeon, Elric's mother spoke. "Take a look at these pictures."

Upon opening the folder, everyone's jaw dropped. "What-What's all this?"

"Mora's penthouse was searched. We found these safely kept. We asked her about it and she said it's her love and affection for you. By law, you can't fault someone for loving or obsessing over them unless they act negatively in a way that risks their life or the person they are obsessing over."

"These pictures..." Pointing at one of them, he added, "I was in second year here..."

"She's had her eyes on you long before you two ever met Stannie. She confessed to taking the pictures from her father's house as the only priced possession simply because she adores you, her words not mine."

A cold chill ran down Yeon's spine and when he looked at everyone around him, they too appeared alarmed.

Elric's mother formed a satisfied grin upon seeing the look on everyone's faces. "Now you understand the severity of this situation."

"Why...?" Yeon's dad asked but Yeon cut in to answer in Elric's mother's stead.

"She told me some time back she's been asking Mijin if she can date me but Mijin was delaying... perhaps Mijin knew..."

"Oh, regarding Mijin, Mora's father was never there when she was attacked. As much as I hate to say this, Mora's father has an alibi. Mora did everything on her own accord but we don't have proof, only a confession from the father and his alibi."

"So they are snitching against each other?"

"I'm using her father's weakness against him, however for Mora, it's going to be complicated. She is an unstable psychopath and hasn't bonded longer with her weakness as her father has. That's why if worse comes to worse, she has to see your blood, and treat your wound just as she kept doing to the brother over and over. However, your case has a little flavor to it. She wants you as her ultimate and only pet. Honestly I don't get it myself. Perhaps just like her father, you may bring her to confess her crimes."

"What will you prove if we do go that path? From what you are saying, she will end up in a mental institution and who knows what she will do there." Dad Joss pointed out, seeming concerned.

"Perhaps that will come later. First, she will be shunned by other inmates and will end up under protective segregation. Mora and her father have both committed if not aided in crimes considered repugnant to a population. Some convicts are psychopaths themselves and these two, having been trained to camouflage will probably try to fool other inmates but not all will fall for their brainwash and will be dealt with accordingly. They'll meet all sorts of people in prison, some who have made prison their home and do not care how much power they possess. Mora might end up in a PSHU which is a psychiatric special housing unit due to her inability to live without her bloodlust. Her father might end up dominating everyone soon enough since he is more stable and his Achilles Heel has vowed to visit him often. Nonetheless, he'll eventually succumb to his impulses and the need to dominate.

Keep in mind most prisons do not have psychiatric rehabilitation in their budget. He will be feared for his gregarious nature...disliked too but then, he doesn't care if he is shunned or not. Prison will be a lonely hell for him and soon enough, he might loose his mind and end up in the same state as his daughter."

"Sounds like a favorable ending for them both. I was hoping for something much worse." Yeon's father spoke and was surprised when his wife didn't bother to scold him.

"What is more befitting then?" Elric's mother asked Yeon's dad. "A slow or a quick ending? Wouldn't you rather they live long enough to live through the suffering they have inflicted on a lot of people for a very very long time?"

"I don't care. I just want to live without fear."

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