stony oneshots

By 524fangirl6741

123K 2.1K 609

I am honestly making this just because I have some, the key word is some, ideas about this ship and I wanted... More

"I'm sorry."
alpha and omega
photo shoot
"it's just a bit of fun."
"it's just a bit of fun." 2
"go live a normal life!"
gotta love stereotypes
The One With the Truth About London
My New Hero
The One Where Steve is Jealous
The One With the Late Valentine's Day Present
Them's the rules
The Diamond Necklace
All Too Well
The One With The Secret Boyfriend
Happy Halloween!!!
Bucky Barnes
as smooth as chunky peanut butter
"Jealous of yourself?"
spoiled little brat
"he's the love of my life."
going through boxes
"you're finally back!"
"No, I don't think I will."
everyone needs inspiration
Happy Birthday Captain America!!
"It's all good."
"I think we should see other people."
bachelor parties
"And my life, is kinda crazy!"
flight attendant
no regrets
no regrets 2
The One Where Steve and Tony... You Know
a stuttering mess
We're not dating... Wait...... Are we?
feeling any better?
math tutors
"Tony Goes to Sun Valley."
"Tony Goes to Sun Valley." 2
The Cheerleader Mishap
Tony Wants New Furniture
"Doesn't it bother you?"
"The Wig."
"Compliments from the chef."
The New Boss
Tony's Schedule
The One With All The Competitiveness
Happy Veteran's Day!
"The One Where Eddie Won't Go."
Prom 2.0
"The One Where No One's Ready."
Merry Christmas indeed
The Best Friend
just a little crush
Sergeant James Barnes
"Captain Rogers."
take a hint
true love
true love 2
true love 3
Valentine's Day
The One with the Billionaire
Happy Easter!!
the adulterous whore
"He would never like someone like me."
fuck me...... again
my best friend's brother is the one for me
Welcome to the Neighborhood
Accidents Don't Just Happen Accidentally; Or Do They?...
in a rut
"The Showdown."
"First Time in New York."
"First Time in New York." 2
"The One with Tony's Boots."
jealousy, jealousy

stuck to babysit a brat

1.2K 30 7
By 524fangirl6741

Steve didn't go into the ice and Bucky didn't fall off the train but they're both still super soldiers; this means that Howard and Maria didn't die because Bucky never became the Winter Soldier.

Hope you understand it.


"Heya punk, you meet with him yet?"

"With whom?" Steve made a face.

"Howard Stark." Bucky scoffed.

"He asked for ya."


"I think he wants ya ta babysit again." Bucky hummed.

"Oh no." Steve groaned.

"What's the matter? I thought ya liked his son?" Bucky made a face of confusion.

"When he was younger." Steve scoffed like it was obvious.

"He was tiny and sweet." He smiled at the memory of the young Stark.

"Now he's a stuck-up brat who always gets his way." He groaned.

"I swear to God, if I have to babysit his kid again, I will-"

"Hey Howard!" Bucky shouted over the blonde once he saw the engineer.

"Hey Barnes." Howard chuckled as he made a face at him.

"What's the shouting for?"

Steve gulped as he faced him and smiled at the engineer.

"Oh, ya know... just a soldier bein' loud. What's new?" Bucky smiled with a shrug.

"Anyway, I gotta go do some drills so see ya later, punk." He waved at his best friend.

"Nice seein' ya Howard." He waved at him, then headed off.

"You too!" Howard called out to him.

"Hey Howard." Steve smiled at the engineer as he internally begged everyone and everything to not watch over his bratty teen.

"I have a favor to ask of you."

"Which is?"

"Well... my son... you know he's difficult." Howard started.

"No, he's not." Steve shook his head as he was only trying to be polite but yes, the young Stark was a nightmare.

"Rogers, I know you're polite and all, but the last time you babysat him, he pulled a prank on you." Howard gave him a look.

"I still don't know how he got all those fireworks, or how many people he paid off to light them all at the same time." Howard pondered.

"But I still am sorry about your car."

Steve nodded in acknowledgment and urged him to continue on.

"Trust me, Rogers, you can say he's difficult. You can say he's a pain in the ass." Howard scoffed as he nudged him gently, making the blonde chuckle.

"Alright... he's a pain in the ass." Steve nodded.

"Thank you." Howard smirked.

"But the thing is... he sort of... I never noticed how you actually get him to do things. His homework and his chores and such." He listed.

"To be honest... I think he has a crush on you." He muttered to him while the blonde stopped short and faced him immediately.

"He quite literally sprayed my car in whipped cream and chocolate."

"And your tellin' me it was all cause he has a crush?" Steve gave him a look as he didn't buy it for a second.

"Well... he can't show things in a normal way. Tony's difficult in that sense." Howard reasoned for his son.

"He doesn't really know how to show love, so he picks on you."

"But he really doesn't mean it." He defended.

Steve eyed him as he had a hunch as to where this was going, and he wanted to run.

"But I was just wondering... Maria and I are going to a meeting this weekend, only for a couple hours and we'll be back before 12," Howard assured, "but since he likes you so much... I was wondering if you could... watch him for us?" He smiled at the blonde.

"I'll double the pay, since it's longer than 6 hours." He hummed.

Steve sighed as he gave him a look.

The engineer really looked like he needed it and he couldn't turn him down.

Damn his hero sense!


"You are the best, Steve Rogers!" Howard beamed and hugged him.

He paid him beforehand, then headed back to work as the blonde pocketed the money and sighed heavily.

"Ya had ta agree." Bucky scoffed as he gave him a look.

"Oh, shut up." Steve glared.

"Besides, hopefully this will be better. I mean, the last time I babysat for him, he was 10 and he's, well, I don't really know how old he is now, but he's definitely gotten older." He hummed.

"He's probably over all those pranks anyway." He waved off.

"God, I hope so." He muttered in fear as to what a teenage Stark could do.

"Good luck, punk." Bucky patted his shoulder.

"Good luck."

"Oh, shut up." Steve shoved him away as he headed back to work as the brunette was making it seem like he was going to die.


"Hi Howard." Steve smiled.

"Oh, hi Steve." Howard perked up.

"Perfect! Just on time."

Howard stepped aside to let the blonde in, then hummed when he saw his son in the doorway.

"I'm sure you remember my son, Tony." Howard smiled as he gestured to his son and ushered him inside the living room.

Steve turned his head to the younger Stark and stopped short when he saw him.

Before, Tony had quirky glasses and some of his teeth were slightly crooked.

He never got braces because he refused to be one of those "nerds," but he did get something because his teeth were finally in place.

He still had glasses, but they were more fitting for his face and eyes, they brought out the color and that was when Steve realized just how brown his eyes were.

He definitely hit puberty because the teen had a jawline that could cut glass.

"Hi Tony." Steve waved at the brunette.

Tony gave him a look then turned to his father to give him one as well.

"A babysitter? I'm not 5 anymore." He glared.

"Tony, this is just so you don't burn down the house when you're working and forget about your food or something." Howard ensured.

"I would do much better if Golden Boy wasn't the one." Tony huffed, then walked to his room so he could forget the fact that his parents got him a babysitter even though he's 19, almost 20.

"Tony." Howard glared.

"It's fine, I get that a lot actually." Steve waved off.

"We have money for food on the counter, we will hopefully get there by 6, but we'll see because of traffic. If you need us, we put the phone number to our meeting on the fridge." Howard explained.

"Goodbye dear!" Maria called out to her son.

Tony walked out to say goodbye, then eyed the blonde when they were left alone.

"Why are you here?"

"To babysit you."

"Oh, shut up!" Tony glared, then marched to the kitchen to get some food.

Steve followed him, then sat at the table to see what the brunette was working on.

"Perfect." Tony smirked, then shut the door and opened up the bottle with a hum.

He went to drink it, but his eyes shot open when he no longer felt the bottle in his hands but in the blonde's.

"Seriously!" Tony glared.

"That's mine!"

"Tony, you and I both know you're too young to drink." Steve scoffed as he gave him a look.

"I'm practically old enough." Tony huffed.

"Are you 21?"


"Then you're not old enough." Steve hummed as he started to drink it.

Tony groaned as he had to drink water and grumbled about it.

"You do realize that I can hear you, right?" Steve gave him a look as the brunette was in the living room mumbling about him.

"Good! At least your ears work." Tony called out.

"Can't say much about your brain though."

"Tony." Steve walked out of the kitchen to give him a look.


"Why should I?"

"Cause that was rude."

"Fine. Sorry." Tony sighed as he gave the blonde a look.


"I apologized." Tony pointed at him.

"Not my fault you never specified how." He shrugged.

"You know what I meant." Steve gave him a look.

"Shoulda said so, I'm not a mind reader." Tony hummed as he tapped his foot against the coffee table and watched TV.

Steve eyed him, then walked over to not only block the TV, but to also turn it off.

"Hey! What's your deal! I'm watching that!" Tony glared as he sat up.

"One, you have homework. Two, get your feet off the damn coffee table and sit up. Three, you're 19 years old so act like it. Four, I'm the adult and you're the kid so quit being a child, Tony, and grow up." Steve ordered as he gave the brunette a look.

"Oh my God!" Tony groaned dramatically as he stood up.

He walked to his room to get his work, then walked to the kitchen to sit down and do it.

"Ya know, your father said ya liked me." Steve shrugged.

"What?" Tony made a face as he looked up at the blonde in confusion.

"Is that why you listen to me?"

"I listen to you because I know that if I don't, my dad will keep making you come over to keep an eye on me." Tony rolled his eyes.

"Besides, I don't wanna get sent to a boarding school, so I listen to you." He shrugged.

"Boarding school?" Steve made a face.

"Yeah." Tony sighed.

"My dad said that if I keep up with not listening, he's going to send me to one."

"I don't wanna go to one. I have a life here, not over in wherever he wants to send me." He waved off.

Steve nodded in understanding, then grabbed the box to throw it out.

"But no, I don't like you." Tony shook his head.

"You lied." Steve hummed as he walked back in and sat down in his seat.

"Besides, I don't mind. Even though technically you shouldn't really find other men attractive nowadays." He shrugged.


Tony gave him a look, then went back to his work as he mumbled to himself to work out the problems.

"You got attractive, though. I'll admit that." Steve hummed.

Tony slipped when he was writing as he looked up at the blonde to give him a look.

"You're like 30."

"I'm 26." Steve gave him a look.

"Oh, shit, really?" Tony pondered as he didn't know that.

"Yes." Steve scoffed.

"But still, you are rather attractive."

"Cut it out." Tony glared.


"Stop saying that to me." Tony waved him off as he put his book up so the blonde couldn't look at him.

Steve chuckled as he gave him a look, "are you embarrassed?"

"No." Tony snapped as he kept working.

"I'm working and you saying that is weird. I'm 19. Sure, I'm legally an adult, but there's a 7-year age gap. Besides, you're a man, I'm a guy, it's illegal."

He peeked his head up from his book to glare at the blonde, "illegal!" He hissed, then hid behind his book again to go back to working.

Steve laughed at his comment, then shrugged, "I don't care, I used to shop-lift anyway."

Tony shot his head up from his book to gape at the blonde, "really?"

"Yeah, why?" Steve eyed him as the brunette seemed to perk up at that.

"If Golden Boy can do it, I can do it." Tony affirmed, then sat back in his seat.

"Cut that out." Steve glared.

"I hate that name."

Tony waved him off as he kept working, then after a couple minutes, he finally finished.

"Hmm, finally." He smiled with a hum.

He closed his books, then got up to get something to drink.

Steve watched him with a hum as the brunette sat back down and drank his water.

"What?" Tony snapped as the blonde didn't stop looking at him.

"You did get attractive." Steve hummed.

"Cut that out." Tony glared as he shifted in his seat.

Steve chuckled as the teen seemed uncomfortable and gave him a look, "does it make you uncomfortable if I say that?"

"No." Tony snapped.

"Okay." Steve shrugged.

"You are though."

"Stop it."

"Why? If it doesn't make you uncomfortable, then why should I stop? You tease me all the time."

"I'm a minor, you're... old." Tony waved a careless hand in his general direction.

"Tony, I'm 26."

"Exactly, older than me, which makes you old."

"You are such a brat!" Steve groaned in frustration.

Tony looked at the blonde after he said that and shifted in his seat.

For some reason, when the Captain called him a brat, it turned him on.

Just the way he said it; the blonde made it sound hot and endearing all at the same time that Tony instantly felt a rush in his body, and it all settled in his pants.

Steve huffed in annoyance, then eyed the brunette when he saw him shifting in his seat.


"Nothing." Tony squeaked.

Steve gave him a look as he heard his voice falter, then eyed him and smirked.


Tony shot his head to him and shifted as he just as quickly avoided the soldier's gaze.

"That's... offensive, you know?" He mumbled as he shifted in his seat and fiddled with his eraser.

Steve got up to move closer to the brunette, the smirk still on his face, "but you like when I call you that. No?"

"No." Tony shook his head furiously.

"Liar." Steve breathed as he was right behind the brunette and hunched over him.

"Don't lie to me, brat." He warned.

The blonde's breath tickled the brunette's ear as Tony shifted underneath him and from the tone of voice, he used with him.

"Now answer the question truthfully." Steve spoke softly as he nuzzled his nose in the brunette's jaw.

"Yes." Tony whimpered.

"I like it."

"There ya go." Steve smirked, then backed away from him and pulled out the brunette's chair.

Tony felt himself being guided off his chair and turned around, as the blonde suddenly kissed him.

Tony jumped slightly when the blonde moved down to his neck to keep kissing him as he slowly but surely wrapped his arms around the soldier's neck.

"You're still a brat." Steve mumbled against his skin.

Tony let out a breath of a laugh, then nudged him gently and kissed him again.

Steve picked up the teen, walked them to his room, and laid him down on the bed once they got inside.

He started to take off their clothes while Tony was trying to process what was going on.

Steve kissed down the engineer's body, then spread his legs and hummed at the sight of the brunette.

"Don't close your legs." He ordered.

Tony nodded softly, then gasped when the blonde stuck two fingers in his mouth.

"Suck." Steve spoke calmly and the brunette nodded.

Steve trickled his fingers down the brunette's body, then circled the rim with a hum when he saw the man squirm.

"I told ya not ta close your legs, love." He spoke softly.

He shoved his fingers inside the teen as he gave him a sloppy kiss to keep him distracted.

"You're such a brat." He groaned against his lips, then inserted another finger, making the brunette gasp and writhe around even more.

"You wanna cum on my fingers?" He cooed and earned a whine in response.

"Hold it, love." He sang sweetly.

"Only good boys get to cum on my fingers."

"Not little brats." He shook his head as he pulled out, then flipped the teen over.

Steve raised the brunette's ass, then pushed in, and started a rhythm with a groan.

Tony gasped, then clawed at the sheets with a cry as the soldier was making him dizzy.

"Oh God! I'm sorry!" He cried in pleasure.

Steve let out a deep chuckle as the brunette kept crying out apologies.

"You are such a brat." He growled as he grabbed the brunette's face to make the teen look at him while he kept his rhythm.

"I'm sorry sir. I'm sorry!" Tony cried.

"Sir?" Steve smirked as he slowed down and gave the brunette a cheeky look.

"Mhmm, say it again."

"I'm sorry sir." Tony panted as the blonde was hunched over him.

"Now look at me when you say it." Steve tugged on his head gently.

Tony locked eyes with the blonde as he panted and readjusted himself on the bed before his arms gave out from underneath him.

"I'm... I'm sorry sir." He panted and got a little blush as he kept staring at the blonde.

Steve hummed as he admired him, then gave him a nasty kiss and started his rhythm up again.

"Hmm, you're still my little brat." He grunted in his neck.

Tony moaned and nodded softly as he enjoyed everything the blonde was making him feel.

"Steve... Steve... oh God." He whimpered as he was coming close.

"Listen to me," Steve nudged the brunette's head to make the teen look at him while he slowed down his pace, "when I tap my fingers against you... you can come."

"You finish a second before... you get punished, understood?"

"Yes sir." Tony nodded with a tiny cry.

"Be good, sweetheart." Steve cooed.

He started up again, then quickened his pace when he could tell the brunette was having a hard time holding back.

"Be my good boy." Steve whispered in his ear, making the brunette shiver from the tickle it brought him.

"Don't be a brat." He warned.

Tony whimpered, and with a nod of his head, he agreed as the blonde quickened his pace again and was making him cry out in pleasure.

The second Tony felt the blonde tap his hips, he came with a blissful shout, then shivered when the soldier finished inside of him.

"Turn over, love." Steve spoke softly as he flipped the teens on his back once he pulled out of him.

He walked to the brunette's bathroom, then walked back in and started to gently dab some taped water on his forehead and wiped away the cum from his chest.

Tony groaned as he squirmed in the bed as the Captain was putting the rag away, then jumped when he felt the bed dip and opened his eyes to see the soldier hovering over him.

"You alright?"

Tony nodded softly as he refused to speak, in case he said something stupid, or his voice decided to give out for him.

Steve chuckled softly, then brushed back some of the brunette's hair gently and admired him.

"You are attractive." He breathed as he looked at the brunette.

Tony looked at him and shifted as the blonde wouldn't move away.

"Get dressed, love. Before your parents cone back to see us naked and in your bed. That'll be sure ta kill 'em." Steve nudged, then got up to find his clothes.

Tony got up with a small nod of his head as he grabbed his clothes to put them back on.

"Yes sir."

He stopped short when he realized what he just did and shook around to snap out of the daze he was in after the blonde.

"Wait, uh..."

Steve faced him and chuckled when he heard the teen.

He walked over, then tilted his head up with a smirk, "don't worry about it." He spoke softly.

"I like it when you call me that. Remember?"

"Mhmm." Tony nodded with a soft whimper.

Steve let go, then put his shirt back on and walked out to get something to drink while the brunette was still trying to figure out what to do after this.

Tony timidly limped out of his room and into the kitchen where he saw the blonde making himself something to drink.

"You want water?"

Tony nodded softly as he sat down and shifted in his seat.

"Here ya go."

Steve placed the glass in front of the brunette, then went back to his drink.

"Thanks." Tony mumbled, then took a long sip so he didn't have to look at or talk to the blonde.

Steve glanced at him, then gave him a look when he saw the teen trying to get every last drop of water from his glass.

"There is more water, ya know?"

Tony choked, then placed the glass down and wiped his mouth with a slight nod of his head.

"Yeah, I... I know."

Steve grabbed his glass to refill it, then sat down as he placed both of their glasses on the table.

"Did you finish your-"

Steve eyed the brunette when the teen drank all of his water again and gave him a look.


Tony nodded as he placed the glass back down and looked at the table.

"Will you look at me?" Steve scoffed as he nudged him gently.

Tony looked up at the soldier but kept avoiding his gaze as he looked around the man.

"Are you embarrassed or shy about what we did?"

Tony shifted as he raised two fingers, which made the blonde chuckle.

"Alright, you're shy about it." Steve shrugged.

"You don't have to be." He assured.

"If it makes you uncomfortable, we don't have to talk about it."

"But it will probably help if we talked about it." He reasoned.

Tony shifted but nodded softly as he glanced at the blonde.

"What do we do now?" He mumbled.

"You can stop drinking your water so quickly, before you choke or something." Steve scoffed.

"Second, this doesn't have to be anything, or it can be something. Whatever you want it to be."

Tony nodded, then shifted as he played with his fingers.

"I do like you."

Steve gave him a soft smile as he looked at him, "I like you."

Tony nodded, then shifted again as he was trying to think of how to word it.

Steve got up to sit beside the brunette, then made the teen look at him and smiled.

"Don't think too much about it, love. We can go slow; it doesn't have to be rushed."

Tony let out a breath of relief and nodded softly.


Steve kissed his forehead, then got up to get him something else to drink.
"shit!" Tony gasped when he heard his parents stumbling to unlock the door.

"My parents!" He whispered to the soldier as they were making out on the couch.

Steve got up, then chuckled when the teen slipped and fell off the couch from all his nerves.

"How come you didn't tell me they were here?" Tony whisper yelled at the blonde as he hit him with a pillow.

"Oh please, every time I went to talk to ya, you told me to shut up."

"And besides, it's not my fault."

"How?" Tony glared.

"Because you are such a tease." Steve groaned as he pulled him back onto the couch to go back to kissing him.

"Steve." Tony gasped as the blonde was kissing his chest, just low enough for his parents not to see any hickey's but for him to know they're there.

"You started it." Steve smirked.

"All I did was sit on the couch."

"You sat on my lap." Steve corrected.

"And besides... you moved. Totally your fault."

Tony scoffed as the blonde laid them on the couch, just in time for his parents to stumble in.

"Tony?" Maria called for her son.

"Wonder where they are." Howard pondered as he put their bags on the chair and looked around for the light.

Tony wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck just for the soldier to quickly carry him down the hall so they could hide from his parents.

Luckily, their living room had a wall across it so when his parents entered, they just saw the lights on and nothing else.

"St-oh, there you are." Howard smiled when he saw the blonde walking down the hall.

"Hi. Sorry, went to the bathroom." Steve smiled when he saw them.

"Have fun?"

"Yeah. It was nice, until the meeting took a turn and now, I need to come up with something good." Howard sighed.

"You'll do it." Steve assured with a smile.

"Oh, uh, how was he?" Howard looked at the blonde curiously.

Steve grabbed his coat, then faced the inventor as he put it on.

He couldn't help but notice the teen peeking behind the hallway and watching him, trying to eavesdrop and hear what he had to say about him and their time together.

"He's still a brat." Steve smirked, which made the billionaire chuckle.

"But it was eventful." He hummed as he grabbed his keys.

"Well, here. I should at least pay for your gas."

"No thanks." Steve shook his head.

"It was paid off." He hummed.

He walked out and headed to his car as he waved at the couple with a smile.

"Call me if ya need me again!"

"Thank you!" Maria smiled at the blonde.

Tony was taking off his shoes when he heard the blonde's car pull out of his driveway and he couldn't help but walk to the window to see him before he left.

Steve turned to see the brunette once more, then put his car in gear when he locked eyes with the teen.

He smirked, winked at him, then drove off to head home as the brunette blushed.


"No, stop it." Tony whispered as the blonde kept touching him.

"My parents."

"You're cute." Steve chuckled as he kept kissing the brunette's neck.

"Stevie... stop it." Tony nudged as the soldier was trying to get his clothes off.

"Last I checked, I'm the adult." Steve hummed.

"What I say, goes."

"So, strip."

"No, Stevie, can't you wait until my parents aren't here? They're leaving soon." Tony reasoned.

"Soon isn't soon enough." Steve grumbled against his collar.

"And I said strip." He ordered.

"Yes sir." Tony nodded, then did as he was told.

Steve hummed as he held the brunette and touched him as they kissed.

"Tony!" Maria sang to her son.

Tony gasped when he heard her walking to his room, then shoved the blonde off the bed and grabbed an oversized shirt.

"Yes mother?" He called as he opened his door to give her a sweet smile.

"Oh, well, when Steve comes over, just tell him the money for food is on the table." Maria smiled.

"Also, don't forget, that project is due, so I asked Rhodey to come over and help you. If it's too much for Steve, tell him we can pay him extra." She explained.

"Will do, mom." Tony smiled.

"Are you sure he's coming?" Maria eyed him.

"He always does."

"Oh, well, you're right. Last time, you said he didn't get here until we left the town."

"Mom, just go. I'm fine." Tony groaned.

"Bye dear." Maria smiled, kissed his forehead, then headed off with a hum.

"Bye Tony!" Howard called out.

"Bye dad!"

When Tony heard the door close, he sighed in relief and gasped when the soldier hugged him from behind.

"Finally." Steve hummed, then turned the brunette around and took off the shirt so he could go back to touching him all over.

"Stevie... this isn't fair." Tony breathed as he tugged on the blonde's shirt and whined.

"Fine." Steve smirked.

He took off his clothes, then picked up the teen and walked him over to the bed with a groan.

"Just... be on the lookout... for Rhodey." Tony panted as the blonde was kissing him everywhere.

"Fine." Steve agreed, then went back to work on the brunette.
"Tony... you alright?"

"Oh, uh... hi Rhodey." Tony panted as he opened the door for his best friend.

"What's-oh." Rhodey made the connection once he walked in and saw the soldier.

"Ya know, if my rank was higher, I would have you doing the scut work." Rhodey pointed a finger at the blonde as he walked in.

Tony facepalmed as Steve chuckled and faced him.

"I can see why Tony's friends with you. You're very determined and forward."

"Thanks. I get it a lot." Rhodey preened.

"Alright, no kissing or touching. We have a project to do. So, Cap, your shirt stays on." He pointed a finger at him.

"Same goes with you, Tones." He eyed him.

"Rhodey." Tony groaned as his best friend was more embarrassing than his parents.

"After this, can we go steal some of those mo-"

Tony lunged at his best friend to keep him quiet while the blonde faced them both and gave them looks.

"Steal what now?" Steve gave the brunette a look.

"Nothing. Stevie, ignore him, he's an idiot." Tony waved off his best friend and kicked him in the shin.

"Come on, let's work." Rhodey pulled the genius along so they could work on their project.
"Oh, hey, Steve. When did you get here?" Maria smiled at the blonde.

"A little while after you left." Steve shrugged.

"Oh, well, we hope Tony and Rhodey were good to you. Hopefully they thanked you for your time to watch them." Maria nudged the two.

"Oh, no, Tony thanked him enough for the both of us." Rhodey ensured as he smiled up at the woman but grunted when he got elbowed in the side by his best friend.

"Rhodey." Tony glared as he gave him a look as the blonde laughed.

"Well, at least Tony has some manners." Maria hummed as she didn't understand it.

"Yeah, with Steve, that's all he has is manners." Rhodey muttered, then grunted when the genius punched him in the arm.

"Rhodey!" Tony glared, then chased him as the other kid laughed and ran outside.

"Bye Maria. Bye Howard." Steve chuckled as he waved at them.

"Tony, say bye. Rhodey, you too." Maria called for them both to come back inside.

Tony walked over as he gave the blonde a sheepish look and blushed, "thanks, Stevie."

"Thanks." Rhodey hummed as he gave the blonde a knowing look.

"You're welcome." Steve smirked at the brunette, who blushed harder.

"Hey, can I have some!" Rhodey perked up as he rushed inside and saw the couple making his favorite, spaghetti and meatballs.

Tony looked back to make sure his best friend occupied his parents, then walked the blonde to his car and looked around.

"Bye Stevie." He smiled, then kissed him before he left.

"Bye love." Steve smiled back.

The blonde got in his car, then waved at the brunette and drove off.

Tony waved back, then walked in and smiled as he sat down in his seat and waited for his food.


Was this kinda stupid? Yes. Did I like writing it? Yes, actually. I thought it was kinda funny. Hope you guys thought the same.

I don't know why, but I'm suddenly in a Stony kick so be warned!!

Have a wonderful day/night!


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