You belong with us~נ.c&αc ✧︎ᴀ...

By thesupernaturalTeen

174K 4.2K 133

In which Nicklaus Swan has chosen to stay with his father; Charlie Swan, after his parents divorce and his si... More

You belong with us
Graphic gallery
Act one
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Act two
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Act three
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three

Chapter eleven

3.4K 92 1
By thesupernaturalTeen

CHAPTER ELEVEN:  the ending

Y⃖O⃖U⃖ B⃖E⃖L⃖O⃖N⃖G⃖ W⃖I⃖T⃖H⃖ U⃖S⃖

NICKLAUS SWAN SAT ON HIS BED, IN FRONT OF JASPER, WHO HAD MADE KLAUS FOOD. Klaus had eaten it, only to see Jasper worry less. Klaus barely stopped Jasper from making more food.

"Okay, Bella was being dramatic when she said I would barely eat anything." Klaus told the other, who had placed down the plate of food. The second plate. "Seriously, I'd skip, like, one meal." Or all three.

"I know when your lying," Jasper replied.

Since when did you and Edward switch powers? "You can manipulate emotions, how would that help you in knowing when I'm lying?"

"My ability has nothing to do with me knowing when you're lying. It's something you do, when you lie."

"Ah, so it's the whole 'I know you'. Gotcha." Klaus replied, making Jasper smile. "So, What exactly do I do? Like, what's my tell when I lie?"

Jasper shook his head, smiling at the other before leaning down and kissing the other.

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When they had gotten back with Edward, Jasper and Alice had taken Klaus back to the Cullen house, figuring as the house would be empty at the moment, it was better to bring him there, then stay at the Swan house hold, where Charlie would definitely walk in on them, and then probably run to get his shot gun.

And they were right, as Charlie had immediately called Klaus's cellphone.
Klaus groaned, annoyed. Who was calling him at this time? "Oh," he spoke, seeing the contact name. "It's my dad." He picked up the call. "Hel-"

"Where are you? Are you alright?" Charlie immediately asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Klaus replied, looking over at Alice and Jasper, who were staying silent as that Klaus could take the call.  "I'm just...out for a walk, and yes, I've got my pepper spray and pocketknife."

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Bella had, apparently called a meeting. A meeting in which, she would be trying to convince the Cullen family to turn her. Although, Klaus was hesitate at first, he had thought that it would be a good idea as well. He understand the reason she wanted to be turned.

"You all know, what I want," Bella tells them. "And I know, how much I'm asking for. The only thing that I could think of, to be fair, is to just vote."

"You don't know what your doing," Edward muttered.

"Shut up." Bella replies, turning around, then turning around. "Alice."

"I already consider you my sister," Alice replied, walking away from Jasper and Klaus and up to her, pulling her in a hug. "Yes."

"I vote yes," Jasper speaks up. "It would be nice to not want to kill you all the time."

Bella nodded, unsure of how to reply.

"I'm sorry," Rosalie spoke. "I'm really sorry for the both of you." She looked up at Edward and Bella. "For how I've acted. And I'm really grateful that your were brave enough to go and save my brother. But, this isn't a life I would have chosen for myself. And I wish that there had been someone to vote no for me. So no."

"I vote hell yeah," Emmett says, wrapping Bella in a hug and lifting her up off the ground before spinning her. "And we can pick a fight with these Volturi some other way."

"I already consider you apart of the family," Esme speaks, smiling warmly at her. "Yes."

Carlisle took a step closer, looking up at Edward.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Edward asked. "You knows what this means."

"You've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice. I won't lose my son."

"Awesome, now, you really can't escape me for the rest of eternity, little sister." Klaus spoke.

Bella smiled, laughing lightly. "You, you're being turned?"

"Yep. I thought, after graduation would be best though." Klaus smiled.

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Here's what Klaus didn't expect. He didn't expect for Jacob to show up at his house, as Klaus had invited Alice and Jasper over, both already being there and immediately at his side when they smelled Jacob.

"You are breaking the key point in the treaty, twice," Jacob says.

"What?" Klaus asked, confused as he saw Jacob looking back at Jasper and Alice. "What's the key point?"

"If they bite even one person, the treaty is over." Jacob tells

"A mate of two is always turned," Alice tells him.

Jacob pauses, clearly unsure of where the treaty lies within that rule. Because it was true. "That doesn't matter, you can't bite him in our territory."

"So, we go to a different town, boom, problem solved." Klaus replies, moving to close the door on Jacob, who's hand sticks out and catches the door.

"It isn't that simple, Klaus."

"Get off this property, before you start something."

Jacob glanced at Alice and Jasper, debating if he could fight them and take Klaus. He couldn't believe that both Klaus and Bella would be turning into what is his worst enemy.

Jasper and Alice were both ready to fight Jacob, keeping their eyes on him in case he made a move to hurt Klaus.

Jacob took another step forward, as Jasper pulled Klaus behind, and Alice moved in front of him as well.  "You can't turn him," Jacob growled.

"And you can't be here, aren't you already breaking part of the treaty?" Klaus replied, getting annoyed with the other one. Seriously, didn't he have other friends aside from Bella and him, plus his pack. Although, Klaus wasn't sure Jake was friends with the other shape-shifters.

Jacob glanced at three, getting angry.

"We would never hurt, Klaus," Alice said.

"Nicklaus calms me, whenever he's around, whenever I think about him, he calms me. He's one of my mates. I will always protect him. I would die for him." Jasper told Jacob, both a threat to Jacob, and a promise on how Klaus was save.

Jacob huffed, looking at the two of them. He wasn't sure where the rule of not biting a human lied when it was a shared mate.

Jacob ended up leaving, muttering about how he'd have to ask if anyone knew what they were supposed to do in this matter. Klaus immediately closed the door, sighing in annoyance. "Sorry about him, I don't know what's wrong with him."

Jasper and Alice smiled back at him, before Jasper pulled him closer to and then speeding upstairs.

Y⃖O⃖U⃖ B⃖E⃖L⃖O⃖N⃖G⃖ W⃖I⃖T⃖H⃖ U⃖S⃖


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