The Right Choice.

By AshAwesomeAndSweet17

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They say "curiosity killed the cat". What if you found yourself between two warring Italian mafias. What if y... More

1. Schedules and Suspicious Men.
2. Mysterious Mystery.
3. Note to Self: NEVER Take the Night Shift!
4. Curiosity Killed the Cat.
5. I Saw This One Coming.
6. Another Day. Another Drama.
7. Angry Italian.
8. New Beginnings, Or So I Thought.
9. The Wrong Choice.
10. Teamin' With A Demon.
11. Man or Tree?
12. Gossip Guy.
13. The Big Ball(s)
14. Ghosts of Mothers Past.
15. Cracking the Code.
16. The Devil Wears Versace.
17. Aim, Bang, Dead.
18. The Night After.
19. Who Are You, Lorenzo Vitale?
20. Truth.
21. Deal With The Devil.
22. Karma's A Bitch.
23. On The Run.
24. Buonanotte.
25. Backfire - Part 1.
26. Backfire - Part 2.
27. When In Rome.
28. In The Club (Part 1).
28. Midnight Murderer (Part 2).
29. "Think About It".
30. White Rose.
31. Lilies, Not Dahlias.
32. Late Night Snacks.
33. Stellar Cellar.
35. Exhale - Part 2.
36. Re-adjusting to Reality.
37. "I will prove it to you!"
*BONUS chapter* .Clean Slate.
38. Starry Night.
39. Ghosts of Fathers Past.
40. Perpetually, Everlastingly And For All Time.
Epilogue: The Right Choice.

34. Exhale - Part 1.

219 8 9
By AshAwesomeAndSweet17

I woke up to the sound of a clock ticking, Very loudly may I add. I groaned in pain and my voice came out hoarse. What happened?

I took a deep breath and tried to recall what happened. I remembered last night's events. I went into the cellar, Lorenzo followed me. Lorenzo!

We kissed. I freaked out and I ran away, literally. I remembered being kidnapped again, and only one man came into my mind. "Ohh Crud!" I groaned and grunted in annoyance and partial fear.

It was him. It can't be anyone else.

I ran through a scenario of what I thought was going to happen, in my head. Right now, I'm probably tied to a chair with my hands behind my back and my legs are strapped in the chair's legs so I don't move. I can't defend myself which is what he wants.

Any minute now, he's going to walk in with his fake cane and impeccable white suit, followed by some burly men to beat me up and torture me before killing me as a punishment for having betrayed him.

"Fuck my entire existence" I cursed again at how hopeless I felt.

Suddenly, I noticed that I could open my eyes. Not only could I open my eyes but I could actually See Stuff!

"Wait, I'm not blindfolded?!" I asked aloud as I raised my hands to my head.

I looked at my hands and gasped again in surprise?

"I'm not tied to a chair!" I exclaimed again, a little bit more excited than I should be in this hostage-but-not-really situation.

I looked around and I was laying on the ground, free. The concrete was very hard on my body and that's why I ached all over. I must've slept here, I concluded,

I looked at my surroundings and I was in a big empty room. No furniture, no windows just four gray walls, one dangling pendant light that offered very dim lighting and a giant, loud wall clock on the wall in front of me.

I looked at the time and it said 9. I didn't know whether it was 9 in the morning or 9 at night. I sat up on the wall and joined my knees to my chest to feel safer. I closed my eyes and held onto my necklace as I prayed that I get out of this alive.

After a few minutes, I felt myself become less alerted, my breathing regulated and my heartbeat was synced to the tick tocks of the clock.

Suddenly, the door opened. I turned my head to the right side to see who it was, like I guessed, a tall burly man came in. He had a long beard and a short mohawk hairstyle with a fade on the sides, he had a scar near his lips and his eyebrows like he had been in a fight recently.

"So we meet again, Bambina" The man spoke and I recognized his voice immediately. Last time I heard it, he was shouting and spitting all over my ear,

"Hey! I know you" I exclaimed as I stood up to face him. "You attacked me in my apartment months ago" I accused putting my hands on my hips. I was feeling strangely courageous, maybe it was the weeks of training I got, but I wasn't as scared anymore.

The ugly man smiled like he was flattered that I had the two brain cells necessary to remember such a traumatizing experience. "That color looks good on you" The ugly bearded man was looking at me in a way that I didn't like. He started walking towards me and I walked back slowly.

"Thanks. if you like red, I can break your nose, the blood will look wonderful against your skin tone" I replied cheekily, causing the man to laugh. He really thought I was kidding about breaking his nose.

I guess he still thought I was that same little girl he kidnapped once.

He was coming closer to me, and as soon as he was about 3 feet away from me, I raised my leg and kneed him as hard as I possibly could in the crotch. When he fell down, crying and holding his package, I swung my fist at his nose, knocking him backwards. 

He came back up just in time to meet the heel of my shoe. The bearded man fell back, one hand was on his manhood and the other was holding his now bleeding, broken nose. He touched his face and then looked at his hand to see the blood covering his fingers. He looked at me in horror and I smiled in victory,

"I'm new and improved. Tell your friends" I cheered as I walked past him to the door. I opened the door to leave but my wide victorious smile faded as I was faced with two more similar taunting men with murderous looks on their faces.

They walked in and simultaneously I walked back in the room again. I walked to the farthest end of the room, they stood at the entrance, as they had already cornered me and were blocking the way out.

I took a deep breath and tried to remember everything Chris has taught me these past few weeks. This was it. This was what I had been training so hard for.

Don't be scared of the number or size of the assaulters. Hit as hard as I can. Channel all my energy into my strength. Read their body language to figure out their next move. Dodge at all times and never stand in one place too long.

As I recalled all the techniques and words of wisdom, I took the hair band I had on my wrist and tied my hair back with it. I extended my arms and then my legs on the walls. I pulled my neck from side to side and bent my back to loosen up. The three men were staring at me strangely, the third one was now up and running, even with his broken nose, crooked balls and whatnot.

"Do you guys mind if I stretch? I don't want to be too stiff when I beat your ass" I tried to sound as confident as ever. They all looked at each other and laughed at me. The one on the far left said something in Italian and the other too laughed.

I clapped twice to get their attention, "Come on, I don't have all day. Who wants to get knocked out first?" I asked loudly and the one I injured earlier stepped up.

He balled his right fist and aimed into my jaw but I dodged by jumping back. He was going to swing into my stomach next with his left fist so I spun back raising my left leg and swung it at his head. He fell down and was rendered unconscious immediately.

The two other men looked down at their knocked out friend and then back at me. Shock was evident on their faces. I took the chance to gather and regulate my breath. I stepped up to the one on the right and delivered a forceful blow smack down in the middle of his chest. He swung backwards and at that time the one on the left came from behind me.

I elbowed him in the stomach and as he bent down I raised my elbow again and pushed it down hard at his occiput. He fell down but was still awake, I looked up to find the other man about to swing his leg down in my direction so I jumped to the left and the blow was accepted by his friend.

The man yelled holding his no doubt broken jaw, he turned red with pain and anger at his partner. I moved closer to the door but was blocked by the now last man standing. He extended his hands to choke me but I dodged it by bending down, as I came up, I swung my fist to his head but he blocked it using his forearm.

I swung my other fist and he blocked it again. He swung his right fist at my head and this time, I moved in my head to the right and bent down, I then double punched him in his ribs. When he was down I jumped up in the air and brought down my right elbow on his back. He fell to the ground.

Suddenly, Broken Jaw's hand came from behind me. He grabbed me by my waist and held me up for the other man so he can punch me. I tried to punch but I was held back. The one in front of me swung his fist, delivering the most painful blow to my stomach.

I crouched down in pain but the one behind me held me up. He swung again, this time at my face. He punched me straight, damn near breaking my teeth. My head swung to the backside and I spat out blood.

"Easy On My Central and Lateral Incisors!" I shouted at the man but he just laughed and continued hitting me. I was panting and crying in pain. My mouth was bleeding and the bastard was delivering blow after blow. I closed my eyes and tried to remember Chris' words one more time,

Channel the pain into strength

I could hear Chris demanding me to stand up in the training room. Yelling that I should use the pain to come back up and finish the fight.

I groaned as I raised my head at the man in front of me, hands still behind my back. I gathered my strength and kicked his chest again with my right foot, he fell backwards and came back again, this time, I high-kicked his head using my left foot and he tumbled down to the ground.

2 Down. 1 To go!

I was surprised to see that they weren't that well trained, they were big and buff but when it came to techniques and agility in movements, they were not impressive at all.

Or maybe it was the fact that Chris has trained me like a professional fighter, he didn't go easy on me just because I was a woman. It's one of the things that made him a great teacher.

This gave me the motivation I needed to finish the last one. As he was startled by his now, two unconscious colleagues, he let go of my hands and abruptly, I took advantage to swing my right elbow into his ribs.

He fell down, I elbowed him again in the back but he stood up again. I spun and kicked him in his chest causing him to fall back on the hard concrete walls, groaning in pain. He put his head down to gather his breath so I took the chance, jumped up, then brought down my joined, closed fists at the back of his head. He finally fell to the ground and joined his other two friends in La La Land.

As I was walking out, all sweaty and panting from the hell I just went through, the mohawk fella was starting to come into our world again. I went to him, raised my leg and brought it down on his face, knocking him out again for the second time.

I looked at the time again and it said 9:30.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed as I bent down to gather my breath. I pulled my ponytail to tighten it and opened the door to leave, Again. I took two steps and upon the third, I was greeted with four more men walking my way.

"Seriously?!" I exclaimed in exasperation, I didn't have the energy to punch, kick and dodge again. I couldn't do it even for survival. I was hungry, thirsty and exhausted.

One man held my left arm and as I swung my right arm to hit him, another man stepped in and grabbed it tight. I raised my legs and the two other men took hold of a leg each. They all carried me back to the empty room.

"One for each limp. Typical!" I groaned as I tried to break free but it was literally impossible because I was floating in the air. Two men held me back while the other two took care of the three unconscious bodies that were scattered around the floor. They muttered in Italian and looked at me then the bodies as they dragged them out of the room.

I tried to move again but these two were a lot bigger, and stronger than the ones before. Not Fair!

The two men came back, one was holding a tray and had wires wrapped around his arm and chest, the other was holding a giant metal box. They placed their equipment down on the ground and then the two men that were holding me carried me to the middle of the room. One of them began sorting out the items and tools on the tray.

I looked at tools and the men slightly feeling terrified and suspicious as to why none of them was hitting me,

"My my, all this for me? I must say gentlemen, I'm feeling special" I smiled and turned my head to the one holding my right arm but he just looked down at me. I don't think he even understood me.

They operated silently, not a word. Not a punch. One of them got on a step ladder and tied giant metal chains to the ceiling then hooked two pairs of metal handcuffs to the ends of the two chains. I watched in terror as I couldn't understand what they were doing. 

"Wait, what are you doing?" I stammered out.

The two men moved me under the chains and put my wrists through each handcuff. I tried screaming, resisting,  jumping in the air and kick but it was all useless, they were so strong. Were they even Human? I don't think so!

I watched them as they hooked wires onto the handcuffs and then hooked the wires into the square box. The realization dawned on me and I felt myself enter a panic state as I discerned that I was about to be electrocuted!

After making sure I wasn't able to escape, the four men retreated back, quietly. Ignoring my screaming and shuffling. "Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god" I started panicking and sweating.

"No, no don't sweat! Don't sweat! Water and electricity is a No-No!" I tried to calm myself down and prevent the nervous and scared-shitless sweats but I couldn't. I closed my eyes when the door screeched open, I opened my eyes again to see that it was as expected.

Santos Russo!

He walked in with his cane, as predicted. Why did he need a cane? He walked perfectly fine. He was wearing , yep you guessed it. An immaculate white suite. This guy really doesn't care about spilling, does he? I internally thought.

"Ciao, Lucia!"

I exhaled sharply and he had the widest smirk stretched on his face, I could see it from under his white fedora. He took the hat off and hung it on the door handle, then turned around to deviously smile at me again. I noticed that he has made a full recovery from the time I shot him on his shoulder, he wasn't wearing a brace or anything.

"Now This, This is how I like to see you. Hung up, helpless, weak" He boasted at the advantage he had over me as he leaned on his cane. I rolled my eyes and shook the chains I was arrested to,

"Chains? Really? I didn't know bondage was your thing. But now that I know about your daddy issues—" I paused to notice how his eyes turned dark when I mentioned his trash of a father, "I guess it makes sense" I sneered at the death glare he was giving me.

"Make all the jokes you want, Bambina. You won't be alive much sooner. I'm being generous with you" Santos half joked and I fully laughed,

"Generous? Is that why you unleashed your hell hounds on me?!" I snapped causing the sound of the moving chains to erupt throughout the room.

 "They were meant to roughen you up but I guess you had been anticipating this as well" Santos replied as he scratched his beard, "You put up a good fight, I'll give you that" He complimented which I thought was weird. 

"Yeah well, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice" I let the sentence hang in the air, much like my arms which were starting to cramp on me.

"When I first met you, I really didn't think you were gonna be such a pain in my ass. But you managed" Santos spoke as he leaned his cane against the wall then walked to the door, took his fedora from the handle then opened the door to let in one of his big buff minions.

Or should I call them Maxions? Since nothing about them was mini.

"It's a shame it had to end this way. You and I could've made a powerful alliance, Skyler" Santos spoke as he handed the man his hat then proceeded to take off his suit blazer and handing it to the human clothes hanging stand.

"Nothing personal. You're just an asshole!" I refuted and watched Santos undoing his sleeve buttons and cuffing up his shirt. He then smiled, and bent down to the box thingy and placed his hand on a lever.

"Any last words?" He asked and looked up.

"Go to hell!" I grunted and as soon as the words left my mouth, I felt like being Jolted, Pushed, Pulled, Shook, and Blended all at the same time. It went on for what felt like forever.

My heart stopped beating, my lungs gave out, I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. I couldn't think! The electric shocks traveled all through my body, leaving me paralyzed.

When it stopped, I still couldn't breathe, it took maybe a minute for my body to register that I was just electrocuted.

What The Fuck Was That?!

I began panting for breath and sweating vigorously, the electricity through my body left me, well, in shock. I looked up at Santos, terror filled my eyes as I realized that he wasn't planning on killing me. He was going to torture me.

He let out a big evil laugh, he laughed so hard he started coughing afterwards, I wanted to say to him, 'Easy on the cigarettes or you'll spit out your esophagus!' But I was still too shocked to talk. What the hell was that?!

"Did you enjoy that as much as I did?" Santos shouted in my ear, his loud voice made my body jerk up in uncontrollable spasms. The bastard just laughed again. "Asshole!" I grunted.

"Sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you, maybe I should turn it up" Santos yelled and pulled the lever again. My body was sent into another round of shocks. It was the most painful yet paralyzing feeling in the world. 

It was horrible, I wanted to scream and beg for him to stop but I couldn't. I felt my heart stop again, I felt my body freeze and tense up as it absorbed the electric current. When it stopped this time, I felt dizzy and I was confused.

Suddenly, I felt like I forgot something. I had no memory of what happened. I looked up and I was in a dark room with a man in a white suit and another man was standing behind him. I tried to move but I was handcuffed to two long chains hanging from the ceiling.

I had no idea where I was or why this was happening to me. And All I could hear was the loud ticking of the damn wall clock on my left.

"Can you please help me?" I pleaded to the man in front of me but something about him felt off. My heart started racing as I looked at him, my forehead was sweating, it was as if my body was telling me not to trust this man.

The man laughed an ugly laugh, he wreaked of smoke. He looked at me and said, "I think you blacked out" before laughing again and violently coughing afterwards. This irked me.

Who does he think he is? Who Is this man?

"Careful, I don't wanna end up with your esophagus all over my shirt!"

I barked at the man in front of me and felt a strange Deja vu. 

He stopped laughing before leaning down and pulling a lever on a box. This action made my body jump and freeze. I didn't know what it was but it was very shocking, irritating and constant. It was somehow painful too.

The third shock, shocked my head back in the right place as I remembered where I was and who I was with. When he stopped I started grunting and panting for breath.

"You are an Asshole Russo!" I loudly barked and he just laughed and said something in Italian to the clothing hanger behind him.

"It's in your head. Pain is Not real, pain is just an illusion your mind creates to process information" I tried reasoning and convincing myself before the next jolt. I was breathing heavily, throat was parched, my heart beats were irregular and I was sweating. It was all so much.

Santos didn't turn on the electrocution machine for a while which gave my body time to react. Suddenly, I felt a blinding pain radiating from my shoulders to my legs. I let out piercing cries of pain. I felt like I was hit by four trains from four different directions at the same time. My body was only now registering the pain and shocks it went through.

Mind over pain. Pain isn't real. Mind over pain!


Damn! This chapter was a challenge to write, I hate hurting my favorite protagonist but it had to happen 💔 I hope you enjoy this and don't have too difficult of a time visualizing the fight scenes 🤍

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Bambina — Girl.

Exhale - Part 2 Teaser: Sky learns a devastating truth about her father's death. Stay tuned.

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