Irresistibly Yours | 18+

By readytocomply

1.2K 54 23

What happens when Emma realizes she's had feelings for her best friend all this time? Will she tell him and r... More

Best Friends
Best Friends Pt. 2
The Late Dinner
The Late Dinner Pt. 2
Oh, no
Morning After *smut*
Breakfast **TW: Domestic Violence metioned**
New York
What the Hell Is Happening?
What the Hell Is Happening? Pt. 2
***Like, nothing but SMUT***
The Confession
What Now?
Is This The End?


45 2 1
By readytocomply

***Sebastian's POV***

"Alright, come on, man. We've all seen the photos. Did you finally make that leap? It's been 11 years already."

"Not quite," he winced. "I told her. But it was in Romanian."

Mackie set his drink down, baffled.

"In Romanian?! You know she only knows ONE word. What the fuck?"

"I know! I sort of chickened out. I got there, stuff happened, we argued a bit, and I just panicked!" He scrubbed his hands over his face. He shouldn't have gone out tonight. He should be back at his apartment, spending time with her.

"So, you panicked. You can try again, you know," he stated, taking a long drink off his beer. "But this 'stuff' that happened. You had sex, didn't you? Don't lie. I saw the pictures at the airport. Y'all were mighty...comfortable." He laughed, winking as he took another sip off his beer.

"Come on, man. You know that's not something I'll discuss. Whether we did or didn't is between her and I. I can't betray her trust like that," he groaned, frowning. He loved Mackie, he did, but right now he just wished he'd stop pestering him about Emma.

Mackie sat there across from him, silently sipping his beer, looking down at the food menu. Sighing, he took a long drink off his beer, wishing she'd come out with them tonight. At least then he wouldn't be worried about her there, all by herself.

"Just call her, you idiot. Check in, make sure she's doing alright," Mackie interrupted.

"I swear, you can read my mind sometimes," he chuckled, downing the rest of his beer. "Yeah, I'll just check in on her. Make sure she's alright.

He stood up, swaying just slightly. Shit. He'd had just a couple too many. He was going to have to call it a night when he got back to the table. He dialed her number, stepping outside as she picked up.

"You should be here, you know. We're not having any fun without you," he joked, hoping she didn't hear the slight slurring of his words.

"Sounds like somebody's having a good time," she laughed. "Just make sure you can get back home safely, okay?"

He closed his eyes, leaning back against the wall of the building. Of course she knew. She was like a wizard or some shit. She always knew everything. It was like she had a sixth sense for the slightest changes in people, even through text.

" I'll take a cab, I promise. You okay? Need anything?"

"Sebastian, I'm fine. I told you I needed a calm evening. You know the shenanigans Mackie and I get up to together," she joked, though he swore he could hear how bored she was. Or maybe lonely? He couldn't tell. He could never tell with her.

"Right. Well, I'm going to head back in, pay my tab, and probably head that way. I've already had too much. You don't need drunk me walking in and disturbing your peace." He sighed, smiling for the first time all day. He'd hated having to leave her there on her own all day right after dragging her here last minute. "Have I ever told you just how much I appreciate and love you?"

Silence. He was met by silence. Oh, shit. What was she thinking? What was she going to say? After what felt like an eternity she finally responded with a laugh.

"You're done for the night. Get your ass home."

He could still hear her laughing as she hung up the phone, leaving him in silence. Well, that could have gone better. Definitely that last bit.

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