"Hi there."/(Modern HTTYD au...

By ILikeWerewolfBooks

12K 532 1.2K

(Complete) "Hi, there." "You say that all the time." "Are you annoyed by it?" "Not at all." A modern Httyd Au... More

New girl
I f-ing love girls
Soren and Blaze
That is one a big dog
Kicked out
Where am I?
Please adopt me
How is Frida?
A nickname already?
Date nr 2
Character 1
character 2
Work out
character 3
"Do you ever think about jumping?"
character 4
Making each other happy
character 5
Meanwhile with Drago and Ruby
Dance with me!
Christmas music
Drago Bludvist
Food and news
Happy new year
The morning after
Dad is home
The plan
Execute the plan
A month after
Both in mind and heart
Will you?


124 5 29
By ILikeWerewolfBooks

A/N: issa long boy!

Warning, you might cry.

Btw, I made a few drawings of Frida wrapped in a blanket, you can make up your own stories of what is happening if you want.

Frida had been doing a lot better. She was able to sit up without it hurting too much and they finally took a few of those wires off her.

Heather really enjoyed staying with Frida, and with her getting better every day, they would often cuddle and just talk for hours. They still avoided the topic of Frida only having one year left as it seemed she was doing much better and neither of them wanted to bring their spirits down.

Today, a few visitors were going to come. Heather had invited the twins since they missed Frida a lot, Blaze was also coming and so was Drago and his family. Frida didn't have anyone else she wanted to see except Shadow, but they wouldn't let him in.

"Are you excited to talk to someone else who isn't me?" Heather asked while leaning into Frida as she drew in her sketchbook.

"I am more than happy to have only you here. But yes, I am excited to see some more people. Especially Drago and the kids, and Ruby," Frida said and smiled before kissing Heather's head and continuing to draw. The drawing was slowly taking the shape of Heather. She was laying in something.

"Where are you drawing me?" Heather asked.

"In a meadow, I saw one in my sleep after I stabbed myself. I'm pretty sure it was the afterlife," Frida said.

Heather wanted to snort but realized way too quickly that it wasn't a joke.

"I don't know if I saw you or Freya, but whoever it was told me to go back." Frida's hand stilled and she looked at the paper with thoughtful eyes. "I wanted to leave. I wanted to die. I just wanted to let go and finally rest. But whoever it was there...-" She chuckled - "They would not let me stay there. Apparently, it wasn't my time and they wanted me to live out my life. They said that I should get married, get kids, a fancy house, treat my beautiful girlfriend." Frida sighed and leaned her head back, bringing Heather with her.

"I'm glad I listened, because I have no idea what I would have done if I stayed. I can't live without you and I am pretty sure you can't live without me," Frida concluded and looked at Heather with tears brimming her eyes.

"I won't. So thank you for not staying there," Heather said and kissed her cheek. "But just out of curiosity: what would you have done if Freya was still alive but you saw me?"

"Oh," Frida said and laughed. "I would beg Freya to also date you because I would have fallen head over heels. Freya was pretty open to a poly relationship. She brought it up when she saw how much time I was spending with Blaze, but I told her I was not interested. So she would be on board with it but then I would just try to convince you."

Heather nodded and hummed. She wasn't sure what she would have done. A polyamory relationship didn't seem bad at all if Frida was in it.

"What did Freya look like?" Heather asked.

Frida stayed silent for a while before she pulled out her phone, (from where Heather had no idea) and then showed Heather a picture. The picture showed a beautiful girl with warm, brown eyes, a small nose, a round face, long, shiny black hair, plump lips, and light skin.

"I would definitely be on board with being poly," Heather said as she looked at the beautiful girl.

There was suddenly a knock on the door and it opened soon after.

Both of the twins stumbled in with big smiles on their faces.

"Hey!" Tuffnut shouted and jogged over to the bed and hugged Frida.

"Hello, Tuff," Frida said and hugged him back while ruffling his hair.

When Tuffnut pulled back, Ruffnut soon came in and gave Frida another hug, only this one was a little softer.

"I don't know you were still sick Heather," Tuffnut teased as he looked at Heather who was laying with Frida.

"She is lovesick brother," Ruffnut said teasingly as she pulled away from Frida and walked around her brother to give what she said a "mystic" effect.

Heather felt her cheeks heat up and she hid behind Frida while clutching her robe.

"We won't be here for too long as there are a lot of people that want to see you," Tuffnut said.

"So we will drop this off and be on our way," Ruffnut continued and set a box on Frida's bed.

"We mainly wanted to see if you were ok, and we got to tease Heather, so that was just a bonus," Tuffnut continued.

Frida smiled at them both and carefully opened the box. She smiled brightly when she saw what was inside.

"Didn't you get me this for Christmas?" Frida asked as she took the big, white, stuffed wolf out.

"We did, but we wanted to bring it to you. We also did a few alterations to it," Tuffnut said. "If you press right... Here." He helped Frida press down ok the wolve's chest and Heather heard a faint heartbeat.

"It's also heated," Ruffnut said just as Frida placed the wolf on her chest.

"Thanks, guys," she said with a huge smile on her face as she brought both of them down for a hug before letting them go.

"You're welcome," the twins said in unison before walking out.

"That was nice of them," Frida said as she hugged the stuffed animal close to her body and smelled the fur. "I think they let Shadow have it for a while. It smells just like him."

Heather smiled fondly at her girlfriend as she happily smelled the stuffed animal while petting it.

"It is the same heat and heartbeat as him too," Frida continued and looked over at Heather.

"I did visit him, and he is doing very well," Heather said and kissed her cheek. Heather had to admit that she was acting a little clingy, but it was difficult going more than a minute without some sort of contact. After knowing that Frida could die any day, Heather was going to make the most out of every single minute.

The door opened again and in stepped Blaze and his sisters.

"Frida!" Sofia shouted and ran over to her, jumping up on the bed and hugging her.

"Hi my little tornado," Frida said and kissed the girl's head before softly pushing her off her. "Be a little careful, please. It hurts."

Heather immediately placed a hand on Frida's arm to provide some sort of comfort. She had realized that Frida went into panic if she felt hurt, but would calm down if she knew someone was with her.

"Sorry," Sofia said and carefully slid down so she was sitting on a chair.

"Hi, Frida," Blaze said as he came over and hugged her

"Hey there Blazy," Frida said and hugged him back. They looked like they hadn't seen or talked to each other for months and finally reunited. They probably hadn't spoken for months though, and Blaze had to be worried sick since he knew what that drug could do.

"You could have done anything. Anything. And you choose to stab yourself," Blaze said with a chuckle in his voice.

"I didn't think it all the way through," Frida said nervously.

"I'm just glad you are ok," Blaze said before he pulled back. "Thank you for taking care of the idiot," he said to Heather.

"Of course," Heather said and stroked Frida's hair.

"Lucky for you, I am your idiot," Frida said and leaned into Heather with a drunken smile on her lips.

"You guys are sweet together," Annika said as she leaned on the bed.

"Have you found anyone yet?" Frida asked.

"I do have someone in mind," Annika said with a small blush coating her cheeks.

"Ooo, who are they?" Frida asked while sitting up.

"Well... She... Is a girl in my class. She is very funny, very pretty, and very smart. I just have no courage to ask her out," Annika explained.

"I really hope Sofi turns out to like girls as well just to rub it in Viggo's face that none of his kids turned out straight," Frida said and sighed. "Wishful thinking."

"There was a girl out there that was pretty," Sofia said.

"That she was S, but don't worry about relationships now, but we will all love you no matter who you choose," Blaze said. "Unless it is the most annoying white guy you can find then I will beat him up."

They all laughed at that. It was good to laugh after everything that happened.

"We should go, Drago and the kids really want to meet you," Blaze said and kissed Frida's forehead before the three began to walk out.

"If you ask that girl out you better tell me!" Frida shouted after them and Heather caught a glimpse of Annika's burning red cheeks.

"Are you enjoying yourself? Not too tired?" Heather asked and rubbed Frida's arm.

"I am great. Maybe a little tired, but I'll sleep after I see Drago and the kids. I don't know how little Frida is," Frida said as they waited for the Bludvust family to come through the door.

Eventually, the door opened, and in came a flash of red before Frida yelped and Heather almost fell off the bed.

"Frida!" A small voice yelled excitedly.

"Frida! Don't hurt her, she is still recovering!" Another voice sounded from the other side of the door and soon the whole family was inside the room.

"Frida!" Another voice said and soon Frida had two children on top of her.

Heather could see the pain in her eyes but also how much she struggled to mask it as she tried to hug the two kids as best as she could.

"Ok, you two. Off," Drago said and lifted both of the kids off Frida and placed them on the ground.

Heather saw and heard the relieved breath Frida took and kissed her cheek to make her feel a little better.

"Hi, Frida," Ruby said and came over.

"Hi, Ruby," Frida said and then looked down at her stomach which had gotten noticeably bigger. "How long in are you?"

"About 6 months I think," Ruby said before giving Frida a short hug and a quick kiss to the forehead.

"So everything went well after Grimmel came in?" Frida said and reached a hand out to touch Ruby's bump.

"Yes, everything went well," Ruby said and let Frida move her hand around the bump.

"Do you know what they will be?" Frida asked and smiled widely.

"A boy," Ruby said and smiled as well.

"He is strong," Frida said and Heather finally understood that she had felt him kick.

"That he is," Ruby said before she looked at Drago. They shared a nod and Drago walked up to the bed.

"We have something for you," Drago said and handed Frida an envelope.

"I didn't think they charged for healthcare in Berk or is this the funeral bill?" Frida joked.

"Too soon," Heather said immediately and hugged Frida's side.

"Too soon," Frida said and rubbed her back as she opened the envelope.

When the envelope was opened, Frida took out a long paper and began reading with Heather reading over her shoulder.

The paper seemed oddly familiar to Heather and she finally understood why when she saw the name written at the bottom.

Frida Bludvist.

"Y-you are..." Frida stammered as she read through the document again her eyes rapidly filling with punished tears.

"Yes, we are," Drago said while he smiled at her.

Frida looked up at him and passed the document to Heather.

"Get over here, I can't stand," she demanded while tears ran down her face.

Drago chuckled but leaned down and enveloped her in a hug.

"Why is Frida crying?" Little Frida asked.

"Frida will be your new sister," Ruby said with a teary smile of her own.

Heather saw how little Frida's eyes widened before she began jumping up and down with her twin brother while singing happily.

Heather laughed and watched as Frida enveloped Ruby in a hug as well. She looked incredibly happy. But a question was still sitting in the back of Heather's mind.

"How were you able to do this? I mean, shouldn't she give consent or sign something?" Heather asked as they all separated.

"We managed to pull a few strings with the right people. Everyone we knew knew how much Frida wanted to leave Grimmel. So it was just a little bit of paperwork and we were done," Drago said and placed his hand on Frida's shoulder while smiling down at her.

"And don't feel any pressure to call us mom and dad, do that when you feel like you are ready," Ruby said and kissed her forehead.

"Ok, thank you so much," Frida said while smiling so much that Heather knew her cheeks had hurt. Heather had never seen Frida this happy. And seeing her girlfriend happy made her feel extremely happy.

"We aren't allowed to stay for too long, but just so you know, we brought all of your important stuff to our house and Shadow is doing very well and he can't wait to see you," Drago said and kissed Frida's forehead as well before patting her shoulder softly.

"Thank you," Frida said while whipping her tears.

"Bye Frida!" The twins said at the same time as they left the room with their parents.

"Bye guys!" Frida said while excitedly waving after them.

When the door locked, Frida fell back onto the bed and sighed.

"Are you happy?" Heather asked as she absently traced her fingers over Frida's scar.

"So happy," Frida said before yawning.

"How about you take a nap, ok?" Heather suggested and cupped Frida's cheek.

"Will you cuddle me?" Frida asked with a cheeky smile on her lips.

"Of course," Heather said and gave her lips a quick peck before she laid down beside her and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Te amo," Frida said softly and kissed Heather's head.

"Te amo a ti tambien," Heather said and snuggled into Frida's neck. She was thankful she learned a little Spanish in the time she waited for Frida to wake up.

A/N: I really love how in Spanish there are two words for love, but one is like really really love (which is amo).

What did you think of Drago and Ruby adopting Frida?

I know this is technically not how it works but shush, it's how it works here now.

Also, the poly thing at the beginning, the three of them would totally be polyamory if they were all alive at the same time. If you have a problem with that, you can shush and leave.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask.

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves both mentally and physically. Drink some water and eat some food that you like. Talk to someone you trust. Take a walk. Get some sleep.

If no one has said this to you yet: I am so proud of you!!!! You are doing amazing!!!! You are amazing!!!! Keep going!!!! You did it (in case you have done it)!!!!

Take some time off your day to do something you love, no matter how weird or boring or childish it might seem to other people. (Just please don't do anything illegal, or life-threatening).

Just so you know, there is at least one person out there that loves you. So stay for them. And maybe talk to them.

Hope you have a lovely day/night/evening.

Love you all my girls, guys, gays, and non-binary babes; black, white, or any other color; Christian, Muslim, atheist, or any other religion. All of you are loved here!!!!!❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖

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