By rahja_

446K 10.3K 6.2K

Everything I love gets destroyed. First, my biological family, then my adoptive parents. (Or at least I thoug... More

1. Valentina
2. Fredrico
3. Valentina
4. Valentina/ Fredrico
5. Valentina
6. Fredrico
7. Valentina
8. Fredrico
9. Valentina
10. Fredrico
11. Valentina
12. Valentina
13. Fredrico/ Valentina
14. Fredrico
15. Valentina/ Fredrico
16. Valentina
17. Fredrico
18. Valenina
19. Fredrico
20. Valentina
21. Valentina
22. Fredrico
23. Valentina
24. Fredrico
25. Valentina
26. Valentina
27. Fredrico
28. Valentina
29. Fredrico
30. Valentina
31. Valentina
32. Fredrico
33. Valentina
34. Fredrico
35. Valentina / Fredrico
36. Valentina
37. Fredrico
38. Valentina
39. Valentina / Fredrico
40. Valentina
41. Valentina
42. Fredrico
43. Valentina
44. Valentina
45. Fredrico
46. Valentina / Fredrico
47. Valentina
48. Fredrico
49. Valentina
50. Valentina
51. Fredrico / Valentina
52. Valentina / Fredrico
53. Fredrico
54. Valentina / Fredrico
55. Valentina
57. Fredrico / Valentina
58. Fredrico / Valentina
59. Valentina / Fredrico
60. Valentina
61. Valentina / Fredrico
62. Valentina / Fredrico
63. Valentina / Fredrico
64. Fredrico / Valentina
65. Valentina / Fredrico
66. Valentina / Fredrico
67. Valentina / Fredrico
Extended Epilogue

56. Valentina

4.1K 126 82
By rahja_


I step back in disbelief. My hands ball into fists. I shake my head, "You don't get to call me that."

I can't believe all of this time they were alive. My mother and father stood before me, dressed in all black and rifles strapped to their chests.

My father steps forward. "Valentina I know-"

I shake my head again. "Do you know how much Troy and I cried and grieved over you two?" I ask and take another step back.

"I was twenty-two. Taking care of Troy, two businesses, a mafia, not to mention a new born baby," I list off. "All of that was sprung upon me with no warning," I say and wipe my tears.

I scoff, "You could've at least gave me a damn warning!"

I start to pace. "Did you know two weeks after you two faked your deaths Troy tried to overdose on Xanax?" I question. "Then when that didn't work, he took one of the guns Dad hid in the house and tried to put a bullet in his head."

I stop pacing and look at them. "Imagine that," I tell them. "Imagine coming from a long ass meeting, running off of two hours of sleep for the last three days, and finding your brother with a gun against his head," I couldn't control my emotions, no matter hard I tried.

I wipe my face and sniffle. "I had to wrestle the damn gun out his hand. Good thing I did martial arts in high school right?" I ask with a humorless laugh.

I start to pace again. I tug at the roots of my hair. "Oh my god," I groan and run a hand down my face.

"You two are the most selfish fucking people in the planet! You two die off and then leave me to deal with this fucking monstrosity. And then you send me on scavenger hunts and shit for what? It doesn't make any sense!" I yell at them.

My father opens his mouth, "Don't you dare say it wasn't you. I know it was," I seethe at him.

"You two knew one of my greatest fears were losing my family because you guys know how me getting taken from that car crash fucked me up in the head. And you two just fucking traumatize not only me, but Troy by faking your death in front of us."

I sigh and start to pace again. "Ivy doesn't even know who you two are. She calls me Mama for christ sake!" I yell at my mom.

"She thinks i'm her mother! I don't-" I cut my rant off with a sigh. I throw my hands up, "I don't even know why i'm telling you two this." I wipe my face again. "You'll probably just find another way to traumatize me."

"You two obviously don't care-"

"Val leaving you three was the best decision. It was to keep you safe-"

"Safe?" I question with a chuckle and turn around.

I feel like i'm losing my damn mind.

My mother speaks up, "It was too dangerous to stay here with you three. So we took off."

"Why didn't you tell me you were Alfonso's sister?" I ask.

My father steps closer, "It's complicated-"

"You know what's complicated?" I ask. "Explaining to Troy and Ivy that you two are alive."

"That's if I ever get my siblings back," I add.

I turn around. "So those days Troy was hearing you two, you were actually there?" I ask.

My mother nods. "We missed you guys."

I take in a deep breath and nod. "Get out," I tell them.


"I said get out!" I yell at them.

"We'll give you time," Mom says softly and walks out.

After they leave I sit down on the bed with a sigh. I bring my knees up to my chest and rest my head on my knees. I silently cry.

I feel Rico's familiar hand on my back. I wipe my face and he sits down next to me.

"Sorry I lied about Ivy," I mumble. "Technically i'm not because I legally adopted her, but biologically she's not mine. I did it to protect her. I didn't want her to be-"

"Val your siblings got kidnapped and your parents came back from the dead. You not being Ivy's biological mother is the least of my worries," he says and hands me a tissue.

I wipe my tears and turn to him. "This has to be a dream right?"

He grimaced, "More like a nightmare."

I groan, "My head is throbbing."

He rubs my back, "What do you need me to do?"

"There's nothing we can do," I tell him. "I'm meeting up with them all tomorrow and i'm getting my siblings back. And if I don't i'll just kill Lila and everyone who stands in my way."

"What's your plan Valentina?" He asks me. "I cannot help-"

"Trust me please," I say and intertwine our fingers. "Can you just do that?"

He nods, "I do trust you."

He brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses my knuckles. "I trust you," he repeats.

I climb into his lap and kiss him. "Thank you," I whisper and wrap my arms around him.

He holds me close and I rest my head against his chest, his heart beat calming my nervous. I sigh and relax into him.

Why is my life always so fucking crazy?


I wake up to an empty bed. The bedside was cold, so Rico must've left after I went to sleep.

I check the time and see it's ten o'clock at night. I slept for eight hours.

I get up and put my hair in a lazy ass bun. I sigh and sit up. I stare blankly for a few minutes before getting up out the bed. I stretch and grab my phone.

I check the cameras at the safe house. I click on Ivy's room and see her sound asleep with Vegas sleeping beside her.

I open my door and quietly go down the stairs. I pause when I hear chatter coming from the living room.

I wanted water, but everything is an open space down there, so they would see me.

I decide to just go.

I walk in and the chatter ceased. I don't even bother to look and go into the kitchen.

I open the refrigerator and look around. I grab the water pitcher and turn around and grab a glass. I pour the water inside and take a sip I look up when I see my parents enter the kitchen.

I put the pitcher back and shut the refrigerator.

"Can we talk?" My mother asks.

"We need to explain," Dad adds.

I turn around and grab the Tylenol from the cabinet above the refrigerator. I pour four into the palm of my hand and put them in my mouth.

I swallow them with water and put the back. I blatantly ignore them on purpose.

Naveen comes into the kitchen. "Val," he says.

I ignore him as well.

I pick up my glass and as i'm walk out the kitchen Dad grabs my hand. "Honey-"

I jerk away from his hold. "You don't get to call me that anymore," I tell him. "I have nothing to say to you two. You two broke the one promise I asked you to keep. I don't want to even look at you." I say and walk out.

I get a text message on my phone. "New location: meet us at the airport at five o'clock. We'll do the exchange there. Only bring Lila with you. No one else." It read.

I finish my water and start the walk back to my room. I slow down when I see Rico in the hall.

"You speak to your parents?" He asks.

"No," I answer and open up my bedroom door.

"Why not?" He asks and follows me in.

I scoff, "Why would I?"

He shuts the door behind him. "Because they're your parents. Maybe hear them out."

"I'd rather not," I say and take off my shirt.

"Why is that?" He asks.

"You watched me scream at them for ten minutes," I say and take off my pants. "I think you know why."

I pull back the blanket and get in the bed. "You're still tired?" He asks.

"No," I answer truthfully. When I go with Alfonso, i'm probably not going to sleep for the first few days. So I want to be well rested.

I stared blankly at the ceiling.

"When's the meeting with Alfonso?" He asks.

"Tomorrow at midnight," I lie.

"Did you go see Otto again?" I ask.

He sits down on the bed. "No," he answers.

"Who did you go see? You must've had blood on you since you had to take a shower," I say and point to his wet hair.

"I went to see Amir," he answered.

I hum, "Did you torture him?"

"Not as much as i'd like," he says. "You gave him a possible brain bleed, so one wrong move and we could lose him."

I shrug, "He deserves all the pain in the world. I couldn't give a shit about him."

"How are you going to tell-"

"Can we do something else? I don't want to talk about that," I say with a sigh.

He gets up, "Come on."

I arch my brow, "What?"

"Get up," he tells me and pulls back the blankets. "Put your clothes back on."

"For what?" I ask and sit up.

He gets my shirt off the floor and puts it over my head and tries to dress me himself. I take over and put my shirt on myself.

"We're going out," he says.

I don't question him and get up. I put my pants and shoes back on. Rico helps me put on my jacket and pulls my hair out of that shitty bun.

"Do I have eye bags?" I ask and look at my eyes on my phone. They weren't bad, but they were just starting. "I'll just put on a bit of concealer-"

"You are perfect Valentina," he says and takes me by the hand. "You don't need concealer."

"My hair needs-"

"No it doesn't," he cuts me off and opens the door. "Okay," I mumble and step out first. He closes the door after he steps out.

We quietly leave the penthouse and get into an suv. "So where are we going?" I ask and turn on the heat.

"Somewhere you'll like," he tells me.

I quietly groan, "You said that the last time."

He looks at me and grins, "And I was right. Wasn't I?"

"I guess," I mumble.

"Trust me, you'll like it," he says.


We find parking and I pause when I notice my favorite taco place. I look at him skeptically, but he doesn't say anything. We get in, sit down, and order.

"How did you know this was my favorite taco place?" I ask.

"Remember that night you went out to the club with Aaya on her birthday and got drugged?"

I shush him, "That's embarrassing."

He chuckles, "You brought me here and scarfed down five tacos in ten minutes, then ordered three to go, and asked for a piggy back ride."

I groan, "Oh god. I'm sorry," I say. "I still can't remember anything from that night."

He grins, "It was pretty amusing watching you whip your hair to Beyoncé and try to spin on your head."

I grimace, "Let's forget I ever did that."

"Okay," he says. "How's your fashion company doing?" He asks. I know it was only to take my mind off things, and it wouldn't, but at least he was trying.


I laugh at the picture, "Oh my god, I can't believe that's you," I say and zoom in on him.

"Yep that's me," he says with a chuckle and rubs my thighs. As we were talking we both got into comfortable positions. I had my back up against the wall with my legs in his lap. Rico had his arm stretched out along the booth, playing with my hair and occasionally massaging my neck.

"Why did you do that?" I ask.

He shrugged, "Derek and I thought it was cool to shave our heads."

"I bet your mother was angry," I say and give him his phone back.

"Whooped us with her sandal then cussed us out for about an hour," he said with a chuckle.

"That does sound like your mother," I say and take another bite of my taco.

"You know what I noticed?"

"What?" He asks.

"You're a big softie." He rolls his eyes. "And sassy," I mumble.

"You are. You can't even deny it," I say with a smile.

"I'm not," he tells me.

"What man would cook dinner, rub a woman's feet, feed her pasta, and cuddle her, just to not have sex?" I ask.

"You need to raise your standards," he tells me. "Because that's the bare minimum."

"Really?" I ask.

He nods, "For a woman who takes no shit, you sure have taken a lot from shitty men."

I nod, "You're right." I agree with him. "But it's what I was taught. Take Jamila and Alfonso for example. I grew up watching that, then being a prostitute, you're treated like garbage. And my relationship with Gabriel. It's a habit at this point."

He gently massages my neck and hums. "Well I hope to break your habit."

My brows shoot up in surprise, "You do?"

He nods and brushes my hair out my face. "Only if you let me."

Getting married to Alfonso pops up in my brain and it ruins my little fantasy that Rico and I had going.

What if Rico and I got together for real this time?

I could picture the amazing pasta, conversations, cuddles, and many more things we did together over the course of this fake relationship.

Rico is an amazing man, but I have to marry Alfonso.

I just smile at him and rest my cheek up against his arm. "Maybe," I tell him. "Only if you cook me pasta from time to time."

He nods, "I can make that happen."

I fully sit on his lap and kiss him. He responds immediately. Before we could get too carried away, I break the kiss.

I tug at his belt, hinting at what I want. "Let's go back to the apartment," I whisper with a small smile.

He nods and gets up and sets me down on my feet. He quickly helps me put on my jacket before putting on his own. He sees our waitress and gives her a couple hundred dollar bills and we walk out.


I wake up to a dark room. I check the time and see it's three in the morning. Rico stirs in his sleep and I freeze, not wanting to wake him.

I snuggle him for warmth. He holds me close and I cherish the moment for a while. I kiss him softly a few times before trying to slide out the bed.

He groans and holds me tight. "Where are you going?" He sleepily mumbles and buries his face into my breast.

"Midnight snack," I answer. "You want anything?"

He mumbles something that I couldn't make out and let me go. By the time I get up, he's already fast asleep.

I put on his shirt and my underwear. I quietly exit the room and go back to mine.

I take a shower and quickly get dressed. I tie my hair back and put in earrings. I don't bother with makeup and put on my jacket and sit down on the bed with a sigh.

I open the nightstand and grab a notebook and pen. I write a few things down and tear it out. I sneak back into Rico's room and place it on his nightstand before heading back out.

I quietly open my parents bedroom and see them both sleeping. I shut the door and head back to my room. I finish getting ready and head out.

I go to the warehouse and pick up Lila. I grab her hands and handcuff her to the door.

I get in the drivers side and start the drive to the airport.

"I'm hungry," she tells me.

I shrug, "You'll live." I couldn't care less if the bitch got ran over.

"I'm pregnant," she says like I don't know.

"And i'm tired. What's your point?" I ask.

She sighs and crosses her arms. "If I have a still birth, it's your fault."

"Lila I would pay to see you get ran over. I couldn't give a shit about you and your child. If you weren't pregnant I would've shot you in the head already," I tell her.

"Why are you so rude?" She asks.

"Why are you ruining my day at four thirty in the morning?" I shot back.

"No wonder you're not married. Maybe if you were nicer to people you would have a husband."

I smile at her, "Maybe if you gotten the right career you wouldn't have to baby trap a man for money," I say in her voice.

"Next time you baby trap someone, go for a damn politician or the mayor's son," I tell her and scoff. "Not a lap dog who's brain washed by a fucking lunatic."

She pouts like a five year old for the rest of the ride.


I get out the car and slam the car door shut. Alfonso, his sons, and Vincent stood before the steps of the jet.

Alfonso grins at me. "My future wife. How are you?"

"Where are my siblings?" I cut straight to the chase.

"Who?" He questions.

I grit my teeth in annoyance. "Troy and Aaya."

He nods, "Right. Bring them out."

A man goes to a car and pulls them both out. Troy was badly beaten and I notice Aaya had blood smeared on her thighs and a black eye.

They had her dressed like a hooker. She couldn't even walk with the damn high heels on.

Aaya kicks off the heels and sobs when she sees me. I hug her closely to my chest and kiss her forehead. I do the same with Troy.

"Aw," Alejandro cooed. "I'm happy we could reunite you guys."

I glare at him and focus my attention on consoling them.

"I need both of you two to get in the car and drive off," I tell them softly and open the driver's door.

"What?" Aaya asks.

I repeat myself and gently help her up in the driver's seat. "There's a address on the dashboard. Go there, everything will be fine." I tell them.

I get Lila out the passenger seat and I make sure Troy gets in. Aaya does exactly what I say and drive off quickly.

Lila runs over to Vincent like a damn groupie and starts her tears. Saying how terrible I am and how I starved her.

The woman wasn't fed for eighteen hours. I'm sure she'll live.

Alfonso comes up to me. "Spread your arms out and your legs shoulder length apart."

I do exactly as he says. "Right side," I tell him. He pulls out my gun and my phone. He throws it on the ground and smashes it to pieces.

All I brought was my phone and gun with me. What was the point of bringing something when they were going to take it?

He gropes my breast and smacks my ass. "Get your pretty ass on that jet." He says and pushes me forward.

I comply and walk up the steps. I resist the urge to backhand him when he whistles.

I sit and buckle myself in. I sit stoically while they fill in the seats around me.

Alfonso sits down next to me and pulls my hair aggressively out the bun I had it in. "From now on, you'll only wear your hair down. You understand me?"

I lightly shake my head, but that wasn't enough for him. He grabs my jaw and turns my head to look at him. "When I ask you a question you answer me," he growls.

"Yes," I grit out.

He grips my jaw harder. "It's yes sir," he tells me.

"Yes sir," I grit out and he lets me go. I turn my head and my hair falls down in my face.

I ball my hands into fists. Carlos chuckles, "Someone's angry." I ignore him and stare down at the ground.

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