Solstice Souls

By edzooc8r

122K 13.5K 8.6K

Two famous clans of the Cultivational world, forever at odds because of a curse, are trapped in a war they ca... More

Bedtime Story
Birthday Present
Searching for Someone
Best Of The Best
Proving His Worth
Dinner Guests
Shenanigans of a Drunken Jade
The Duel of Duals
Wanting, Needing
Deepest Desires
Awestruck A-Ying
Hidden Agendas
Sword Seduction
Of Swords and Other Blades
Family Reunion
War of Words
Forbidden Love
Broken Jade
The Blame Game
Two-legged Beasts
Nightmarish Hunt
Creatures of the Night
Seeking Judgement
Mist Covered Paths
A Son's Duty
All Kinds of Thirst
Medicinal Magic
Under The Moonlight
Visiting Friends
Thieves of Time
The Key To Their Hearts
Soul Searching
Fated Sons
Fortune and Faith
The Verdict
Lessons in Love
First Introductions
Nurturing and Lotus Flowers
A Broken Brotherhood
Of Sound Heart and Mind
Insights and Monsters
A Healing Touch
Confessions of the Heart
Dreamers of the Day
Mother Knows Best
A Spanner (Wrench) in the Works
A Promise to Protect
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Truth or Dare
Shattered Trust
The Grand Tour
Cloak And Dagger
Know Your Enemy
Love Is Blind
Weapons, Words, and Worship
Three Beasts, Three Tests, One Truth
Harmony From Discord
The Truth of the Past
Tales of the Past
The Story of Soulmates Past
When the Past Meets the Present
And So The Plot Thickens
Solstice Souls 2: Black Fire, White Flame


1.5K 203 90
By edzooc8r

Wei Ying POV

Silver eyes snapped open and grew as wide as saucers. Wei Ying stared at Lan Zhan's face, the jade's one eyebrow a thread higher than the other one. The pounding of his heart thudded in his chest like a thousand battle drums. And, no matter how hard he tried to inhale, his lungs failed to inflate.

"H-How did you f-f-find out?" he stammered as he sat upright on the bed, scooting backwards until his back hit the wall.

Lan Zhan did not say a word. He simply reached for the sack lying on the floor and placed it gently into Wei Ying's lap. The jade reached in and pulled out the make-up container, holding it in front of him on his open palm. Wei Ying looked at it with a broken gaze before closing his eyes and lowering his head.

"What are you going to do now, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying asked, fearing the worst.


Wei Ying looked back at him. There was something in the jade's golden eyes that put Wei Ying at ease. The man may not say a lot but Wei Ying was learning that, when he did, each word was important.

"You know why I did it. The same reason I lied to you before."

"Why keep lying?" Lan Zhan asked. "Thought this," he said as he put his hand to first Wei Ying's chest and then his own. "was our safe space."

Lan Zhan tried to keep the hurt out of his voice but realized he had failed when he saw the large tears collecting in those silver eyes staring back at him.

Wei Ying gently pushed his way off the bed, shrugging off Lan Zhan's attempt to keep him there. He needed space. He needed air. Yet, when he looked back at the young jade still sitting on the bed, he paused. 

No more running. No more hiding. No more lies. He loved Lan Zhan too much to lose him now. Wei Ying didn't know how or when his love for his jade had taken root in his heart, only that he could no longer live without the man looking at him with a pained expression.

Pulling his robes up and securing them properly with his sash, Wei Ying turned and held out his hand to the questioning jade.

"Come with me. I need you to see something." Wei Ying said, his voice flat but hopeful.

Lan Zhan looked at him with a puzzled expression that Wei Ying thought was so adorable.

"So you can understand." 

When Lan Zhan took his hand and stood to follow him, Wei Ying's heart leapt in his chest. Without drawing attention to them, Wei Ying led his fiance to their carriage and untied a small black bag that was still secured to the back of the vehicle. He slung it over his head and one shoulder before unsheathing Suibian.

"Come." Wei Ying whispered so as not to draw any unwanted attention their way.

Lan Zhan followed suit and did the same with his Bichen and, within seconds, the two were flying towards Yunmeng. It was late by Lan Clan rules, but for the rest of the world, the party was just starting. As the two men landed safely just outside the still bustling city, Wei Ying once more took Lan Zhan's hand, entwining their fingers and squeezing the warm hand in his.

"Follow me." Wei Ying said with a playful wink knowing full well that his husband-to-be could not resist.

They had not gone far when Wei Ying stopped and took shelter behind some empty crates and started taking off his outer robe. A flash of white and a quick intake of air reminded him of how chaste His Jade was.

"Sorry, Lan Zhan." he giggled. "I forgot that you get embarrassed easily."

Actually, he was nowhere near sorry. Wei Ying loved  being the reason a lotus pink blush graced the jade's earlobes. It was so much fun teasing the older boy when Lan Zhan reacted like that. His body was buzzing with excitement as he secured the final piece of his costume.

"Okay, you can look."

Wei Ying smiled his bright bunny smile when Lan Zhan turned around, the poor jade's mouth dropping slightly in shock. Golden eyes brimming with shock and desire travelled up and down Wei Ying's body as he twirled around letting his dance robes swirl around him. When Wei Ying stopped, Lan Zhan's burning gaze set his body on fire. It was as if tiny fireworks were exploding inside him, all of them the color of gold.

"Mo Xuanyu." Lan Zhan murmured slowly.

The young jade could not look away and neither could Wei Ying. Locked in their own world, the two young men just stared, each longing for something that could not be voiced. Lan Zhan's face remained as always, but Wei Ying could see the ever so subtle changes under the veil.

He saw Lan Zhan's lips quiver which made him tremble. He saw the young Lan's strong hands tighten around Bichen's hilt which made his throat constrict. He saw the jade's nostrils flare which made his insides combust. Wei Ying's cool silver eyes blazed with need. He had to look away or be consumed by his own raging desire.

Blinking rapidly, Wei Ying looked everywhere except Lan Zhan's face.

"Um, Lan Zhan, do you still have the bottle?" he asked timidly.

He watched as the jade reached inside his robes and pulled out the small bottle of concealer. Wei Ying took it graciously from him and adeptly applied the makeup with one finger. Returning the bottle to the bag, he handed it to Lan Zhan who was still staring at him.

"Will you keep this safe for me?" Wei Ying asked with a sweet smile.

A simple nod was all Lan Zhan could muster. Wei Ying giggled lightly at the flustered Hanging-jun, loving that he had that effect on Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying took His Jade's hand once more and guided him out of the darkened street towards an area that was lit by many hanging lanterns. They illuminated the square in a safe and enchanting glow that children flocked to with their colorful balls and toy swords.

Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan with a soft smile and said, "Understand."

He turned Lan Zhan's face with his hand against the older boy's, soft cheek until the jade was looking at the people filling the square.

"Lan Zhan, understand that I do this, not for me, but for them. I keep my secret to protect myself. But not for the reason you think."

With a quick peck on Lan Zhan's moist lips, Wei Ying let go of the jade's hand and made his way to the center of the square. His black and red robes flowed behind him in a mix of fire and ash. Black ebony hair held up by a blood red ribbon swayed side to side as his steps grew lighter and quicker until Wei Ying was practically bouncing towards the unsuspecting crowd. The elaborate silver mask adorning his face reflected the moving flames of the lanterns and is what drew the attention he was looking for towards him.

"Mo Xuanyu?"

"What is he doing here?'

"Is he going to dance?"

"He's so handsome!"

The voices grew louder as the crowd quickly grew in size. Wei Ying stopped and turned back to check on Lan Zhan. The man in white was slowly maneuvering his way through the throng of curious townspeople, trying his best to blend in. Wei Ying did not think the jade would ever "blend in" considering the man looked like a god. But he gave him credit for trying.

"Good evening! Is there anyone here who could provide me with some music?" Wei Ying yelled out above the din of curious words.

The people looked amongst themselves but seemed too shy to volunteer.

"Oh come now. There must be someone with musical talent. This is Yunmeng! I've heard the people here love to have a good time." he cheered encouragingly.

"I can play the flute!" a young boy exclaimed loudly, raising his hand high above his head.

"No you can't! You only know how to play one song." his sister said meanly.

Wei Ying could see the excitement vanish from his innocent face. He approached the boy, who could not have been more than twelve. Mo Xuanyu's smile was warm and friendly, his silver eyes sparkled with contagious excitement.

"What song do you know?" he asked, kneeling before the lad.

"She's right. I only know how to play 'Emperor's Wish'." he confessed sadly.

It was a song that all children were taught from a young age, one that spoke of the Emperor and his many battles as he fought to bring peace to the land.

Wei Ying ruffled the young boy's dark hair and said, "That's perfect! Do you have your flute with you?"

The boy beamed at him and pulled the small bamboo instrument from his shirt. "Of course! I take it wherever I go. If I'm sad, I play it and it makes me happy."

"Music always makes me happy, too." Wei Ying said as he took the flute in his hands and examined it closely. "It's a fine flute. And it would make me happy if you would play it for me." he said and handed it back to the little boy who gaped at him with a giant smile frozen on his face.

Wei Ying stood. "Now, I need some drums. Hmmm.....You there! Can you keep a beat?"

Three men sitting on top of wooden barrels looked between each other and then at Wei Ying. They pointed to themselves in disbelief that the famous Mo Xuanyu was actually talking to them.

"Yes, you! Those barrels will make excellent drums! Just use your hands and hit them when it feels right, okay?"

"B-b-but Master Mo! I don't....." one man said.

"Me neither." another one confessed.

Wei Ying walked over to them. His steps were confident and, when he reached the three baffled men, they were already jumping off the barrels and waiting for his instruction. Wei Ying gave the crowd a sly smile and then hit the different barrels with his hands. Each one sounded just slightly different, adding a certain depth to the rhythm he was pounding out.

"See? Simple. Just listen to the melody and your heart and everything will be fine."

Wei Ying turned around and scanned the still growing mass of people around him.

"I don't suppose anyone around here has a pipa on them?"

From the back of the crowd, a woman's cracked voice caught his attention. He moved towards her, everyone moving out of his way like a parting river. Wei Ying's excitement was growing and it was showing on his face. This was what he lived for. This was what had brought happiness to him since he was a small child. This was what filled his heart with joy.

Stopping in front of the elderly woman, he bowed before her and asked, "Madam, would you do me the honor of playing for us?"

The woman blushed and giggled behind her sleeves.

"Young man, no one has asked me to play for years. But for you, I will do my very best."

"That is all anyone can ever do." Wei Ying answered, turning to look at everyone around him. "Is everyone ready?" he shouted.

The crowd roared to life as they created an open circle in the center of the square. Everyone made room for the famous Mo Xuanyu who walked around the circle, greeting each person with a bright smile and open arms. 

As he took position in the center of the square, his music players gathered together ready to do their part. The young boy started playing first, his notes unsteady at first but growing in confidence with each breath. The three burly men slowly joined in, their hands hesitating but their hearts leading them forward until the rhythm was powerful and irresistible. Finally, the woman played her pipa to accompany the main melody, filling in with runs of notes that blended in masterfully.

Wei Ying gave them time to find their place, to realize their part in the music. He listened intently to the melody, the beat, and the pace before allowing his body to join in the beautiful sound. He spun to the tiny plucks of the pipa and snapped his fan to the rhythm of the drums. His arms and legs gave life to the unsung words that came from the boy's bamboo flute.

The crowd was silent as they watched black and red robes engulf and caress Wei Ying's body. Their eyes were glued to the famous performer who was blessing them with a performance he brought to life from their very own people. Some of them began to sing and clap along with the familiar tune. Some had tears in their eyes while others held their loved ones. But everyone was captivated, their hearts enthralled by the talent of the young man performing for them.

When the music ended, Wei Ying went to each of his musicians and bowed in respect. They, in turn, bowed back, grateful for the opportunity to play for such a gifted dancer. The crowd began to surround him but Wei Ying remained where he was. He was swarmed by the mass of people wanting to meet him, to touch him, to thank him.

"My son will be the envy of his friends now. Thank you for giving him a chance." said the young flute player's mother.

"Everyone should be given a chance to do what they love and be who they truly are." Wei Ying answered with a broad smile.

"My husband and I were having a fight before you came and now...well now we've made up." confessed a young couple who were wrapped in each other's arms.

"Fights don't have to happen when you talk to each other openly. Never hide how you feel." Wei Ying advised wisely.

"I want to be just like you when I grow up." squeaked a tiny girl in braids.

"Then you'll have to listen to your heart, little one, and be brave enough to follow it." Wei Ying said as he knelt down and hugged her.

Wei Ying welcomed each person who wished to speak to him as if they were old friends. No one was too small, too young, too old, too rich, or too poor. He gave them the same smile and the respect they all deserved as human beings.

It took over an hour for his fans to finally disperse. Wei Ying looked for Lan Zhan through the thinning crowd but could not see a speck of white anywhere. He jogged to the spot where he had left the jade but found nothing. His heart dropped in his chest. Tears threatened to fall from his tired eyes.

Where had His Jade gone? Had Lan Zhan decided that his reason for keeping this secret was not good enough? What if Lan Zhan left and never came back?

Wei Ying's heart splintered. Not like the fine cracks in a porcelain teacup. No. These were gaping canyons with no end. It felt as if his heart was falling into an endless abyss, one where there was no hope of ever being found. The pain that penetrated his soul was deep. He couldn't breathe.

He walked a little further but felt his legs weakening under him. The adrenaline from performing was slowly ebbing away leaving him dizzy and faint. His steps were uneven as his vision blurred. He reached out to brace himself against a tree but his hands failed to make contact with the course bark and his body fell forward.

Strong arms wrapped around him and Wei Ying collapsed helplessly into them, too spent to even pretend to be fine.

"Lan Zhan" Wei Ying whimpered in relief as he buried his face into the crook of His Jade's neck and shoulder. He nuzzled into the warmth, breathing in the scent of sandalwood that brought him immense comfort.

His Jade was here. He hadn't left him. 

Wei Ying wanted to look into those golden orbs that always reminded him of summer sunlight glistening off a clear pond but he was too tired. Exhaustion was his enemy right now, forcing his eyes to close against his will. Lan Zhan's hand caressed his face, sending him deeper into the depths of a dreamless sleep. When he felt warm lips against his, Wei Ying sank into unconsciousness.

"I have you. Rest." Lan Zhan murmured, his deep voice reassuring Wei Ying that he was safe, that he was protected, and that nothing would hurt him ever again.

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