
By Nadiacastrejon

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A Euphoria Story.. A new family arrive in the town of East Highland.. their whole existence in this new town... More

sneak peak


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By Nadiacastrejon

The girls went dress shopping for homecoming. Maddy was getting frustrated by the type of dresses Sofia was picking. Maddy wanted Sofia to use something more revealing. She though that Sofia has a very child like fashion with her skirts or leggings.

Maddy doesn't understand that Sofia doesn't share her sense of style. While Sofia admires her style, she doesn't want to wear it. Maddy chose some dresses for Sofia that were very revealing making Sofia feel uncomfortable.

Sofia was alright with showing cleavage, but in the dresses maddy has chosen for her she feels like she's showing her skin more than the dresses. Maddy gave in to Sofia and let her choose her own dress. Sofia ended up buying it online because she didn't find it at the stores.

It was the night of homecoming and everyone was ready to enter the gym. The lights were dimmed and the party lights were on. The DJ was already playing music.
"Are the twins here yet?" Lexi asks Maddy.
"No, but Sofia texted me saying their on their way."
"I think they're the only ones missing." Cassie said.
"I wonder where they are." Lexi said after about 10 minutes.
Just then the twins enter the dance. Nate looks up and sees them walking in fashionably late.
                       Sofia's outfit

Bruno's outfit

Everyone stopped what they were doing as their eyes looked as they walked passed everyone looking for their friends. Elliot eyes land on Sofia as she walks, her eyes were wandering but her hands were pinching the hem of her dress. She was clearly anxious but she kept her head high.

"Guys over here." Maddy calls on the twins. They both walk over to the table and say hi to everyone. Sofia sat next to Maddy and bruno sat across the table from her.
"You look amazing." Maddy whispers into Sofia's ear.
"Look at you! You look hot Maddy." Sofia says with a smile.
"Let's dance." Maddy said and grabs Nate's hand. Bruno stands up and walks away with Lexi to the dance floor.
"Aren't you coming." Nate said grabbing Sofia's shoulder as he passed behind her. Sofia kept a straight worried face. Her body jolted and she looked over at Elliot.
"Do you want to dance with me?" Elliot says as Nate and Maddy reach the dance floor.
"Yeah." She smiled, they both walked to the dance floor just as a new song started playing.

Play the chapter song here

Sofia and Elliot were swaying their hips to the music. He grabbed her by her waist as Sofia was teaching him how to move his hips to this type of music. She turned around and started swaying her hips once again as she looked around.

Maddy was dancing with Nate. Rue was dancing with Jules. Cassi was watching maddy and Nate dancing while she was dancing on a andom guy. Jules's eyes were following Elliot while he was dancing with Sofia. Big smiles were on both of their faces. A few songs later everyone came and surrounded then came and the girls started dancing together. Elliot noticed Sofia expression changed. She became a little more tense. As if being around other people made her more uncomfortable. Elliot grabbed onto her waist and massaged it a little. Sofia turned to face Elliot and linked her hands behind Elliot's neck.
"Let's go sit down." He whispered in her ear. Sofia quickly nodded her head and they made their way to sit down.
"Hey what happened." Maddy came and sat down at the table.
"I got tired." Sofia let out a little laugh.
Cassie walked up to the table with a new guy.
"McKay." Nate says and goes to say hello.
"Sofia this is my boyfriend McKay." Cassie introduces her boyfriend. Sofia looks up and they both look at each other. He looks at glances at Nate with a smirk and nate nods his head, then back at her. Sofia swore Cassie was single, by the way Cassie acted around guys you would think the same thing.
"Sofia?" McKay said.
"Nice to meet you Mckay." She gives him a small smile. He nods his head at her and then goes to talk to Nate.
"I'll be right back I'm going to the bathroom." Nate says and he leaves the room.
"Sofia." McKay says and she looks up.
"How do you like east high."
"It feels familiar." She says with a straight face. McKay nods his head and Sofia looked away.
"Yeah Nate has told me about you and your brother, you guys are good friends with Maddy and Lexi."
"Yeah we are." She says.
"Where are you from again?"
"The town over." Sofia told him. He nodded his head.
"What made you move here?" Sofia started pinching her leg uncontrollably under the table.
"My dad he became governor."
"Is that the only reason you moved here. I would think someone with that status would go live in a more secure place. You know where rich people lives."
"We wanted to live in a small town. It's more comfortable." She admitted.
He nodded him head.McKay started talking to Cassie. Maddy was talking to kat. Sofia felt hot and started breathing really hard.
"I'll be right back." She got up and walked out the gym.

Sofia rushed outside and took a few deep breaths in and out before calming her nerves a little.

"Hey are you okay?"  Elliot said as he  walked up to her.
"Yeah I'm fine. I just-" she took a deep breath in." needed fresh air."
"Can I stay here with you?" He asked her very quietly;he quickly glanced at the floor and back up to her eyes. Sofia gave him a small smile.
"Yeah." She said before looking at her feet. They both stay in the same spot for a few minute in comfortable silence.

"Do you want to get out of here." Sofia spoke up and he looks at her surprised.
"Like, do you want me to drive you home?" He asked confusedly.
"No, like let's go somewhere else. Somewhere not to crowded."
"Alright let's do it." Elliot says with a smile.
"Let me go get my purse. I'll be right back." Sofia walked passed Elliot and quickly made her way through the halls. Nate was coming out of the men's bathroom when Sofia passed with a big smile. His eyes followed her as she passed by. He looked at the way she was coming from and it was the front of the school.

Sofia quickly made her way to her table and grabbed her purse; no one was at the table anymore. She looked around at her friends as he searched for her brother who was dancing with Lexi.

"I'll see you at home." She said in his ear. Before she could walk away Bruno pulled her back.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going somewhere with my friend. I'll see you at home. Have fun. Tell everyone I said bye." He nodded his head. Sofia starts walking towards the door.
"Sofi." She stops dead in her tracks when she hears her brother. He raises up his phone and shakes it. Sofia nodded her head at her brother before completely leaving the gym. She practically runs towards the doors. She steps outside to see Elliot standing there waiting for her.
"Ready?" He says and she nodded her head. He grabs her hand and they walk to his car.
"You can tell me if you feel uncomfortable with this." He said looking into her eyes. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath.
"It's okay." She shook her head.
He opens the door for her and she smiles brighter. She gets in and he closes the door behind her. 
He gets into his car and they drive off.
From the school doors Nate looked at them driving away. He felt a familiar feeling in his chest.

Elliot drove to a ice cream parlor.
"Yeah icecream." He smiled. They get out of the car and he reaches put for her hand. They walk hand in hand into the parlor.
"I hope you're not lactose intolerant." He jokes and she shaked her head.
"So what icecream do you want?" Elliot asks sofia.
"Cookie dough." She said and he nodded his head,taking a mental note.
He ordered her and for himself. They went to sit outside in one of the small tables they had.
Elliot could see how much better she looked in a less crowded environment. She was calm once again. She wasn't shaking or bouncing her leg. She was relaxed. Which actually made Elliot really happy to see her in this calm state.

"Can I ask you a question?" Elliot broke the silence. Sofia nodded her head since she had a mouthful.
"Why are you helping me with my drug problem?" Sofia looked at Elliot who was playing with his icecream.

Sofia in the course of the last few weeks; has kept her word with Elliot and helped him with his drug addiction. She has been taking him to his NA meetings every Thursday; and has been in constant contact with him during and after school talking to him  and showing her support in this process. He is almost at the point where he is almost completely drug free. This part is the hardest .. letting go.

"I believe in the good of people. Especially the ones with problems. If someone is willing to accept help I will help them."
"I owe you a thank you for helping me. I wouldn't be this far if it wasn't for you. Thank you for not giving up on me and checking up on me. "
"I didn't help you so you could thank me. I helped you because you wanted the help. You wanted to get better and stop using drugs."
"But still thank you. I really appreciate it." He smiled at her. Sofia nodded her head.
"Can I ask you another question." He asked her. She nodded her head.
"Why do you panic when you are around a lot of people."
"I don't like being asked a lot of questions from people I don't know." Sofia admitted.
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He asked her and she shook her head.
"You don't make me feel uncomfortable. You are one of the very few people that makes me feel comfortable; actually." She gives him a soft smile.

"You know.. I've asked myself how can someone so confident and beautiful, perfect even doubt herself so much." He has a playful smirk on his face.
"I'm not perfect. Everyone has their flaws."
"Not in my eyes." Sofia looks away trying to hide her blushing cheeks.
She played with her hands slightly pinching them unconsciously.
"Do I make you nervous?" Elliot asked her.
"No." She let out a nervous laugh. He looked at her eyes and she looked down at her icecream avoiding eyes contact. He reaches over to her and grabs her hand. His touch was so delicate while grabbing her hand.

This was a whole new side of Elliot that only Sofia would see. It was pure. Being with Sofia alone made him nervous which is a new feeling.
Sofia got a text message from her brother which made her look around.

"Come on." He says grabbing Sofia's hand.
"What?" She said griping on her cup.
"I'm taking you somewhere." He says. They walk over to his car and he starts driving and he grabs her hand at the stop sign.
"Where are we going?"
"To the store." He drives to fez's store.
"I'm paying this time."
"Do you work?"
"Sort of." She trailed off.
They both get out of the car and make their way inside.
"Hey fez."
"What's up Sofia." Fez smiles.
"Sup Fez." Elliot says.
"Sup." Fez gave him a nod. "What y'all guys up tonight? Isn't today the school party or some shit like that?" Fez asked
"Yeah, it was to overwhelming." Sofia answers.
"Not your type of scene huh? I get that." Fez says. Sofia grabs a few bags of chips. She looks over at fez and he looked between Elliot and Sofia. Sofia gave him a small smile and fez nodded his head at her. Sofia walked over to the fridge to get some sodas.
"Hey ash." She waved at the little boy he nods his head at Sofia causing her to smile. She closes the door after grabbing their drinks.
"I think he's warming up to me." She jokes to fez.
"Yeah.. he usually mean mugs people." Sofia smiles.
"Are you ready?" Elliot says to Sofia. She nods her head at him and she pays for their snacks.
"Be careful out there now." Fez said handing her,her bag of snacks.
"You too stay safe. Bye fez." She gives him a warm smile.
"Bye Sofia." Fez waved.
"Bye ash." She says loud enough for ash to hear her.
"Bye." The little boy says as she's leaving.
They get into the car and they drive to a park.
"What are we doing here."
"I was thinking we could watch a movie." He says as he take out his phone.
"Okay." She smiles.
"What movie should we watch?" They scroll through different movies on his phone until they reach one that Sofia loves. West side story. Personally elliot never watches a musical but he'd do anything Sofia wants to do. He sat there watching Sofia who was deeply invested into the movie. Her eyes were sparkling as she admired the movie.
Something that looked so unimportant, for Elliot was something sweet and intimate . He watched her for 2 and a half hours. He was fascinated on how she almost knew every word and beat to the movie. When the movie ended Sofia turned to look at him catching him by surprise.
"So did you like it?" He snapped out of his thoughts.
"Isn't it basically like Romeo and Juliet?"
"How would you know you didn't even watch the movie." She joked.
"I feel like I did you mouthed the movie the whole time it was like I was watching it." He joked back.
He checks the time; 10:53pm.
"I have to get you home; it's getting pretty late." Elliot says as he turns on the car. He drives her home and parks right outside.

"Thank you for tonight." Sofia smiled at Elliot.
Elliot took a deep breath and blurted out.
"Can I kiss you?" Sofia looked surprised. You can see it in her eyes how much she contemplated this question. She gave him a small smile before down at her hands and feet.
"No." She said quietly.
"No?" He's a bit taken back. Sofia shakes her head.
"I don't mean it in a bad way. I just don't think it's the right time." She said shyly.
"Alright. Then can I take you on a date?" He asked her.
"A what?"
"A date." He said shyly. Sofia put a small smile on her face.
"That would be nice." She said quietly.
"I would like to get to know you a bit more."
"I want to as well." She smiles a bit brighter.
"Alright I'll text you the details."
"Okay." She said reaching for the door. He grabs her hand and pulls he back and gives her a kiss on the cheek. She smiles and goes for the door once again.
"Good night Elliot." She blushes.
"Good night Sofia." He says before closing Elliot's car door.
She walks to the front door and opens the door. She looks back before stepping in and sees Elliot still there waiting for her to get in. Sofia waves goodbye and he does too. She goes into her house and closes the door behind her locking it. Outside elliot waited for Sofia to close the door, he rested his head against the back of his seat and smiled brightly. 

Sofia got up to her room and checked her phone to see a few messages from Maddy and Cassie asking about where she went and with who.
She took a shower and did her skin care routine. She went to  Andrew's room and gave him a kiss goodnight even though he was already sleeping. She walked out of his room to see her brother walking into his. She didn't say a word and went straight into her room and shut the door. She laid down and for the first time since arriving at east highland, she went to sleep with a smile on her face.


A/N- hey guys I will start working tomorrow ahhhh

I still can't process the season finally. I can't 😪
Hope you guys liked this chapter.💖

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