Attached // Minsung

By werealltrying

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Lee Minho and Han Jisung meet in college. Lee Minho starts dragging Han Jisung into a bunch of things that Ha... More



259 13 4
By werealltrying

Han threw his bag down onto the floor next to him. "The hell if I am." His voice was laced with disagreement. "I'm fine right here."

Lee Know rolled his eyes expecting this. He stood up and grabbed Hans bag and threw it over his shoulder. He then continued to walk right out the dorm door.

Han chased him, "hey! What the hell?" He caught up and tried to grab his bag back from the older.

But once again Lee Know swung around and pushed Han up against the wall. Lee Know brought their faces extremely close. Not caring if the younger saw his eyes on Hans lips.

Hans heart instantly raced. That familiar feeling that Lee Know drowned him in was back. Han loved every second of the adrenaline that sourced through them both.

He tensed and pushed himself as flat against the wall as he could. Although he wanted to feel the older touch all over his body again he knew it would only lead to more pain.

Han brought his eyes up from Lee Knows lips to his eyes. He watched as the older watched his lips. Han leaned up to the olders ear acting as if he was going to start kissing his neck. But instead he whispered, "I don't need your fucking pity." He grabbed his bag and walked away giving Lee Know the death glare.

Lee Know watched as the younger did that. He knew the effect he had on the younger. And he decided to use it to help him.

Lee Know smirked to himself and he ran up behind the boy and wrapped one hand around his waist and the other unknowingly locked its fingers around Hans neck.

Without really understanding why, Han rolled his eyes to the back of his head and he leaned his head back on Lee Knows shoulder behind him. Han quickly let out a moan as he felt Lee Knows grip get tighter on his neck.

Lee Know wasn't expecting that to be the youngers reaction. But oh damn did he love it. He leaned down and kissed the exposed neck that Han gave him leaning him back. He only gave one small kiss and he went up to Hans ear and said, "what was that?"

"I'm not coming with you." Han said through a breathy  voice. Despite his current state and wants he still knew it was better to keep his distance.

Lee Know didn't like the response he was given. He used his hand to let go of Hans waist and push him back up against the wall.

They were now facing each other with Lee Knows hand still placed on the younger.

Lee Know looked down upon Han as he got extremely close to his face once more. "Fine." Lee Know said squeezing tighter on Hans neck avoiding actually hurting him.

Han let out another pleasure filled moan. Lee Know gripped onto the youngers back and pulled Hans waist closer. Now both boys could feel the affect they had on each other.

"I'll show you what you're missing out on." Lee Know smirked confusing the younger still under his hold. Lee Know smashed his lips onto Hans.

Han responded without hesitation. This time it was rougher. Less love. More aggressive. More need. More want. Han used his hands and placed them on either side of Lee Knows waist. He gripped and pulled the olders waist closer.

Their lips matched up and moved together as if this was all pre rehearsed and planned. Lee Know got more needy as he slipped his hand off of Hans neck and trailed it down his body.

Both hands met up at Hans pants button. Lee Know quickly undid the button and unzipped the zipper. But he stopped there.

He released his lips from the youngers and started to trail down his neck. He stopped to suck on the sweet spot he had discovered last time. Han let out another moan followed by, "I want you Lee Know."

This turned the older on more then he thought possible. It made him quicken his pace. He shifted his body weight onto his knees. Han looked down at the older making eye contact.

Han melted at the sight of seeing Lee Know on his knees for him. He placed a hand on Lee Knows head. He nodded to the older as if he thought Lee Know was asking permission.

Lee Know lifted the youngers shirt and started kissing along his well defined torso. Once he reached Hans v-line he slowly started pulling Hans pants and boxers down together.

Feeling Lee Knows soft lips lightly brushing against his v-line down towards his member made Han feel as if he was on cloud 9.

Once he realized Lee Know was taking his sweet time on teasing him he got frustrated. "Please...." He let out with a small moan as he looked down into the olders eyes.

Lee Know continued to hold the eye contact with no response to the younger. He just pulled Hans pants and underwear completely down. Not breaking eye contact.

Both boys found the other looking at them extremely hot. But almost as if the lights had been turned on. Han remembered something.

"Lee Know!" He yelled causing Lee Knows face to turn concerned and confused. "We are in the middle of the dorm hallway."

Lee Know gave the younger a small smile as he said, "no one's here." He grabbed a hold of Hans member causing Hans breathing to hitch. "And besides." Lee Know gave a smirk. "That's what makes it fun." Not giving the younger time to respond. Lee Know slipped Hans member into his mouth and started sucking.

Han instantly forgot about what he was just worried about. He let out a moan as he threw his head back into the wall. His grip tightened on Lee Knows hair.

This time it wasn't slow and sweet and paced. Lee Know wanted to show Han what he could actually do. He wanted to give Han a reason to stay with him.

Not giving himself a break Lee Know kept sucking and thrusting his head back and forth. Eventually he brought in his hand to help by grasping onto Hans shaft.

Han was a moaning mess. He wanted to look down at Lee Know to take in the sight. But he couldn't manage to even open his eyes from all the pleasure he was feeling. The only thing he could manage to do was grasp onto Lee Knows hair and moan.

Just as Lee Know decided to start using his tongue to help give the younger extra pleasure, Han couldn't take it anymore. The pleasure became too much.

Without warning, Han released his load. The older continuing while swallowing.

Almost as if on cue a security guard yelled, "hey! What are you doing here! You're not supposed to be on campus grounds right now!" He quickly started running towards the two boys.

Han immediately pulled his underwear and pants up as Lee Know grabbed his bag for him and held his hand as they started running away from the guard.

Despite the circumstances and them getting caught Han and Lee Know laughed as they continued to run down the corridors.

Eventually Lee Know snuck them both into a cut off area and hid there. Both boys kept quiet as they heard and watched the guard run past them and down another hall.

Once they assumed he was a good distance away both boys looked at each other and let out laughs. "Do you think he saw it?" Han asked trying to hold back his laughter.

"Oh he definitely saw everything." Lee Know said through his heavy breaths. "I told you to come with me. You're not supposed to stay on campus during break." He was still laughing trying to avoid the serious tone.

Han let out a sigh of realization. "How have they not caught me yet then!?" He realized. Lee Know just shrugged.

As the boys slowly relaxed and caught their breath once they realized they were alone now.

Lee Know nudged Hans side catching his attention. The younger snapped his gaze to the older with a small smile still glued to his lips from the adrenaline.

"So....what do you think?" Lee Know asked. "Come with me?" This time he asked to give the younger an option.

Hans smile dropped as he got up out of the hiding spot and reached out his hand. "Can I have my bag?" His serious tone returned.

Lee Know stood up as well not giving up the bag. "Oh come on. You can't stay here and there's obviously a reason you aren't home. You don't have any food. Just stay with me until break is over." He stayed persistent.

Han reached forward for his bag but Lee Know moved out of the way. "I'm not coming with you."

"What's the big deal?"

Han didn't want to explain himself to the older but he decided it was best to get him to shut up. "The big deal is you." He knew he should've worded that better. "I mean-" Han let out a sigh showing his frustration. "What I mean is that I moved on from you and everything that we did. But for some reason when I went to that party and you said and did those things to me it hurt when I know it shouldn't have. So if I go with you I'm risking catching feelings again and all that's going to lead to is getting hurt again. So no. I won't go with you." Han admitted honestly.

Lee Know knew he hurt the boy at the party but hearing him confirm it just hurt Lee Know even worse. As expected though. He wasn't going to show it. He just handed Hans bag over and said, "fine. Whatever you want." His attitude was evident as he pushed past the younger and left the building.

Han stood there surprised it was that easy. He wondered what happened to make the older give up so easily.

He brushed it off and headed back to his dorm.


Later that night he heard a knock on the his dorm door. He let out a sigh seeing as he knew who it was. He walked over to open the door while saying, "I told you I'm fi-" once he saw who it really was, he stopped speaking.


"What are you doing still on campus?" The officer asked.

Han didn't say anything. He just sat in the chair in his office and kept his head down.

"I won't charge you for staying on campus and doing....what you were doing in the hall. But you need to leave campus. Find a friend to stay with if you can't go home. Just leave the campus property." The officer continued to say.

Han looked up and asked, "how did you even know it was me?" He asked confused.

"Security cameras. After the guard lost you two he checked the cameras and realized there was you and Lee Know. But we know he lives off campus. Oh. Just stay with him for the time being." The officer suggested which earned a glare from the younger. "What?" The officer asked trying to be friendly. "You two looked.....close." He said with a hint of discomfort behind his voice.

Han continued to stay quiet. He was just annoyed with this whole situation and wanted to go to sleep. "Can I go now?" He asked with attitude.

"As long as you can promise that you'll leave campus until break is over." The officer asked now with a serious tone.

"Whatever." Han said getting up to leave.

"Understand?" The officer shot out sounding annoyed this time.

Han just turned and said, "yea...understood." He then let himself out of the officers office.

As he heard the door close behind him he let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. He also realized he was shaking. He closed his eyes and calmed himself down now that he was out of that situation.

Once he calmed down enough he continued to leave the building. He reached the front doors that were entirely glass with some metal. He looked outside and realized that it was completely dark and raining.



Lee Know sat at home. He was playing video games and honestly getting his ass kicked at it.

With a frustrated tone he threw his remote down and let his thoughts completely get overtaken by Han.

"Damn it're distracting me so much I'm losing every game I play." He threw his body back onto his couch in a slumped position.

He admitted to himself that he worried about the younger. He wondered if he had eaten anything since he last saw him. Or if he even at least got some water. He wished he would've just grabbed the boy and threw him over his shoulder and forced him to come.

Just then a knock interrupted his thoughts.

He didn't know who it could be since everyone else was at their homes.

He opened the door to see Han soaked and shivering. His hair was drenched and covering his eyes. Somehow Lee Know could still see the youngers big doe eyes peeking through asking for help.

Without hesitation Lee Know ran to his bathroom and grabbed a towel. He darted back to his front door and pulled Han inside and wrapped the towel around him. He pulled the younger close to him into a hug as he tried to warm him up with his own body heat.

"What the hell Han?!" He said pissed that the younger didn't call him. "You're shaking and your lips are purple." He continued to hold the younger close.

Han nuzzled into Lee Knows chest. "I'm sorry." Was all he said as Lee Knows shirt muffled it.

"You don't need to apologize." Lee Know said as he pulled Han somewhere still holding him close.

Lee Know led the younger into his bathroom. "Stay here." He told Han who had no problem staying cuddled up in the towel.

Lee Know ran into his room and grabbed a change of underwear and pajamas for the younger. He walked back into the bathroom and set them on the counter.

He turned to the bath tub and turned on the hot water. He plugged the drain and adjusted the temperature so it wasn't too hot or too cold for the younger.

Once it was perfect he turned to Han and took the towel off of him. "Come on." He said nudging Han to unwrap his hands from his body.

Once Han did so, both boys helped in undressing Han. Once Lee Know went to help untie Hans shoes Han asked, "why are you helping me?" This caused Lee Know to look up at Han with confusion. "I turned you down earlier so why help now?"

Lee Know didn't want to answer that so he continued untying the boys shoes and taking them off. "Why are you even here? Like you said. You turned down my offer. So why come late at night in the middle of a rainstorm?" He tried diverting the conversation.

It worked seeing as Han explained that he got caught and told to leave. Lee Know understood and said, "well it looks like your stuck with me then." He joked as he then went to help the younger out of his rain soaked jeans.

Han slapped his hand. "I got it."

Lee Know retreated his hand as stood up and whispered to the boy in a seductive way. "You didn't seem to mind me helping you earlier."

Han slapped the boys arm to cope since he was speechless. Lee Know let out a laugh. "Can't I at least bathe with you?" He asked sounding serious.

Han shook his head and pushed the older out of the bathroom shutting the door afterwards.

Lee Know turned and faced the door that was just shut in his face. As he went to walk away the door opened again and Han peeked his head out and said, "thank you....though." He gave a half heartened smile then slammed the door shut again.

Lee Know laughed to himself then headed to the kitchen. He couldn't help but be happy that the younger was here. He may act like he's not on the outside but on the inside he couldn't contain the happiness.


Han got out of the bath. He was so happy he could feel his body again. As he dried off of his hair he started thinking about how Lee Know just acted and treated him. He hated it.

He loved it but that's why he hated it. Because Lee Know helping him warm up and preparing a warm bath for him. Getting him a fresh change of clothes. Those were all things that could make Han start to have feelings again. And he knew that would be something that Lee Know couldn't return.

He pushed his thoughts away as he walked out of the bathroom.

"In the kitchen." Han heard Lee Know yell. He headed towards the older.

As Han entered the kitchen the scent of a fresh home cooked meal hit his nose. His eyes grew hearts in them as he walked farther into the kitchen.

Lee Know turned around and faced Han. He saw how the boy practically prayed on the food like he was a lion and the this was his last meal. He wanted to laugh but concern filled him.

"How long has it been since you've had something to eat Han?" Lee Knows voice was stern and demanding.

Han snapped his gaze to the older and his heart eyes disappeared. "Not long." He kept it vague.

Han tired sitting down to eat but Lee Know stopped him. "Han." His hand was on Hans chest and the boys were now face to face.

Han wasn't going to let Lee Know care for him. He wanted to avoid any chances of catching feelings. "It's none of your business." He tried sitting down again but was stopped once more.

"If you tell me then I'll leave you alone the entire time you're staying here." Lee Know wagered knowing the younger would accept.

Han let out a small sigh. He wanted that yes but at the same time he liked having Lee Know annoy him and give him company. But ultimately he knew distance was best. "3-4 days....I think." He said giving a small pause in between. "Now can I eat?" He pushed the older out of the way and sat down.

Lee Know wanted to yell at Han for not eating for that long and he wanted to make sure every bit of food he cooked was stuffed into the boys mouth. He wanted to take care of him but the fact that he answered once the wager was given shows that he wants to keep his distance. Which hurt Lee Know a little bit. He wanted the boy to want him.

To give the boy what he wanted Lee Know grabbed his food and left the kitchen. He sat on the couch and started playing video games.

Han watched the older do this. He hoped he wouldn't actually give him space and would fight to give him attention but hey....this'll help right? Han ignored it and went back to eating.


Han finished his food and started cleaning the table and doing the dishes to help out.

"You don't have to do that." He heard Lee Knows voice behind him and realized he was now in the kitchen as well.

"It's okay. The least I can do while you let me stay here is help out." Han said seeming more happy and less annoyed with everything.

"You seem happier." Lee Know said and he slipped in next to Han and started helping with the dishes.

Han nodded and said, "yea. It helps when you got a full stomach." He patted his belly and gave the older a smile. "Thank you for the food. By the way. It was delicious." Han returned his gaze back down to the sink in front of him.

"Your welcome. You needed it anyways. I couldn't let you continue to starve." Lee Know responded while hiding the real reason why he was taking care of the younger.

Han just hummed in response.

As they both finished up doing the dishes Lee Know said, "I'll take the couch you can have my bed." Lee Know wanted to sleep in bed with Han but he knew the younger wanted to keep his distance so he decided to respect that.

"No. It's your bed. You sleep in it and I'll take the couch." Han said kind of disappointed that the older didn't offer to share his bed but he knew it was best.

Just like Han, Lee Know was disappointed to hear Han agree to sleep separately. "Either you take the bed or neither of us do and we fight for couch and floor." Lee Know let out a small laugh to keep the mood light.

In the end Han took the bed. He was laying down getting cuddled up under the blankets. Out of habit from last time he was over he took the right side and left the left side open for Lee Know.

Lee Know walked by the room and stopped in the doorway. "You better take care of her. I love that bed. She's my wife." Lee Know said leaning up against the door frame.

Han laughed at the boys remarks. "I'll take good care of her. I promise." He said clenching the blankets up in a hug.

Lee Know continued on with the jokes. " care of yourself while lying in my bed as well...." Lee Know said with an evil smirk planted on his face.

Han instantly caught on, "ohhh gross!! Never! No! Lee Knowwww!" Han threw a fit as Lee Know laughed and quickly turned the lights off and started to shut the door.

"Wait wait wait!" He heard Han yelling at him. He hoped it was the younger asking him to lay in bed with him. He was wrong.

"Can you keep the door open?" Han asked like a little kid. "I find comfort in it being open." He expressed to the older.

Lee Know gave a nod and just said, "alright." He pushed the door back open and said, "Goodnight."

Han replied, "Goodnight."

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