Fated To Be His...

By Sueinfinity

101K 9.6K 834

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo were together since they were kids. Raised in a shifter shelter since they were two a... More

A few words..
1. Hope in danger...
2. The Wang pack???
3. Why is he doing this?
4. A request...
5. A-Zhan??
6. He left me...
8. He stays here...
9. Yibo needs it..
10. What's wrong?
11. Not my business..
12. I want your death...
13. My Everything..
14. I know how it feels...
15. That's not going to end well...
16. Let him out...
17. I don't need you...
18. Do it...
19. You can't stop me.
20. I will tell him...
21. I'll never stand in your way...
22. I'll keep you safe...
23. Only you...
24. Wu Jing...
25. Did he force you?
26. Believe me..
27. Look at me...
28. I love you, Xiao Zhan...
29. Are you going back?
30. A dangerous man...
31. Yibo, let her go!
32. Come on, baby lion.
33. Mark me...
34. I don't love her...
35. Don't mess with me...
36. Please, let me....
37. A-Ying...
38. They will love you...
39. Happy birthday, Xiao Wei...
40. Tell me why!!!
41. Please, don't....
42. I won't leave...
43. I won't let you...
44. Leave, Xiao Zhan....
45. Don't hate me...
46.Let me love you...
47. Never Stop...
48. Forgive yourself...
49. He is enough...
50. Treasure it...
51. Move in??
52. Shouldn't you??
53. An unlikely alliance...
54. She'll die...
55. I want to protect you!!
56. Bring me back...
57. Kill me...
58. Come back to me...
59. Submit, Chang Xia...
60. Baby lion...
61. My Zhan-Zhan...
A few words...

7. It's bad, Lei..

1.7K 182 10
By Sueinfinity

"He was so handsome, Zhan-ge! I mean...I have never seen someone like him ever before. Aiyo! He looks like he belongs in a vogue magazine or something, ge", Wei Wei sighed dreamily and Xiao Zhan turned to Liu Fang with an arched brow. "Aren't you going to stop her?", he asked referring to Wei Wei's fangirling and Liu Fang shrugged a shoulder. "She isn't lying. Mr.Wang is handsome", he supplied with a straight face and Zhan narrowed his eyes. "That doesn't bother you? Your mate talking about another man like that? If I was you I would have plummeted the Alpha to death", he challenged and Liu Fang shrugged again. "It's me who gets to hold her at the end of the day. No one loves her more than me. I'm not worried", Zhan's eyes bulged at the man's straight explanation and Wei Wei blushed bright red. "Move away! You guys are making me sick", Zhan shuddered theatrically and Wei Wei slapped him lightly on the shoulder. "Don't make fun of him", she reprimanded and the Omega smiled. "Stop blushing like a bride and I will stop", he teased making Wei Wei blush again. "Anyways, did any of you see Lei? I have been looking for him but can't find him", he questioned and Wei Wei shook her head. "Nope. I haven't." "Me neither", said Liu Fang and Zhan nodded. "Fine. I'll go look myself." He left the two lovebirds alone and made a beeline to Lei's office.

Zhan had rounded the shelter twice but hadn't seen Lei. The man wasn't even answering his calls maybe he was still upset with Zhan's behavior last night. Zhan had realised that Lei wasn't the one at fault. It was him who was creating a problem by being stupid. Lei just wanted to get help for the shelter and Zhan couldn't expect Lei to take sides between him and Yibo. Zhan was thinking of ways to apologise to Lei and tell him that he didn't blame him but Lei was nowhere to be found. Zhan had an important news to give to the elder and with every minute that passed, Zhan had to hear another compliment about Wang Yibo. It was making Zhan crazy. It was as if Wang Yibo was the last man on earth and no one could shut up about his exceptional manners, cold and handsome looks, his domineering aura, etcetera etcetera.

Zhan had snapped once or twice at people when they praised Yibo and he had found out that his reactions were making the others wonder. Many of the members who knew Yibo were still around and Zhan felt eyes on him wherever he went. He wasn't sure what people were expecting. Not everyone knew the entire story of what went down between him and Yibo. As far as they knew, Wang Yibo and Zhan had been really close and Yibo had just decided to leave for another pack when he grew up. It wouldn't be the first time it had happened. Many lone shifters left Hope after they found their mates or when Lei found a pack to relocate them. They always had an option of coming back and while some did, others learned to adjust among their own kind. Shifters were not supposed to be loners. The stability and anchoring that a pack provided to a shifter was something that nothing else could replace and in Hope, where all kinds of shifters came to seek refuge, some had trouble adapting. So, the others thought that Wang Yibo who was a strong Alpha by his very nature was uncomfortable and had decided to finally explore the world. While, Zhan had not been ready to leave so he had stayed. Zhan had never talked to anyone about what had happened, Lei and Yichen now being the only people who had seen his breakdown over Yibo. Zhan wanted to keep it that way. Not ready to come into the limelight and answer all the invasive questions, Zhan pretended that he was fine and had controlled himself from having a meltdown in front of everybody. It was harder than he thought it would be but Zhan could do it. Afterall, what other choice did he have?

Zhan opened Lei's office and finding the place empty, sighed irritably. "Are you planning on avoiding me forever?", he questioned the empty room and suddenly his skin prickled and the scent of sandalwood and chocolates slammed into him. "That should be my question", the deep, husky voice said from behind Zhan and the Omega froze instantly. He stared right ahead, too afraid to turn around and see the man who had haunted him for so long. Afraid to see indifference in those dark eyes he loved and get belittled for the fact that he was still pining for a man who didn't care about him. Zhan's fingers clenched around the door knob and tears burned his eyes but he bit his lips, focusing on the pain and willing his feelings away. "Won't you even look at me?", the voice came again and Zhan thought he had gone crazy because of the hurt he heard in the voice. Taking in a deep breath and promising himself he wouldn't break, Zhan turned around pasting a smile on his face. "Yibo! Long time no see. How have you been?", he asked turning and his heart stopped when his eyes met dark blazing ones of Wang Yibo.

Up close, Yibo was even more perfect and Zhan unwillingly noticed the little details of Yibo's face that had changed over the last five years, taking in every inch of him. The Alpha's features had become sharper over the years. His jawline was more prominent, lips fuller, Yibo had lost the baby fat on his cheeks and those dark eyes were deeper, more captivating than before. Zhan had trouble breathing and his Omega senses went haywire as he stood before the Alpha he wanted so much. Those broad shoulders were perfect to hold onto as the Alpha pounded into him, those forearms strong enough to hold Zhan down and those lips were full enough to bite and suckle. Zhan felt his body sing at the sight before him, his length twitching with need and he swallowed hard as blood rushed to his ears. "Zhan?", Lei's voice brought Zhan to the present and Zhan jumped away from Yibo making his way to Lei. "L-Lei. I was looking for you", Zhan muttered biting his lips and handed the papers to Lei. Wang Lei eyed the papers, his eyes narrowing and he gestured Zhan to get in his office. Yibo followed Lei and Zhan had the sudden urge to run away. He would've done it if he could but he decided it was better to rip the bandage off. If Zhan faced the Alpha now, he wouldn't have to pussyfoot around the issue between him and Yibo again and it would be done with. "Zhan?", came Lei's call again and Zhan yelled, "Coming!"

Wang Yibo was seated across from Wang Lei, his eyes fixed on the doorway and his hands clenched tight into fists when he saw Zhan enter the office. It was as if the air was knocked out of him at the sight of the Omega. 'His Omega', Yibo thought possessively. Yibo stared at Xiao Zhan, unblinking and shamelessly because he had been starving. Starving for five long years just for a glimpse of that perfect face, for a whiff of that tantalising scent of plum blossoms. It was more potent now, intense with a hint of sweetness to it and Yibo's mouth watered. Now that Zhan was right in front of him, Yibo thought he would have to physically restrain himself because all he wanted was to pounce on the little Omega and have his way with him right in front of Lei.

Yibo's eyes greedily drank Zhan in and the man was more beautiful than Yibo had imagined. Yibo had often thought how Zhan would look after so many years. The Omega was breathtaking even on his worst days but nothing could have prepared Yibo for the reality. That clear complexion, milky white cheeks, those pink lips and that mole beneath them. How many times had Yibo dreamed about licking that mole and nibbling on it? Too many fucking times. Yibo's eyes fell on that delicate curve of Zhan's shoulder, the exposed skin of his throat and need flared in Yibo. His teeth ached with need to bite down on the soft flesh and mark it forever. His wolf pushed to surface trying to take control and take his Omega and Yibo struggled to keep himself in check. His claws dug into the chair and he breathed in slowly, deeply, reigning his wolf in. He had time. He would have Zhan. He would make Zhan his. Yibo would mark Zhan, fuck him and breed him. Tie Zhan to himself in the best of ways so that no one dared to separate them. The thought was enough to make Yibo harden in his jeans but he had to wait. He couldn't get weak now. He had waited for so long, he could wait a little longer. Yibo stared at Zhan and groaned internally. It was going to be harder than he thought. Zhan was within arms reach, looking perfect, acting as if nothing had happened and Yibo's wolf growled in displeasure at being ignored. It seemed as if Zhan had forgotten what he had promised Yibo. Promised that he would be Yibo's and only Yibo's...forever. Good for them, Yibo had a great memory.

"This has to be Chang Xia's doing", growled Lei glaring the papers Zhan had brought him and Yibo focused on Lei's voice, trying to shake off his need for Zhan. Tried. He failed, obviously. "She has blocked all of Wei Wei's credit cards and has emptied her bank account. There are rumors that Wei Wei seduced Zhang Xuan and poisoned Chang Xia to kill their unborn pup. It's bad, Lei", Zhan explained sneaking a look at Yibo, shuffling on his feet and Lei asked Zhan if he had told Wei Wei about it. "I couldn't. I was planning on meeting Chang Ming Jing and asking him to do something about the money and rumors. If the word spreads, the packs that were ready to take Wei Wei in will change their mind. She might get fired from her job." Zhan worried his lip between his teeth and Yibo leaned over Lei's desk taking the paper from his hands. There were Wei Wei's account details and other information about her on it and Yibo recognised the cafe she worked for.

"She won't get fired. I know the lion shifter the cafe belongs to. About her relocating to another pack, I will vouch for her if that's what it takes. The packs shouldn't have a problem taking her in. If someone still has an issue, my pack will take her in", Yibo concluded and Zhan stared at him for a few moments. "Why would you do that? You don't even know her", he asked as if unsure and Yibo detested that Zhan didn't believe him. If this was five years ago, Zhan would have asked...no, demanded that Yibo take Wei Wei in and Yibo would have. He could never deny his little wolf anything. But, if this was five years ago, there wouldn't have been so much distance between him and Zhan. His little wolf wouldn't have been uncomfortable in his presence.  "I will take her in if you tell me to", Yibo answered honestly and Zhan's eyes widened a fraction before they narrowed. "I don't think I have that kind of power over an Alpha of your status, Mr. Wang. But, everyone in the shelter will be grateful if you help Wei Wei."  "I will take her in, Zhan", said Yibo cutting Zhan off and in return Zhan shot Lei a look before giving a stiff nod to Yibo. Even his mate's indifference soothed Yibo's dark soul and he turned his eyes to Lei, telling him to ask Wei Wei if she wanted to join in. "I will. I am sure she won't say no. She already feels grateful and is friendly with some of the wolves that come here." Yibo nodded and then Zhan stood up from his chair. "Fine. I will talk to Ming Jing then." "Fine. Take Zhuocheng and Yichen with you. Be careful, A-Zhan", Lei cautioned and suddenly heard a loud, chilling growl escape Yibo.

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