Rebuilt Friendships | Drew re...


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After College, Drew has became a successful lawyer, had a charming wife, Zoey, and a daughter named Brea, lif... More

"Have we met?"
"If I had known better..."
"The DJ"
"Glasses and the devil"
Book cover
"Such an idiot..."
"All together again"
Bonus chapter: Love all over again

"You're safe now"

96 5 1

Continuation of flashback

Drew POV

I've lost consciousness....Or so I thought.... I heard sirens, people screaming, some people crying, and....someone  talking to me, "It's ok're safe now" I tried to open my eyes but only a little my vision was pretty blurry, I closed my eyes again, I felt some people carrying my hospital bed, and sirens again, so noisy...


I woke up in a hospital bed and I saw my parents sitting in front of me, and they both let out a sigh of relief, "Oh thank goodness you're ok" My mom said, tearing up "Drew, your friends told us the news, we were worried sick about you..." My dad told me, I sort of had this coming.... " long have I been asleep?" I asked, panicking, "You were in a coma for 3 days"  My mom replied in concern "3 DAY- *cough* *cough*" I tried to speak but my throat hurts "Please don't talk so loudly, Drew, you have a wound on your neck and the doctors had to stitch it up" My dad said, worrying about me.

End of flashback

Drew POV

"That's what really happened...." I told them, Henry and Liam were in shock, and they went to give me a big hug, the kids saw us and went to hug us as well, we all let go, and the kids went back to playing, "Drew, you didn't know how much we worried about you" Henry said, I didn't know that they were worried about me "We're glad you came clean, even if it was 10 years late" Liam said in relief, It was some sort of secret that I wouldn't dare to tell, I wouldn't dare tell my parents about it. I had to come up with an excuse so my parents wouldn't worry too much. "I kept the truth , but it is sort of a stress reliever now that let it out after some time" I said "Speaking of time....the sun's about to go down, we should get home" Liam said, we all agreed and went home "OH DREW-" Liam called out to me "Yes?" I called back "Tomorrow, you're meeting the entire band, no excuses, got it?" Liam said, I'm still pretty nervous but I know I can do it "Yeah, sure, see you guys tomorrow!" We all went home and that night I was thinking if I should take it back.....but I do want to see them again.....But tomorrow, hopefully everything would change.....

To be continued 

Author's note: HIII GUYS! Sorry this was late hehe, I had a lot of school so I couldn't get this out, but thank god I did, see you guys in the next chapter! 

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