Untitled Project

By maraswan2

18.6K 512 336

Based on the original pilot script with a slightly different spin on our favorite characters. More

Twenty- Six


424 12 4
By maraswan2

"This is gonna be the last time we're able to walk through these halls together" Olivia said as her and Spencer waltzed down the Beverly hallway hand in hand. Spencer had already told Olivia about Corey's offer for him to play at South Crenshaw next school year and although she was happy for him, he could tell that she still felt a certain way about it.

"It doesn't have to be the last time, just say the word and I'll stay here in a heart beat" Spencer replied squeezing her hand. They reached his locker and finally released their joint hands from one another so he could open it. She let out a loud dramatic sigh as she leaned against his locker before replying.

"And let you miss out on the chance to play for your dad? I would never do that.. It's just gonna suck for Jordan because instead of going to all of Beverly's games, I'll be at Crenshaw's.." She answered and took a dramatic pause. "Do you think I'll look good in Charger Green?" She continued her jokes making him laugh.

"You look good in everything" he said bending his locker door so he could look at her.

"I don't know that green and yellow...not the best combo" Olivia shook her head, fake comptemplating. Spencer often enjoyed their banter but he also knew that Olivia sometime used humor to hide how she was really feeling. He didn't want this to be one of those cases where she felt overlooked or abandoned. He didn't want to trigger her, especially since she's been doing really well with her recovery. The fear of abandonment was something that they both shared, because of this they've been inseparable since they started dating.

"Seriously Liv, you gonna be okay?" He questioned, watching her body language go from slightly worried to more content as a small smile spread across her face. She pulled him in for a slow sensual kiss, letting her lips linger.

"Spencer, I'll be okay. I have Jordan, Simone, Layla. And honestly I'm just happy for you. You got your dad back and that's what you've wanted for a really long time" she answered genuinely. "And in the meantime I get to walk around the halls of Beverly telling everybody that Spencer James is my man" she said raising her brows, giving him a goofy smile.

"You too much" he laughed.

"Really because I don't think I'm doing nearly enough" she responded. They continued this way, going back and forth cracking jokes with cute innuendos while also stealing kisses in between. However, their sweet moments were unfortunately cut short when Rochelle came strolling towards them with her camera crew for the documentary she was working on for film school.

"Spencer, tell us why you're abandoning Beverly, a championship team to go back to the South Crenshaw Chargers who didn't even make it to playoff last season" Rochelle interrogated as she cut in between Olivia and Spencer. Olivia looked around and over her shoulders to make sure what just happened, actually happened.

Unwilling to dignify her ridiculous assumption with a clear answer Spencer simply stated, "no comment".

"Come on Spence, you can't even give me an exclusive" she flirted, resting her hand on his forearm. Before he could react, Olivia swiftly removed Rochelle hand from her boyfriend's body.

"Bitch he said no comment" Olivia said, now getting closer to Rochelle's face.

"Cut the camera" Rochelle told her camera crew from afar before redirecting her attention to a fuming Olivia. "I wasn't talking to you, BITCH" she snapped back, setting Olivia off.

"Rochelle, I will beat your disrespect ass" Olivia asserted.

"Do it" she barked and that's all Olivia needed to hear before slapped Rochelle across the face, hard. The slap could be heard throughout the hallway gaining the attention from everyone, including a particular Nosy Nelly. Hadley peaked her head from her locker and started to approach them.

"Did you just slap me?" Rochelle asked, still in shock as she held her cheek.

"Sure did, and I'll do it again" Olivia raised her hand and before she could follow through on that promise, Spencer pulled his girlfriend aside. He watched as everything went down between Olivia and Rochelle in shock. For a second he forgot how tough his girlfriend truly was because when she was with him she was softer. Seeing Rochelle receiving those blows took him back to the time when Olivia slapped him in the bathroom after their first kiss. Watching Olivia be so feisty turned him on but also made him feel a little bad for Rochelle because he knew that Olivia could and would beat her ass. He loved how his girlfriend didn't play about him.

"Yeah keep that bitch on a leash" Rochelle shouted when she knew she was safe with Olivia in Spencer's grip. Just then Hadley approached Rochelle whispering in her ear, causing Rochelle to scoff and walk away.

"Let me go Spencer" Olivia fought him.

"So you could get suspended on the last few weeks of school, nope not on my watch" Spencer replied as he took all the punches and shoving Olivia was throwing his way.

"She doesn't even go here and yet she's disrespecting our relationships in front of my face. That BITCH has it coming" Olivia yelled at Rochelle while she walked down the hallway, rolling her eyes unfazed.

"Let me handle it" he said making Olivia finally stop fighting. The authoritative base in his voice calming her down.

"What are you gonna do?" She questioned. 

"I'm gonna call her a bitch and slap her" Spencer shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly before walking down the hallway to catch up with Rochelle.

"Too soon" she shouted after him, rolling her eyes, unamused by her boyfriend's tomfoolery.

Spencer caught up with Rochelle and her camera crew in front of the school and he was less than pleased with her blanted disrespect for him and Olivia's relationship. Rochelle's face lit up when she saw Spencer's presence in front of her.

"Spencer.. you ready to finish that interview" she smiled making him shake his head.

"Liv must not have slapped you hard enough" he responded and she rolled her eyes.

"Rochelle you gotta stop whatever it is you're doing"

"And what am I doing?" she questioned in a sly tone, fluttering her eyes and grabbing a hold of his arm with him pushing it off.

"Olivia is my girlfriend, I love her and you gonna stop disrespecting her and our relationship" he answered, plainly and brutally.

"And if I don't?" She countered, daring to go forward.

"Then I'm not gonna be as nice as Liv" Spencer said and with that he watched as her confidence drained and her demeanor changed. He left her with those parting words to think of as he walked back into the school to Olivia.

Meanwhile, while Spencer went to talk to Rochelle, Hadley took that as an opportunity to talk to Olivia.

"Hey, I saw what happened with" Hadley began to say pointing back in the direction Rochelle left out in.

Olivia nodded her head waiting for her to continue, slightly confused because she didn't know they were on speaking terms, especially after Hadley showed up at her house unannounced.

"I told her she should probably give up or you would give her the same black eye you gave me on New Years" Hadley continued, making them both laugh. "I deserved it though"

Olivia shook her head, trying to find the right words to make her feel better. "It didn't have to go down like that"

"I don't think I ever apologized for the way I reacted when I found out about you and Spencer. So I'm sorry" she said, not meaning a single word.

"It's okay. I probably would have done the same thing" Olivia said trying to relate to her and putting herself in Hadley's shoes. All she did was fall in love with her best friend, she honestly didn't mean for Hadley to get hurt.

"I was hoping we could be friends again?" Hadley suggested nervously. She was putting on her best act, trying to follow Tyrone's teaching. She couldn't stand the fact that she had to gravel at the feet of the girl she once loved that not only broke her heart and stole her boyfriend but was also the reason her brother was gone. Her list for hating Olivia ran deep but in order for her to succeed in her revenge scheme, she had to first get closer to her again. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

"We were never really friends Hadley" Olivia responded squinting her eyes thinking back on their relationship.

"You're right. Sorry again" Hadley said, prepared to turn around and walk away. Olivia mentally kicked herself, regretting the next words that would come out of her mouth.

"But we can try to be.. how about you come over later ?"

"Really? I'll be there" Hadley rushed over to Olivia, crushing her body into hers and hugging her tightly. As they hugged for an uncomfortable amount of time for Olivia, she saw Spencer coming down the hallway, confused. She mouthed "I don't know" to her boyfriend and he was even more confused. As they pulled away, Hadley cheesed in Olivia's face with her giving Hadley an awkward smile.

"I'll see you later" she said before she walked off.

Spencer turned around, pointing to Hadley trying to get the information he missed.

"I couldn't explain it even if I tried" Olivia chuckled. Spencer walked up to her, giving her a bear hug but she pushed him off by his chest.

"Did you call Rochelle a bitch and slap her?" She jokily inquired.

"I thought we wasn't joking no more" he raised his brow.

"Oh no, you're not but I am" she said making him laugh. He closed his locker and wrapped his arm around her neck, walking them out of the school.

"Your man took care of it" he said, kissing the side of her head.

"Oh?" She smiled looking over and up at him in adoration. She didn't know it at the first but the situation was a test of their loyalty for one another and their relationship. It gave her peace of mind knowing he would never allow anyone to disregard her or their relationship. Today was further proof that Spencer would always have her back.

Later that Day

Spencer and Olivia were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie when the door bell rang. Jordan came from upstairs to open it and to his surprised, Hadley was there.

"Hey Jordan" she faked smiled, walking inside. Jordan shook his head in confusion before closing the door and walking behind her.

"Hadley's here" he said, still confused. Olivia and Spencer both up from the couch to welcome her. Truthfully, Spencer wasn't a fan of the idea of Olivia and Hadley's new friendship for various reasons but he wasn't going to be the one to dismiss Olivia's willingness to help her.

"Hey Spencer" Hadley smiled at him and Spencer waved.

"So I was thinking we could have girls night in my room since Spencer and Jordan are gonna be down here playing the game" Olivia suggested. "I already have everything set up"

"That's fine by me" Hadley responded.

Olivia kissed Spencer's cheek and walked her and Hadley to her room, leaving Spencer and Jordan in the living room.

"How long do you think they'll last before we have to go up there,  breaking up another fight?" Jordan laughed as he sat on the couch, handing Spencer a controller.

"I don't know. I think they'll be pretty civilized" Spencer shrugged.

"Civilized? Hadley? This is the same girl that outed me and Simone's pregnancy and marriage" Jordan countered.

"Yeah you may have a point. We'll stand by just in case" Spencer laughed. "Bro I almost forgot to tell you.." Spencer began.

"What's up" Jordan inquired but his eyes were still glued to the game in front of them.

"My dad asked me to come play for him at South Crenshaw next year. I already talked to Liv and your Pops about it"

"Really? I mean that cool" Jordan answered, his focus now lost. The news caught him by surprised but the fact that he was the last to know doesn't surprise him.

"Okay so we have options and you can just pick what you want" Olivia said, handing Hadley the remote. Hadley accepted but placed it on the other side of Olivia's bed causing her to look at Hadley.

"You don't want to watch a movie" Olivia slightly chuckled.

"I do but I feel like we should clear the air" Hadley replied, adjusting herself on Olivia's bedroom floor.

"I didn't know it needed clearing"

"Well in our case it does" Hadley said pointing between them and Olivia stuck out her hand, signaling she's giving her the freedom to speak.

"I loved you" Hadley blurted out, taking Olivia by surprise.


"No let me finish. I loved you when I was with your brother and you didn't love me back.. it's fine. But then I started dating Spencer and I really liked him... and he chose you over me" she chuckled as crocodile tears started to form in the brim of her eyes. "For as long as I can remember I just wanted someone to chose me and the only person that did was... Asher" she continued, her words true but the way in which she said them were rooted in pure manipulation.

"And now Asher's gone and I feel like I have nobody. And it's just really hard because- I'm sorry" she said, her voice shaky and tears now falling from her eyes.

Olivia stood up from her bed and bent down to give Hadley a hug. She felt bad for Hadley and knew how she was feeling all to well. She was once in the same position and wouldn't wish it on anybody. Although she wasn't Asher's biggest fan and would always hate him for what he did to her, she recognized Hadley's pain. She doesn't know where she would be if she lost Jordan.

"I'm really sorry for your loss" Olivia said, rubbing Hadley's back. Hadley was internally rolling her eyes, but know she was playing the long game. 


Please excuse any mistakes. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their night ! 💕

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