guess who? (aetxtzy)

By 2shinlia

2.3K 85 20

group of friends. love. friendship. trust. selfishness. betrayal. 14 troublemakers of DS University, what wil... More



187 13 4
By 2shinlia

"turns out it was mostly a lie,"

Wrath's eyes slowly fluttered open by the feeling of someone's fingers running through his hair.

He squinted his eyes a bit by the ray of sunlight hitting his face.

"I forgot to close the curtains last night," He muttered, half-asleep.

"Wake up baby boy, we'll be late." Acedia's voice was as heavenly as her face. Wrath had always wished he can experience this type of morning with her.

Acedia's wearing her typical school uniform. Hair tied in a bun.

Wrath sat up in confusion. His eyebrows were furrowed, everything feels surreal.

"I feel weird," He uttered under his breath

"That's odd, almost everyone said the same thing." Acedia replied with a chuckle

Wrath shrugged his shoulders and stood up. He closed the curtains himself and faced Acedia who was checking herself out on the mirror.

"Have you seen, Agatha?" That was the first thing that came out of his mouth

It was surprising, he usually doesn't care about the latter yet he feels like he should check up on every single one of them.

"They are all downstairs, we'll wait for you so hurry your ass." Acedia patted his shoulder

He smirked. "I'll be there, make me a coffee please?"

"I'll ask Ira to make you one," Acedia replied

"That's also cool," He answered

"Good," Acedia shut the door slowly to give him some privacy

The sound of Acedia's footsteps going down the stairs caught everyone's attention.

"How is he?" Tris asked in a worrisome tone

"He looks great,"

"Of course you'll say that," Lilith rolled her eyes

"My dream is so weird, it felt so real." Agatha burried her face on her own palm

"What was it about though?" Persene curiously asked

"The only thing I can remember is riding Wrath's back and we were running in a dark forest due to a beast chasing us then I fell on the ground and woke up," She replied in a monotone voice

Vana was munching on her food when she spoke, "Bro same, I was with Keno and then a monster came out of knowhere and choke both of us until our eyes went out of its own sockets,"

Everybody in the room grimaced at what she said.

"I dreamt of Agatha stuck on a school bus' seat," Arden joined the fun, not pointing out the part where he saw her swimming in her own blood

"Well I dreamt of us in Tris' mansion before going out to god knows where, not really weird in my opinion." Keno boredly spoke

"How about you Avarice?" The others asked

She shrugged her shoulders, "I forgot,"

Brazen snickered, "Well I dreamt of hiding with Avarice to the point where I had to cover her mouth because she was being so loud."

They laughed in unison. But stopped after they saw how serious Luthor's expression was.

"You good, bro?" Lilith nudged his side

He flinched, "Yeah, I think I had the worse dream," He chuckled nervously

"What was it about?" Tris' questioned

Luthor stared at her intensely. "You." He deadpanned

Tris got intrigued, "So what happened?"

Luthor tilted his head to the side, scanning her features.

"You and I were stabbed by a demon's horns," He stated without blinking

It quickly made the atmosphere heavy around them. Ira butted in as well.

"I had the same dream but with Teivel, we were tortured slowly, it feels real. Was it a nightmare? Because I don't think so." Ira rolled down the turtle neck she's wearing, showing a large bruised mark of a hand on her neck

"Are you sure you didn't get that from any sexual activity?" Teivel didn't want it to sound offensive.

Ira was taken aback, "No, I stopped doing that a long time ago." She spoke while making an eye contact with Lilith who's giving her a proud smile

"The mark is dark and deep, where the hell did you get this?" Persene worriedly asked

"What's the commotion about?" Wrath emerged while yawning

They quickly hid Ira's neck, making sure Wrath won't see it. Because if he do, he will surely go ballistic.

"Our dreams," Agatha replied

"Where's my coffee, Ace?"

Acedia gasped, "I forgot, go make one on your own."

Wrath pouted.

"So what now? Why do you all look so serious?" Wrath walked over the counter as he made himself his favourite black coffee

"What were your dreams earlier about, Wrath?" Keno asked

Wrath's heart began to beat rapidly out of his chest and he couldn't pinpoint why.

He inhaled deeply, "I had a dream with Agatha, it's strange but I was hugging her body and I don't know why." He laughed it off.

"Eerie. I feel like I shouldn't even be alive right now," Agatha revealed

Wrath slammed his spoon on the table, he didn't know why he felt pissed by that comment.

"It was just a dream, don't overthink you guys." He said calmly

"Luthor, let's take a quick smoke outside." Brazen changed the topic

Luthor nodded his head in agreement.

"I told you two to stop smoking!" Lilith yelled but the two ignored her

Brazen handed him a stick as he lit his own.

"Is it just me or our dreams seems connected?" Brazen asked immediately

Luthor looked away, "I don't know bro, but I'm gonna tell you, everything is vivid on my mind. I just didn't tell them because it might freak them out."

"I relate to what Agatha said." Brazen muttered

Luthor glanced at him, "What?"

Brazen fixed his gaze on him.

"Like I just died and was reborn when I woke up earlier, sounds bizzare but the dream really did felt real." His tone was serious and Luthor couldn't distinguish whether he's being serious or not.

"Don't think about it man, I'm starting to freak out." Luthor spoke in a nervous tone

Brazen chuckled.

"See? You were joking weren't you?" Luthor nudged his stomach hardly

"I wasn't but let's not talk about it." He answered

Silence filled them both. Eventhough no one's uttering a single word they both knew something's wrong, they just couldn't point out what it is, a part of them remembers a fragment from their dream but the other part is still missing.

From then, they shrugged the thought off. There's a low chance it truly happened, but it was never zero.

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