The Eternal Glass Ceiling ::...

By noirarchivist

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Transcending the boundaries of the past, present and future. Maturing from a credulous scholar to a proficien... More

The Americas
Out To Sea
Through The Jungle
Ascending The Temple
The Spaniards Attack
Ambushed By The Enemy
Strict and Severe, Musa
Chasing The Capuchin
The Mayan Dragon
A Woeful Life
A Gift From Mi Madre
Un-Natural Disasters
Mayhem on The Mountain
The Meeting At Midnight
The Meeting At Midnight II
Pandemic Damnation
The Fourth Age
The Pyramid Process
Living Luxuriously
A Day At The Museum
Pieces of The Puzzle
Questioning Quetzalcoatl
The Chrome Crusaders
The Son of Science
Domestic Servitude
The Subaltern
Mucalinda & The Moon
The Dogon People
The Northern Tower
Change is Inevitable
The Mountain Monastery
Princess In Distress
Tango With The Tengu
The Neo Knight Templars
The Family of Faith
K'amari & The Pygmies
Ashoka & The Last Magi
Meeting of The Equinox
Alizarin Crimson Elk
The Triple Goddess
The Master Plan
City Under Siege
The World Tower
The Nāga vs The Garuda
Premonition To Fruition
The Neo-Grigori | The Watchers

Iniquitous & Immoral

15 5 0
By noirarchivist

The military forces of Terra Domus finally infiltrated the underground bunker of the Helia Medical Research Facilities. They wore skintight gas masks covering their faces and special protective overgarments as they neutralized each member of the Crimson Elk with extreme prejudice. Suddenly, nerve gas began to flood the ground floor. The highly lethal chemical was very effective in dimming the vision and causing paralysis and respiratory failure. The insurgents began to drop like flies as others placed on their masks. Yasuke's body turned completely crimson as he transformed into the Tengu. Lengthy black wings extended from his shoulder blades.

With tremendous force the Tengu fluttered his wings blowing all of the nerve gas away. Following this act, the kokujin samurai ran through the chaotic battle cutting down every demon and military personnel that he encountered. His skillfully crafted mura masa blades sliced through the military armor and their machinery like butter. Fierro disabled the targets with his hydraulic-powered exoskeleton suit. His mechanical arm allowed him to use a semi-automatic airburst grenade launcher with a laser range finding to lock onto the targets with an effective accuracy rate.

Princess Norinami joined in on the battle too, as she rode on the back of a giant kitsune [fox] she had summoned using her magic. The furry fox had nine flaming tales and a turquoise glass beed necklace around it's neck. Anyone that made an attempt to attack the princess, the fox would spit smoldering balls of flaming coal at them which disintegrate their bodies to cinder. K'amari utilized the chaotic scenario of the battle to her advantage. She intercepted the pontiff as he attempted to make an escape from the bunker. Creeping up behind the pontiff, she sliced one of his right back hind legs clean off with her ikula sword. Then she quickly faded back into the crowd and smoke. The pontiff screamed out in anguish as he peered around the room in search of the young girl.

He summoned his javelin and began swinging it around frantically killing both the soldiers, his legion of demons and the insurgents. K'amari then descended from up above piercing his back with her golden trident. The pontiff raised his hand as chains rose from the earth capturing the girl in place. The chains then caught aflame burning K'amari as she struggled to break free. She began to cry out in agony. "Silly little girl! The General is dead! Your grandfather is dead! And soon you will be too!" the pontiff exclaimed as the flames intensified. The sight of this sent chills down the spine of the young knights. They felt sympathy for the girl even though she was on the opposing side. The side they once perceived to be evil.

They then yelled out to the pontiff commanding him to stop. The pontiff then placed his torturous act on hold, turning around to the young knights as the flames consumed K'amari.

"Who dear oppose the hight priest of Elysium?" he said with a deep demonic voice.

The knights gulped frightened by the pontiff's new appearance as they approached him with caution and upright, "It is I, Braille and the members of the Neo-Knight Templars, your highness. Now, put her down." Braille said.

"Oh, so now you feel sympathy for the enemies of the state? Is this treason?"

Braille paused thinking back on the words of Ira, the horned dragon as he stated. "You made a pact with the goetia demons. This is not something that a high priest should be doing, St. Anselm would have never associated with demons of any sort!"

The pontiff became furious, "Anselm! Don't compare me to that sinful, immoral, coward. You still look up to that heathen after all of these years have passed? When it is I who have given you everything. It is I who have made you all into what you are today. You would be nothing without my aid. Anselm is dead and good riddance. He was weak. He displayed empathy for undesirables and those cursed by God. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed watching his sorrowful face as he begged me to spare his life."

The Knights were dismayed by the information they heard spew from the mouth of the high priest. They had heard the rumors that Pontiff Benedict may have conspired to kill St. Anselm just to take his place. But, they all thought that it was just a conspiracy theory and nothing more. Braille's hands began to shake as he reached for his sword and stepped forward to challenge the Pontiff. He was furious and passionate about the death of the one who inspired him to become a disciple of the Lord. It was St. Anselm who taught the knights everything they had knew about the teachings of the Lord.

Anselm treated Braille like a son, placing him on a pedestal which propelled him to become a leader among the Neo-Knight Templars. When St. Anselm had passed away, Braille continued to retain his morals and ethics as he worked for the high church. But, when Pontiff Benedict came into power a lot of things changed about the high church of Elysium. Pontiff Benedict replaced St. Anselm's teachings of virtue and morals, knowledge and understanding, with his own selfish teachings of being self-righteous and individualistic, as he condemned heretics and infidels displaying very little tolerance. St. Anselm never advocated violence.

He worked to unite the people of all zones no matter their religious beliefs or social status. Unfortunately, his ideals were too altruistic and forward thinking for the ruling class. During his rule over the high church he had the Neo-Knight Templars performing more community service to help the less fortunate of zone three. However, when Pontiff Benedict rose into power the previous social programs that St. Anselm had implemented were undermined and underfunded. Instead of helping those in need, The Knights were deployed into The Outlands to promote the glory of the Lord, whether it be passively by word of mouth, or violently by the sword. But the High church of Elysium promoted it as campaign in which the Neo-Knight Templars were protecting the dome. This was the same propaganda used by the government to validate the colonization of the Outlands.

Now, Braille and the other knights understood the words of the dragon. "So, all of this was apart of your scheme to rise to power all along." Braille said drawing his sword from his sheath while keeping his composure. Augustine and Cyril summoned their flaming chariots and drew their weapons as well, realizing that the pontiff was corrupted and needed redemption. The pontiff summoned yet another javelin. The metal of this javelin glowed red-hot, as the torrid heat radiated from the weapon. Pontiff Benedict then stated, "Power is everything. Those who have none, crave it. Those who have it, work to maintain it. You should be willing to do whatever it takes to gain power. No matter how immoral that act is or how many people you have to kill in the process. Conquer or be conquered. That is the only two options you have in this world. But I wouldn't expect a youngling such as yourself to understand, Braille. You are still very naive."

The pontiff released the girl then galloped towards the knights swinging his javelin at Braille. Braille quickly evaded the attack by doing a barrel roll across the floor. The other knights flew into the air and began shooting their arrows at the pontiff while using their elemental powers. Augustine used the element of water to extinguish the flames that consumed the girl. The pontiff erected his back holding the javelin firmly grasped in his fist, he brought the javelin back in alignment with his shoulder, then as his back muscles contract he stretched his muscles extending his throwing arm with increased force. The javelin came flying at the chariot with the velocity of light, piercing the chariot and setting it ablaze.

Augustine and Cyril quickly ejected themselves, that's when another javelin came flying towards them like a lightning bolt. Cyril manipulated the flames to produce a shield protecting Augustine, himself and the girl. The pontiff saw him and sneered at his futile attempt. K'amari's body quickly healed using her incantations that she learnt from her grandfather. K'amari got up, summoned her golden trident and recited a mantra loudly, "God of the sky! Amma send the four spirits of the Nommo! I command that you grant them power over the waters that they may restraint our enemies!" By the power of K'amari's words a strong wind pushed through the lobby.

Expeditiously, a body of water appeared taking the form of a huge amphibious, fish-like creature. K'amari waved her trident pointing it at the pontiff then without hesitation the creature extended it's a giant aqueous arms capturing the pontiff and imprisoning him in an aquatic orb. After the creatures task was completed, the body of water bursted into tiny droplets. K'amari took up the golden trident of the mother goddesses as it began to glow turning rose gold. The energy of the divine feminine surrounded the weapon. She quickly appeared before the pontiff piercing him all across his body multiple times. The three pointed weapon could now pierce through his armor with ease.

The pontiff's body quivered as the other knights joined in and began piercing him with their blades as well while he was entrapped within the aquatic orb. His eyes widened as he tried to make out his words but the only thing poured from his mouth was blood. So much blood flowed from the pontiff that the orb began to turn red. Augustine delivered the final blow by using his water manipulation to turn the bloodstained orb into a solid glacier. Braille walked over to the pontiff, placing his hand in front of the high priest to absorb his spiritual energy. But, the Pontiff's spirit was already pledged to Buer, one of the great presidents of hell. His body then reverted to a vitreous luster of smooth onyx stone with light emitting from each crevice.

Then Pontiff Benedict's body dematerialized into ashes that blew into the wind. K'amari smiled at the knights thanking them for their assistance before rushing back into the battle. Now that their eyes had witnessed the truth. The knights no longer had a master or a mission. They were without a cause. They looked out across the battlefield at the ones fighting against the oppressive forces and reflected on the lessons of St. Anselm. "Never place material possessions over the sanctity of a human life. Cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause. Do these things and you will inherit the kingdom of heaven." is what Anselm would have said. Coming to an agreement, they placed their corinthian helmets over their heads, summoned their flaming chariots, drew their swords and decided to aid the Crimson Elks in their battle because whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God. 

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