I'm a Dixon (Carl Grimes Fan...

By justin_swag_miley

1.3K 41 5

Grace Dixon (16 years old). All alone in the zombie apocalypse. She was with her father and her uncle, but th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 4

114 2 0
By justin_swag_miley

Grace's POV
I'm three days in this group now. And Rick still isn't sure about me staying here. I get along well with Maggie, Glenn, Carol, Sasha, Noah and everyone else. Except Carl. He's kind of weird. He always wants to talk to me. That's annoying, and I think he seems weak.

I think dad has a thing for Carol. It's cute. She likes him, he likes her. It's so obvious. But of course, they both don't see it.

"Everybody listen! We're going on a run. I found a mall on the map which isn't far away from here. Daryl and I will go, anybody else want to come?" Rick says.

"I want to come" I say. Rick looks at me. "No" he says and looks back at everyone else. "no?! Why?! I want to go! I'm good at this!" I say.
He shakes his head and looks down, still not sure. "come on man, it'll be a great chance for her to show ye what she can" Dad says. Rick looks at him then at me. "fine" he says and sighs. I smile and walk to them. Dad smiles at me and I smile back. "anyone else?" Rick asks the group.

"Can I come?" someone says. I look in the direction it came from.
Carl... ugh.
"No Carl you better stay here" Rick says. Yeah. He better stays here. "Dad I can do this, I'm not a kid anymore!" He says. I roll my eyes. I look at Rick hoping he would say no. Rick looks at Carl and then nods. Ugh Seriously?!

We packed some stuff and then made our way to the mall. We walked through the streets and Rick was looking at the map. I was beside Dad and we talked about the past. What we used to do when I was little. "Hey Grace" Carl says and walks beside me. God dammit. "hi" I say. "how are you?" he says. "I'm fine... you?" I say trying to sound polite. "Me too." he says.

Suddenly I have a weird feeling. That something bad will happen. I stop. "Guys" I say. They all turn to me and look at me confused. We all stayed quiet and I look around. "come on!" I say and start running to the forest. They all follow me. I hide behind a bright bush and they all crouch down beside me. "what the fuck was that?!" Rick says. "Psh!" I say. "What is this?! Is this a plan to kill us? Do you have people?!" Rick asks and grabs his gun. Then I grab my knife.

"Hey hey hey" dad says and grabs Ricks gun. I put my knife back in the holster. "Just shut the fuck up for a minute!" I say looking back at the street. To my surprise they did. After a few seconds a big herd of walkers walk along the street where we would be right now. There are about 50.

After like 5 minutes they are gone. "wow! How did you know that?" Carl asks. "I.. I don't know.. I think I kinda have a sense for that" I say. Rick looks at me weird and I roll my eyes. I stand up and start walking back to the street. I hear footsteps behind me so they are following me.

After 20 minutes we finally reached the mall. The mall is huge, so I think we will find a lot. We pull our weapons out and Dad is about to open the door. He looks back at us and gives us the 'Are you ready' look. I give him a nod and he opens the door. We walk in and I hit the wall with my fist a few times. We wait a few seconds. Nothing. "So Daryl and I are going to look for food and clothes. Grace, you and Carl are going to look for weapons and medicine or other stuff we could need." Rick says.

Wow. He doesn't trust me but still insists in leaving his son alone with me.
Great. Now I even have to go with Carl. We all nod and Dad and Rick walk away. I start walking the opposite way and Carl follows behind me. I start looking around and after a few minutes I finally found the Weapon-Department.

I smiled to myself as I see all the different kinds of knives. "Carl?" I ask. "yea?" I hear him say from behind me. "you okay?" I ask still looking at the knives and weapons. "yea why?" he asks "just stay close, I don't want you getting hurt and your father putting it on me" I say. "Are you serious?!" he asks.
"Does it looks like I'm joking?!" I say and turn to him. "I can take care of myself! You don't have to worry about watching out for me!" he snaps and walks away. Well, if he says so.

I grab a bag which laid on the ground and start putting everything I find in it. Munition, guns, pistols, knives, rifles, machetes.. just everything. Here's a lot of stuff. I even found some medicine, but unfortunately not a lot. After a few minutes I'm done. I start looking around if I find something else.

I walk down the next aisle and grab a few things. A few water bottles and batteries. I suddenly get a weird feeling again. That's when I hear a moan. I walk around the corner and see a walker. I pull out my knife and fling it into the walkers skull. I bend down to pull out the knife when I suddenly hear a scream.

I walk around the corner and see 3 walkers coming at Carl. One Walker is on top of him and tries to bite him. I grab my knife and throw it at the Walkers head. And of course, bullseye. I grab another knife and stab a walker in the head. Carl gets pinned against the wall by the last Walker. I'm about to throw a knife at the Walker but then I remember what he said. "I can take care of myself". Of course. I just took out two of the three walkers he was fighting with. He would be dead now if I weren't here. But if he wants to determine and prove himself, I'm not going to stop him.

I walk slowly and pull out my knifes, keeping an eye of how close the walker gets. I just placed my last knife in it's holster when Carl throws the Walker on the floor and stabs it. After he's finished he looks up at me. "what was that?!?" He yells. "excuse me?!" I say trying not to rip his throat out for yelling at me. "You just stood there while it tried to kill me!" He yells pointing at the Walker.

"I'm sorry I thought you could take care of yourself" I laugh. The anger on his face fades away. "thought that I shouldn't worry about watching your back!? If I hadn't killed those walkers you'd be dead now! So how about instead of yelling at me you could just say thank you!" I yell.

Now the anger on his face that just went away comes back. "well thank you!" he yells. "was that so hard?!" I yell and turn around to walk away. "Bitch" he says. I stop. Anger washing all over my body. "What was that?!" I snap. "You heard me" he says.
"Who do you think you are?!" I snap at him. "Well who do you think YOU are?!" he yells. I roll my eyes, turn around and walk away trying to get my anger under control. "oh yeah I forgot, you're a bitch" Carl says. That's it. I don't even think about it. I pull out one of my knifes and throw it. Aiming at Carl. I can see the fear in his eyes when the knife flies by his face about two inches from killing him and hits the wall behind him.

He's speechless. I walk towards him pull my knife out the wall and say "missed" into his face. After a few minutes Rick and Dad walk in. "Are you rea-" Rick stops when he sees the walkers on the ground.

"is everything okay?" he asks. "yeah, just got caught of guard by walkers, Grace saved me" Carl says. I give him a 'wtf' look. I mean I did save him but why did he say that? I just tried to kill him. Well no I didn't, I knew where the knife would land but still. "Alright, we should go" Rick says and we made our way back to the group.

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