║The Yellow Rose of Graceland...

By KathyQuintanilla9

4.1K 59 10

Third part. Years pass - Elvis and Patti's daughter grows up and begins to show independence, which her fathe... More

┃The bubble bursts
Meet Gladys Presley
┃ Here is normality, part one
┃ Here is normality, part two
┃Peter Pan and the King
┃Are you lonesome tonight?, part one
┃Are you lonesome tonight?, part two
┃A little earthquake
┃The King's Rage
┃Something is starting, part one
┃Something is starting, part two
┃I will not be intimidated, part one
┃ I'm getting out of here
┃ Neverland, part one
┃ Neverland, part two
┃You have my support
┃No one will interfere with our happiness at Neverland, part one
┃No one will interfere with our happiness at Neverland, part two
┃ Maybe we will do it?
┃What you did not expect
┃ I will not give you that satisfaction
┃Consistency in action
┃A new start is our secret
┃Author's note

┃I will not be intimidated, part two

99 1 0
By KathyQuintanilla9

Meanwhile, Elvis was driving the limousine with Charlie Hodge and the chauffeur Jerome. Elvis was in a really terrible mood as they drove to the airport.

Tomorrow he had professional obligations and he needed to focus on it, but it was hard with his own daughter on his mind. Yes, Gladys, not Lisa.

Now Gladys was his obsession like Dixie and Patti used to be. It was only his blood, which was eluding him because of a certain young star.

I will not let the feeling develop between them. If I have to, I'll eliminate the bastard. After all, I have already killed once.

He looked down at his hand, where he had a gold ring on his ring finger, and he clenched it into a fist, imagining that it was strangling Gladys' lover.

Patricia was sitting in a rocking chair holding little Gladys. She was dressed in a white nightgown, her long blonde curls running down her shoulders.

Patti sang sweet and looked at her daughter. It was a little miracle that changed everything - she knew that one day they would leave this cursed place and live in peace and happiness.

Away from the man who still feared and disgusted Patti. She was singing as the door opened softly and she heard footsteps. She did not look up and did not stop singing - she knew who had entered.

—What a lovely sight. — Elvis closed the door and walked over to the chair. He leaned on its headrest and looked down at his wife and daughter. —Maybe now it's my turn and I will sing to our princess? What do you say, Patricia?

—You don't have to — Patti whispered and continued to sing. After Gladys had fallen asleep, she got up from her chair and kissed her and laid her in the crib. The colorful dolphin carousel moved as Patti stood over the crib, leaning against its edge.

Then she felt hands on her shoulders and heard Elvis whispering in her ear:

— The sight of a toddler like that is wonderful. Maybe we'll try to get a second one? — He touched her belly with his hand, but she pushed his hand away. — Don't you want another baby with me? You have no choice because only I can impregnate you, no other man will, you know that.

Patti wanted to leave, but he gripped her tightly. She was standing there, and he said softly:

— We will go to our bedroom now, wife, and we will start trying for another child. What do you think of son? Elvis Junior?

— Or maybe it will be a daughter? — Patti forced herself to look at him. — This time I will choose the name and it will be Dixie.

—Never in my life — Elvis pushed Patti hard, causing her to fall. The woman clenched her fists - somehow the child did not wake up. Elvis took a deep breath and grabbed his wife's arm. He picked it up and hissed:

—My child will never be named after your damned sister or yours. And you'd better not upset me.

—It'll be a miracle if Gladys doesn't inherit your mental illness — Patti blurted. — That's why I'll never give you a second child. Maybe ask a mistress or Cilla, huh?

Elvis grabbed her chin and said:

— Shut up, just keep quiet.

Then he grabbed her arm and led her out of the nursery. He led her down the hall to their bedroom - as they passed the maid, the woman looked sympathetically at it all and shook her head.

Patti wanted to break free, but Elvis pressed her against the wall and hissed:

— Try to make a scene and you will regret it.

The maid saw him, and he shot her a killing glare, then opened the bedroom door and shoved his wife in there. When he closed the door, a maid, maybe about 20 years old, anxious for Mrs. Presley. She went to the door and put her ear. She heard Patti cry and Elvis' harsh voice.

Then it went quiet, and all she heard was strange noises and the loud groan of the King of Rock n Roll. The maid crossed herself and left feeling bad about Patti.

An hour later the maid reappeared in the corridor to check on Mrs. Presley. She noticed that Elvis had left with his companions, relaxed and pleased.

And if he was like that, how was his wife?

The maid knocked on Patti's door, but no one answered. She waited a moment and tried again. Eventually she heard noises and the door swung open. Patti stood in a bathrobe with her hair tied loosely and puffy eyes.

— Yes, Cathy? — she asked, and smirked, and a maid named Cathy asked:

— Ma'am, are you all right?

Patti looked from side to side and asked nervously:

— Why shouldn't it be okay?

— I ... — Cathy bit her lip. — I'm sorry, I just wanted to see how you are doing. I saw Mr. Presley was so angry when he led you down the hall.

Then Patti grabbed her arm and pulled her into the bedroom. She closed the door and leaned against it:

— You saw my husband leave, right?

Cathy nodded, bewildered, and Patti walked over to the bed where she sat down among the torn sheets.

— Cathy, you're new here, right?

— Yes, ma'am.

—How do I know you're not Elvis' spy?

— What? — Cathy's eyes widened. —How would I be a spy? I do not understand...

—Come here — Patti whispered and patted the seat next to her. Cathy sat down, still not quite understanding what was happening here.

—Thank you for your concern — Patti whispered and took her hand. —But don't do that too often. My husband is quick to remove people who can support me.

— Why is Mr. Elvis like this?

— Cathy ... it's a long story. Maybe Elvis is your idol or someone in your family, but his public image is definitely different from what he is in private. — She unveiled her robe, and Cathy noticed a toothbrush on Patti's arm.

—Did he do this to you?— Cathy was shocked.— God. —She covered her mouth with her hand.

— Most of the staff know what he is like. Everyone is silent because they are afraid of losing their job. I understand them, but please - can you be my friend? I have no one here.

Cathy looked at her employer and saw desperation in her eyes - one she had never seen in a long time, and asked:

— What if your husband finds out? I would not like to lose my job, it is important to me. My family has serious financial problems and only I can help them.

—You won't lose it — Patti smiled at her. —I'll help you better.

And so it was - Cathy was trying to stay close to Patti under any pretext, but not in such a way that anyone would suspect anything. Patti gave her checks, not too often so as not to arouse the suspicions of someone in Elvis' entourage - after all, everyone was watching Patti's move, to report to her husband in case of anything.

Patti was able to talk to someone for the first time in a long time, shared Cathy, who was also in a toxic relationship.

— You don't have to be stuck in this shit — Cathy whispered as Patti cried again. —He doesn't love you, it's some kind of fixation. A good husband cares for his wife, and he only thinks about his own whims.

— You don't know about a lot of things — Patti wiped at the corners of her eyes as suddenly the door swung open to find Elvis.

Elvis walked in with Aunt Delta and said:

— Aunt, take Gladys. Cathy Simmons, you're fired. Mr. Hodge will give you your things.

—Elvis.— Patti wanted to intervene, but he pointed a finger at her.

— Shut up, Patricia.

Then he looked at Cathy and hissed:

— Come out.

Cathy looked fearfully at Patti, who pressed her lips together. After Cathy left, Aunt Delta left the child's room with Gladys in her arms. The sound of the door closing made Patti go goosebumps.

—Why did you fire Cathy?— She asked, and Elvis walked over to her and grabbed her chin.

— Why? — he asked. — You know very well why. You thought I wouldn't find out? You wanted her to help you escape!

— You're fooling ...

— I know what I'm saying. — Elvis let go of her chin and she stepped back against the wall quickly. — Without me, right? I told you what will happen if you leave me.

Patti pressed her body against the wall, and he walked over to her and grabbed her by the neck. He wasn't choking her, just glared at her.

— You're going to be dead, for real this time — he hissed, tears streaming down her cheeks. — Plus, you've been telling this Simmons how mean I am to you. Really, am I so bad? — His hand slid down and grabbed her crotch. He caressed her vagina and she cried and groaned. — When I do this to you, am I a monster too? What, Patricia?

— Go to therapy,go to a psychiatrist — she croaked. — Show that you want to change. For us ... and above all for yourself.

The mention of treatment made Elvis grab her by the hair and hurl her to the floor. Patti screamed as she fell and he growled:

— I'm worse because of you, you two-faced bitch. You know that I want a second child, but I think someone else should have one. You were on fucking birth control pills!

— Help! — Pati screamed and he hit her on the back of the head. It wasn't strong, but it was enough to make her cry hysterical.

Then Vernon and the Colonel ran in and grabbed Elvis.

— Leave me alone! — He screamed, struggling.— It's all her fault, she wanted to do it again! Leave me!

— Elvis, calm down — Father spoke to him calmly. — Patti's not going anywhere, she lives here and Gladys ...

—She's taking fucking pills to keep from having a baby with me! Bitch!

— That's my life with you! — Patti stood up, crying. — Know that I will never have another child for you! The former should not have been born either ...

Elvis roared, and Vernon and the colonel had difficulty escorting him. Patti quickly closed the door and leaned against it.

Then she went over to her daughter's bed and picked up her stuffed rabbit. She hugged him and then heard the sound of the door opening. She turned, confused, to see it was Vernon.

— He got something to calm down — Vernon said softly. — I'm sorry for this situation ...

— Why don't you send him for treatment? — She asked grudgingly. — You know he is unpredictable.

— Patti, calm down ...

— I'm here because of you! I'm your son's fucking slave! If you were the guy with balls you would help me get out of here! Me and my daughter! But no, you probably like it when your son hurts me.

Vernon was silent, knowing the young woman was right. Patti, whom he had known at the very beginning of her arrival here, has disappeared. There was a man who hated this family and Graceland.

—Get some rest — he just said, and backed off. He came to the door when she hissed:

— You're a coward, Vernon Presley. Like your son, you have no dignity.

Vernon ignored her as he closed the door. Patti hugged Gladys the rabbit, promising herself not to give up and run away with her daughter and ensure her a safe and happy life. 

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