๐ŸŒปSunflower volume 2๐ŸŒป (Larry...

By StylinsonLove28

57.6K 3K 2.3K

Sequel to Sunflower. Harry,11, has a loving family and amazing friends. He also has a few medical issues. Fre... More



855 47 10
By StylinsonLove28

"You know what one of my favourite things is?" Louis asked.

Harry shook his head.

"Cuddles with you. You're so warm and snuggly."

Harry grinned and held Louis tighter.

It was Friday night, and as usual, Louis was at Harry's house.

"I love them too. I love you Lou Lou."

"Love you too, my Harry. What do you want to do this weekend?"

"Just wanna cuddle you." Harry replied, sleepily.

Louis smiled. His boy was so adorable.

"I'd like that, but don't you want to do something else? Go somewhere?"

Harry didn't answer, he'd fallen asleep again. Louis didn't mind. He was used to it happening, even though he hated the fact that Harry did it, through no fault of his own.

They laid in silence, the only sound was the soft snores coming from Harry.


"Morning boys. Sleep well?" Anne greeted them the following morning.

"Yes thank you Auntie Annie." Louis replied, sitting down with a very tired looking Harry next to him.

"Harry? You ok love?" She asked.

Harry smiled. "Yes Mum." He sniffed.

"You sure? You look very pale." She placed a hand on his forehead. "Bit warm too."

"I'm OK Mum. Stop fussing."

"Alright. Sorry. I'll get your breakfast.

Louis looked at Harry. It wasn't like him to snap at his Mum like that.

"What's wrong?" He whispered.


Louis wasn't convinced.

Anne placed their breakfast on the table and sat down to drink her tea. She said no more.

Louis could tell she was a bit upset at how Harry spoke to her.

"Are you going into town today Auntie Annie? Maybe we could come with you? Eh Harry?"

Harry glared at Louis.

"I am. That would be nice. Would you like that Harry?" She replied.

"No thank you. Wanna stay here."

"Come on Harry. We can look round the shops and go to Maccy D's."

"I said I don't want to. No"

"Harry, what's wrong love? Something's not right." Anne asked, more worried now.

"I'm OK  leave me alone." He snapped and stood up, walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs to his room.

Louis and Anne looked at each other.

"Somethings wrong. Did he say anything to you?" Anne asked.

"No. Just said he wanted cuddles. Nothing new."

"I'll go up. See if he's OK. You finish your breakfast."

Anne got up and went up to Harry's room. She could hear him crying from behind the door. She knocked lightly and went inside.

He was curled up under his duvet.

She sat down beside him. "Tell me what's wrong, and don't say nothing." She said, gently, her hand resting on his shoulder, feeling him shake.

He sniffed and coughed a couple of times, pulling back the duvet. "I...I'm sorry Mummy." He whimpered.

His eyes were bloodshot and wet, his cheeks flushed and his nose was running.

Anne put her hand on his cheek. "It's ok baby. Don't you feel well?"

He shook his head. "Feel yucky." Tears started falling again and he coughed.

"Think you've got a cold. Why don't you get back into bed, I'll get you some medicine and breakfast. You want Louis?"

He nodded. "Yes please. Sorry Mummy."

"It's ok sweetheart. Be right back."


"Hey Harry." Louis said as he and Anne went back to his room.

"You need to take some medicine now love." Anne added.

Harry was asleep.

"Don't wake him. He can take it when he wakes up. I can make him some fresh food too." Anne said.

Louis nodded. "Shall I give him the medicine?"

"If you don't mind. Thanks love. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Just shout." Anne left.

Louis got into bed next to Harry, feeling the heat radiating off of him, so he didn't cuddle him, not wanting to make him hotter.

He ended up falling asleep too.


Louis woke with a jolt. The bed was shaking as Harry coughed. He immediately sat up and rubbed Harry's back, as he continued coughing.

Anne must've heard him from downstairs, as she hurried into the bedroom.

"God. He sounds terrible. Poor love." She said as she sat the other side of him. "Has he only just woken up?"

"Yeah. He hasn't had his medicine yet. Sorry. I fell asleep too."

Harry finally stopped coughing, his breathing erratic, sweat on his body and cheeks red. He fell back against his pillows.

"Oh my darling. You're really not well are you?" Anne said, moving some curls from his damp forehead.

He sniffed, but his nose was blocked. He hates having a cold.

"You need to take your medicine now. We need to get you better sooner rather than later. Can you sit up?"

He shook his head and coughed again, holding his chest.

"Please love. It'll help."

He closed his eyes.

"Harry. You need to take it, I can't cuddle you properly if you don't." Louis said.

Harry's eyes shot open and he looked so sad. "W-Why?" He croaked.

"You have a high temperature. If I cuddle you, you will feel hotter and make you sicker. We need to get it down or I can't cuddle you, and neither of us want that. Right?"

Harry frowned and wiped a tear away. All he wanted right now, was lots of Louis cuddles. He nodded and slowly sat up.

"Good lad." He said. Anne smiled and put some medicine on a spoon. Harry opened his mouth and took it. He made a face because it tasted awful. He took a second spoonfull and lay back down.

"Good boy. You'll need to take more later. Now...shall I bring up some chicken soup? I just made some." Anne asked, stroking Harry's cheek.

He nodded and smiled.

"You want some Louis?"

"Yes please. Thank you. I'll come down and get it."

"Thanks love. I'll come and check on you soon love."

They both went down to the kitchen. Anne heated up the soup and put a crusty roll on a plate for Louis.

"Thanks for helping Lou. You're so good with him."

"It's ok. I'd do anything for him. And I miss his cuddles, so he has to get better soon."

They smiled at each other.

He took the food up to the bedroom and set the tray on his bedside table.

Harry sat up against his pillows and Louis took his own soup off the tray and handed Harry his. He put a napkin under his chin. "Eat up."

Harry started eating. It wasn't easy. His throat was sore and nose bunged up, making it hard to swallow, and he couldn't taste anything.

But he managed to eat it all. Louis took his bowl and helped him settle back down.

"You ok?"

He nodded, as he yawned.

"Try and sleep." He went to stand up but Harry grabbed his arm.

"D-Don't go." He croaked.

"I'm only taking the bowls down." But Harry shook his head, his bottom lip wobbled.

"Ok. I'll just put them outside the door then." He took the loaded tray and placed it on the floor outside the door and closed it.

Harry sighed as Louis got back into the bed next to him. He desperately wanted to get closer, to cuddle him, but he was told he couldn't, so he stayed back, laying on his side, and stared at Louis as he made himself comfortable.

"What you looking at?" Louis grinned, taking Harry's hand.

"Love." Harry said, quietly, gradually losing his voice completely.

"I love you too. Just hurry up and get better. Now, go to sleep."

They smiled at each other, as Harry's eyes dropped, then closed.



Thoughts on the chapter?

Poor Harry always seems to be ill.

Hope you're all OK. All the love. L. Xx


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