The Real Daddy Direction? ( 1...

By ParisKissXx

282K 2.2K 681

(Sequel to A Dare To Love) Scarlett finally returns home only to find that her illness has just been a resu... More

Not What I Excpected?
The Night
Only El
Lets Take a Walk? (Part 1)
I Promise, (Lets Take A Walk, part 2)
Bye, Guys!
Cher's House...
Promise You Wont Tell?
Burning Fire
If I Die
Here again
I Know
Best Friends
A Little Bit Sick
Secrets, Secrets Aren't Fun and Now Louis knows One
Picture Message
Seriously Important


6.6K 68 7
By ParisKissXx

Liam's pov

*******Later that same day, 12:55********

"Liam," Niall shook me. "Liam, wake up"

The loud sound of rain bothered me and Niall was on my leg.

I tried to wave him off but he didnt go away so I finally answered, "What do you need, Niall?".

"There is someone at the door and I don't know who it is!" he said. I groaned.

"Here's a bright idea, why dont you check who it is!" I whisper shouted at him, trying not to wake the others around me.

"I tried but it's too dark and the lights wont come on! Please just come, Liam?" he asked. I figured its no use telling him to go away because he'll just come back. So, I got up and walked to the door with him, he was right. I could only make out a figure, it was way too dark to see a face, just a female figure.

I looked at Niall, who just shrugged and nodded towards the door. The figure knocked again and paced back and forth. Niall ran off and i continued to look at the figure. I decided I'd open the door and Niall handed me a knife, and whispered, "Just incase!".

I took a deep breath and opened the door. The figure turned around and came close enough to see.

"Cher?" I asked. "Come on inside, get out of the rain" She came in and I closed the door behind her and handed the knife to Niall to take it back.

"Liam, I am so sorry! I know it's super late, but I- I couldnt sleep, or eat or anything! Everything about today is bothering me and i should have come earlier but I wasnt sure. And- and I'm freaking out for no reason and I have no idea!" Cher ranted, crying. It came to me that she was wearing baby blue sweat pants and a bright yellow tank top, with white rabbit slippers. Not only that but what make up she was wearing was smeared all over her face and clothes.

"Cher, calm down" I told her. She was hyperventalating.

"I want to calm down, Liam, but I cant. This is all my fault if I would have just turned off the stove this wouldnt have happened! i'd still have a home, and everyone would be okay and-"

"You dont have a home anymore?" I interupted her.

She shook her head, "No, the fire was so bad they barely got anything out."

"Why dont you stay with us tonight?" Niall offered as we walked back to him bed.

"No, I- I couldnt" she sniffled.

"Of course you can! Come on, I'll take you to the living room, all we have left to sleep on are couches. Lucky for you Harry is in his wheelchair and no one took his couch" I told her. She got on the couch and I gave her a blanket.

I walked back to my spot next to Danni on the floor and laid down.

Scarlett's Pov

********The Next Morning********

I woke with massive aches everywhere, you name it there it was. I opened my eyes with a little resistance and saw all my bandages.

Please let my baby be alright, please.

I sat in my bed for hours, till maybe one o'clock, thinking. I couldnt be more lost. I dont know where to go from here, I mean have the baby and stuff but i just dont know what to do? Niall still doesnt know he's not the father, I havent gone to school in like months, and on top of that I'm just plain confused. What'll happen after all this is over? Nothing will last forever, no matter how bad I want it to or how ha, rd I wish.

"Well, look whos awake" Harry rolled into the room in his chair. I felt horrible about making him like that, I have done such terrible things. I guess he noticed my tears and rolled to the side of my bed. He whispered to me, "sh, it's alright. Tell me whats wrong" He rubbed my arm lightly, making me flinch.

"Lets take a stroll, it's kinda depressing here and really quiet" I told him. He helped me into my chair and we carefully went down the stairs, which took ten minutes. Everyone was actually sleeping, I wasnt too surprised, they'd been up for so long.

Harry and I left, rolling down the street. He started the conversation, "So, whats wrong?".

"I dont want this to end, Harry." I said. He turned his head, "You want to be in a wheel chair forever?".

"No! I mean, this! Having everyone together, being close. Harry, we both know what we have, what we all have with each other, the friendships, brotherhoods, sister hoods, everything, they arent going to last forever. And I'm so glad I even got this but, it's just, I'm never going to be ready to say goodbye. And one day, one terrible day, one of us will die." I said, taking a breath. Harry looked away from me. I told him, "Harry, look at me. You know this just as well as I do, one day we might not even remember each others names."

"Y- you really think this will all end?" he asked, tears in his eyes.

I nodded, "One day. I'm just so afraid of that day. Of the day when I think back and cant even remember everyone's names."

"Well, this is pretty depressing. So why dont we cheer up, go back home and enjoy what we have, alright?" he smiled.

"Alright, lets go" I said. We turned around our wheel chairs and rolled home.

By the time we were back everyone was awake, and Cher was there. She greated us and everyone sat in the living room for tv.

Zayn's Pov

As we all watched the telly I zoned out in my own little word. I just dont really know who I love.




It's just sort of confusing, but I'm going to have to pick one of them. But I guess I sort of know who I really love. Because if I really fell in love the first time, I wouldnt have fallen again.

But I dont the heart to tell the other I dont love them, that's just cruel.

"Zayn, can you come outside for a second?" Scarlett interupted my thoughts. I nodded and walked outside with her. She closed the door behind us and asked, "what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing! Why ask?" I lied.

"Zayn, don't lie. I saw you and you had that deep thought face on. And something is conflicting you because you're tapping your foot. Now spill!" she said. I hadnt even realized i'd been doing that!

"Fine, it's Perrie and Rachel" I admitted.

Scarlett nodded, "Girl troubles, I can help."

"How?" I asked.

"First of all, I'm a girl, so i know how we think, talk and what we really mean. Second, I've known Rachel since primary school. Third, I am both their best friend. And forth, something is a lot better when it comes from someone who you might as well be related to. Now talk." she said.

"Fine. I think I'm in love with both of them, but I dont really know" I told her.

"You think? Zayn, love isnt about thinking its about being. And if you're not sure which one you love if either then maybe you dont really know what love is. Someone once taught me that you know when you're in love and if you arent sure then you're not really in love" she said.

"Who taught you that?" I asked.

"You did, and I think it's time you use your own lesson" she said and went back inside, leaving me on my own.


Hello my loves!! I'm so sorry it has been so long! So much going on!! Anyways I hope you enjoyed! Please don't forget to comment/fan/vote!! I love you my little pink pumpkins!!! Ciao! xx

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