The Angel and the Detective

By Juhnay28

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This story takes place at the end of season 4 episode 10. What if Lucifer had not left after they rescued Cha... More

It Was Always You
The Devil Still Walks the Earth
Demons Everywhere
When the Devil Finds his First Love
Make a new plan
Angels Amok
The Light Beyond the Fear
Fear and Healing in Los Angeles
Turns Out You Can Go Home Again
Home Forever
The Devil and the Fetus
The Question is the Answer
Michael 2.0

Everything tastes like chicken

100 6 0
By Juhnay28

Lucifer woke up next to Chloe who had spent the night with him at the penthouse.  Today was the day they were set to have dinner with his dad.  It was a day of dread for him and now just because he was having to spend time with his father.  What if his dad said something that turned Chloe away from him?  What if she didn't want him any longer because she was made for him?  

He looked over at her and stroked a piece of her hair away from her face.  She was so beautiful that he would sit and stare at her as she slept.  Probably a little creepy but he could not help himself.  Her snores just made him smile.  And when she would throw her leg over his and snuggle up next to his side, he was in paradise.  

Today he had to head down to hell and handle some things.  She knew he would be leaving her this morning and would be back later.  He had promised to wake her before he took off so he showered and dressed before bending down next to the bed and giving her a gentle kiss on the mouth.

"Umm," she smiled before opening her eyes to look at him.

"I will be back later today," he said smiling at her sleepy expression.

"Don't take too long," she said closing her eyes a little struggling to fight sleep.  

He kissed her again and whispered he would be back soon and headed down to hell to check on things.  

Lucifer arrived to Dromos standing alert and waiting.  

"My King," he said bowing.  

Dromos had seen what Lucifer did to Ronos.  All the demons had and their attention to detail and dedication had greatly increased.  As Lucifer walked the halls of Hell offering inspection, he felt his father's presence.  He turned quickly but his father wasn't there.  And then he felt the power and he heard what no one else could hear.  Confusion set in.  

"What? I don't understand."

"My king?" the demon dressed as a clown who happened to be near questioned.

"Not you, Artakan."  

He watched as Artakan quickly shuffled down the corridor to the hell loop where he was assigned.

Lucifer looked down and shook his head.  Why?  So many questions that he would need to ask tonight but right now he needed to work through some things down with new admits and demon work orders.  He missed having Maze down here helping him.

Chloe finished up some paperwork and had just arrived back home.  Trixie and Dan were having a daddy daughter date night, which was good timing so she could do dinner with Lucifer.  He hadn't contacted her so she assumed he was not back and dinner was at 7.  It was 5:30.  Surely he would be back soon because time down there did move much differently so in terms of hell, he had been gone days even though it was only several hours here.  Now what to wear to meet and talk with God?

Lucifer arrived back in his penthouse.  He was tense, as usual.  Hell was, well hell on his whole sense of being.  It weighed him down to visit and the world seemed so much darker for a little bit when he came back.  He noticed Chloe wasn't there so he sent a text and went for what he really needed which was some whiskey.  Actually he needed a lot of whiskey.

She called.

"Hello, Detective."

"Lucifer, you were gone awhile.  Are you okay."

Should he tell her what his father had said?  It was so confusing that he didn't even understand it it.


"Sorry, Detective.  I am just processing something."

"Something?  I can come on over so we can talk before we have to go." 

Lucifer didn't know what was the right thing to do.  He really needed to talk to Amenadiel but apparently Linda was going a little crazy at the thought of God cooking in her house that he was trying to calm them down.  

"I will head over there."

Lucifer smiled and answered her and then went to take a shower.  

Chloe walked into the Penthouse and saw her love standing with black dress pants on and his purple shirt on but not buttoned.  He was so sexy and her body immediately reacted to him and she went to take him into her arms and kiss him.  Her hands ran over his naked chest as she kissed him.

"Umm, Detective, we could just stay here," he said as he worshiped her neck with kisses and gentle sucking of skin with his lips.  She always felt like he was marking her when he did that and she gladly accepted it.  All she wanted to do was say yes and take him to bed.  But they needed to do this.

"We have to go, Lucifer," she said pulling back a little but keeping her hands in his hair.  

They arrived at Linda's house to a frantic Amenadiel and Linda.  Charlie was screaming when they came in and Amenadiel sent his brother a pleading look.

"Here, take your nephew and entertain him!" Amenadiel hands a screaming Charlie to Lucifer as soon as he opens the door. Lucifer knows what to do and immediately shows him his devil face and Charlie is laughing as they walk over to the couch. Chloe watches with fascination at the exchange and how at ease Lucifer is with Charlie. He glances back at her and sees her smiling at him and relaxes. He always has to check and make sure because deep inside, he still wonders if she will run away from his monstrous side. Charlie's giggling gets his attention again and he plays with his nephew.

Chloe watches the exchange. She no longer fears Lucifer when he looks like this. And really, watching this scene, who could? This is just adorable the way Charlie looks at Lucifer and Lucifer acts silly to make him laugh. Suddenly a bright light and peace comes over her and she realizes they are no longer alone. He had come early, too, and was dressed in a "Do you smell what's cooking?" red apron over his slacks and cardigan with socks with sandals.  

"Dad," Lucifer says as he transforms back into his human form. "Always on your own schedule, I see." Chloe comes over to stand beside Lucifer and take his hand in hers.

"Father, welcome to my home," Amenadiel says coming out of the kitchen. He calls to Linda to come out. "Luci, bring Charlie to me."

"Father, this is Linda, the mother of your grandson."

"Hello, Linda. Thank you for having me and for my grandson," God said.

"Father, this is Charlie," Amenadiel says as he comes to stand before God. God smiles and Charlie stares at him. He doesn't cry like normal. He laughs like when he does when he is around Lucifer.

"That's odd," Lucifer says.

"What is odd, Samael?" God says.

"Don't call me that," Lucifer demands.

God smiles at his son and looks back at Charlie and then focuses his gaze on Chloe.

"Chloe Decker, it is nice to see you again," God says as he walks toward her. Lucifer's hand tightens and slightly pulls her behind him. 

"Sama...Lucifer..." God corrects.  "Chloe, you love Lucifer, correct?"

"Yes," she says as Lucifer gives his dimpled smile at her response.

"Good. Let's have dinner," God says as he tries to get up. "I haven't tried or cooked food so this will be fun!"

Lucifer jumped up in anger. "That is it? You don't have an explanation for your manipulation? You put her here in my path and that almost destroyed both of us and you just want to move on to dinner?"

God actually seemed taken aback. Chloe realized that he and Lucifer were a lot alike. Both didn't communicate well and both could be a little clueless in all their celestial glory. She laughed to herself...God and the Devil are alike and both clueless at times. Oh my.

"If I may, why me?" Chloe asked as she pulled Lucifer back to her. "Was I made just for Lucifer?Why was I selected to be in his path? Why doesn't he affect me like he affects everyone else? And why did I make him vulnerable and now he isn't?"

God smiled at her. "You weren't made for Lucifer but instead made immune to him. I picked you because you were born to a good man. John Decker was kind, loving, a protector and honest. I knew that you would be loved and guided correctly. And your mother would put you on a path to your current career even though she derails it at first. And I knew his death would impact you greatly and move you to help others."

Lucifer looked at his Detective. Chloe could see he was thinking about the manipulation and concerned again.

"Did you make us fall in love?" Lucifer tenses beside her and God smiled.

"No. You had complete free will. Lucifer has no power over you, which was by design and that makes you special. You are able to get past his walls but that is not celestial in nature. You see who he really is."

"But why?"

And his father just smiled, which made Chloe's brow frown in frustration.

Lucifer was deep in thought and so used to his father not answering questions that he did not think too much about it.  He knew she needed these answers. If he was honest with himself, he would say he needed them, too. Nothing could change how he feels about her but he didn't want manipulation in their relationship.  There didn't seem to be any but he still wasn't sure why his father had put Chloe in his path.  He was sure that his father was not going to answer that question, though.

God smiled and got up and moved toward the table leaving Chloe and Lucifer where they were. Chloe was thinking and both of them were a little glassy eyed. Their love was real. No manipulation other than making sure Chloe wouldn't fall for Lucifer's mojo and that she was in his path. They looked at one another and Lucifer brought her hand to his lips. He smiled at her and his love for her was clear in his eyes and she no longer needed to hear those words. She reflected that love back to him.

"Father, we have everything you asked for," Amenadiel says as he looks around the room. Charlie was in his arms fusing but stopped when he looked at his grandfather. "It appears you and Luci are the only two who calm him, Father."

Lucifer sat straighter and he let out a short breath as the information processed. "It is the light."

Lucifer got up to stand next to his brother and look at Charlie in astonishment. "It wasn't my devil face but the light that Charlie loves and my devil face makes him laugh."

Amenadiel saw his father smile at Lucifer and knew it had to be true. Lucifer was the light bringer and he had the same light in him as their father. Charlie was attracted to that light as all angels are. We bask in it and angels like Michael are jealous that Lucifer has it.

Michael. That name makes him react and they must ask their father about him. They all sit down at the table and start serving themselves. Lucifer worries more about making sure his glass is full of whiskey before adding to his plate. Chloe has her hand on his thigh under the table and leans on him. They give strength and comfort to one another. Amenadiel had taken the seat to the right hand of his father who was at the head of the table. Lucifer was on his left. Chloe and Linda sat beside their respective partners and Charlie was now in his seat eating some crackers while Linda was stirring the concoction she had made for him earlier.

"Father, it appeared Michael had closed off the Silver City making him your right hand angel. Is that true?"

Amenadiel watches as his father continues to eat after adding every dish that had appeared in the kitchen.  He also seems to be ignoring the questions but did ask about the situation with Michael.  Linda is marveling and muttering nervously at the chicken and how wonderful it is.  And then it dawns on her that everything tastes like chicken and why.  Chloe adds in details about her kidnapping.

"Hmmm," God said without showing his thoughts.

"I have a question," Chloe blurted out. Lucifer, Amenadiel and Linda all looked at her with wide eyes. "Lucifer led a rebellion against you and was banished forever. Michael is evil and uses fear to hurt people and has admitted he used that same fear and manipulation against Lucifer to start that rebellion. Michael is the evil one. Michael should have been punished. Lucifer has spent thousands and thousands of years punishing himself and believing himself to be a monster when all along, the monster was right there in your Silver City.  I would never kick my kid out and ignore her.  That is just cruel."

Everyone at the table just stared at Chloe. It was as if Amenadiel had stopped time but then slowly their gaze went to God except for Lucifer. He smiled at his Detective. Her mind was always working and figuring things out. Lucifer bent in and kissed her lips right there in front of Dear Old Dad.

"Thank you for meeting me tonight," God said in response. "I must go but I will return soon. Thank you, Linda for the lovely dinner. Lucifer and Amenadiel, please see me over here."

Lucifer and Amenadiel walk over to where their father had appeared earlier. "It was good to spend time with both of my sons. You are right where I want you to be." With that, he left.

"Bastard," Lucifer yelled.


"Amenadiel, what does that even mean that we are right where he wants us. So Charlie being kidnapped, Chloe getting kidnapped, Michael's antics...was this all part of his plan?" Linda asks. "And if it was, this explains so much about Lucifer that I need to explore."

"Thank you, Doctor!" Lucifer exclaims. "I have been saying that for years now!"

Lucifer looked at his brother as Chloe and Linda proceeded to talk and told him there was something else they needed to discuss.  He shared what his father had said while he was in hell.  And Amenadiel stared at the spot where his father had disappeared in total disbelief.

Lucifer and Chloe arrived back in the penthouse after a quiet ride home. They were both deep in thought after the night they had.


He looked up as he was making himself a drink.

"What did your dad say to you in hell?"

Taking a quick drink before starting to unbutton his shirt and heading to sit on the leather sofa.

"He said that hell no longer needs a keeper," Lucifer said as he looked at his glass of whiskey. Chloe came to sit with him and curled her feet up to the opposite side and leaned into him. It had been a long day and she took his glass and took a quick drink of the whiskey before handing it back to him and laying her head on his shoulder.

"What did Amenadiel say?"

"He just stared at me like I had three heads. We needed to ask dad about it but I doubt he would answer anyway. All I know is that I do not have to go back to run the place."

"That is good news, isn't it? I mean, you hate being down there so you are free to stay up here, right?"

Lucifer played with the glass in his head and stared down. It was good news but it was also confusing.


He smiled his cute smile at her. "Chloe, I am the devil. What does this mean? Did he take it away and why?"

She looked at her devil. He never did see the light that was so bright inside him.

"You are an angel, too. You always seem to forget that part. Maybe we should just wait and see what happens."

He turned pulling her into his lap and placed the glass on the table next to him. He took her mouth in his and his hands went under her shirt finding her breasts and kneading them in his hands.

Her eyes full of desire, she looked at her love and smiled at him.

"I love you," she said to him as she placed a gentle kiss on his mouth. "You are my angel made just for me."

He hadn't thought of it that way. She was the only one who did not have her own desire reflected back at her. They were made for each other. 

"I will never understand how you have so much faith in me."

"Well, I guess we will just have to keep working until you do."

Her phone rang and he groaned a little as she answered it. He could hear that there was a murder and her response that she would be right there.

"Duty calls," she said with a weak and tired smile as she got up to change her clothes. "Murder of a technician from the ME's office."

"Crime solving devil..." Lucifer sings as he follows to Chloe's laughing and eye rolling. "It makes sense. Don't overthink it."

In another part of Los Angeles, Michael was meeting with Vincent LeMec and his mercenaries. He had developed a plan to disrupt Lucifer's life on Earth and dim some of that light. And they put their plan in play.

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